Bright Guardian Akira vs Bok Bok Choy. Warrior Cats Trivia GAME SHOW! || Mouse Brained

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welcome to mouse brained the crazy and chaotic warrior cats trivia game show where we test your favorite battle cat content creators to see just how much random trivia they know about the books i'm your host blxme and i can't remember what it's like to feel joy joining us today we've got two incredibly unique showstoppers ready to go face to face for victory our first competitor takes the video creation game to a whole new level analyzing theorizing art music laughs and more this competitor is the whole package better get ready to sing her praises first to the podiums the brilliant bright guardian akira i'm scared for the hard ones you ain't never seen the battle cats quite like this our next contestant will grab the books and your funny bone and take you on a ride you won't ever forget from their gorgeous art to incredible storytelling and everything along the way this content creator will have you hooked on his channel faster than you can say i'm lionheart facing off against akira we have the grand and the glorious bachma toy oh my god i can't handle this today's episode has three unique rounds multiple choice mayhem who's that cat and lastly curious quotes in each of these segments the contestants will have the opportunity to gain points by correctly answering questions answer carefully though get too excited and answer incorrectly and you may drop some points off your final score whoever earns the most points by the end of the game will be our champion let's not waste any more time and jump feet first into our first segment multiple choice mayhem each question will have four multiple choice answers provided the first to buzz in and correctly answer gets a point however if the contestants feel like they know the answer before hearing the answers they can quick buzz for a bonus point be careful though if the contestant gets the answer wrong not only will they lose a point but their opponent will be given full opportunity to steal that point if they can answer correctly 18 questions are queued up on the board here we go who was ashfur's mentor we got rory starting it off strong dust belt whoa that was so good that's right how did you know that so fast because dust felt's one of my favorite characters i see how the questions were chosen okay you're gonna have to bring the heat that was just a test round you're just warming up right yeah of course of course that's right what is the reason tall tale leaves winclan before his time as deputy ooh so rory buzdin sparrow killed sangros yeah yeah that's basically he was searching out sparrow to avenge his father after he left him in the tunnels okay okay who pulls briarpaw out from under the fallen tree long tail bumble paw grey stripe or lion blaze rory you think you know who it is i'm gonna say uh lion blaze it is not lion blade akira since we've heard all the answers do you want to try and snag that point oh well yeah i have nothing to lose you have your pride to lose a cara you have gray stripe long tail or bumble paw dang oh my goodness so we're gonna bump back to rory i'm gonna say long tail longtail is very dead at this point oh forgot he scratched by the tree daddy it was a grey stripe i i thought he was old that was that point let's go to craig craig is hungry for some points i'll kill you craig okay before becoming a medicine cat apprentice who was elder paw's mentor rory thank you no no whisker no i was about to say that maybe faster akira it is mole whisker all right my comeback is coming i'm just making it exciting for the viewers [Laughter] what nightmare continually haunts brambleclaw before the six cats begin the journey in the new prophecy he dreams the forest is being destroyed all around him he dreams of fire and being burned alive he dreams he is falling into the abyss or he dreams he's drowning in salty water kira akira oh my god look at the salty water it is the salty water i'm on the boat i'm on the board oh no you better watch it rory coming for your throne why was daisy so keen on joining thunderclan with her kittens oh akira did she think they were gonna get taken away yes yeah that was exactly it taken away and sold off his like kittypets her words exactly my kids are gonna get sold off as kittypets what cat was with leaf pool when she first discovered the moon pool tail like hera just buzzing in and answering so fast you little turkey i thought it was going to trick you i had cinder pelt with her i'm like that's tricky but you saw right through me guys yeah i don't remember anything from the new prophecy i hate that arc honestly that is exactly what moon and teneal said every time there was a question that was a problem i'm pretty sure it was from the new prophecy who does pine star name is blue paws mentor oh oh rory is is it 20 spots it is not tawny spots okay here are the multiple choice options akira you're gonna get the first swing at this stone pelt moon flower half eye or owl whisker this was in blue stars prophecy you've read that yeah uh yeah question mark oh no this is like one of the ones i actually read twice oh oh oh no and i don't know okay do you want to take a random shot at it i know i can probably narrow it down to two but yeah i'm gonna pass it off you're gonna pass it rory do you think you know