What Was Your School's Most Horrifying Moment?

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what was your most horrifying moment in school mine happened on the first day of the sixth grade in ninth grade our high school track coach told us to practice sprints on the school's driveway we would start near the road and sprint its 200 meters length while we are congregated near the road and i am waiting for my turn to go a senior depends me underwear and all in front of the team all nearby traffic and the girls cross country team who unfortunately for me was running by that's when you put your hands on your hips a smile on your face and in the classier stone say hello ladies i wasn't feeling too well in math class during my freshman year of high school i asked the teacher if i could go to the restroom because it felt like i was going to hurl i get halfway to the restroom and i end up throwing up all over the hallway floor in front of a class full of students the next year in sophomore english we had to write about a memorable experience and one of the kids in my class wrote about seeing it happen from the classroom i threw up in front of it's nice to know you touched her life for a few years growing up i lived in a really small town and the elementary school middle school and high school were all in the same building when the high school kids had their homecoming spirit week the entire school participated every day of the week student would dress up in some themed outfit nerd day twin day etc the first day was pajama day i was six years old in the first grade and painfully uncool like even for a first grader admittedly i did it to myself i was the teacher's aide and a total goody two shoes also my giant bug eye glasses tinted blue which i thought was awesome only added to the list of things for which i was constantly teased but pajama day was going to change all that see i had this super sweet purple onishi complete with footies that either would really push me over the edge popularity wise people would see me in it and think man that chick is so cool purple honestly are obviously the height of fashion this may be the time to mention that i was a chronic bedwetter as a child and the thing about being a bed wetter is you're embarrassed and don't want anyone to know about it even your parents so you learn to do your own laundry really early you hide the soiled sheets clothes until you can inconspicuously wash them yourself but sometimes this leads to confusion woke up that day full of anxious excitement suited up in my pjs got on the bus and rode to school exiting the bus two girls in front of me make a comment about the stench of cat pee and that's when the panic starts to set in had i grabbed from the wrong pile of clothes forgotten to wash hurriedly i dashed to the bathroom locked myself in a stall removed the offending garment and had a sniff frick what have i done how did i not notice the overwhelming scent sooner should i try and wash in the sink that won't work no wear dryers call my mom for a change of clothes no way don't want her to be disappointed in me apparently going the whole day in pe clothes was preferable to parental judgment so i left the bathroom resolved to suck it up and tough it out and then i look around at the other students no one is wearing pajamas it is clearly not pajama day or any other day of spirit week as i got the dates wrong the entire week and there i am in my urine soaked purple onishi on a regular roll monday tl dr i wore a urine soaked purple onishi to school for an entire day the twist of it being the wrong day was what won me over growing up i was a talented saxophone player for most of middle school and high school i did a lot of traveling to compete both as an individual and with groups the summer before i started high school i competed in an individual contest at a very large state fair the finals were held in front of an audience of around 3 000 people with big jumper trends for people in the back who couldn't see that well and it was also televised by the local cbs affiliate i was kind of bummed that i didn't win but it was still fun and i got some cash out of the deal now as a band geek you know you're not going to be the most popular kid in school but i thought that since i was this superstar sax player i would at least be popular with the other band members queue up the first day of school first period is banned everyone is chatty and the freshmen are anxious about starting fresh in high school bell rings and our instructor who was in his first year as a school instructor and whom i had played with for several years around the area wheels in a tv cart and says he has a surprise for us while throwing me a giant crap eating grin he turns on the television and we see a video of me walking onto the state fair stage i start to play i was really getting into it moving and shaking baby it was kind of uncomfortable being in the room everyone looking between me blushing in my chair and me squirming around on stage but it was well received and so i thought it might score me some points all was good and then it happened the camera pans out slightly and we all see that my pants are clearly unzipped all the way down like really obviously unzipped it looked like someone intentionally unzipped them and then pulled it open as far as it would go how could i not notice that why didn't anyone tell me about that it