How I Beat EVERY Mode in Roblox Tower Defense Simulator

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in Roblox Tower Defense simulator this is a normal zombie very basic very weak you can take them out with pretty much any attacking Tower and this is a nuclear monster he has one and a half million health and there's a fair bit trickier because in TDS there are currently seven different game modes ranging from very easy to easy too hard to this guy and I set out to try to beat them all so first of all we got clear the easiest game mode first which is molten now TDS has three kind of standard game modes with this one being fire themed but I mean compared to the others it's essentially an automatic win if you're a level 200 player with every Tower unlocked and molten was the only game mode I played with no teammates using this Loadout with some pretty rare Towers gold Scouts for early defense farm for money accelerator for DPS and DJ and Commander for their Buffs led me to wave 40 where I faced the first of the bosses the molten boss he's an incendiary demon but not that powerful having only seventy thousand health and some stunning and summoning abilities I mean I took him down fairly quickly yet things are going to get about a thousand times harder from here with this next mode being normal now this mode is technically meant to be easier than molten but the developers messed up the balancing just a little bit TDS game modes typically have 40 waves yet normal mode has just 30 which means you do fight less zombies but you also face a stronger variance much earlier like these shadow zombies appearing on Wave 9 rather than 13 or this slow boss appearing on Wave 16 rather than 22. still the specialty zombies for normal are as you might guess pretty mild I mean you have the strong switch like they're not really that strong and of course the gravedigger as a final boss I recruited the team for this as a wish for every other mode and while I had some problems later on in this match everyone had high tier towers and was very chill easily letting us take down the boss as the gravedigger only has a few abilities and just 40 000 Health now however the difficulty takes an immediate step up with Fallen these zombies are about as advanced as a standard version of cat yet still not as powerful or unique as the Standalone game modes and with no real special abilities or anything just kinda more Health with 4 players all very highly leveled this was a straightforward game Cowboys and Crick bosses were early defense and by the end game we had eight mortars six Engineers however many accelerators this is and a bunch of other assorted towers and we shredded the Fallen King possibly the most iconic boss with his black and purple colorings and energy themed attacks but 150 000 health is still not really that much at this point you might be like wow already three game modes named this is just going swimmingly right now oh man next we move on to the Standalone game modes of which there are four and the easiest of which is pizza party in this FNAF themed game mode you defend the pizzeria from a variety of puppet themed zombies things started out rather poorly in this run as we were all generally too invested in the money game and we're underprepared for the Scout boss yeah in this mode the towers you normally defend with have been turned into toy enemy versions of themselves uh horrifying honestly and this boss delivered us some fat damage nearly causing us to lose three shadows here it was very close and there were more tense waves as the zombies ran deep along the path but I eventually got all my Farms to level 3 and started placing and upgrading mortars now I make special mention of this Tower because unlike the many others I cycled through this guy was vital in beating all three of the main special modes his Splash damage is a great way to capture all the hordes of zombies and in this mode specifically he was required to kill the balloon boy zombies which Fly Above ground-based Towers the next puppet Tower after a scale weighs shotgunner kind of like the slow boss from before he's a bit faster though and has a big HP bar oh whoa I don't know if I'm saying that right got some accelerators down which carried early and was assisted by Pro and Benji as our whole team Hasbro accelerator I placed sledgers on corners and they froze and slowed down the zombie horde we melted down the commander puppet he has his little call of arms ability which is cute but and the mini Gunner puppets reaching the final wave the boss of this mode is walks the fox with a terrifying 250 000 health I mean that is a lot more than the Fallen King but compared to the other Final Bosses it's much less he has special abilities like a jump scare and a stun but his health is a bit too low to be threatening as he took more and more damage he shed his furry coverings and melted down into an endoskeleton as he died another dub next is Badlands 2 because it's technically a remake this mode takes place in a parched desert map with three paths I mean there's not really many special zombies here but all the pre-existing zombies wear cowboy hats so that's pretty cool trying to join a game here I witnessed something that would come back to haunt me during the fluid game matchmaking as upon joining this first game all of my team left and the second time around half of my team left I took a few more attempts to find they get in the game with a full team all of us having synergizing loadouts for early defense SG-1 placed an ace pilot and bio placed a cowboy where bio then said hey this placement sucks man which like it's not great but it's really not that bad and he convinced SG-1 to sell his Tower and he didn't have enough money to replace it instantly where we suddenly started taking a lot more damage this is my live reaction we skipped through a wave and you got back down but that was definitely