Moonkitti vs Tennelle Flowers. Warrior Cats Trivia GAME SHOW! | Mouse Brained!

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welcome to mouth brained first warrior cats trivia game show where we test your favorite battle cat content creator to see just how much random trivia they know about the books I'm your host blixem e and I've lost control of my life joining us today we've got two powerhouses in the community from animation tips to analysis and everything in between our first contestant is ready and able to go toe-to-toe with the warrior cats movie you'll never be drawing any blanks for inspiration after being witness to her genius and skill first to the stage the legendary to neil flowers the champion of warriors comedy our next contestant will have you doubled over and cry laughing before you can say ash furs blonde wig she'll spoil you with her charm her wit and her passion for the series facing off against two neil flowers we have the one the only moon kitty today's episode consists of three rounds multiple choice may lightning fast facts and finally curious clothes in each of these rounds the contestants will have a chance to earn points by correctly answering questions whoever earns the most points by the end of the show will be our winner without further ado let's get right into our first segment multiple-choice mayhem each question will have four multiple-choice answers provided the first to buzz in and correctly answer will get a point but if the contestants feel like they know the answer before hearing the multiple choices they can buzz in early for a chance at a bonus point however if the contestant buzzes in and gets the answer wrong their opponent is given the opportunity to steal the point if they can answer correctly 18 questions are queued up for this round here we go so our first question for multiple choice what causes Jay feather to break his sacred stick OH - Neil you think you know even before you get the multiple choice questions yeah he's mad at rock for not answering any of his questions that is super close there's a specific thing that rock kept from him do you know what that was Holly leaf not being part of the prophecy ooh you're so close moon do you want to try and snag it from her do you think that there's a specific reason no that was my answer okay we'll give it to you because that's pretty close so it was when Rock revealed he knew about Jay feathers real parents he was overcome with feelings of betrayal so we're gonna give that to Timmy oh good job to me I've been struck down from heaven already I'm ready to bring you down moon yeah see feather first question here what is the actual two-leg name for Barley's farm druids farm hearthstone farm wind over farm or wheat land farm hmm Oh moon you want to give it time okay I'm stuck between two but I want to say it's hearthstone farm oh no it's not hearthstone what do you think wind over farm you got a girl that one was like that one you don't know unless you're like studying the map so whoever looks at the tool egg map me what game did Holly Paul win for ThunderClan during the daylight gathering moans buzzing him sparring with Heather PAH yeah she was the best fighter way to go thank you I didn't even mark down to as Heather thought you just that was extra points I guess what do the tribe cats call their apprentices whoa oh that was super fast but moon you slipped in there first what punishment did blue star give her deputy fire heart when she discovered he had made peace with wind clan behind her back Oh Tennille slipped in there what is it you had to do apprentice duties I don't think you did moon do you want try and sneak in yes it is truer to continue being dead and to become leader after her because that would be the worst punishment she can think of right so there was no punishment that had to be a punishment for something oh yeah they use that all the time yep what is the name of the mysterious plague affecting ShadowClan that one star won't share the cure for shadow cough yellow cough the wheeze or blue cough moon what do you think it is yellow cough you got it no it was a color who was the first cat to suggest that cinder paws accident was actually a failed trap set by Tiger Claw sandstorm fire heart princess or cinder paw Taniya what do you think it is I I'm not sure on this one but my gut says fire heart nope not fire heart he wasn't the very first one to suggest it man do you think you know I'm gonna say princess because it's the most out-there answer it could be hey yeah it was princess ah man that was my second guess because I'm like great doesn't he come to that conclusion because princess suggests something you betcha that's exactly what happens what kit does honey for die saving when she jumps in front of a deadly snake moon that's briar kit that is briars you to be okay with working back legs I had all these kids in there that I thought would trick you guys I'd blossom kitten there ivy kid I c-can't you didn't even need him what event cause leopard star to finally admit the two legs were destroying the forest and agreed to leave the lake with the rest of the clans seeing the river being drained by two legs when one of