SOUR Mod in Minecraft

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welcome to the Fruitville sour food eating contest you mighty you must eat one lemon lime kiwi orange and grapefruit whoever eats all five fruits and has the lowest sour meter at the end of the timer wins the weapon definitely sounds easy stop slow turning purple stop slow turning all right I'm gonna press the button guys listen here's the deal if you didn't know this if you hit the like button it turns sour why don't lick the like button don't do that yeah also hit the Subscribe button what okay let's do it I'm gonna click the button oh what'd you get I got two I don't want to want to I just wait I don't know I wanna give you those give me those things why I don't want this this is so many stop pressing the buttons I have so much stuff boys we have to eat everything let's all eat one fruit okay you can see how much meter it gives us in the top left you see our meter right okay if I eat the the lime look at my bar on the top left what's happening all right boys we have 20 minutes yay remember if your bar fills up all the way you die so you have to figure out ways to lower your your sour meter because the grapefruit does 60 if you eat that now you die no there's gotta be where there's got to be ways candy shop what's this oh hey sir what do you got airhead oh I need sugar and a sour slime what is this a bubble gum gun oh gosh um okay sour slime balls and sugar okay sugar cane and it's sour slime balls we're sugarcane by the water and I gotta figure out a way to get my meter down so I can eat the rest of this fruit oh what is that oh gosh don't get it by those that's the Slime okay think about it no no stop it stop it stop it don't fill up my meter please sir sir stop shooting things ow all my meter my meter my meter oh my meter oh they're shooting so much look at my face [Music] okay my meter filled a good bit my head everything is sour all right knows those are mine stay away what is happening why is there yellow slime everywhere don't worry about that I'm just doing something nothing nothing what are you doing nothing do you know something I don't uh you don't know nothing about nothing and you're literally ugly and stupid sorry I'm feeling really sour oh gosh here we go okay let's grab this Airhead okay let's grab one of these okay we got the Airhead force feed to somebody to make them super sour with Pat hey Pat oh hey schedule hey hey what's going on guys I'm very sorry uh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna put a number up whoever gets closer to the number uh I get to choose something okay one from ten pick a number three two four oh Pat yeah I win you were closer between you and sigils okay uh come over here Pat you get the Airhead candy Airhead wait what is that wait why am I floating guys the guys decisions I don't want to go please I'm glad you won why is it always bad things with you huh oh gosh okay um well his head exploded with sour that's great Pat's out of the competition we win that job all right let's keep going what else we need okay what can we buy from here um the bubble gum gun crap I need to keep running I don't know what that is wait what is that Tower oh gosh okay I'm gonna check over there what is this hold on Military Tower let's go what is catapult what is this oh how do I shoot it though hold on can I put a fruit in it tongue cure catapult crank and arrows okay uh let's put that I don't need that in there anymore actually let's take the better ones because those ones are broken okay got it thank you wait so does this work hold on I got the the Catapult crank so if I do this oh oh wait I'm gonna see if I can line this up in the city and hit somebody with it well it says I also have these tongue cures I assume this lowers my meter let me check okay so hold on look at my meter oh my head's normal again so much hold on I can eat another fruit kiwi does 25 15 for orange I'll do the Kiwi I'm gonna do the Kiwi this will raise it by 25. better fine our head's still normal okay just in case they have anything to increase my sour meter I don't want to increase it too much because I don't want to die like Pat okay let's take it this way what is beautiful inside doing are they plotting no I gotta stop this I'm gonna stop this turn it turn it move it up will that hit him hold on let me line it up that's directly on okay let me do this lemon crank it back you're getting more sour where oh no oh no oh no they saw me no no they don't see me no you don't uh it was sigils it was sigils no he said he literally no you don't you know that's pretty nice that that wasn't me okay gummy worm dude what are you not fire you not searching houses are you not no I I'm getting shot by uh it's dead man no that was sigils that was literally something okay I saw something over here whenever I was running