what it is stone belt it is stone pelt yeah [Laughter] so i had to throw in a mothwing question because that's who i am what motive did hawk frost have for creating the fake pebbles in the stream prophecy for mothwing to deliver oh akira what do you think it is bud he was concerned that misty foot liked him better yeah messi liked stone for better so he was like worried about stone for being in the land you got it i don't remember this pepsi it's like a throwaway prophecy it was like there was two little pebbles in the stream making the water look weird and then he's like oh stormfur and brook don't belong here get him out no recollection of what's happening i don't know it's it's so small in a throwaway it's not a throwaway when you're a mothwing fan how did cinderheart break her leg as an apprentice oh whoa that was like the closest i've ever seen you guys be at the same time rory you got it in first she fell out of a tree trying to save mouse whisker now this is where i become a stinker and this is where you start to not like me i need the name of the specific tree she fell out of the okay wait no the owl tree is in the old territories ah the stupid oak oh you're so close on that do you know what oak there's a name for the stupid oak oh i don't know i know okay akira what do you think it is great oak it is not the great oak i don't know i'm an idiot you guys you pretty much have it so at this point i think it'll just be like a no question because you both were there okay but it was she fell from climbing sky oak i don't remember me either it's so funny that you say owl tree because i had owl tree as one of the things i thought i was going to get you oh yeah we just we just disrespect your like multiple choice options you haven't found anything what's this since then probably not warriors loves to do that which two thunderclan cats are killed in shadowclan's first raid on the thunderclan camp and into the wild oh nobody wants to hear my multiple choices i see how it is everybody wants those bonus points and nobody cares the hard work i put in come on give it to me who did i get buzzed first it was rory oh lionheart rose tail it is lion heart and rosedale is that what you're gonna say akira of course that's like the one that's like what's the first book it's hard to forget stuff like that okay well i feel like a loser because i didn't know who rosetta was everyone knows the rose tale because the jokes about her like not even being in the allegiances i don't even know the jokes what was the reason the four clans were battling the day the eclipse occurred akira it looks like you buzzed in first so winclan um was like fed up with thunderclan ways what details do you want this is what you get for not listening to a multiple choice security no just kidding yeah they had a very specific grievance with thunderclan because thunderclan always tells what the other clans what to do that's exactly yeah yeah they found that they were they were always buttoned into the other clan so yeah that's right you got it nailed it what did leafpool find on ashfur's body that tipped her off as to who his murderer was akira you were so like i don't even think i finished my words and you were ready to go what do you think it is um she found um holly leafs fern and asked for his claws like you literally read it word for word as though you're looking at my answers yes that is exactly what it is yeah and we we have our minds are connected oh my gosh yeah alrighty here's a two-leg question these are tough so you might want to hear the multiple choice and no looking at the map what is the actual two-leg name for the lake the cats live around dewdrop lake sanctuary lake calm tides lake or boaters bay okay rory you're gonna take a stab at this this is sanctuary lake it is sanctuary lake yes i thought i'd get to with my creatively named fake lakes i've looked at like the two leg maps exactly one time oh yeah nobody looks at it nobody what are the names of stormfur and brooks kids bird and rock lark and pine knight and dawn or sea and stone rory you buzzed in pretty fast uh larkin pine it is larkin pine i thought you wanted the full like tribe names oh yeah like lark on the edge of a rock or whatever yeah what do the deep scratches on rock stick represent ooh akira the ones that went down in the tunnel and didn't come out that's right that's yep that's exactly right one of the multiple choice made me laugh was the amount of prey he eats in a day aren't i comedic genius move over comedians i'm coming out are you going to answer your questions or ruining your like creative expression you are you're not letting me read my brilliant multiple choices but i'm not salty not at all what was the very first code firepaw broke after becoming an apprentice of thunderclan oh akira um he gave prey to yellow thing he gave pray to yellowfang the clan must be fed first who was the first thunderclan cat to receive their warrior name within the new thunderclan camp akira who is it tell me wait is this this isn't your question isn't it oh no is it a trick question i don't know oh oh no no because cause who was their name white wing squirrel squirrel flight wasn't in camp or something so i'm going with white wing dang you buzzed too early my friend it is not white wing rory you buzzed in i'm gifting you this this one by taking away the two other possible answers it could have