My New Favorite Game (Crab Champion)

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hi boys welcome to a new game called crab Champions it's me and zud versus Biffle and Nico you guys ready to start a run ready we each get one attempt at a run as you can see here we're on the first level of all of those oh however far you get in one attempt win so how this works check this out uh get out of our call Bill and Nico we're gonna go away we don't like it okay so you can see all these mobs right and we gotta shoot him and kill them but they can do damage to us but in the bottom left we have 200 Health after every round oh gosh that crap yeah right there should be a chat yeah chest spawns right right here right so you open yours I'll open mine okay I'm opening mine okay okay so we can get a buff and we can get us a build each that makes it extremely strong there's one time shot shots deal more damage but damage is dealt over time or higher caliber shots deal more damage but clip sizes reduce so bottom left you can see our health bottom right I have six shots should I get the higher caliber yeah probably okay look at the bottom right six five oh no it's time to do more damage but I have less bullets oh no that's fine but I gotta dual shotguns right look at that I'm doing sharp shot sharp shot sharp shot okay so me and Zod we gotta do this guys listen if you ever touched a crap hit the like button what I don't are you good if you've ever seen water hit the like button hit the Subscribe button okay next level should we get a health chest or a random chance that's the random you want a random let's do random because that could give us more damage all right Next Level so at the end of that little line there's a boss that we gotta kill and then we I'm scared I'll be fine should I do a grenade Adam why are crimes attacking crabs uh you know that oh I would do good so the guy that made that song crab song right he apparently worked on helped make this game too so I don't know oh good we don't know look there's a crystal over here hit it hit open oh that healed me oh it's a healing okay but what's the red one don't do that one okay so the crystals do stuff got it right right okay I'm gonna open my chest what'd I get ready what is this endurance heal after clearing each island oh that's good oh and I regenerate that enemies spawn Spike strikes when it eliminated a chest containing two times up and we're doing it I'll just do it yeah let's do it let's do it three times the lucky chest oh there's also shops too that we can spend money in so whenever these enemies die they spawn like spikes so oh okay oh no this is bad for you how do you think those losers are doing because they're so dumb and ugly they're probably bad they probably already died yeah well that's just because they're done I'm gonna throw grenade at all these okay let's go look for crystals we got double the chest that's what 2x means did you know that no I just figured that out it finished to get a chance to gain ammo when dealing damage I just got that too oh that's broken I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing that one driller destroying destructible rocks has a greater chance to spawn loot so when we destroy those rocks where it can drop more stuff I'm getting that one yeah yeah yeah and efficiency chance to gain ammo when dealing damage doing that one okay so this is Flawless get an extra reward chess if taking no damage can we try are you ever are you gonna take damage is that I mean I'm at 171 and a 200. I'm out of 200 200. don't take damage son okay I'll try Okay so this is a horde round we have to survive you can see on the right for 43 seconds so just run and don't die so don't take damage I'm scared wait is it just one of us or both of us I think yeah I don't know I don't know I'm running I'm totally running they're shooting at me Dad I'm ready 26 seconds Ed they were grenade I killed two of them they're cornering us side Rod I'm running I'm literally behind you oh I'm good don't be the one yes we take damage Flawless we got two we got two I'm sorry we are building oh we go to the shop after this too okay a trick shot should I steal more damage one hip firing but less damage when aiming I don't do aiming I'm doing that one trick shot so whenever I just shoot I do more damage okay blind fire should I steal more damage but spread in heavy is heavily increased I literally shoot a shotgun yeah what is that oh all right I just increased my damage like five times oh shop ready to go the shop yeah I'm ready let's go shots poison enemies zigzag shot okay I kind of want the health unless you need it gotta take the health I'm gonna get poison shot fortitude Max Hill got it oh nice okay so we can also re-roll so you can see in the top left we have 84 this costs four dollars there we go is it six four damage grenade grenades do more damage okay I don't have enough for that silver armor gained two armor plates I'm getting the armor I gotta okay I'm gonna do movement speed and I'm gonna go all right let's do it Dad we gotta hurry we gotta hurt we gotta dab what is it oh go go go skill chest economy chest economy let's do skills skills I don't care about money money go go go fish we can take Gamers now I don't care anymore oh yeah sure it doesn't matter dude I do so much damage out this is crappy list oh you can see in the bottom left I have two Shield bars is that there's a boss is that there's a