get right here this cave and it had a sign on it what is that that looks sour right but what is it uh oh God what is that what did that say Sour Patch Strays oh no they're Sour Patch Kids Strays all right let me grab this elevator time oh no this is gonna are they gonna increase my meter oh no oh no oh no stop it stop it stop it my meter okay I gotta keep my my meter down come here okay die die green one oh my god oh I got the green one green sour gummy okay hit the blue one stop it Dodge hit Dodge and Dodge easy easy I got the blue one now I need to go get to the right the yellow one shoots like a shotgun uh parkour parkour kill him stop it stop it please don't increase my meter yes over your bullet there's red what color is this red I don't even know easy we have all four uh do I combine it I assume that's what I do is it Sour Patch bow red deals extra sour on hit I have eight arrows can I pick up these arrows crap crap I can't pick up these ones can I use this on somebody hold on let me go let me try to use this on somebody this has gotta work right oh I I just noticed my sour meter dude I gotta lower my meter oh my gosh that is scary okay so what is this Sour Patch bow dude just increase the the thingy on hit I gotta find someone to use this on the heck is what the heck are you riding oh you know the little old lemon llama what is a lemon llama here I'll show you have one of these did you just spit on me oh you want to play you want to play projectile battles huh wait what do you have what is what is uh oh oh oh oh oh um I'm so close today it changed from red to Green what does green do um remove sour on hit oh hold on I check myself oh stop it oh we hit those we hit those we hit those um oh my sour meter went down wait I have a blue one now it's blue one dude fires are piercing Arrow okay ow stop it wait what oh gosh what does that do what does the yellow one do you missed fire is a spread again oh this is such a long cool down okay you're so bad I'm coming out of the wall coming out ah oh what just happened to me yeah what I think you uh you're dead thanks for the arrows all right let me drop these out I've eaten the kiwi and the lime now I just need to eat these three but my meter is way too high but I can shoot this Arrow the green one and that removes my meter oh there's Hood doing my meter went down my meter went down my but I could only use the green one every so often because it changes I'll get it back to green red green okay I get one more shot with that dude all of these houses have been looted dang it okay yeah one Arrow left that'll lower my meter I need to find more drinks what is this okay I haven't been over here what in the heck is that I don't want to fight those I don't I do not want to fight those uh and I saw a chest under here what's in this chest oh a book what the heck is this weather modification three gummy worm fragments and one gunpowder cause a storm I'm gonna have to kill one of these aren't I oh no why are there so many I'm gonna hit him with the axes the ax does more damage oh oh he tries to Lunge at me okay I gotta keep my meter down no he's filling my meter stop it stop it my meter my meter is filling oh I killed one I killed one I killed one I gotta go look at my meter dude I am sour I gotta be careful okay what is this I got four gummy worm fragments okay cool now I need gunpowder hold on let me go what did one of this no that one guy he only sold a gun from the from the shop is there another shop yeah no gunpowder wait gunpowder wait no I need gunpowder dang oh yeah I did see this guy um gunpowder limes and lemons I have lemons I just need limes where do I get or these limes hold on these limes these are live nice okay let me grab that let me grab some Gunpowder all right we'll grab 10 gunpowder yay what's back here what is this stun stick oh and a tongue cure let me trick this oh gosh dude that was close okay we have a stunned somebody for several minutes book says causes a storm if I do this with gunpowder fruity firework unleashes sour rain upon anyone Outdoors if I smack somebody outside with the stun stick and then shoot this off will it kill them or is that I gotta find that he was on top of a house is that aware out since my meter is low while I'm looking for Zod I'm gonna eat a lemon which fills me up to 50 and this will help me convince zud to work with me all right let's eat this eating it look at my meter look at my face oh gosh okay we're fine we're fine I still need to eat the orange and the grapefruit the grapefruit does 60 oh look there's that is that what are you doing up there I'm scared I'm hiding here take 11. okay listen inside listen dude come down here follow me follow me follow me I don't want you but I'm safe okay fine listen listen have you eaten I still have to eat the grapefruit and the orange right yeah I still have like two