been do you know who it is before you hear do you want to try at the bonus point without hearing the multiple choice yes it's spider leg it is spider leg i'm just i'm too mixed up that's okay though it's okay it's all good it's okay no i'll die from embarrassment will you i don't know i i forgot to mention that i'm i'm sacrificing the loser to aaron hunter oh that's that's that's alarming one of you is going in a volcano our buzzers maybe spicy but their scoville scale has nothing on our two contestants let's not waste any more time and skip right along into our next segment our next segment is the brand new who's that cat think you can figure out the warrior based on bloodlines and clan ties in this game there are three rounds per cat with two hints given on each round the quicker you answered the more points you receive however if you answer too quickly and get it wrong get ready to have that point snatched from your score and have the guest default to your opponent six cats are waiting to be figured out here we go are you guys ready to discover who this first cat is yes yes it's my destiny it is your destiny cara that is the hood spy i like to see this she cat is temporarily mentored by sandstorm and falls in love with a tom from another clan rory okay um it's feather tail it is feather tail that is such a low amount of information and the fact that you got it that is incredible was an easy one so get ready for these ones i'm scared for the hard ones this tom becomes an apprentice under blue star's leadership and his half-brother becomes the leader of a clan nobody's buzzed oh yeah rory you son of a gun what do you think it is uh um uh feather whisker uh oh it's not feather whiskered i'm gonna read the second one and akira you're gonna get first chance at this or do you want to try for the three points um give me the second hint okay so the second hint was he never actually receives his warrior name and he gives a leader one of their nine lives i guess i'll make a guess okay who do you think it is swiftpaw it is swiftpaw whoa who's with boss half brother oh huh i know hey this tom was an apprentice under mousever and he is the first cat to receive his warrior name under firestar's new leadership rory who do you think it is thornclaw it is songclaw dang [Music] this she-cat was mentored by her uncle and is also related to both firestar and cinderpelt chrysler's family's too big oh rory you think you know who it is is it white wing it's a white wing you're blowing my mind i thought these were gonna be way too hard but you guys are so smart they are hard like rory's just like destroying this you're incredible i thought that bright heart is related to cinderpelt and clutters related to fire stars so it had to be white wings like i am in awe right now if there's a life and death situation somebody has a gun to my head and they're like you need to get somebody who knows the warrior cat's family tree i'm i'm calling you i'm gonna be like i need your help rory this tom is related to both moon flower and rain flower and he becomes deputy of a clan rory who do you think it is is it oh cart it's not oakheart o card is not related to moonflower okay so akira what do you wanna do i'll take the second hint okay this tom never actually becomes leader and he's crooked jaw's nephew oh i got this i got this i got this it is stone fur it is stone fur nailed it nice beauty okay alrighty so we've got one more in this one this she cat is ivy pool's great grandmother and ice cloud's grandmother she gives firestar one of his nine lives rory you think you might know i was gonna say princess but that's not it no it's not princess dang okay so akira same same sich was that only the first ten that was only the first hint oh yeah i'll take another hint this is the queen who nurses cloud kit when he comes to thunderclan her death is a major plot point in a dangerous path i'm gonna edit it so it looks like i didn't make a mistake just as a disclaimer hiding the evidence now i will hide the evidence akira do me a favor and say brindle face with fervor brindle face i for sure didn't edit this right now because i made a glaring mistake no siree we had no technical difficulties and i do know the warrior cat books right guys two segments in and one final one remains until we see who will be crowned champion on our second episode of mouse brained let's take a check in with gregory to find out just where everyone's sitting as we come into our closing round craig do not dawdle show me those points i cannot take it it's all gonna come down to the wire hold on to your hats and your butts my friends as we explode into our last segment our final segment is curious quotes do you know who said what the contestants can get up to three points per question in this section one point for knowing who said the quote and two additional points for knowing who the quote was said to just like in our other games you must go carefully if you guess wrong your opponent will be given the opportunity to strike and steal your points hey quotes are ready to hit the stage here we go doesn't any cat think it's odd that squirrelflight is brambleclaw's mate and our medicine cat is squirrelflight's sister it's very convenient that she had a sign about brambleclaw just now isn't it akira who do you think's speaking ashfur it is ashfur yes whoa i know so bitter about brambleclaw i'll be