Infinity Gauntlet in Modded Brotato

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all right boys welcome back to brotato today we are gonna be trying to beat the wave danger four but this time we have The Infinity Gauntlet [Applause] Y versus grind I have my spies to grinder going down you little idiot all right so I got my spy zud sizzles and Biffle you ready okay so here's what I'm thinking first of all guys if you've ever eaten a potato hit the like button down below the video hit the Subscribe button leave a comment saying your favorite potato product let's do this so there's a character in rotato called one arm you can only have one weapon which goes well with the gauntlet because the gauntlet is only one weapon but he starts with 200 increased attack speed oh wait a minute that sounds really dumb Ian look at the dude I'm using the goblets so how this works we can get all of the Infinity Stones there are six total and once we finish all the stones then it gets interesting so even Instagram oh here we go and free new guys in this game top left that's my health I have love and health if these guys touch me I lose hell and top left is also my currency and then I get these upgrades like eh let's get more health so yeah I have 11 Health now I have 14 right and we use the currency again for you new guys to buy items as we go and we can buy Infinity Stones when they show up so uh what do we want about a hatchet oh pickup range should I do pick up range wait what does that do what are you trying to pick up I can pick up more money at a longer range whenever I'm punching things since this is danger four we're gonna be fighting even stronger bosses than the final boss is insane so stick around you can take it on the final boss let's do it but let me get this tree so the trees can drop oh that's an item crate oh grab it is that good that's gonna give me a free item why'd you pick it up it's gonna come to me at the end of the wave you're dead Okay so this gives me plus 10 luck that free item one elemental damage that doesn't matter because this this is a melee damage that's pretty good though melee damage more melee melee [Music] we got the time Stone boys eight damage four times two so these times these these stones have different abilities stop enemies with the impact of your bullet oh [ __ ] it was only one coin look at this though dude it's so close oh oh oh wait um wait does it stop things it looks like it stops them wait hold on does it yeah bullets as well hold on let's see oh look he's so powerful this is a tree there's a tree oh yeah there's a tree he just got stuck there you know what I put zud's face right there yeah come on the monkey recycle oh because I'm cute thank you recycled uh what is this plus one oh yeah padding all the materials that I get turns to health oh look oh I like that oh life feels good you need some extra padding I've been looking at you and you definitely you need to you need to eat more yeah you need more you need a you need a floss your teeth what no I should take that back I think look at that little shooter he's stuck there you guys floss before you brush or after you brush a little bit of both dirt that's worse than waving before you poop what I thought what what pre-wipe oh I believe that guys this is no time to be talking like this sorry could be waiting right now so again for you new guys you can see top Center we are on Wave four at wave 20 is the final boss which The Gauntlet needs to take out whoever gets the final boss first and defeats him wins ah what is this life steal should I do lifesteal I still make store whenever I'm shooting at people it heals me I'm gonna get that armor Michael lock 10 luck hey hey you have so much luck right now 14 damage melee ability teleport to cursor wait oh oh gosh I now have a space Stone what's the bad news uh well I was gonna tell you he has the spaced out already oh wow look at the bottom left I have an ability I just let you guys know he is offering five dollars PayPal for anybody that wants to buy for him just saying oh wait five dollars for him okay hold on what does his ability do oh my oh that's broken that's broken you teleported what you can never get pinned and I can get the trees I just got a free item you little Lumberjack but this is insane you look like a lumber no wait oh I'm out of the map I'm out of the map so I can hit trees in one shot that's perfect and I get more materials at the start of waves so I have 51 materials right now let me hit go 61. and if you want compounds oh like interest rates yeah wait no you can't say it interesting sorry I'm sorry I'm just freezing everything like Ripple's career wow oh [ __ ] it is December I'll get it I'm sorry okay please subscribe to me please [Laughter] you can't catch me Strays like that five seconds that wasn't a stray dude that was able to directly that's a directory chance or attack speed this is a rate so it does 400 percent range damage 43 damage every time I get a ranged point it gives it four more damage right projectiles explode on hit your bullets explode with colors so I should have got the exploding one you should have I thought you did you really should have did it what's wrong with you oh attack speed crit chance and range since I'm not afraid of dying on Wave seven I'm gonna lock this and keep compounding my Compounders [Music] oh look at you got nice Stones oh look at it it's so colorful it's not okay that's not okay dude you are so broken wait if I increase explosive size wait didn't it might just cover the map pull that cover the map this mod is sick right you gotta let me know down in the comments first of all hit the like button if it's modest save the second thing give us more brotato mod ideas like I