I Built a Nightmare Factory That Manufactures Only Chaos - Chocolate Factory

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're checking out Chocolate Factory today director of this game thank you for a key and an early look at it and also this video is sponsored by World of Tanks but more on that in a little bit but enough talk new game okay here we are in the wild world of candy place and the game's already trying to give me pointers e to close thank you but while we're looking in this space it looks like we have one item currently a good old pickaxe possibly also made out of chocolate yes thank you Game press G to open the tech tree I see that I don't need the help right now so looks like we have a lovely world here full of candy Creations yes thank you Game I know you know stuff like lollipops and what looks to be kind of like gummy candy and oh boy is it oh so colorful yes I know thank you and the land is just covered with surprises like look at that over there candy corn trees I love candy corn okay fine I'll press G to open the tech tree will it get you to stop okay here's the Glorious Tech Tree which it looks like now we have access to two things one we've got sugar crystals excellent and the another chocolate Rock hey and look there's a chocolate Rock right now why do I have to mine this why can't I just put my mouth on it or hey why not both why not put my mouth at the bottom of the screen right here and just let it run all into my face okay so that's the glory of chocolate clay oh and what's this over here is this ghost candy I bet it is oh right it's sugar yeah definitely sugar crystals and not blue meth okay good now we have plenty of sugar crystals that look like we could stab someone with them right next to our steaks no wait chocolate it's chocolate and my God am I excited to just do so much with all this candy I mean If This Were Real I bet everything is edible I bet this tastes like cotton candy and I bet this tastes like cocoa and those are those mint things everybody hates but I love them not to mention this a river of piss gosh I'm just so hungry now oh my goodness and what's this a citizen of candy place hello hi I come in peace can we share snacks together uh wait what are you doing ow stop trying to hit me oh my God don't make me do this this is not what I was expecting from this experience I just wanted to No I don't want look at the tech tree right now stop bringing this thing up oh God I'm so sorry well he's dead all right oh I can't even search his body or eat his face well that'll teach you we could have just been friends hey what was that why that must be World of Tanks the sponsor of this video World of Tanks is a free-to-play online Extravaganza that anybody can play just ask the 100 million players that are already riding and firing sweet tanks right now seriously World of Tanks is available on all of these platforms but I'm mostly here to talk to you about the PC version which you can download right now through my linky in the description World of Tanks features massive battles across 40 different battle arenas and features an absolutely ridiculous 800 different tanks to play with and there's a nice dose of historical accuracy and inspiration which means authentic models and vehicle characteristics as you command your tank which you can also modify an upgrade of course and if you use the invite code combat whether you're a new player or you already play you can get some free goodies new players get access to the Cromwell B tier 6 tank 250,000 credits and 7 Days premium access not to mention three rental tanks for 10 battles each which are these three tanks here and if you already play you get access to 3 days premium access and a 7-Day rental of this tank with a crew trained to 100% for 10 battles or a 100,000 credit compensation if you already have this one and you get the 2D style bargain camouflage so if this sounds good to you check out my link in the description and fire up some World of Tanks for free today oh I don't know if it's obvious by the way but this is a factory building game which means it's time to build our first thing the chocolate crafting table wait hold that thought I don't have eight chocolate rocks but I will I guess what I got earlier was chocolate clay how stupid of me to get the two mixed up oh my God I can't keep staring at this stuff how is anyone supposed to maintain their fit gamer bod when there's all these delicious sweets around I'm assuming the story of this game is our character was just like drop me off on this plan it I'll figure it out oh wait I think this is what I'm looking for yeah a chocolate Rock deposit now we've done it technology chocolate Rock complete look at it glistening all that Sumptuous chocolate going to waste right into the ground okay now it's time to build a crafting table with my chocolate gummy price gun let's put it right here next to what could be a Twizzler or possibly bone marrow and place well there it is my sacrificial chocolate altar oh my goodness look at all the things we can craft chocolate bars chocolate plates game I know I know what do you want from me what do you want from me here you want me to just go to the tech tree right now fine show me what else I need okay the first things are a power box your main electricity Hub not to mention a cotton candy generator finally it's all coming together no not you you're not invited go away okay here we are there's those three things we talked about easy if we click this we just magically get one or I can just hold down the button and really just get some chocolate going here M and while we're here we'll make some chocolate plates as well as some cocaine dut holes