Destroying Skeld in Among Us

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so dudes welcome to a game called tear down we had an among us map made this is scald look at this oh whoa all right so how this works you guys remember our house flipper video where i have 1v1 uh biffle right we're doing that but in tear down we're gonna be tearing down skilled whoever can dare tear it down the most me and biffle versus sigils and zod wins the game and they win uh a torn down house what what i'll take it what do you want from me stop it leave me alone i got a sledgehammer oh oh so how this works biffle i look at look at look at the bottom center i have all of these tools wait you have a case i have a shotgun wait was a shot ah i have a shotgun i have a gun wait you have a hunting rifle i have a hunting rifle okay slower how this works before a sniper single stable sniper oh no okay so how this works we have all these tools right we can oh oh gosh you just killed it did yellow just kill hello i see you alright so we only can use out of all of these uh weapons right i have a bomb i have a rocket launcher we can only use each one 20 times each oh right right they already know this they can only use 20 times each but before don't tell anybody uh okay i may have modded one katana i may have modern weapons okay okay i i get that you have a lightning ball there but what if you use the leaf blower i have a nuke yeah but a leaf blower you have a little i have an asteroid strike till the end of the video you'll see all of you okay are you ready ready you're ready ready uh let's start with the sledgehammer yeah sledgehammer yeah okay what come on the lights didn't do not oh it's pouring lights not the pipes just get out of here oh dude you did no damage that time yeah i know the sledgehammer is terrible dude it was weak oh i blow up the bed though i broke the baby get through the scandal shut everything on fire i can only use it for 20 seconds though i'm only on like four seconds i'm only on like three seconds now i'm only out like one second now that's now i got oh god all right people how do we get likes on this video i need your help down that like button just hit the like button so we shut our mouths and subscribe you know what i'm tired of this you know what i'm tired of this time to bomb don't no what does that do i don't know oh oh we put a hole in the ground they put a hole in the crate can you go wait do another one can i go shoot the ground okay don't go through the ground after we use all of our tools right we're gonna go look at their world and see how much damage they've done and they're not going to look at our world and dude this map is insane we have a nuke they don't we have a nuke okay we're we're going to watch your trouble okay well you got to figure out all right i'm going to blow up the electrical hopefully there's wait don't blow up electrical no no dude the bomb is sick oh here's a vent wait can you go to the event but make your own fences oh there is event system oh there is events here it's event system we still have more stuff though uh let's it we're going to do a lot more can i put a bomb on him can you put a bomb on him oh my god poor yellow dude okay we're going to go let's do this no what oh dude oh no that's too many bombs oh i died why would you stand that close oh yeah before i forgot i'm also cheating i can fly they can't fly wait they can't fly nope they can't play okay okay okay i have an idea i have an idea what do we do okay fly up real quick fly up flying i saw that you have a thing called a rocket launcher i see you have a thing called a rocket launcher yeah yeah yeah yeah i see that you said i take out the engine i think we take out the engines this ship won't fly anywhere oh i think you just spam all 20 bullets four five five six six seven look at the other one seven the other one check out the edges wait what is that cause it's just a sword so check this out whenever i hold right click you see that little red line yeah what is that what does that do that is that kind of death it's just a sword what do you do why is it just red on your screen what you just tore the ship in half oh let me do it like this well you could cut it no way you cut clean can i cut the entire thing in half fly up and cut it in half no idea that works all the way down the middle of the ship i'm gonna hit that guy i'm gonna hit it with the blue hit blue hit blue he's walking yeah i think he walked past he walked back oh you know biffle oh i think the katana is broken i think yeah no it looks broken what is this what is that oh oh god what'd you think was going to happen do we have anything oh nitroglycerin let's try that nitroglycerin i'm going to do this right here oh come here on the computer on the computer okay right there what does that what does it do i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna hunting rifle it you gotta snipe it from further away you're gonna blow yourself up okay here we go oh oh that does massive damage gosh dude look at the damage it does oh nice shot nice shot dude that is insane i'll just fly over there there's no way that sigils inside is made up there's more damage than it is there's no way look at that there's no way we don't keep that we gotta save that for asteroids oh yeah we gotta drop an asteroid on that yeah okay there's navigation navigation got it all right should i start doing the modded stuff now i think we drop a modded item on it right now all right i'll save the nuke for last but for now let's do flamethrower flavor what is the flavor i'm gonna flame through our oxygen because oxygen is needed for flames a little closer because it's the flames is there anything it's a flamethrower are you ready for the minigun bible uh yeah i don't think red is okay okay here we go are you ready man look at the oh look at this biffle dude cafeteria is no more look at this oh bottom center you can see how much how many bullets i've shot in you can only shoot 20 bullets what do you mean i have shot oh um twenty thousand twenty thousand three it went through all the way oh oh look there's me oh there's oh look at that shoot the shoot that you gotta shoot guys okay i'm gonna put the ion cannon right here on reactor that could go well right what it's gonna go what is that doing what's that noise deploying ion cannon beacon deployed ionized satellite approaching ion satellite approaching 15 seconds you have 20 seconds distance oh uh ian uh uh you might want to fly away i don't know i don't know it's an ion cannon nine eight seven six three two biffle that wasn't even the nuke that wasn't even the nuke oh gosh what happened what wait what happened in the middle uh before that was the ion cannon uh air strike time bible oh it's air strike type do it what do i do oh oh oh oh i'm an ac 130. oh look at the bottom