mini boss oh yeah it's shooting at me help I don't take damage when I have these shields right do those Shields regenerate after every island so I don't know okay so look at the bottom left I have two Shields well one and a quarter how'd you how'd you get that I don't know big claws melee range increase don't care Big Mac clip size increase oh I'm doing increase yeah hey I just went from 40 to 70 on my clip size I just went from five five to nine oh upgrade chest I'm doing upgrade yeah yeah so that's a good one okay so hold on did I get my shield back no I didn't those Shields are only oh that was not a good upgrade to buy it's not permanent so why did you tell me about that you literally did on your own accord oh I forgot I can poison can you yeah remember I could just I can shoot from a distance just poison congrats I guess are you mad yeah I kind of want something cool like that well you gotta get good first if I die am I out forever am I dead I think you're dead like until the next wave yeah until we clear an island if I survive then you revive oh you can see our health top left you almost died you suck I'm fine what are you talking about you're not ooh an upgrade chest okay what is this upgrade High Caliber shot still more damage but clip size is reduced should I steal more damage when hip firing all right I'm gonna grab that yeah yeah just keep doing that Flawless oh no I just choked I decided when I read that Flawless don't take damage done I'm nervous okay fine we gotta survive for 65 seconds okay I'm sticking with you so if I take damage it's your fault no I followed you so just keep just keep dashing they're shooting fine they're shooting fire inside if you take damage I'm never talking to you again you have to though [ __ ] off I didn't I'm literally just running I'm not even fighting okay watch your back is that I'm just running [Music] so you can see how many kills we have in the top left I have 135 you have 94 so you have a shotgun and things don't beat there are also a bunch of different weapons guys if you want us to do another video on this hit the like button we'll play a different weapon we'll dab on each other just dab four seconds come on just run just run that's all you have to do oh did we get flawless I would love you dude they're doing so bad we have to be doing better yeah they're really dumb and ugly I agree sharp shot steal additional flat damage I'm flat I'll take that okay I'm gonna take fast shot shots are faster and are less affected by a drop off crabs you yeah oh and then we got boss after this done performance bonus chance to get an additional reward chest when flawlessly clearing an island do you think we can Flawless more and get more hold on okay so I'm gonna do re-roll I shot shot freezes enemies wait what I got 14 bullets I did I have five okay time for the boss you ready to fight let's go I'm ready I'm scared though what if he died We're Not Gonna Die we're literally built differently oh my gosh remember don't take damage don't take damage because uh we get more chests okay he's literally only after you so that is up to you I'm throwing grenades let me do me too I'm boys keep shooting him damage I took damage I took damage but no I I have a shield maybe I didn't think we got four chests I think let's go oh look at this Shield's nice healing chest epic chest key chest healing chest okay I got a double kids I gotta be useless bronze Armor All You Can Eat no ammo is used for a short time after eliminating an enemy okay go ah okay I'm gonna get a key and then more armor look at my arm in the bottom left I like a billion okay ready ready bio foreign Spike chest so chest that contains Epic Loot but deals 30 of your max health is damage I want epic wait but Elemental upgrade but I want epic epic glue if we don't kill damage we can get double okay but what if you don't get it that's the sad part yeah then I'll cry and I'll poop all right is that where you're trying to say things like that I know you can't it's like you know you do you but like still take that I'm not trying to why are you taking damage said I'm literally full health as we speak yeah but you're a grub what does that mean to you I don't know I just saying so for the best this is gonna do damage to me though look at my health in the bottom left careful oh damage shot shots steal more damage okay grenades deal more damage big chest chests contain more loot choices to choose from I'm just gonna do more damage I got healed after eliminating enemies I look it's lifesteal fire close range AOE blasts along with your shots okay you're you're literally aren't you close range I'm gonna I can't do Spike chest again I can't I'm gonna die we should take health I think health will be the way to go okay let's do it which I say for one we'll play safe for one round and we'll play uh extra unsafe next round here we go let's do it watch out oh God don't a lot wait sir I have 100 health oh look at the you see I shoot like a a pink purple thing what I have like double shotgun oh wait no that's your the Arcane bullets they just got yeah yeah oh that was easy oh God I'm taking more health I have 400. uh damager element let's get elemental Elemental that sounds fun this is so we're gonna dab you know what I'm saying let me know stay next to my uh torrents oh good call oh hold on there's a pink thingy though where oh the money thing yeah I got 600 all hairs go twins go don't actually destroy it