and some sugar drawer handles and now we're plenty equipped to make this power box TAA what a be I think I like that not only is this beautiful chocolate but now you can skip actually texturing it everybody wins not really sure what that up arrow is for I thought maybe there was something I could push on cuz this thing is a different color nope guess not it must just be to let us know that electricity goes in here and now let's make our cotton candy generator let's see how stupidly am I allowed to place this I mean being able to place it up appear like this is kind of dumb and I do appreciate how far your reach is look at that I can place it all the way over there oh I have an idea how about we place it right on top of this candy pile yes that's probably going to be future proof and I'll tell you why because if you walk close enough to this it says this build a cable machine on top to mine can't wait for that step to come up and see how this goes and now let's add those power poles or wait hold on we have something else we have to do hey you stop all this I know it's just a gingerbread guy but why does it feel so visceral when I punch him in the face and then it makes this horrible noise when I finish him off like all this gingerbread bashing is going to take a toll on my soul anyway where were we all right power poles and it looks like these work just like you think they would put down a thing and it connects things to the chocolate thing and I'm going to assume I can just make a bunch of these right and just make everything horrible and gross looking and the answer is yes yes you can go ahead and let your imagination run wild so long as your imagination craves not aesthetically pleasing things I also don't think I have any control over where the power lines connect but it looks like something is connecting here as well as connecting to our thingy over here and now to get this thing to produce some power which in order to do that we need to feed it some cotton candy which means I have to make it first here it is over in the build menu just going to take two of these blue sugar crystal thingies and after we've done that we have B loads of cotton candy to shove into my face and by that I mean put cotton candy into the engine okay now it's producing 2,000 power and consuming zero is it sugar too I'm an American Just Produce it into all my food here let's do a little test we've got our chocolate rocks here and soon we'll be done with the days where we come up to it and just start smacking it a bunch instead of doing all that it's time to automate so we're going to build one of these things a tier one extractor can extract resources from ore deposits such as chocolate and sugar I'm going to start using these terms when I eat donuts I'm just extracting resources oh and this machine knows what it wants if you get close enough it just snaps right to it here you go taada there we go our beautiful chocolate extractor with all kinds of weird stuff coming off it I shouldn't say that I don't know how this science works okay where's my chocolate it says it's producing one every 1 second oh there it is that's said I'm pretty sure this thing Taps out at 100 well we're about to find out yep there it goes the whole machine stopped well to accompany that we're going to make a smelter which we'll go ahead and place right in here among all the power poles there we go it looks perfect it's honestly almost camouflaged but in order to get things from here all the way over to the smelter we're going to use my favorite thing of all time conveyor belt okay let's see how does this work I'm assuming it'll just clip on right yep there it goes and now we can just drag it anywhere we want and this is going to go probably about as well as you think it's going to go look at that luscious chocolate conveyor belt with these weird ripples that I assume push things forward yep there it goes now M so glisteny okay now we need to do some tests obviously for one we need to see how much of this we can do and this game doesn't care about clipping at all excellent just what we like to see and it looks like if we tap control we can change the okay good we know how much we love this stuff it definitely wants to snap to stuff it can't use though but if we're careful we can still make a gigantic mess and with our amazing reach oh my goodness so much I can do while barely moving and before you know it this looks something like this now I know I could have gone a lot more nuts than this but I wanted to Pace ourselves it is our first building after all and I didn't want to make the journey too long for this stuff I mean I did but I tried to hold back so here's one thing I noticed about the conveyor belts in this game that I'm not used to when it comes to the verticality of a belt and if it twists and stuff this game seems to care a lot less which pleases me greatly there's nothing I like to see more than semi- impossible climbing to the sky like look at this one it's basically completely straight down before doing a little twisty thing Cris crossing over other crap heading down that way and then heading back up anyway just as exciting as we're about to connect this thing up to the smelter and because it's chocolate rocks going in we're going to tell it to make chocolate bars and what a grand sight it is to see everything moving oh except for this electricity is down I feel like I just refilled this thing here have some more cotton candy and stop being so needy actually no better time than now to put some extractors on top of these sugar crystals overlapping with another structure will Color Me surprised I didn't think you would care okay let's move this temporarily and