didn't think this could be done but you know Dan pulled through and he's dabbing you know damn the Dabber you know I mean that's what I always say about Dan teleport oh I'll come so we're at 4 10. let's see where we're at 490. we just got 80. oh and we freeze those things whenever they can hit those big giant things and if they ever do get close oh no are you keep me out I'm gonna go get ttg's five dollars I'll be right back okay what wait no tell oh no he's gonna go slow are you kidding me look at him up there just chilling he's just like hey guys can somebody get money Pockets 706 doll hair in crit chance more crit chance I have 14 crit chance okay I bought the explosive damage right that increased this to 56 it was 43. oh yeah the sword you can only have one item what's wrong with you are you stupid are you dumb this is wave nine um wave nine is the best wave in what I have news what's the good news right he was almost done with wave nine what oh and and he went the lucky character and he already has the Vigilante Ring Road so he's scaling his damage that sounds nice bro can you go over there and just yell loudly in his ear to distract him so he loses yeah I got this I'll be right literally only ever play okay so it's not that fair he said ow thanks you want me to do it too I can do the study yeah so yeah so wave nine is the best wave in the game it sends like all these weak enemies you get a billion dollars like I'm already at a thousand dollars which equals a billion not sure that your math makes sense wait it depends on you know the the conversion rate to other countries look at Canada it's like a billion that's a good point actually I take it all forward now okay Canadians don't exist that is true if you're Canadian say you don't exist sorry say you don't know right now yeah you won't let them down boys but here's the deal I might have to spend some money at the beginning before next round because the next round is a mini boss oh yeah by the poisonous damage three times four hundred percent is what 50 billion damage right yeah good Mass got it good oh damage abilities enemies fear your that's a good fear that's a really good one bigger what oh you have to find out okay wave no it's wave 12. I can spend one more wave on increasing my Compounders roll one more time one more time people stop spending all this money 1600 goes to 2 000. no 21. oh I got another ability wait so what are they fearing 21-19 oh that's your arms ability hold on I'm gonna press it ready I'm pressing it oh he runs away they fear your word that's so broken bro are you kidding me bro yeah my bro dude Dan made this mod he's my dad probably what do you guys think yeah I would agree with that damn explosion size oh I'll get it get it and then we roll again Biffle who hurt you you so that's gonna make the Power Stone bigger okay so we're fighting an elite now on Wave 12. should I get more attack speed no I don't need more attack speed sounds what do you need I think you need to re-roll okay I'll get more life still I got seven life still now it puts it to nine so I have nine percent foot you know let me know I agree with that now does the fear that's the mini boss does the fear work on the mini boss okay here we go I'm gonna try it out it doesn't it doesn't it okay good good good good good I mean what do you mean are you working oh look at these explosions yeah the explosions are definitely huge yeah I said that first time oh I'm taking damage oh you're gonna die you die then you'll be dead I guess that's a good point no that's actually am I helpful no oh fear oh I'm taking a damage I'm taking down I need to kill this boss I have 20 seconds to kill this boss I don't know oh no oh no I'm taking damage I'm taking damage will this boss die already please how do you not do enough damage I don't know so that gives me like a red item I'm pretty sure oh melee damage minus range that's good that's a lot of HP I'm gonna get that at the armor engineer oh minus lifestyle that's six armor that's a lot of armor you almost died that one time oh melee range and harvesting minus Elemental damage which I don't care about no you need Elemental for what element Stone okay level 14 is the next difficult one we gotta go yeah I believe in you I believe in you I don't believe in you anymore who hurt you what okay just started well because he struggled on that boss even with the Infinity Stones what do you want but then I just bought a red thing and I got another red thing that's true okay he is kind of slapping though he's kind of slapping right now and I don't even have the other Infinity Stones so his wrist is off the charts right now I don't know I'm scared I don't I didn't like that what I didn't like you know what I'm gonna scare everything before you have to yell whenever do this what why did you yell is that your scared string it's just scream dude what do you mean these are actually your people I just want you guys to know that don't don't scare again guys my throat kind of hurts plus 10 enemies but five percent more lifesteal oh that's super good wait oh yeah that's good because you explosions I'm gonna get okay we're at 3 000 doll hairs because of my my pick my bank don't use the art anymore please who do you think hurt you I'm being disrespect it was us us what do you got a mouse in your pocket yeah you got a mouse in our pockets nope what's wrong with you I think Bill's losing his mind I think it's gone dude you don't have to keep doing it man wait stop dedicated something is critting for 300 damage yeah what is that wait no it's yellow look at all these scared things up here they're like me it's the Yellowstone [Laughter] but attack speed already got a billion attack speed yeah all right more range damage