there too strolling here no apprentice being deputy stealing my girl and he is so sassy at that point hey like it's so convenient isn't it it's like ashworth what if you stayed that sassy instead of like murderer yes sassy x ready for the next one yes okay kyra you ready bud yeah let's go you sound so excited i'm ready okay oh i'm ready i'm a loyal cat if i'm ever made deputy or leader it will be because i have earned it myself and because my clan mates and starclan wish it you're twisting the warrior code to get what you want just like you did when you were alive so we got akira you buzzed in wait wait or did you not mean to buzz in um i thought um rory bustin no oh no i just dropped my rubber band ball yeah he just dropped his rubber band oh oh darn um oh now rory is buzzed in okay is it bramble star to tiger star it is to tiger star but it is not bramble claw i'll read it one more time and i'm gonna add in a piece of information that i redacted from the quote because uh figured this might be a little difficult i'm a loyal shadow clan cat if i'm ever made deputy your leader oh it's connie yeah it's tommy fellas i was gonna i guess tiger heart so i'm wrong but that one i mean he's manipulated so many cats that it's like at this point really anybody can say that to him yeah this one's gonna be tough it takes some cats longer to see past their weaknesses clearly enough to appreciate their strengths and until they do they feel every hurt like a tongue on raw flesh poetic warrior cats yeah it's it's beautiful words but i have no idea okay rory is it blue star to fire heart it is neither of those cats okay okay i'm not risking losing points here so i'm gonna say i have no idea the hint i'll give you is this is in arc three book one and it is an older cat talking to an apprentice and by older cat i mean like an adult cat is it long tail the paper it is to jay paw but it is not long tail is it spotted leaf it's not spotted leaf either so now i'm going to give you one hint and now you both can buzz in because you've both guessed once so it's jay paw and it's a member of his family who's talking to him i care about love tell me who it is lethal it it is lethal poop that one was a hard one and i picked that one because i'm like this is spicy but it's it's leaf pool talking to jay paw after j paul's a little turd to breithart he's like i don't want to be her apprentice lethal's like you little jerk a lot of cats like talk down to jf good rightfully no yeah telling k potter calm down a lot of cats are like jimmy paul smart knob dude i would tell him that oh j-paw how we hate you i i like jim feather i i have to go after everybody's favorite it's in my contract your contract could be a meanie yes gotta i gotta keep everything very hostile the anger fuels us that's right the anger pushes you to do better scientific it's sad yeah a cold heart that's what they call me this cat is talking to two cats you're both a long way from fine i know there's something troubling you i'm not going to ask what it is if you don't want to tell me but remember that i'm your mother nothing you say could ever shock me or make me love you any less oh rory you think you have a guess is it is it white wing to doubling in ivy pool it is it is white wing to double united pool darn it i was going down that thought process you know there's only so many mothers that have like two siblings yeah and there's only there's only so many mothers who like actually give a heck yeah yeah it's like burst fall they forgot about him for like the entire like fourth arc and in the dark forest and ivy pool doesn't even fat an eye yeah and all of a sudden birch fall like no just running he's like hey hey sorry in the dark force and she's like oh my god you're my dad about that here comes the fifth quote i had to count oh gosh we're only much more pain to come so that's right akira keep your spirits up i like your optimism i know what it's like to have friends in other clans to feel like there's something stronger than your clan calling you away from home oh akira you've buzzed in i didn't even you just squeaked in there bud okay tell me all you know yeah i don't know i don't even i don't think i know this do you want to you want to take a shot in the dark and all uh um yeah i don't i can't that's okay rory do you want to take a shot of it or do you guys want some hints i'll i'll shot it i'll shout it okay okay remember you can lose points though so okay i don't care okay okay like i like it um is it firestar 2 dub way it is not that is such a good guess though it is neither one of those cats oh these points are just falling out of me you gotta you gotta lose some to win something i'm gonna be confident let me give you some hints here to help you out yeah now the hint is it's in wait oh wait wait wait the friends and other clans feelings stronger calling you away from home oh never on my um it's the i can still give you some hints i can hear you both thinking okay fine fine give me a hint i'll probably buzz in right after i hear the hand maybe um it's this is set in arc three and it's they're both she cats the one talking and the one listening i'm gonna get it is it hot leaf pull the holly holly paw it is a holly paw but it isn't leaf pool so close though squirrel flight it is squirrel flight you little stinker rory was supposed to guess that oh no would you have guessed i wouldn't