then now place the extractor and then to my total amazement I actually can't get it to place it on this well that's fine since we have amazing reach instead I'll just put it let's see there we go yeah that seems good yes all the way out there but I don't want this thing to ruin my view so let's go ahead and hide it you know behind all of these poles yes there we go much better we'll never know it's there and then of course we're going to need this thing here to pull the sugar and then progressively turn it into cotton candy to shove back in that thing so first we're going to put down a smelter and what the hey let's go ahead and put it in this River of Gatorade lemon lime Gatorade and now that that's in position let's go ahead and put down something called a crafter but for that we're going to need something called sugar cable sure looks a lot like regular water wi but whatever easy enough to make though basically it starts with this blue meth and then turns into a dnut hole then turns into sugar wire then turns into sugar cable couldn't be more simple and let's see let's take this and we'll go ahead and put it all the way up there excellent and of course it's time for the fun part called connecting everything to conveyor belts so that goes in there and then all we need to do is Wade through all this Sumptuous goodness see just got to place it right there okay and then allow this to run under the water before heading all the way over to this thing Bob and then over here at the crafter we're going to set this to make cotton candy and then send it over Yonder to our cotton candy power plant ah jeez where is it wow I think I've gone the wrong way I don't remember delicious Jell-O molds ah well I'm sure we'll find it eventually at least this gives us a chance to see the sights and oh my God what is that marshmallow is that you oh hey actually I think that's the way we're supposed to go thanks for the extra help little guy oh there it is silly me I went completely out of the way and finally connected so really at this point as soon as I put this in everything should start working okay let's go see if that's true well this is certainly promising our wild sugar crystals are on their way slowly making their way to the crafter and forcing their way into a slot they don't really fit in meanwhile this dude just creeps in the background I get it buddy I'd want to eat it too either way in comes the crystals and out comes actual sugar oh wow that's not at all what I thought it was going to look like I'm sure it's just candy that goes on down here and has itself a nice bath M that's okay it comes out the other and totally sanitized and then it rolls right here into the crafter and it's kind of hard to see cuz I shove the conveyor belt into the ground but there's more processed chunks coming out M delicious cotton candy anyway they take a fun Journey where they can Overlook the Glorious Coastline while they make their way into a different biome winding around new and exciting suets some of which are just outright horrifying I'd still eat it and eventually it finds its way over to the generator which in turn Powers all of our stuff couldn't be more simple and now back over to this thing where we're going to take this conveyor belt and come on there we go and same deal we're going to run this thing around and you know the drill and then add a crafter right through the belt because why not and connect the whole thing together oh my God all this chocolate I can't deal and you start making plates and by producing these in the crafter we've unlocked this beauty the chocolate bar weapon oh my God look at this thing why does it have this brick texture on it you know what I don't know why I care I'm just going to use it on the local inhabitants hello oh God I'm sorry I did that I'm just kidding I'm not sorry oh oh well it's a shame I can't just eat you now cuz I absolutely would eyes face and teeth it would all be inside me well it sure felt good to get my blood lust out anyway we got some new goals here like building Splitters which fine but what I really want are base foundations and these base walls but also what is this a farm corn well let's get going I guess but we got to take care of our production line first we're already making chocolate plates and cotton candy but we'll also set up some stuff for sugar wire and sugar cables what a weird bunch of things I just said but but in order to set up those two things we need access to the sugar which at the moment is feeding into this machine which is busy making piles of yellow snow so we really need the Splitters first which aren't unlocked yet and in order to do that we need to unlock chocolate bricks which in order to do that requires us extracting chocolate clay no problem it's that stuff we mind at the beginning of the game here we go here's one right here let's make sure though yep chocolate clay that's the good stuff all right extractor get on there excuse me no looking no touchy wait what am I doing I've got this thing you stop that right now feel free to looky at the ground yes yes let the evidence sink into the grass and we're going to need to feed this into a smelter which God I wish I could just put it up here come on game can I have this please maybe I just need to be up higher looking down okay now I'm up above let's see if I take this thing and hold on come on come on all right now that's what I'm talking about that's the reality I wanted thank you now I'm Oho happy with what we can do and can't forget to run all the way up here and set this thing to make some chocolate bricks okay and now the all these machines are running sending these glistening pieces of chocolate clay