My Neighbor Slashed My Tires And I Want Revenge!

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my neighbors slashed my tires and i'm about to sign them up for every mailing list i can think of what are small legal ways you have gotten back at someone that has wronged you my dad ran a concrete company a while back they had an issue over a driveway that they did for a company that was putting up a premier neighborhood anyways the company was refusing to pay so my dad parked his crappy old work truck in front of their show homes with huge sign in it saying xxxxxx concrete is suing xxx homes over shady business practices they settled out of course the next day if you really wanted to get back at them sign them up for the local chapter of the jehovah witnesses my brother did this to me it was horrible put a shortcut to shut down eggs in their stocked up folder my new butthole neighbors cut some bushes that were planted on their side of the fence off at the top of the fence leaving a bunch of excess plant matter to die hanging over on my side i retaliated by severely trimming back all of my trees that were providing shade to their ac units and windows as to heat up their house and cost them money it'll cost them hundreds over a few years maybe put glitter in their shampoo i don't care how just find a way in their cars events i hated my apartment neighbor so i applied him to every online school in america and a few texas tourism agencies this is my heck i checked out what a grad school loan would be through watch over once and they must have contracts with a bunch of online universities because i was hassled by them for about four months the best thing you can do is use the legal method your tires were fine before they impounded it after it was impounded they were slashed file a police report let your insurance know at the very least you can also contact a lawyer if you wish to either sue the towing company or the neighbors do not confront them yourself since it will probably only make them angrier if you want to go even more legal on them there may be some city ordinance that prevents them from building a fence like that contact your local zoning commission make a complaint if you have a lot of time and energy you could even join the zoning board to get it taken down depending on where you are in la this may be a fairly easy thing to do legal revenge is the best revenge i should add as always this is not legal advice and i am not a lawyer seriously contact a real lawyer if you've got a problem my best guess on the toll lot issue is that they are to some degree responsible for the carzato and that they would have a hard time convincing a judge or a mediator that the slashed tires aren't their problem at all we once shared a floor in a housing project with a young man who forever endeavored to upset and unsettle anyone and everyone with an ear shot of his apartment from screaming matches with his dealer to starting small fires in the hallway barely a night went by that we didn't see smell or somehow suffer his presence in the building after an evening which ended with a rage adult guest office kicking on every door on the floor before defecating massively in the stairwell the ladies living to our left decided to do their best to match his superlative douchery by way of a series of small advertisements posted in the pubs clubs and pool halls of our town listing his phone number and home address they ensured a steady stream of human traffic harassing him for months as i later learned they'd snipped a snap of a comely lass from the local newspaper covered her eyes and listed charges for adult services well below market prices the result was an incessant stream of calls and visitors seeking bargain bj's and discount dong teasing after a long evening of drinking many of them understandably truculent on discovering that any dong pleasing that day would have to be self inflicted not only was it a fair few months before the flow of disappointed punters dried up but the inclusion of his address led to a visit by a contingent of coppers who came looking 4-h but found a stash instead that young man went away for a while after that and when he came back he was as good as gold the tl dr noisy no good neighbor advertised as escort rumbled by the fuzz for drugs truck you lent trick killed adjective eager or quick to argue or fight aggressively defiant if they don't have a kid make sure you sign them up for baby websites that crap never ends someone did this to me a couple of years ago and i still get formula samples in the mail you'll think they'd look at when the name was signed up and think hey the kids five years old now get yourself a rotisserie chicken from your local grocery store have a nice chicken dinner maybe invite a girl over have a nice bottle of wine and watch a movie but keep the bones and the if cuts of meat then get yourself a nicely sized glass jar make sure it's a mason jar so it's airtight next put the bones and meat in the jar and add milk maybe an egg for good measure boiler your weapon now place this near an air intake in their home preferably an event if you can dry event will work fine and probably best the deal is this milk and chicken will rot in the jar crap gets ranked as your crazy uncle ed's breath after drinking the end of a jar of pickles on garlic dish night as it rots gas builds up in the jar give it a month or so and this gas gets built up to the point that it shatters the jar guess what your neighbors have got the most disgusting fluid known to man dripping eye to their home the smell won't go away for weeks it will be so bad they will probably leave this gentleman is the chicken dairy bomb about nine years ago someone convinced our elderly office manager to get lightning insurance bill to each of our six business lines at nine dollars and ninety five cents month they totally strong armed her into doing it two from what she said i called the company's 800 number at 6 pm to complain but it was after hours and all they had was a recording that they were closed i did however notice that the recording repeated forever instead of playing once and hanging up i took all six voice lines two fax lines and four cell phones and called the 800 number and let the line sit on hold every night for a week while racking up an absolute fortune for the company on their toll-free line frick those guys good luck with that considering they already slashed your tires i'm sure confronting them will go very well yeah it might not go so well do they have a nice lawn every once in a while fill a water balloon with water and a ton of bleach toss it over the fence onto the lawn dead spot that's really evil especially in my neighborhood where the whole will call you and find you if your lawn isn't nice looking i know because my mom used to over fertilize her lawn and get yellow dead spots and they would harass her about it confronting them directly sounds like a recipe for disaster however letting the democratic or