have guessed this girlfriend i would have i was thinking heather paw so sorry i'm i'm not good at shutting up family no akira please don't ever shut up you've got a brilliant mind and i want to hear all your thoughts 24 7. wait those this was um when squirrel flight went to take hollipop back from riverclan or something was it that yeah i'm pretty sure it is why was she in riverclan why was she like i wanted to visit her girlfriend willowpaw oh my god yes oh yeah i forgot they were friends yeah she was worried about riverclan or something yeah yeah oh hollypop i don't remember anything about the third i am no medicine cat i cannot read the stars like yellowfang or cinderpelt but i have always been willing to trust our warrior ancestors wherever they might lead our clan akira who do you think it is and who do you think they're talking to i don't know did you buzz in yeah you buzzed in and then i realized i don't know rory do you want to take a guess um is that sandstorm to fire heart it is to fire heart but it ain't sandstorm do you guys want any hints or anything or you want to ask i want to go on again actually no give me a hint okay so the hints are it's in the first arc it's in the fourth book it's it's an older tom talking to fire heart is it white storm it is white storm nice nice beauty i guess that's too wise for sandstorm to say i feel like she was a bit a bit scrappy you know what the ancestors are thinking she only gets wise like when she's like old yeah yep this one is from super edition just gonna put that out there because i feel like that is important okay but i want to know you everything about you your favorite fresh kill your earliest memory what you dream of creepy oh rory who is it is it oakheart to bluestar it is what a little hopeless romantic am i right i'm so creepy on its own i know i read that and i was like who i read blue stars prophecy recently for the first time so it's like that creepy line was stuck with you yeah these are difficult times as we fight for survival we must be able to count on every one of our clan mates there is no room for divided loyalties rory you're buzzing in okay is it blue star to fire paw none of the above unfortunately okay kira you know where you're um say it again you know i like hearing it i like hearing it you just want to hear me read it you just want to cause me trouble i know how it is i just love your voice oh my god akira i'm gonna come over there and give you a big hug these are difficult times as we fight for survival we must be able to count on every one of our clan mates there is no room for divided loyalties and there are two cats involved in this yes there is one cat specifically talking to another cat neither of these cats are pov characters like i i have like ideas but i'm not nothing that i'm willing to like sacrifice a point over here's my hints this is anybody's game sorry you can jump in if you hear something in these hints and you want to try again okay this is from arc one and this is there is something high stakes happening it is really intense moment and this this cat is asking this cat to do something bad okay you zipped in there tiger star 2 those three cats um blackfoot it is neither of those cats oh no i'm i'm dummy so no more lost points this is just like now everybody can guess rory i saw you buzzed in do you want to take a whack at it yes is it leopard star 2 gray stripe it is leopard star but it's not graceful oh no this cat dies shortly after hearing that wait what is it stone fur it is stone fur yeah oh yeah i had that in mind i was like tiger steroids like thinking like uh this was leopard star saying kills storm pawn feather claw i was like on that track of like you're on the cut yeah i know i knew that scene from the i knew it was going to be that scene but it was just like i didn't know which cats i thought it was um leopard star like telling grace type to attack fire heart we have made it to the end of the second episode of mouse brained my assistant craig is in the back tallying up the scores to see which of our two contestants will be named the second champion and will have their chance to compete again in the semi-finals and they'll race to the title of ultimate mouse brain in hindsight i see how that title is confusing but you know what i don't follow society storms before we discover who is the winner of this episode i wanted to take a quick second to give a huge thank you to both rory and akira for coming on and making episode 2 something to remember and i wanted to thank you guys for watching and enjoying the show if you guys know of a warrior's content creator you'd like to see take on the mouse brain challenge let me know in the comments down below and while you're down there let me know how you did compared to our contestants the results are in ladies and gentlemen and all types of friends in between this is the moment you've all been waiting for i am so excited to share with you the final scores and champion of the second episode of mouse brained way to go kira we'll be seeing you in the semi-finals
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 443,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warrior Cats, Warriors, Blixemi, Bliximi, Bright Guardian Akira, Erin Hunter, Warriors Cats
Id: mlygNWm55Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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