into that machine and sending us these Sumptuous chocolate bricks it's time to unlock the splitter now we can take these sugar crystals here and split them off and use them to build the other things we were talking about actually before we do that I just noticed we have some new fun things like foundations and stairs and walls and stuff hang on a second now I'm curious oh I guess I can't just put down stairs on their own but if I put a foundation down first which appears to have actual red bricks or maybe they're candy or something with a nice glistening Center I bet it's really comfortable to walk on anyway it looks like now I can put stairs in front of it as well as on top of it what a be let's see how can I go higher than this my first thought is to take another Foundation piece place it here in front then maybe put another one up above but it doesn't seem to want to let me do that maybe what I need is one of these fancy walls first and then maybe I oh wow that is a really fancy wall these aren't even the same height now but it does appear to be letting me use a ceiling tile so good enough for me I don't care if there's a gap in fact I almost like that better for that bespoke irregular look excellent I can put stairs on these and once again it's looking real good everything lining up perfectly and then we can put another wall and then put a ceiling tile again I'm sure you can see where this is going besides visual Perfection let's see how high this can go which is apparently about this High wow it really just keeps going doesn't it and as you can see I started to build some basic infrastructure cuz I thought I needed to by way of these very fashionable columns and then I realized I don't have to do that you can just build into the sky not that these columns wouldn't have been a good idea although I did realize a bit of a problem with these on the plus side these columns can be built right into this chocolate ocean however there is a bit of a downside there's an invisible wall right here and if we Crouch now we can see why thank goodness for how shallow this is that does mean however as we look around the world there is like a definite cut off to where we can and can't go like this gummy Island over here is just out of our reach then I thought maybe I need this thing to get over there the parag lighter but that means we got to unlock this farm and then unlock corn and then cornmeal and then corn syrup and then this lollipop followed by this reinforced chocolate plate until we can finally get to the paraglider and that might work but do you know what else Works our giant staircase here allow me to show you ignore all of these columns they don't need to be there but I'm still not going to remove them that's a bunch of History I don't want to delete okay so I've been running up this a little while and you can tell because if we look down here's the entire Island what a beautiful world of treats and sweets so let's keep going okay so here we are at the very top of how far I've built and we're not like all the way to the edge but as you can see we're past where the columns can go which of course means it's time to keep going okay so I've been building these stairways for God knows how long and I'm starting to think there is indeed No Limit look how far away everything is this is the land mass of the whole game outside of that it's just clear blue ocean with its perfect waffle texturing well now I have to know what happens when we jump off let's find out well I can tell you one thing our view distance is limited it's not even loading in the rest of the stairs also if we're here making like a fun fancy Candy Land why am I dressed like a biker okay we're about to hit the chocolate let's see what happens you know I don't know what I was expecting and then we slowly keep falling enjoying the underside of these land masses okay well now we know let's go ahead and use this unstuck option to get out of here oh or it could do nothing at all well that's okay after all this has never gone badly before well there go my hands well now I wish I had that glider okay we're back let's not try that again I had to load an earlier save just to get us out of there needless to say we can go very very far anyway let's move on to making this Farm thing Farm different crops okay so here's our farm still don't understand what it means to have one especially one that looks like a chocolate microscope what are my options tell me and right now all we have is this corn okay produce my God it really is just producing corn how is this even possible all right hang on now I got some questions let's pick this thing up off the ground and instead I climb up somewhere really high like right here should probably do can I build the farm somewhere up here the answer is a glorious yes and once I go ahead and we're fine can't forget to get power up there well that was easy and now I have to wonder if this thing is still going to deliver to us amazing delicious corn huh well that'll teach me I guess to doubt the farming process okay hang on as unbelievable as this is you could argue that in the game's logic this candy tree is something that you could farm from What If instead I build a farm on a foundation and then remove the foundation parts so now the whole thing is just floating will this result in amazing corn oh okay I see it's just good oldfashioned magic at least we got to the bottom of that and at least now we have all this corn well that's all good enough for me we've added amazing lines of corn to our Factory I challenge you to name a better combination than mystical corn on the cob with giant Boulders of glistening chocolate m M and now to set up another