republican national committee or ideally both know that they might be interested in more information put their phone number on craigslist somewhere under one of the personals expect many text messages voicemails and calls throughout the night dinkleberg one time an ex-friend borrowed 500 of course he doesn't pay me welches avoids calls emails etc so this guy always parked on the street lived in a nice part of town so in the cold winters after my buddies and i left the bar being the dd i'd take everyone for food since most of the guys needed to take a pee i'd usually take a pit stop at the welsh's house and my mates would urinate all over his car it would freeze all over his car also since i didn't think that was enough punishment we rented the exact same model and color vehicle as the welsher put his plates on the rental and would deliberately drive through intersections with red light cameras and get him ticketed afterwards we'd put his plate back on that was amazing we were careful and did this at like 3 a.m but he must have got to around 3 000 in traffic violations felt great i'm not sure if you're all complete but whole or a genius if they are people that keep a neat and pristine lawn you could always throw down the thistle seed that the birds eat you'll be feeding the birds and ruining their lawn with weeds at the same time i just sprinkle powdered milk all over their yard when the sprinklers turn on making milk and then by midday you have curdled milk you know you can make the impound lob pay for the tyres if they say they came in that way on their report your neighbors are suspects for the vandalism and the police can sort it out also turning in labor to an impound lot would require that you were blocking a fire hydrant or handicapped space no reputable towing company can legally tell you for parking on a street or in a labeled parking spot like see a commander apartment numbered spots until it has been occupied for 96 hours by you i don't know if driveways are part of the city code for illegal parking and likely they are considered fire lanes or something stupid like that but a lot of times businesses that say they will toward owners expense actually end up having to pay the fees themselves and it can only be moved to another spot not impounded maybe some rookie cop took the call and impounded it as a rookie mistake ps my source for the towing laws is a towing company in california who were unable to tow and butthole who parked in my spot at my apartment for two days they showed me the state laws regarding what can and can't be towed this was about eight months ago frick legal these people clearly don't care about the god damned law if they slashed your freaking tires gorilla glued their doors shut you evil son of a bee slightly different bit in college when we got the hundreds of credit card applications in the mail we would fill the prepaid envelopes with rocks and send them back the post office would charge them for the extra weight one time we taped one to a cinder block the mailman told use technically he wasn't supposed to take it but did anyway because he thought it was funny screw legal buy multiple chains and a couple padlocks and in the middle of the night when no one can see you put all the chains and locks on their gate so that it cannot be opened without quite a bit of effort but wear gloves just in case and put the lock on the outside of the fence wrap the chain so tight the gate can't move get the best strongest chain you can possibly find love this idea vigilante justice is a hundred times more effective than petty legal roots source i'm the goddamn batman you can buy a valve stem remover from an auto zone three or four bucks i think and with that remove the valve stems from their tires flattening them in seconds then watch as they try and try and try to air their tires but to no avail you're gonna go to a hardware store and buy nails that are long enough to puncture the wall of the tire next sneak over at night and wedge one nail at an angle behind each tire or their car wake up extra early the next morning make an amazing breakfast and be patient when they back the car out of the driveway to leave for work your ears will be filled with the angelic melody of hissing air and furious profanities enjoy your breakfast newly seasoned with the tears of your enemies oh and if you're really dedicated let the air out of the tires first then use fixer flat to refill them it's illegal in ca for any tyre place to repair a tyre that's had fixer flat used in it my dad is a reagan era republican and we got in a little tiff a few months back i donated to the democratic party using my parents address and house phone number what followed was non-stop democratic initiative phone calls and mail my permanent residence this election season was his addie cat facts that is all a hit had decided to frick with my computer as a prank in return i posted an ad on craigslist for a birthday party clown i said i was a poor college student that needed extra cash i did it for my lilly brother and his friends parties can do magic and balloon animals ten dollars hr no minimum then i put his cell number priceless if you google slash tyre's sunset hollywood this thread is right near the top of the charts which means you shouldn't do anything that will start to feud unless you're sure they don't know how to google you've just admitted to committing identity theft so if your neighbors have friends on the police force you could end up with cops tracking you down from your addict account not to mention a civil case if they're angry and rich enough and heck you don't even know for sure it was your neighbors it could have been the buttholes who towed your car and you already met the towing people so you know those guys are buttholes i'm just guessing at that because they always are in a small town you might find a nice mechanic running a truck on the side but in bigger cities the impound industry is full of scum and psychopaths who love to freak people over and then charge them exorbitant fees for it so i would approach them ask if they did this see what they say go from there or just let it go putting pebbles in the dust caps on their tyres would work wonders it lets the air out slow so if you time it right they'll have a flat while they are not at home instead of just coming out to find flat tires repeat this most people will never know it is happening because they never find the evidence it usually falls out when the cap is removed and no one knows i was told bbs are good for that you are entering the neighbor war games i was drafted when i was in my early teens in my neighborhood and reigned supreme in each battle the battle of the cars was very much like your battle of the driveway my battle plan at the time was this my dad hunted on occasion and had a large bottle of skunk essence obtain one my grandmother was diabetic and gave herself shot daily with small syringes obtain one hopefully they have a car there proud enough