yeah I know look at my kills you're catching I've been kills because you're a terrorist not because of you because you're really bad the turrets are a part of me part of my body oh no I can't hit these things don't worry I'll save you like I always do without taking damage I have not but I'm pretty good he almost hit me watch out there's a lot of them right why do you want me to do my turns and me are doing so much work right now okay yeah but you're not doing work I'm literally about to catch up on kill oh I have more oh I got double chests we got double why am I not getting oh because I don't have that perk it only counts for you yeah and you're you're ugly you can't see this I didn't mean it ice cube damage increased to Frozen enemies shots shock enemies I got I have that too I kind of want to take should we become lightning yeah people I'm gonna get double poisoned double poison double poison fire mace balls along with your shot with your shotguns look at this [Applause] okay I think you're good here take that yeah there you go I think I win Grim Reaper heal after eliminating enemies you shake the regen the Region's actually really helpful dude after I eliminate enemies I heal that one's really good actually that's probably better than right yeah yeah oh I gotta do Flawless gotta do flawless yeah I told you I'm fine I can take damage hurt me crabs what if you can't say that what's wrong with you sorry is that your health you're literally dying fine I'm literally I'm regening and life stealing Divine Life I am destroying everything whoa there's a zombie did I take damage oh there's no flying skull hi literally you're doing so much damage you're just okay no no I get it now you're just taking all my kills that's what's happening right here I'm watching them I took that I took your turds kill stop taking my kills him you're not a good person oh I got two chests for that one weird how many did you get damn it I thought we were teammates chance to fire high damage bullets along your side of your shots okay cool oh we can get Spike chest from this one two times economy but if you don't get it though like they're falling above watch out I'm scared do not if you fill all this this too is that is that four chest that's just gonna kill me no no no this is Spike enemies Oh I thought it was Spike chess okay good thing I told you I was gonna hug them and kiss them I'm dead I'm dead I think I took damage said uh you have to get times four though sorry I'm doing all the damage while you just said wait there's a Reload Arc right here what is that um Ian what come grab this because it's only for you before before the round ends come here we're loading powerful okay only Zed can collect this wait what this is only you I gotta know the neck thing next to it I have a thousand I have a thousand I have a thousands why'd you get that I don't know but I'll take it there's some lava though I'm scared I just shoot so much stuff hey I just see you I I don't even see you actually you're just economy chest economy chest economy chest I got three three shots okay cool uh shot prices are discounted I'll take it and then this one large Crystal bundle gained 3 700 crystals how why do you get that son this is another Flawless freaking double fall as Flawless son if you take damage I'll never talk to you again Josh yeah I know I saw that they were grenade can I ping I may pack speaking Apex thing okay you see my ping right there well you actually can oh damage help me I'm literally helping so that's getting really caught up in Kill stuff oh you're good first one to 300 wins oh wait I got 300. you can't just make that rule when you're literally already on 300. I'm confused I already took damage I'm going in I'm taking all the kills what's up boys I'm so dumb yeah I just had to go ahead and read all your upgrades I'm gonna click this now you only have no no no no no no wait how much money do you have for this shop 1800 oh we're at I 5 400. oh and things are they cost uh should I steal more damage I have it too all you can eat no ammo is used every short time after eliminating an enemy cool piercing wave fire slow damaging waves along with your shot checking 40. I saw 40 58 how why are you so strong can I be roll I'm re-rolling uh let me grab this one all right go ahead reroll all right ready oh yeah broken Zod increase all you can eat grenades explode into clusters of daggers yeah damage increase after clearing each island yeah I I want something sorry you're just taking it let me grab these crystals for more money I've always I'm from what's up high for a boss son you're such a bad teammate I'm having fun hold on let me get close to him oh he hit me ow do you see all the damage that I'm doing to him yeah I see that he's dead sick wait where are your chest though I don't need chest side yeah but like it's the only thing I have on here okay stop stop attention charts all right I'm ready to go me you're a bad person I want you to know that I'm having fun I'm not dude I just shoot I just like I poison them I freeze them I shoot them with a foot I feed them what does that mean I'm not I don't know what what are you are you good why are you on fire I don't know I'm just dying look at this I've been doing so much stuff all right well that was it I just shoot oh uh stop it so you better pick your thing I put I picked Spike Chestnut get more upgrades no leave me alone go kill him okay I'm running I'm gonna