crafter which I sure would like to place on the top of this cupcake okay and now that I'm up here besides wishing I had M&M's that were life-size that I could both eat and use as a body pillow let's go ahead and build a crafter which it's going to let me do while I'm inside it apparently works for me now all we need to do is connect the corn right to it yep there it goes oh boy and we're going to take that corn and turn it into cornmeal and we'll just run this down the other side where if we stare down wanted this thing long enough we should see some cornmeal oh delicious my beautiful cornmeal and now it's time to take those Sumptuous offerings and run them through oh yeah okay get in there yes perfect give my cornmeal a little glazing on the way through and we're going to build our next thing around all of these gingerbread monuments there we go it fits right in and we're going to set this one to make corn syrup is it really going to look like that do you think I guess we're about to find out oh wow it really is it's like disgusting reality just smashed Us in the face you know that bright red cupcake in the background's taking on a different light now whatever we're going to find a way to love it all the same after all why have all this other stuff when obviously we could just manufacture these cheap cheap bottles look at our gingerbread guy it's like he's vomiting them out right now which in the spirit of change we're going to run it over into yet another biome in fact I wonder if we can put our next Factory piece in the middle of this jell thing H let's see it doesn't really want to but let's see maybe I can just shove myself in here and then put it in oh we can bounce off of it cuz of course we can but I bet if we bounce off at a certain way maybe oh there we go okay I do believe we're inside of it now how exciting we better make this work we can't embarrass ourselves in front of the corn syrup and it looks like yes now we can build it in here and before I leave I should probably connect it to and this thing's going to be making lollipops ah God it takes two things well first we have to see if we can get out of this thing come on let me out let me out let me out there we go did it and we're free and as expected our Factory looks absolutely amazing actually I really do like that except for these bottles optical illusion ruined that's okay corn syrup I forgive you anyway the other thing we need is sugar which is around here somewhere oh yeah here we go I remember it now well obviously we need to wait until after it's soaked and somewhere after that is where we're going to put a splitter and now it's time to run this all the way back okay and you get in there too I I hope can you get in there okay there we go in you go ooh this one maintains the illusion and look out goes the lollipop absolutely breathtaking oh the magic that only corn syrup can bring us okay we're almost to the paraglider we just need to make these reinforced chocolate plates wait a minute what the hell is this lollipop weapon hold to unlock tell me more oh I see well let's go test it out hey there little guy how would you like to face my blade yep feels good doesn't it well glad we have that I guess okay we're almost there we just need to put down one more machine to make one more thing which I've gone ahead and put at the top of this like mering thing and got to just connect one other thing since we can't really make the reinforced plates without these and here's the reinforced ones wow they're just so dark chocolate like how scrumptious whatever we have all the supplies we need now it's time to unlock the parag glider at last okay let's see how this works I believe if we just jump we can deploy with space bar yep great first test okay let's try that again spacebar oh boy there we ah my goodness that was so fast well we saw it for a split second that means it's ready for prime time which means running all the way to the top again now we're ready to go okay let's try it yep we're hand gliding now and it's a fun Little J where we get to look at all of this but uh-oh problem looks like we're stuck on the invisible walls let's see what happens when we glide into the surface oh we're okay and if we look under the surface it looks like we're on the other side of the barrier oh and it's nice to see that eternity down there has grass I'm going to call that eternity's chest hair wait can I just put a platform down right here and then maybe try to put stairs yeah leading down perfect okay now we're getting somewhere now let's see if we can get around these invisible walls and over to that underworld well the good news is just like building stairs up I can keep building stairs down here's what we're going for by the way we can actually build stuff over to our left as well but there's one caveat to that the invisible wall is right here so part of this is we're kind of charting the space as an example the stairs down here we can walk on but it also means that right here might be where the invisible wall starts but then I realized if you take a step to the right suddenly the invisible wall is clear and now we can build back up yeah take that invisible wall and build this all the way to the top and add a foundation right here okay we're one step closer to understanding how this works and if we climb all the way up here we still hit another barrier so give me a second I'm going to dig around and see if I can figure it out oh hi let me show you what I've been doing for the last several hours so as mentioned before if we kind of Shuffle over to the left we hit an invisible wall so we get around that by going all the way to the bottom here where I put a wall to make