got really quiet for a few seconds before everyone started laughing and coming up with nicknames so now i'm sitting here beat red and being mocked by the band and dreading the thought of the next four years and oh my god i hate my life i look at the screen deep into my own eyes as i give the camera man my best hot sax look hip thrust and i can't help but wonder if it would have been any less embarrassing if i hadn't been wearing boxers sounds like bullying on the teacher's part what in butthole i was a bit of a late bloomer and had my first period on the second day of high school i should also mention that it started halfway through the day and i didn't notice until i got home and had to throw away my jeans and underwear it was that bad i remember standing up in my last class to grab a paper from the kid in front of me too everyone behind me burst out laughing and i had no idea why until i got home i pretty much wanted to die how crappy i got a surprise period in high school and a complete stranger came up and discreetly told me i can't believe no one in your class told you one day when i was in high school the guy who you got sent to if you did something wrong it wasn't the principal there but i forget his title stuck his head into the classroom and asked for me all the other students went too well as i walked to the hallway because obviously i was in a lot of trouble except i wasn't in trouble somebody just wanted to tell me that my dad had died about an hour earlier well that escalated quickly sorry dude when i was eight years old i wrote the girl i liked a letter telling her that i liked her because i was shy turns out she wasn't then she shouted out to everyone that i liked her laughed at me and tore up the letter frick you joanne it's either that or the time i accidentally upset a wasp's nest i hate wasps haha that reminds me of a time when i wore boxers to swimming class when i was like six or seven the instructor asked me if i was wearing underpants as shorts and i was so serious and defending my boxers and told her no these are shorts with crickets on them in a straight face and didn't get why she didn't understand that years later i found them and they were totally red boxers with crickets all over them in elementary school we were all assigned a country to do a little speech about i was assigned thailand one of the most beautiful places in the country of course is phuket island and with a handful of pictures from the island i cut out from a book i spent at least 90 percent of this presentation talking about phuket yet i was traumatized when a minute into my speech my classmates started laughing and they laughed and they laughed and my teacher was read in the face with embarrassment and so i just kept trucking through it wasn't until just about the end that i realized that i had been pronouncing phuket as frickit the entire time as i was reading my cards this is the island of frickit frick it has many beautiful beaches i would love to go to frickit i booked it from that room in trauma tl dr frickit i learned later that the correct pronunciation is phuket phuket i'll do it live in seventh grade my class had become pretty close to our history teacher so much so that most of the class time was spent joking about current subjects and making fun of lewis and clark's dog named semenya we were that cool well one day my friend dared me to hide under our teacher's desk while she was gone and scare her when she came back thinking it was hilarious i agreed so after scaring her and having a good laugh class ended and all was good for about a week or so then came the call to the principal's office the principal sat me down asked me about the incident lectured me on the rules of gender-based harassment and let me know that i would be facing horrible consequences once the school board hears about what i had done basically telling my to at least suspect suspension but also that expulsion was easily on the line walking back to class i was devastated i had never done anything bad before and my parents were going to freak once i walked into the class i looked at my teacher and said mrs teacher it was just a joke i was only kidding to which she replied so was i then went to the principal and the whole class started laughing needless to say i learned my lesson and that teacher earned a cool place in my book after that crisis averted what's sad is that i was totally expecting the story to end in the worst way possible i went to a private religious middle school which meant that we had mandatory prayers twice a day most of my classmates and i spaced out during that time but we had to attend and play along one day in eighth grade during a ten minute stretch of silent prayer i noticed my friend eyeing an empty light socket on some wall mounted strip lighting with a metal bobby pin in his hand he looked at me as if to say should i do it to which i nodded vigorously my nod was all the permission he needed because he stuck that bobby pin right in the light socket the light socket literally exploded a jet of sparks shot out of the socket accompanied by a huge boom which echoed around the room of silent students and teachers and my friend's shirt sleeve caught fire the entire room was staring at my now crying friend with burning shirt sleeves in the black smoking light socket luckily he wasn't hurt but the image of the silent room of 100 plus kids staring at my idiot