left i have bullets oh there's probably i'm shooting a 25 millimeter shot wait take him out take him out oh look at the holes in the ground oh there's red okay i'm at 40 40 millimeter 40 millimeter means even bigger bullet go away oh 105. oh there it is call of duty stuff right here dude blue it's blue gary you're going down take take care oh oh goodbye gary oh look at the hole you have a cluster bomb cluster bomb what does it do oh you're about to find out that's a cluster bomb take that gary i'm gonna drop some acid in storage i'm to melt out that center point oh that's going to melt it all out just going to melt it until it drops we'll just melt it out with acid there we go literally melting up the beams oh that is insane is it going to drop it out completely oh it might that is insane i think it will go on right here once i get this one i think it will oh come on i think there's some other parts still attached okay i'm going in with the sledgehammer come on come on you're right to your right to your right here right here we go all right put it back it should work that should be it drop it wait that was sick everybody's so sick all right all right let's do this uh should we do the nuke yet i i think it's time for the nuke you think it's time for it wait no i forgot we got airstrike too or not airstrike uh lightning or asteroid and we also have a lava gun oh i think that gun uh let's do it right here i'm gonna stand here right on communication um this doesn't look oh no it melts it drops lava this is lit get it oh it just melts everything it just melts ever the chair literally oh the chairs oh oh dude look at that dude this is the most insane thing i've ever seen oh why would you do that that yellow didn't deserve that all right you want to ask her right now yeah i think it's time for an asteroid and then it's a nuke time i'm gonna click it right in the center right there on asteroid asteroid on asteroid in three two one destroy it oh oh my gosh keep in mind biffle they only have access to this no they do not yep wait we have access to asteroids and they have just bombs yeah what do we want to do you want to do another let's do another asteroid right there let's do it right there asteroid there asteroid there asteroid there asteroid there you're gonna break the oh my god oh oh god it's like oh dinosaurs all over again oh gosh oh you're gonna crash oh my gosh all right i'm gonna do something that we're going to get in a call with them we'll look at theirs and then they'll show us ours and we just and look down below someone's still alive oh hi bill you ready for the nuke yeah i don't think that guy is though you ready for the nuke three two one do it whoa oh uh ian where is the map gone oh scald is no more oh oh do we win i think we won you know what it's time we're doing this ever we're gonna step do it separate are you in it wait can it go that far can it oh my it does oh no i'm lagging oh it went all the way dude that is insane dude you you pretty much broke okay all right hey bible i think we i think let's get a call with them let's see what theirs looks like this is good we did good all right so first up we're looking at zun and sigils work all right go ahead we'll do a quick look at yours and then we'll look at mine we'll see who's better go i got a surprise for you first of all before we get started um i just want to let you know this is what's going to happen to you just stop it dude little nitroglycerin yeah that's what you get you died too well oh look at the dog welcome oh yeah yeah i went in i went in i had to tell you it's gone i focused on the rooms that uh i died in the most so i got ready to go all right everybody [ __ ] me out i got rid of this one and then uh yeah there's some dead bodies over there i got rid of electrical oh electrical's gone okay i left a very important note dude you did the entire floor dude i went in what i did who wins all right do you have any more damage that you want to show oh wait i think i got weapons too hold on i mean i'll show you guys yeah that looks like a lot more than 20 bombs i don't know no no it's only 20. no it was only 20 bucks yeah i just i placed them really well really well right where's the university button where did it look now where's the emergency button yeah and then there you go oh we went in we went in okay so you guys did pretty good is that any more damage you want to show the audience before they make a judgment call because they're they're the ones voting confident i feel very very confident you feel confident what's your job all right all right it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn you ready you ready you ready ready all right boys take your notes take your notes down on your notebook pad what are you boys ready yeah yeah yeah those are gonna be people i've been working on with our 20 items right here's the you know you know we're an admin right this is the table right we torched all the walls we tortured oh very nice put some holes over there we got we got rid of all of the chairs right we got rid of all the chairs and then you see back over this way yeah yeah we got all right excuse me what yeah excuse me what where's something he is missing yeah what did you do what did you do oh crap oh no i'm not flying i was hovering i was hovering did you just i know i was hovering i was hovering it was hot no it's part you didn't you didn't you didn't download the game correctly oh it's one right there there's navigation right there this is cafeteria hold on let me do another long job such a long fast job i did it i hate you there's bad baby here's ned bay and uh yeah we might have uh over here engines yeah what happened to my ship so are you guys taking notes in the comments let us know oh here's a reactor there's a reactor the reactor is still there it's holding on yeah yeah yeah it's basically it's hold on let me uh hold on let me let me fix that let me fix that yeah did you just drop a meteor on that's so dumb why did i even play you're probably wondering what those lines in the walls are yeah those lines are right ian where the lights are the world oh my god oh he has a sword you have like an anime yeah that goes through everything my computer is freezing oh it goes through the inside it goes to the attack i have zero frames what good you deserve it good you don't deserve any frames yeah boys let us know down in the comments who wins uh nobody won also hit the subscribe button hit the like button and uh uh should i show him should i show one more thing i think you should show up i think you should show up all right let's do uh let's do the iron cannon i think it's time [Music] one let us know who wins
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,055,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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