scary me and Arie the last member of our team both took the same approach farming a bit early and getting down to mortar to help defend we made it through the mid game and aery started placing accelerators as I got engineer and then we had an absolute classic TDS moment two DJs placed right next to each other if you don't know the effects do not stack and this isn't even the only time it happened it sounds like I'm kind of roasting my team here but nah we did all right our lowest point was here surviving a breaker horde with two Health this actually happens like every time I put a smoke I don't know why we did manage to rebound and build our defense backup I got sledgers once again for the slowing effect and spammed accelerators and Engineers even with three times the normal Manta zombies we were holding our own more you're so real for this with everyone maxing out their towers we reached wave 40 and the boss here is the Gunslinger a giant zombie cowboy who can use a mountain minigun against you protected by a platoon of his Calvary who shoot at and stun Towers probably the most stylish zombies honestly the boss itself is 600 000 health so over twice that of walks and the path here is substantially shorter I was low-key stressing and we ended up cutting it very close I started moving at the range Towers panicking hard as he still had like half his Cavalry and 50 000 Health but just barely like actually barely we took him out at the entrance to her base completing the third hardest game mode that was difficult but it's really nothing compared to polluted wastelands the final of the three main special game modes and by far the most challenging let me showcase what makes this mode so much harder than the others now for one thing the map is easier which seems counterintuitive at first it's got all these Loops that mean your Towers can attack for longer but really this is just an excuse for the developers to spam the most broken overpowered zombies in the game for example take this match lost underscore dad and hola placed Cowboys for early defense while me and musk farmed the special zombies here are these little mutated guys a theme which persists throughout the mode they have comparatively more Health than the other early game equivalents and gain annoying toxic abilities thanks to my farming I got an accelerator in time for the hiddens this accelerator is actually incredibly important because fast forward through some more early game zombies to wave 22 and the amalgamation spawns compared to the normally 1600 Health slow boss or the 2000 health shotgunter and it breaks down into a ton of smaller pieces as it takes damage if you don't have a highly upgraded accelerator here you're going to lose even as it was it was a close thing as I had to sell a farm to Max one out defeating the zombie just in time now this mode is some of the most punishing enemies like the rushers incredibly fast with shields to buffer their health mortar again was invaluable here though we needed multiple accelerators to finish them or the Abomination which kind of looks like the tank the normal 6 000 Health zombie not too tricky except when it dies it comes back to life and goes Super Saiyan although by the time it spawned we had enough Towers to handle it from there more and more stuff spawns you can't forget the slimes the wardens the necromancers the toxics the circuits take all of those and spam Lake 50 of them yep I mean even through this narration you can probably notice polluted wastelands usually devolves into a messy chaotic scramble culminating in the boss of the mode the nuclear monster who is just miserable this guy has the most health of any zombie in the game 1.5 million that's equal to more than two Gunslingers six walks of foxes or 10 in the Fallen Kings it's absurd he has a line of abilities to ruin your life donali Towers yep spawn 30 zombies yeah delete your Tower's range you can do it all even with maxed out accelerators Engineers Rangers every single support we struggled very heavily as used ability after ability after imagine me saying that like 10 times and we ended up losing yeah on the third Loops of path he used his summon ability in the spawn slime zombie killed us I was definitely tilted as the problem was out of any of our controls this mode is difficult to the point where you need your team to have the three main supports and at least like three or four people with accelerator and an additional DPS Tower like engineer just to Output enough damage to maybe kill the boss in that game we just did not have enough damage you could like go in the Discord and look for people to coordinate with but I wanted the true casual experience using the automatic matchmaking system so I played on and after a few resets gone to another if I were to describe this match in three words a complete disaster class our team composition was pretty good the only problem being we had four DJs in place of Commander still I thought maybe we had a very slim chance at least Legend of lightning and I farmed for accelerators early while our other teammates used gold Scouts and Ace Pilots for early defense we got accelerators upgraded in time for wave to A2 and we took down the amalgamation from here though things went downhill quickly for one our fourth teammate was deliberately trolling just spamming Ace pilots and being annoying you could see this great DJ placement here yes and eventually toxic Jax was like wait a minute no Commander uh he started arguing with that fourth teammate who lied about having and refusing to place Commander he did not have it equipped which caused the legend of lightning to leave and from there it was a short transition to a loss from here on out I just didn't play out any game so it didn't have Perfect theme composition which meant I had to go through 12 failed starts taking roughly half an hour finally though I got into this Lobby we