My IRL Best Friends GUESS Warrior Cats! [Episode 3]

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you would protect me I feel you're protected or untape hello welcome to my lair hi I'm Kendra okay so that's Canada's voice and this is Jacqueline to tell them apart I mean I'm gonna show you 15 characters I know who the characters are the audience knows who the characters are you guys potentially don't in the past I've had one person per episode but you two are my best friends and a very key point to our friendship is we like to have friendly debates so I thought it'd be hilarious if the stipulation is you guys decide together so we're just gonna jump into it and die here we go so here's our first character brownie Oh like sausage you know what students when they cook a sausage it's like that ready color like it's never lived the actual sausage color what else is brown that's not it's like a bronze red are you guys crazy you have some great bottom things read fan I love it we have to find out the answers like after funny you should ask I'm not gonna tell you until the very end off your face oh the colors were so cool my job it could be full marble slab but then slides neck yeah hazel marble slab quotations slab yeah boys that bad boy is named oh my god and believe you dead what their names are he's also greatly charcoal oh my god I think something great Rock rascal I like that Pascal yes this is hard this is a hard one this is 250 he looks pretty like preppy and like go lucky so I like you like lucky lucky charm oh you rascal lucky lucky Roscoe see you later lucky rascal on to the next one oh yeah playboy I feel like he's protected me like Dwayne the rock yeah literally just have a big question mark I get that vibe from him heat like Terry Crews if I'd met him in real life it would be this no he would protect me I feel protected or enteric like the rock is he's big and like muscular and he looks very strong and protective can we call him like Terry rock excellence unholy act of God Terry Crews and The Rock had a baby it being this cat government would just we have a lot of questions yeah okay goodbye Terry Rock who's this I think I like ballet you gonna look at the feet the two wide and leggy hurt his feelings okay I can still beat the ballet yeah yeah but kids are said he had conky feet yes his legs are too wide but look at that face absolute ballet on your face Jacqueline you're doing it wrong ballet much your fries he looks inquisitive kind of like a Sherlock kind of like detective why do I need them after famous people we started out leaving them by their color and now to actually Terry Crews mastermind what about like Featherston whoa featherweight I can't either feather step yeah that's great we're feather step done next one Oh [Laughter] yeah I've ever heard moving along boys [Music] [Laughter] yeah okay okay cozy blanket fuzzy but this is like the kind of fuzzy I'm talking about I just saw so okay let me worry about like soft or fuzzy fuzzy side instead of soft soft fuzzy no okay so far so great is great is neat there's a lot I feel a little great about like soft storm or like Oh Kendra like that okay the softest or off stop storm core right okay soft storm who's this oh he's a cool dude he's got a big dumb smile so here's a kid from high school can't say I know that's who tell I want to know going ah that is yeah a little hint these two may be related what did we name them Oh soft stop storm oh my god I didn't realize how about one earlier like some like hurricane or something like whoa urgh it would be pretty cool I feel like you would definitely like cause of mess and like some sort of prankster just working storm you want to WoW yet okay what you saying hurricane storm yeah okay [Laughter] something with I don't know how you get flowers from that think of my mom and that is safe they wilt they die he's like strong like just not soft and will T so soft wilt is off the day okay what's on your mind there booth this is so hard but you know what we're here together what about strong like dear Alec or like bow sir have you ever seen a deer prepared to say a bear because your definition of strong confusing if you get a leg amazing feeling first of all I will not get a moose amazing principle like if you if you see a moose in mating season boom do they have like a sign or no cable charging how do I know they're amazing do I ask there's a third gender Cossacks type in there it's like baking like don't mess with me but like we just want her to be elegantly strong Kendra's elite a name soft will oh yeah Oh Swift's a good step like what swift step rescue duck good work Swift step yeah you're over it yes which step it is who is this nice fro going on there I like flow actually but what about because my eyes are so icy like ice Chlo did you want to go flow still or no no I see flow just don't go okay okay so we're going with ice something nice really nice so great ice ice BAM yeah like BAM but with Abby maybe he's got a cold heart like oh my heart oh just messing I didn't think that was okay nice heart icy heart okay I see a flow to it yeah I see heart next one oh dear scaredy-cat like sparkle so often he just looks like anxious he's literally anxious 24/7 can we call this wing thing Jan Wow Wow come here