friend who had just accidentally blown up a light socket still makes me giggle first day of sixth grade new town new school they had all of the students in the middle school gather in the gym then each homeroom teacher would walk in front of them and call out their students names they called my name or almost my name stephanie for candle then again louder stephanie for cant bowl my name is steven middle school sucked i feel you name is heath and i got that at least once a year for i was in eighth grade at the time and there was this girl i had been crushing on since fifth grade i had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out so i planned for a couple days and decided that giving her a note would be the best way it was about a page long and in it i tried to articulate why i liked her and gave her my phone number i had actually mentioned that i had been crushing on her for three years i know noobish but i was a cripplingly nerdy eighth grader i passed her back to her in math class because she sat right behind me after the longest 30 seconds of my life up to that point she started laughing just a little sniggering at first because it was a sort of quiet classroom but then she went over to her friends the snickering grew louder and and more girls were now doing it soon the whole group was hysterical i just held back tears lest i further my para status for the rest of the class as soon as the bell rang i went to the bathroom on the floor below me and cried my brains out for the whole next class for some reason i went to the last class of the day which she was in the laughing continued and i was nearly the only kid in the class not talking about it i had my head down on my desk then this girl who sat with the one who i had the crush on came and dropped me a note i was confused but i stupidly thought it may be an apology or something i opened the note and it turns out that she and her friends had copied the format of my note they had another girl an external party altogether be the author of the note all the words in it seemed to make me out to be a completely abhorrent creep i threw my head back down on the table and they burst out again in that horrible laughter i was just so hurt i couldn't even cry anymore and my chest started to hurt really badly eventually the teacher came over to see what was wrong i could hardly talk so he didn't get much out of me i went home and i couldn't sleep that night i dreaded going to school for a long time after that cried myself to sleep for a few days the girl i had that crush on goes to the same college as me there is still this small awkward edge to our conversation i know your pain my parents always said the worst they could say was no they lied not my most horrifying moment when i was age about 10 in primary school a new kid started in the middle of the year every morning we had assemblies i'm not sure if they have them elsewhere in the world i live in the uk but basically they take everyone in the school and put them in a big hall for half an hour which means we're all standing packed pretty close together but the new kid must have been nervous because about 15 minutes into the assembly he started to projectile vomit over everyone around him he vomited over the people in front of him then tried to run out and vomited over a bunch of people on his way out he must have hit about 15 or 20 people the school descended into chaos everyone was trampling each other trying to get out of the room people were running around screaming covered in vomit tl dr columbine or vomit as senior class president i had to get up and give a welcome speech to the new freshman class on the first day of school unfortunately i was also sick and losing my voice at the time i get as far as hello my name is vic val when my voice loudly cracks in the most pubescent sounding way the freshmen all looked shocked and were too scared to laugh i died inside regrouped and said vic valiant and high school is full of moments like those get used to it then i continued with the speech decent safe but i still hear about it from friends pretty good save usually is better to acknowledge when i was in middle school i think maybe the seventh or sixth grade i was in orchestra class i played the violin but wasn't feeling that great that day eventually in class i realized that it was time to go the bathroom and eject my stomach into the toilet i hurriedly told my teacher i didn't feel good and ran to the bathroom to vomit i get to the bathroom and as soon as i vomit the force on my stomach made me crap myself i must have repressed what happened next because i don't remember anything after that no one made fun of me for it but having shat yourself in middle school with all your books in your classroom still no easy way out i must have gohan blacked out tapped into some unkown powers and teleported around that freaking school we had to do locker checks in seventh grade because one student had rotten lunches in their locker and there were fruit flies all over the place i was that student my entire class watched in horror as i pulled out each one of these bagged lunches that contained rotten sandwiches apples bananas etc single most disgusting smell i have ever witnessed finally i pulled out the last bag and the bottom ripped the substance inside was not recognizable as food or as anything really the slime poured out and hit the ground and the smell