their elders died from eating poison fish when four trees were set on fire by the two legs or shadow clans camp being completely destroyed Oh to me I think you don't yeah I think it's that one of the elders died not of River clan nope that's all what caused her to leave yet moon do you know this is hard but I want to say it no clans camp is destroyed who is the father of daisies second litter of kids moon who is the de spiderland is a Papa I'm just a second behind you clicking the buzzer moon I was I was waiting for you to say first or second and I clicked the second you see after River clan loses a battle with a kin what does dark tale refuse to let misty star do as an act of disrespect for her and her clan he refuses to let misty star leave River clan and forces her and the rest of the healthy cats to become workers in the Khitan he refuses to see her as a leader and will not use her star clan given name instead only calling her misty he refuses to let her live and drowns her in the lake he refuses to let her take her dead and injured clan mates to be taken care of and buried moon number four you betcha refused to let her take her clan mates and let them rot in the open skies brutal strokes it is oh my god you included them misty start drowning in the lake : what was the name of the pretend clan lion paw and Heather paw made up in the tunnels under their territories Timmy oh my brain wanted to say shadow clan anyway and that was just made a video about who was the very first cat to receive star clans message fire alone will save our clan Tennille spotted leaf and the options were spotted leaf blue star yellow Fang and fire paw yeah fire paws hey fire fire I got a prophecy for you I mean technically he does receive the prophecy he just goes oh I wonder what that could mean what caused leaf pool and crow feather to change their minds about leaving the clans and return home Oh - nearly think you know before everything midnight the shows up and tells them that Badgers are attacking ThunderClan you got it girl yeah that was also my answer what lied his IV paw tell her mother white-winged to cover up her bleeding due to the training in the dark forest she bit her lip when she was eating fresh kill and it was still bloody she had pulled out a claw while hunting earlier and it wouldn't stop bleeding a thorn was caught in her nest and nicked her in her sleep she can fight it in white wing about what was happening with the dark forest cats yet tomato you think you got it so thorn that's that seems to be a favorite of dark forest cats because I think bramble claw uses that exact same excuse and sunsets just lightly yeah yeah everybody has thorns in their nests it's very common yeah thorn in the nest Neil you're closing that gap who gets blue star revealed to jay feather to be the fourth prophecy cast moon what do you think Firestar it is Firestar how disappointing what caused moth winged to lose her faith in Stockland moon what do you think it is finding out her brother faked the Sun that is part of it part of the reason do you want to elaborate at all I finding out that they weren't initially going to choose her and kill her brother faked the sign you've you really close to Neil do you want to see if you can get steel half of her point there I don't know that seems like the whole answer to me okay well I'll play through the answers and then you guys won't get a better idea she was afraid star crown would not allow her to be a medicine cat because Tiger star was her father so she blocked them out she met tiger star in a dream and he told her they were tales for cowards and fools she never had face to begin with she couldn't believe star clan would allow her brother to be so wicked or torment her so badly that one I'm gonna give you guys each a half point cuz moon you were like so close on it like you were like pretty much there okay tie you know how hard it was for me not to put like a million questions I had to limit them I'll turn this into like a dating show where you have to like figure out what moth wings interests are or whatever what was the defining physical feature that made tree stand out for most cats mode what do you think it is so he had six toes the buzzers may be hot but the contestants are hotter let's take a look in with Craig to see where the scores are standing before heading into our second segment show up to me Craig things are looking great they couldn't look any greater in fact let's keep this show going our next segment is lightning fast facts this section is all about speed no safety nets or multiple-choice answers to be found you got to go with your gut and answer as fast as possible like the last round the first two buzzin will be the first to answer but get it wrong and your opponent could swoop in for the steal we've got 15 questions lined up for the taking here we go what ShadowClan cat does lion blades accidentally killed during a territory dispute Timmy oh no yes that's it no no no it's okay do you think it is it's russet fern that's a suitable answer what warrior name did puppy paw give to berry paw to tease him Tennille what do you think it is very stumpy tail a very very stumpy tail for you know that