drew this you started the bullying with me can we calm like [Laughter] so funny okay goodbye you Freddy oh gee mama something I don't know how my dad right he can't you're right this round at first on tougher head it does like a princess yeah I don't think I see what you guys are seeing here pirate ooh but not susie the names are not no i'm not it's from racial okay what nancy nancy orange tabby look at all this dramatic stuff that's happened - what a nice having you a nice Oh lash washer the all-seeing eye Illuminati you're putting a lot of effort into this thank you no I like slasher okay all-seeing eye Illuminati all-seeing slasher okay when I quotation all-seeing slasher that is it okay alright next one can I say the moon like celestial dancer that's pretty cool actually I could go with celestial dancer where do you want to add something down no I think that's great alright hang okay boy there's how we like celestial dancer give each other a little high five because you guys did that so fast it's the last one but she looks very late oh yeah [Laughter] yeah Chuck taine oh that's spicy spice chai who I kind of like that I like that oh I I don't have an opinion spiced chai and I think that's it I think that puts us back a cartoon sausage hello it's me from the future normally at this part of the video we do a fun little wacky type the Warriors game but because the guessing portion took a little bit longer with there being two people we're just gonna flip right back into what they're actually called to prevent this video from taking up 30% of your life so we'll just go back into that with what they're called so we've come to a conclusion we've named all the cats and now it's time to learn what the actual names are and you see what you guys think about that okay so we're back to this one her real name is squirrel flight Oh next what her real name is tawny Pelt I would have never gone tawny I think it's I think Tanya's like a color so that's a tawny Pelt this guy is gray stripe ah gray stripe that's gray stripe so this guy's name is brown blue cloth what bramble cloth gravel go yeah yep this was so hard feather step oh yeah yes so this is tall star I can see the tall partner oh yeah is warrior name with tall tales because these are really long - so this is needle tail needletool yep she's fake yeah sound like a fighter has a needle too like a an Oscar part you fine yeah yeah that's that's needle tail this you guys named her just bubbles just Bob whistles this is cinder pelt next one is so this is feather tail but there is a funny reason that you named it storm because this is her brother you named him hurricane storm and yeah his name is storm fur store him fur and then this we had a really hard time this one took a long run but this is sand storm his name is Hawk Frost mmm mr. Hawk frost this all we have is anxious or anything yeah this is alder heart it doesn't really know he's elder I think it's like a red type of tree so uh that's out there hurry this did we end up no it was something really cool then I won I all sing slashers yeah her original name was bright pop and she got a crazy name lost face oh I know and then that the new leader he's like my first active leader is righting the wrongs near named bright heart so that's so sad but she got a good name in the end she was I love your optimist this oh this is silver stream excited your name her name is a little better then she dies silver stream Oh Sammy it was choice I see love joy as little as this is Sasha oh she is a kitty pets Oh a kitty pet is basically like a house cat like it would be like hey Sasha and that's them that was asking Jacqueline and Kendra I think I'm gonna title it my IRL BFFs do you like that my RL BFFs about worry guys or should I just say asking to actual incarnate that fart gas know you prefer IRL okay so that was asking about worries so now that you know a little bit about warriors what do you guys think do you think that you're going to devote a career to it makes all raps about it Brad totally yeah okay so I've just hired two new employees Congrats thanks for coming to like to say anything to the crowd Kendra's giving me a bill no thanks for listening it's something expensive it is yeah there's like 60 books I could be wrong fact check me but there is a lot but uh yeah so these are that's Jacqueline that's Kendra um thank you guys so much for hanging out with me if you guys have any questions for these people I'll ask them so yeah so thanks for coming and enjoy the ride home drive safe wraps up the 3rd episode of my insert person here guesses warrior cats I'm glad you guys are having a good time because I'm having a great time a fantastic time a riot in fact I would say if you have like two episodes up until this point make sure you don't miss next episode cuz that's gonna get all kinds of crazy and oh it's just gonna be a ride thank you so much for watching I will catch you in another video coming at you very soon [Music]
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 752,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guessing Warrior Cats, Warrior cats, Warriors, Erin Hunter, Blixemi, Blix, WC
Id: IAB_UqlLRow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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