this is range damage 88 range damage life steal of 20 turn your enemies into trees I like this one reroll wait re-roll shut off Austin more luck so more luck equals more items from the trees and I can get unlimited trees more luck okay do you just win what if we re-roll is that worth it plus 20 luck one for every room yeah I'm saying it's probably what they say I'm gonna get I'm gonna get six damage so on this character damage is doubled so this will give me 12. I'm currently at negative 10 that'll put me at 2. quick math scared sausage hold on I want to see the one get turned into a tree yeah how do you do that wait how do I do that I think one of your things has to hit them but your other ones are exploding though I'm shooting them but nothing's turning into trees yeah look at the trees it must be a chance yeah okay so the the what stone is it the reality Stone it has a chance whenever you shoot it oh that is so cool look at all the trees I'm hearing like a weird like sound is that every time a tree spawns probably that is but I'm not getting any more items on the ground but all these little pouches they heal you feel pretty good it's pretty low like still more enemies dude I think we win I don't know I think I think we're the best I just need one more Stone right I think you're on yeah if math is math you know yeah that's not really what we do here yeah dude they got this kind of broken huh kind of it's a bit not man it's pretty pretty normal you're turning people into trees am I are you some Lorax the items are just spawning now oh you're gonna get free items how fast do you think I'm gonna kill this final boss I think it might just get deleted I mean if it turns into a tree you know what what are you doing I didn't even think is there a chance to do oh my god I didn't even think about that I think it turns into a tree I'm at 88 crit okay I'm gonna die all right one more emoji potato oh that just gives you anything that's just good wait just get it I'm gonna lock that well we're gonna go back to the three thousand no just re-roll re-roll no oh here's a mini pause look wait where did he go so he mutated all right he's dead gone anybody seen the mini boss yeah we're the mini boss guys can somebody go spy on grind really quick and just you know it's your turn wait I got it whatever you decide whenever you go in there tell him I'm on Wave like 14. okay I'll tell him tell me I had to start over yeah tell him that why'd you turn into a I don't know press R real quick okay look at all the items I'm getting oh wait you're literally the reality stone is actually broken yeah yes I mean it is the reality Stone spider 12 damage for every unique weapon you have five percent increase attack speed take take take okay my attack speed is 197. 220. okay I got another one okay I'll take it oh my bro oh let's do armor I'll take it burning spray okay time to stop what's your information he just finished wave 17 you're literally uh tied oh you're right but I told you you're on Wave 13 so he's uh very he thinks he's winning yeah I'm gonna get I'm gonna get more speed so I can get faster okay let's buy the potato uh roll buy the item I should have bought it earlier why didn't you tell me to do that that's right sorry sorry get that one thing that does the thing got it I don't know I need to find that last infinity stone too yeah what are you Thanos come on hurry up maybe Is It soul Stone oh that's the power is it the Soul Stone I think it's the soul stuff yeah you're missing the Soul Stone that's the best one for me to get that I'm gonna have to kill one of you in this call no no all right the whole thing is okay all right now I don't wanna let's don't you guys are gonna survive until the end of time if that's the case what it turned into like an awkward brotato podcast what happened yeah with airports right it's crazy like what's with airport food 32. ability kill all your enemies can't uh buy it wait are you saying that you're able to snap the full Gauntlet boys and we have three rounds oh projectiles gained one bounce but minus 35 damage that's pretty good though because they bounce wait which means more trees more explosions 20 luck the sword wave Knight yo I got another ability okay here we go once we get a lot of people I'll press it look they're literally bouncing everybody spell something Earth okay I'm gonna use my ability since I literally can't see because of bouncing ready oh you can't tell you're literally does this work on the final boss though oh more Health whenever I have uh more materials and I have a lot of materials and you have a lot of padding got him 15 Harvest uh don't want that does that mean free roll 60 range okay I'll take that thank you plus 10 20 damage I'll take that I'm gonna get a potato I should probably save some of my money because my money equals my health right why because my money equals my health all right get the crown because okay so now that I have the entire gauntlet it combines into a final ability okay wait what let's see if this works boys gonna win hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let's do it do it boom oh look hold on um I'm gonna press it I'm pressing it oh oh wait what you just do that is way too final um I just killed the end boss that was insane uh let's go yell at grind you wanna yellow yeah let's do it yeah hey Greg you lose loser you just win as well yeah that one first guys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I'm better than the grind grinds bad got him next at it oh
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,901,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V8hbNPvilpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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