is so cute how dare you which Queen nursed Graystripe skits after Silverstream passed away Tennille whoa you're like on this buzzer I yeah you know what I think I'm totally wrong I'm gonna say great pool but that's not correct no it's not great pool do you know moon uh would that be a speckle tail nope not speckle panel Rendel fence nope not brindle face golden flower golden flower yeah literally named although I guess I thought that a bramble kitten tani can't were born later than they were ThunderClan only had one kit with them on the journey to the lake territories what was this kid's name moon birch kid Bert's kit hmm I do my best to forget the new problems with the traveling birds out of the six journeying cats which two cats did not receive a message from StarClan moon fresh on the buzzer storm fur and scroll flight boom squirrel paw and storm fern oh yeah she was an apprentice my English teacher would do to me oh yeah it's like well technically there's a mole right sir so you're wrong I'm gonna start doing that to you guys if you don't get the exact wording you're kicked out yes we are friends but there is no friends and love and trivia it's only trivia unlike warriors who share all Clan duties what are the two main positions tribe cats can be when they're an adult moon a hunter in a cave guard you so close what's the name of the hunter there's a specific tribe term for oh my god let me think is it literally just prey hunter it is just for hunter but it's - did everything [Laughter] which StarClan cat tells jay feather the only way to survive against the threat of the dark forest is for the clans to stand alone tanea yellow yellow star clan decide that lately it hates each other yeah and yellow pen goes rogue goes to jay feather and says grow all the other clans thunder clans the only one that can make it out of this alive so just wall up and let the others perish that's exactly what happened witch queen started giving birth during the Badger attack that ended up killing cinder pelt moon dang it - what is the name of the pretty kitty pet elder heart develops a crush on me oh my wife's new yeah moon I was expecting you to be a hot on that buzzer you loved him I was hot on that buzzer it was the second you said all to her I click smell was hotter either moon or I could be hotter on this buzzer and I'm saying that velvet is pretty hot on the buzzer just just keep putting that out there she's pretty cute kitty pet if I do say so myself what cruel name was given to bright paw after she was attacked by dogs you weren't even fazed do you know easy stuff have to throw in a few a few nice one to follow you into a false sense of security when puddle shine falls mysteriously ill what controversial cured is alder heart try in hopes to save his friend moon death berries specifically not the seeds of them the flesh of the death berries wow that's way more in detail than I had the answer but yes well I wasn't I wasn't even gonna risk you giving half of that steel I was gonna I was gonna go down stabbing waiting for I'm just like got my greedy little claws out I've stolen too many half points from moon I've scarred her I don't even know if you which I'm worried now worried you're only given half points to kneel behind my back give me more points in Post books there's like you know even homework bonus stars for the what is the name of the ancient cat whose spirit is trapped in the tunnels Tennille fallen leaves and the hint was a pun that I was so proud of what was your hint he could not leave who was San pause mentor moon late storm how did you know it was white storm she's just deeply seeded into your brain during the final battle against the dark forest who fatally injured holly leaf I did because I was remembering how after hawk frost kills her breeze pelt stands over her body and says she deserved to die you losers all deserve to die for having the same dad as me but especially her she deserved to die no it's true though there's a lot of passion in that do you have some new anything you want to talk about we're here for you hate Bruce Bill Bruce was a little stinker what type of creature did Holly paw mistake soul for bone Oh a lion they're so fast you're on top of it I mean I also read that book like a month ago yeah and we're in took notes on it while I was reading it we are two segments down the only one remains before we see who is the champion of our first episode of mouse brain let's take a peek in with Craig and see where everybody sits before heading into the final round let's see you Greg it's gonna be a spicy one let's see where everything ends coming into the close of our final segment our final segment is curious quotes do you know who said what in this section the contestants can get up to three points per question point four knowing who said the quote and two additional points for knowing who the quote was said to be careful though if you answer incorrectly your opponent will be given the opportunity to strike and steal your points six quotes are ready to hit the stage here we go StarClan does not control the wind or rain do they they do not command the Sun to rise or the moon to wax and wane do not fear a little one