sure I don't just run off the edge which would have been so easy for me to do and then we can freely walk across all of these stairways and then we hop onto these platforms and we do a little bit of running all the way down to these other platforms I've made which is where we run into another issue another invisible wall and it was hard to figure out how to go around this one but I figured it out we just go down even farther and after making our way really far down here where there's currently an invisible wall between these two stairs eventually goes away and then we can head back up a what a Brisk climb up these chocolate stairs all the while we're hearing this noise yeah okay now we're successfully on the other side of the barrier and now it's time for another stair climb because now we're finding our way closer to the surface and now here we have two options we can either go over here where I've laid down some foundations that stretch about as far as the entire land mass or if we want to head back to the surface that's what these stairs are for just go through all the weird grass as close to this texture as we can then we duck and really shove ourselves in there and then we can just pop out the other side TAA we're back in Civilization I'm going to celebrate with your death feels good and if we want to go back down there it's super easy we just head back to our stairway that takes us to the heavens run all the way to the top look off the side see that right there that's our Target and now all we need to do is handang Glide over to it getting closer and just patiently Glide our way into a landing afterwards all we have to do is turn around walk deeper into the moat and begin the whole process all over again couldn't be more more simple and then while we're here underneath the world there's all kinds of unnatural wonders we can look at I guess these are technically like the roots of the gummy Mountain stuff but then we've also got interesting stuff like this mysterious structures and more than that we can actually build stairways to go up there and see what they are so let's head on up there and take a look hello hello oh it just leads to more stuff I guess still pretty neat though but I also have another question about something we can do down here can we build machines well that seems like a yes so far this is a Farm by the way I know they all kind of just look like science chocolate chocolate science and I'm going to assume I can find a way to get some power PS connected yeah there you go like that and then we'll just use these Foundation pieces to build a little bit further down yep that did the trick power PES are within our grasp now good yes we can totally get power down here and are we going to get delicious corn from the underworld oh space under the world you shouldn't have well I can only think of one thing this is going to result in and that's corn me I like to call this space corn cuz it's just out of this world and hey did you know this game has windmills and that they work down here in the Underworld and that you can aim them any direction and they seem to work because all of those things are true anyway you're probably wondering what happens to our amazing corn oh you know just getting processed into cornmeal just like before before getting turned into our true pride and joy Sumptuous corn syrup sure is nice to be able to ramp up production for this with so much open space around really nice to see everything running like a dream and as you can see the corn syrup is going up and up to this beautiful chandelier looking thing that's actually just a bunch of hollowed out shells of some cakes drips in everything and watch as we follow it higher we emerge from the chocolate ocean and that's where their Journey ascends to the surface but that's not the route we're going to take we have class so we're going to take these stairs and a surface awaits at which point we can really get a good look at our production line look at them just coming out of the earth and if they came out of the earth that means they must be natural and if it's natural that must mean it's a health food well I have a plan for all that corn syrup hey you come with me can't forget your friend yep follow me follow me to a little thing I've made come on come on come on don't be shy okay now follow me in here now stay put while I lock you in with a wall well I got two of them anyway I'll just go ahead and finish you off the oldfashioned way there you go anyway there's two more running around in there and now that they're nice and secure we can go on to the next stage of our plan which is feeding tons and tons of corn syrup into that room don't worry I'm sure it's good for them and don't you worry about those graphical glitches these bottles are truly a mystery oh they've gone remarkably still I guess that's it and let's see what we're left with M the perfect corn syrup infused previously living cookie prepped and ready for me to ship to every local grocery store well something tells me I know what I'll be doing hey you how would you like to join my growing business I thought you'd say yes I want to thank world to tanks again for sponsoring this video link is in the descript destion if you want to check out the game for yourself so I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,402,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, chocolate factory, chocolate factory game, chocolate factory gameplay, let's game it out factory, let's game it out factory game, lgio factory, lgio factory game, letsgameitout factory
Id: DieroEYfD9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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