hide in this chest if I'm hiding in a chest they can't see me right ow ow no lose me I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead hold on let me grab these I need more money I'm getting more crystals for monies uh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead why were you not helping yourself you were killing crystals instead of helping your team needed money son no don't oversize twenty percent ow but ow the spike chest hurts on good I'm glad he'll absolutely eliminating enemies I'll take that chance for shots to scatter into smaller shots on impact cool man but hey man look at our health we're not looking good for this next one yeah but you know skill test right okay well I'm reaching him we're fine who are you I think oh I am too ow 216. oh I am regening okay cool that's cool yeah you're dead you're literally Dead Aren't you what do you want me to do when I'm on one you're dead what do you want me to do move out don't die Ian you can't die here what is this fire crab it's fine it looks mean outside oh hey I'm back 23. oh is that you're almost dead aren't you increase Club size spread and recoil heavily reduced is that I have two grenades now this is a Flawless round is that okay I'm not gonna fall this is a Flawless round what do you want from me all the crabs I do a lot of damage I don't have to see that oh no no yeah I've been told but do you have two grenades oh you have two grenades yeah ready you had one job you could have sat next to all my turrets how many turrets do you have three how did you get all my kills I could just infinitely shoot Judd this is not going well for you I'm not it's really not but we're fine we did it spread and recall heavily reduced Okay magazine side doesn't matter anymore okay heavily reduced I'm literally gonna shoot a sniper bullet I don't I don't I didn't even need any of those how much money do you have uh enough I'm not telling you because you're gonna bully me yeah five thousand three no I don't five I'm gonna go get these crystals okay cool what is this grenades grow explosive mushrooms when exploding that's a legendary can I have why'd you take it sorry can I have something foot shot okay I'll take that healthy combos okay you can have that one or a shot oh dude get this one this one's nice you can uh do multiple grenades oh nice piercing shot let me see what my grenade does oh this shoots grenades everywhere okay Grim Reaper heal after okay I'll take it fire rate increase for a short time after eliminating enemies oh more damage let's get another Arcane blast oh no you should we do another Spike test yeah homing Thorns okay let's go oh wait I have 46 HP I have 200 oh no oh cool okay okay yeah I know me too me too me too we have the same thing how about Chinese food I'm dying from I'm dead I don't know what I died from I was just dying oh they're homing Thorns look on the right whenever you kill enemies Thorns rush you foreign [Music] wait if I do I die if I open this one I can't open it I can't open it either okay I'm gonna get the piercing wave bulletproof spark explosion okay cool I can't get this bike chest me neither I'm On One HP let's do economy we don't need okay fine yeah yeah let's get money sure he says I'm just I'm shooting him dead I died I have one HP I have one HP whatever you oh he'll love it I promise I promise I promise no I'm healing zone I'm healing wait there's a hill thingy over here I can heal get it I'm healing inside you're on the court you're right you are so cornered right now no I'm not I'm at full health cool hey Zach what do you think it's so broken I'm sitting here on one HP every round and you're just fine I don't know why you're not like I don't know why you're dying so much then I don't know you just got the most broken stuff three seconds I don't want to talk about it oh look don't don't talk to me I got chess yep me too economy oh I get a thousand crystals thank you and lower Shop prices let's go to the shop yeah yeah that's exactly what you need how much money do you have four thousand just I don't care what you have I got six thousand good Reaper I can heal more enemies freeze all nearby enemies one eliminated can I okay I was gonna have okay cool or a shot okay I was gonna take that yeah you can take replenishing that a repelling Dash there you go this is awful I don't want you left the worst one for me no you can have that go ahead I mean I took it but okay vampire okay cool more damage okay fire rate increased is that I think I win I mean we win I mean you know yeah try to steal more damage okay let's see if I don't need that oh okay what are you doing the nades too with that boss are you ready I think this is the final boss I don't know you know what you're gonna find them okay skull all right you get him okay oh oh okay we got I'm gonna Dash in okay hit him with my stuff oh I'm not even I'm not helping I haven't shot once by the way you don't need me you just you don't need me oh legendary chest oh we won that was Amazon let's do it hey there we go we got the crown hey hey boys we beat the whole thing in our first run what are you serious boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it they're bad and dumb and ugly sorry what
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,899,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rsVZ_rm9K5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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