more things to go okay listen let's work together look how sour I am right now look how sad you're not that sour but let's work together okay let's figure out a way maybe I can desour you you can de-sour me we can desalinate but in every time you want me to work with you it ends up not working for me at all trust me I need you to trust me every time you say trust me it does okay fine you know fine I'm giving you one more chance okay listen listen listen we need to find I need I have I think I have an idea to make this work okay okay check this out you see this right here yeah what is that this is called kiwi watermelon it's called a fruity firework right okay so let's say I hit you with this stun stick now you can't move right and if I set off this fruity firework in and I stand undercover why is there sour my bar my bars are in I can't move this is why I don't trust you is that um I I thought maybe we could work together but uh that was fun uh do you have anything that I could use oh gosh oh I have gunpowder I need to get lollipop fragments for the super sour bum bubble gum Cannon thingy okay oh let me grab all his stuff no I don't want his stuff I don't wanna have to eat that I don't want to eat that so how do I get well was it these what is that how I get lollipop fragments oh I can break it what happened I got a lollipop fragment I gotta break all these I gotta break them all let's get up here we're gonna break we're gonna give this one I got it let's just keep breaking stuff oh is there chest over there hold on hold on let me tell you can I get over there can I can I get over here another lollipop fragment I need to get that can I break this one no that doesn't do anything crap oh easy okay what's in here three tongue cures oh let me take this pickaxe just in case I need it thanks Ed oh lollipop fragment I missed crap got it four I need six I think all right there's one I'm not getting that one that's way too high let me get this one yeah stop it wait break it there we go okay I got it I need one more ah Beville we're looking kind of uh stop it no that's fine stop it no yeah where are you going I got one more Arrow Bible listen listen no this is that's what you're talking about this we can't talk about nothing versus you you're going down no you're going down you're a loser no I am what what nothing describe this I got it I got that no I need one more I need one more don't you come over here you stay away from me you little foot no that doesn't work I need a lolly we have six oh I also have to use drinks I'm gonna drink one of these and then I'm gonna eat the orange that does 15 there we go 15. should I drink another one I'm gonna drink another one oh no I'm running out of time I'm running out of time oh no okay I have an idea I'm gonna buy this super sour bubble gum gun okay I can't use that anymore I don't have any more arrows what does this do uh I have an idea I have zero meter I'm gonna go tell Biffle that I have found a cure and we can win together I'm gonna lure him into a house and unload the bubble gum guns what it's just us two left we're gonna work we can win this together listen Okay we went together I found something what'd you find this is my last fruit that I needed man it's the worst one 60 of my meter I got like two of them to eat look at this oh my face oh my face it's getting wet okay look at this what is that where'd you get that I know where to find more of this Biffle I need one give me one right now follow me follow me follow me follow me it's in here right here so there's then there's a villager all the way in the back back there okay I see nothing I see that I see nothing in here what is you did it [Music] you are a bad man hold on let me slow turn oh could you don't slow attack how could you you think that is more powerful than this what is that I don't know who's more stronger use it I dare you bubble gum time oh my meter hold on gotta drink this give me a second what does that do what does that do fear is going away oh God I'm so oh yes back to normal oh no no I'm back to full I'm gonna die no please don't kill me please oh gosh you're you're a bad man no I'm not oh [Applause] [Music] competition reward what is this what'd you get I don't know a fruit gusher use the sour gusher to unleash sour waves what is happening what is he doing oh what um it literally sends tidal waves [Music] it literally sends title waves I can't even spawn stop why are you like this who hurt you hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we you guys are really bad at everything and we did it stop it stay away get him get him get him get him get him
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,739,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xkPMgs2IjIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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