from now on wherever you walk I will walk with you mode what do you think it is I think it's blue start talking to rusty it is neither of those things mm I think I might have a guess I'm just not sure who's saying it but I think I know who they're saying it to my guess is that it is rock 2j feather no neither of those so moon go forward in time to Neil go back in time we're in moon rise so we're an arc to book two to Neil midnight to bramble claw neither of those cats moon you gotta get C stone teller to feather tails corpse this one is a little tougher don't their medicine cats the cat who's speaking is a star clan warrior moon guest last so - Neil you have another guess spotted leaf to leaf paw both boom got it this is the unfairness that reigns across this list the quotes are a little tougher but you got it I mean that would explain why I didn't remember it dirt new prophecy take a hike a new prophecy go to the lake new prophecy your caller is a mark of the two legs and that noisy jingling will make you a poor hunter at best at worst it will bring the two legs into our territory looking for the poor lost kitty pet who fills the woods with his pitiful tinkling it looks like - Neil buzzed him first you know who it is I can do bluestar too rusty fire PAH damn you buzzed in a little too early it is not it is not blue star when it is rusty so I'll give you two points rusty [Music] what do you think will happen to a cat who rejected and then killed his own son surely that cat would end up in the dark forest think of that when you're on your last life moon who do you think it is that's yellow thing to fire parts neither of those cats to Neil you've got a guess um okay one star to ramble star moon do you have a guess on top of that I want a hint so one star isn't that not necessarily how teeny awful it is in shattered sky yeah I assumed that much okay no no it's just I don't remember the cat's who were around at the time yeah I know exactly when this happens and I can't for the life of me remember who's saying it I'll just take it yes that the person they're talking to his twig branch no they're not talking to twig branch no one star isn't it but he is not the one speaking he's being spoken to oh he's being spoken to okay so is it dark tail dark tail yeah I'm just gonna give you the one point for some reason I was under the impression that this was after one star had killed his own son and they were talking about if my brain kind of this one's kind of a weird one because this is technically one star quoting dark tail who whispered to him but in general it was dark tail who said it to one star in his ear no one stars like I'm not here I'm not fighting this guy gotcha faith has helped to guide the clans through difficult times before but right now it seems to be getting in the way Danilo who do you think it is it's moth winged Kate who is she speaking to jay feather yeah okay these quotes are - they're just killing me in my grave they're stabbing me repeatedly they're tough I like these these are a nice tough cuz your key points how can the Klan survive when there are cowards and Liars at the very heart of them this is not please start a fire heart Oh mon Dieu you gotta guess I want to hit her way past blue star and fire heart where in arc three when this happens okay - Holly leaf is not necessarily talking to someone but she is speaking she's at the gathering on the rock you got it yeah star clan has shown me the way to survive the hardships ahead of us we must join together as four clans we waste our energies and striving against each other as one we would be strong we must unite let us rule the forest together in friendship and peace tiger star okay do you know who he's talking to I want to say he's talking to a gathering or a group of leaders moon crushed it that was exactly it I thought I would trick you because it was kind of a nice quote but you knew it instantly I knew that one as well moon was just hot on the buzzer we have made it to the end of the first episode of mouse brain my assistant Craig is in the back telling up the scores to see who is our first champion of the show while we wait for those I wanted to give a huge thank you to both moon Kitty and Tennille flowers two good friends of mine for coming on for this first experiment and joining in the fun and I wanted to thank you guys for watching and enjoying the show if you guys have somebody in mind you'd like to see take on the challenge of moon or Tennille skill let me in in the comments and also while you're down there let me know how you guys did against their scores would you have given them a run for their money cuz I know I wouldn't know though results are in ladies and gentlemen and all types of friends in between this is the moment you've been waiting for I am so excited to share with you the final scores and champion of our first episode of mouse brain [Music]
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 501,956
Rating: 4.973794 out of 5
Keywords: Warrior Cats, Warriors, Blixemi, Bliximi, Moonkitti, Tennelle Flowers, Worrier Cats
Id: salCQoTXQaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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