of that this attack will carry some sting my neighbors was a new mercedes sneak over at night and stick the syringe through the window weather strip and squirt the skunk essence all over the interior do not soak any one spot but sort of spray it all over so that they cannot detect one spot that contains the stench do this earlier in the dead of night instead of later like one instead of four to allow a good soak and maybe even dry time the odor is genuinely animal and they will likely not suspect human delivery i've helped lots of folks in the last 25 years exact the same revenge and in every case it's ruled that an animal sprayed the vent area near the windshield btw it cannot be removed understand this will total their vehicle unless they replace everything you spray carpet headliner seats jute padding headliner backing it's effing awful buy a 10 car buy a wheel clamp slash the tyres park that mother across their driveway send them a pinata filled with blood they're thinking fun times for the kids and instead they get to life scarring event no one will ever get over you want to play games i got more games than parker brothers sign them up for an ambler membership and request that all correspondents be sent to their work address now that is evil confront them then type up your story with address and pictures and put in mailbox of entire blocks so everyone knows they are butt clowns avoid putting things in mailboxes the rules regarding those have severe penalties future post some butthole driver blocked us in my daughter got sick and needed to go to the hospital but we had to wait for the tow company to remove his dang car now he won't stop harassing us slashing our tires signing us up for magazines etc what should i do just let it go man you have no proof that they slashed your tires and even if you did you have to live near these people for a long time starting a war will cost you more in the long term so go for a run play some video games or whatever it takes to de-stress and forget it yeah whenever a vehicle is blocking a driveway in an emergency situation the best thing to do is slash their tyres so you're both freaked op that's criminal damage you'll be better off calling the police and maybe start house hunting too if they're prepared to slash your tyres that's kind of a huge red flag the basis is the fact that the potential of a criminal charge is freaking terrifying for most of us the plan approach them by first apologizing and then asking if they happened to see anyone messing around with the car or if they were present when the towing service removed your vehicle i mention that the reason you are asking is for a police report you have filed then ask if it would be alright if the investigating officer came around and asked them some questions while watching them crap themselves over the potential of criminal charges you politely apologize again and then leave them to stew over what they are going to do or say part two at this point you could do a few things either involve the police probably a waste of time wait patiently for a few months and frick with them or just forget about it i vote frick with them in a month or two good luck confront them and be extremely kind apologize for parking their etc ask if they happen to see anyone slash your tyres when they say no mention how it's a shame these hologens do this sort of thing and say next thing you know someone's house may be set on fire or may get shot or stabbed on the way home and never be caught for it all while staring into their eyes without breaking contact this will scare the crap out of them and put them in a fear mode for a while also they may not freak with you again take a funnel wedge it into the rubber gasket between the car window and the door pour the milk into the funnel which will fill the inside of their door with milk you don't want to pour too much into each door because if it starts to drip out the bottom of the door they will know where the smell is coming from if you use a correct amount their car will smell like rancid milk after a few days in the heat and they will never be able to locate the source you can use other liquids but i find that milk is just the easiest and quickest to get your hands on i don't know how legal this is but if you have a dog or a neighbor who doesn't you can get access to its poop smear a little underneath their car door handle so when they go to open the door they get dog crap on their fingers it is a very unpleasant way to start the day but overall not too damaging to cause any lasting problems if you want a more illegal and damaging way a couple cups worth of sugar in their gas tank will ruin their car it will caramelize in their engine and really freak it up the good thing about this is it will take a few days for it to take effect so it will be unlikely to lead back to you finally bologna can strip paint off of cars so you can attach a piece of bologna to the back of their car in any shape you want a dong is the crowd favorite if left long enough when the belonger is peeled off they will have an image left permanently on the side sugar won't do crap to the engine it might freak up the fuel filter but that's a cheap and easy fix gas and sugar won't mix together introduce yourself and apologize for blocking them if you haven't met them there's a good chance that they had no idea it was your car or they might have said something before they had it towed there's also a good chance that someone else slashed the tyres no one wants the tension that comes along with hated neighbors and you really don't need to escalate what might have just been a misunderstanding or you could just ignore them entirely and cut every wire on the exterior of their house make them handle your butt pennies done take a friend and apologize for parking wrong and inform them about the broken tires surely they were intact when towed right right then sue the impound and make them testifying caught that the tyres were intact when you were towed false testimony is a crime in my jurisdiction so either the impound or they will get you new tires unless you can prove it you should probably just walk away otherwise things could get uglier than just a couple of slashed tires there is a gross video online of a dude slashing a tyre in the blowout breaking his arm leaving the bone exposed get a copy of that burn to dvd write a letter and educate them on the potential risks of their behavior this is what a good neighbor would do and it may actually help you with your situation you have been visited by the romantic doggo comment lovers magic so you never fall in the free zone like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: revenge, karma, how to get back at, crazy neighbor, crazy neighbor storytime, neighbors, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: nlO11dyrcr8
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Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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