were missing medic but every player had both engineer and accelerator equipped and I knew I wouldn't get a much better chance this morning was similar to the previous wave 40 attempt but with obviously more Firepower gold Scouts held down the early game I'm Max the DJ and poo got level 5 accelerator just in time for the amalgamation a show poo I recommend following in his footsteps here only takes a second subscribe if you aren't we all play Stand accelerators honestly it doesn't really get much stronger than this Mortuary again improved its usefulness and helped decimate the midwave 30s but the late game wasn't the problem the nuclear monster was as once again I reached way 40. this time with my team having about 30 accelerators and 20 Engineers but with no medic we couldn't encounter the boss's stuns still the DPS made up for it down to 700 000 by the first Loop down to 150 000 miles a second by the third Loop blow he summoned multiple times and I moved my towers as I was still worried we might lose here just because of how short the path is to the end when I originally played this mode I did actually lose just like that so I was scared plus our damage was really slowing down but with his final chance to end us he used a stunning rather than spawning ability we focused down the nuclear monster itself and I finally beat plued wastelands that was quite a trial but it does mean there's just one game mode left hardcore mode undoubtedly just the strangest game mode hardcore has had the story's history which is to say it's made a lot of people mad for a good reason I would argue now this mode is hard capped to three players rather than four and I ended up teaming up with venado and turbo not just random players as we all agreed to use a strategy guide which essentially gave us the plan to win the game because as you might guess hardcore is hard but unlike pollute wastelands which at least feels possible if you have every Tower and there are high levels hardcore just feels depressingly hard like the developers don't care about it the general player base doesn't like it even the best players who this is designed for don't like it and joining the match it's easy to see UI add the role of the ace pilot player which meant I had to use this Loadout as it's all calculated and I had to quickly provide early game defense before farming for a while this wasn't exactly optimal gameplay I loaded in late and wasn't able to place Farm early but still left to drive long enough for Turbo and venado to place gold Soldier and pyromancer respectively from here things got shaky in this mode the zombies get way more Health you make no money and everything costs way more to place I hate this mode venado's first accelerator just lets take down the slow Boss by wave to A2 and we gradually moved our Firepower from the very back of the map up to the front the strategy from here on out was pretty much to just Spam accelerators and Pursuits for damage as we tackled the Mode's incoming specialty zombies who display a major part of the modes problem like look at this guy the Fallen Titan at first glance he looks swag I guess I wrote that in the script but you might realize this model looks a bit off especially compared to the quality of the other modes and their unique zombies because this guy has been Unchained changed since his Edition in 2020 as have the rest of these zombies hardcore mode has been kind of abandoned by the developers only receiving very infrequent balancing updates like the zombie s's 40 damage Shield protection thing which is quite literally a leftover asset from 2020 and it doesn't even work anymore because they use a new resistance system in general it's just a bunch of weird stuff in hardcore all contributing to the bounce issues however in this game things were going quite well we collectively placed down 30 Pursuits and we were destroying zombies I think these Speedy King zombies threw an unexpected fear of God into me as they randomly broke through a front line but they were the exception as everything else went down easily including the other bosses hardcore as not one two three or even four but five Final Bosses reusing the zombies from the three standard modes Gravedigger responds to winning 36 and is quite weak the molten boss follows on wave 44. as yeah this mode actually goes all the way to 50 and the health part draining was very satisfying to look at but before the fall Fallen King there is the Fallen swordmaster a new boss exclusive to hardcore he dual wield swords and wears a Roblox crayon but aside from looking drift he's not that much of a threat as all he really did was stunner Towers we killed him on Wave 47 leading into the Fallen King spawning on the following wave uh the Speedy boss nearly got us again but the boss itself was little threat as the Fallen King still only had its base 150 000 Health finally we reached wave 50 and the boss spawned as the void Beaver with technically less Health than the nuclear monster 1.2 million venado had the commander and had to chain the call of arms ability while I was a medic player and had to heal us when the reavers stunned their towers which he continued a variety of unique ways with these Galactic distortions a stomp a sword slam he used his Javelin attack to lure a base Health before activating his little HP powered up form where he just kind of walks faster with the sheer power of 24 accelerators and 30 Pursuits we did take out the void Reaver meaning I'd officially beaten every game mode in TDS and they're in like 5 000 coins and 300 gems total overall this took two days of playing and a ton of editing so subscribe if you aren't comment which game mode is the best it's not hardcore
Channel: propellars
Views: 2,093,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MgdrKUyToU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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