followed quickly i look behind me and i see this cute girl from my class run to the nearest garbage can and throw up for some reason i found that to be hilarious and i started laughing she looked pee and said i was disgusting i was red-faced for the rest of the day it was quickly forgotten i think it was the first day of fifth grade i was the new guy i was trying to learn the kids names but they were all being mean laughing and pointing at me because i was wearing a bow tie that my mom bought me i thought it was going to establish me is cool but it just got me picked on that was bad enough but getting a drink from the water fountain splashed some water on my pants and some kids started pointing at me chanting pee pants pee pants i had the last laugh though when recess time came i kept all those little bastards in the classroom and made them sit quietly while i read the newspaper and drank my coffee i'm not going to lie that took me a minute to figure out senior year in high school one of my classes was ap calc it was the week before the ap test my teacher was saying how in the last so many years every single kid had gotten a five stroke five on the test she then came up to me and said quiet but loud enough for everyone to hear are you going to pass this test because honestly i'm not so sure but that didn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence in me as a student to hear your teacher say after eight months of straight studying for one test to get college credit i ended up with a five and found the test really easy but still it wasn't that she was mad at me she was more disappointed and that was worse humiliating for all of my friends classmates to hear that in ninth grade i was taking a poop in the school bathroom i personally didn't think it was a big deal yet some ghetto kid found this extremely hilarious and stuck his ipad over the door and took a quick video of me sitting there pooping he decided to go around showing all of his friends and i got a lot of crap for it no pun intended on the crap to everyone wondering it was when the ipod nano first came out with the video camera it wasn't that long ago seeing that i am a senior in high school now i would think they were being weird for watching a video of you pooping my story involved shorts and sixth grade as well one day i got up put on my clothes for the day and went to school i slept on the bus on the way to school because i was perpetually tired as a child anyway i'm going about my day and i notice people looking at me funny it was only a matter of time but some kid yelled out daisy dukes i looked down and i was wearing a shorty short pair of my sister's shorts i was horrified i tried to sag them a little lower so they didn't look as bad but everyone already knew they called me daisy from that day forward even worse that day was picture day and even worse than that it was a full body picture with one leg up kinda like a capped morgan pose worst day of my life we're gonna need to see the photo eighth grade i liked a boy named bobby pretty sure he liked me back due to all the flirting he was doing i was standing with my friends after school and i admitted to one of them that i liked him i said it was a huge secret and please please don't tell my friend looks right at me and then over to him who was standing maybe 50 feet away and yells hey bobby oaktree three likes you what c teenage girls are he never spoke to me again a girl did that to me in ninth grade i admitted to having a crush on a guy and the moment he walked into the room she told him right there in front of me then she wondered why i didn't trust her with anything after that i switched schools going into third grade because i got into the gate program i wasn't aware that the school had uniforms and ended up going to the first day in a baggy spongebob shirt and baggy pants while everyone else was wearing a white polo and blue dockers the shirt didn't even fit me properly until the sixth grade eighth grade was my first year back in public school after three years of homeschooling i was extremely oblivious and awkward i tried my hardest to blend in and not make a spectacle of myself but i was unsuccessful i later learned that everyone knew me as big backpack girl that year was full of traumatizing incidents but i think the worst one was the day some boys put tax on my chair somehow i didn't notice they were there for a good two or three minutes but i was acutely aware that everyone in the class was laughing at me i shifted my weight or something and suddenly all the tacks were sticking me in the butt i jumped up and everyone lost it i always thought tax on a chair was something that only happened to cartoons first day of ninth grade huge new school in a homeroom full of strangers teacher has us all state our names and former school got to me i said my part and he responds with boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses f f f f f f f f f a whole sixth grade for me as well my cousin informed me how to masturbate and i spent the rest of the summer smacking that salami first friday of the school year comes around and we have catholic mass i sit next to the hottest girl in my class you could always see her bras through her white shirt they had just gotten big enough for all the guys in the class to notice she was first i had a boner before we sat down fidget with said boner all of mass when the our father prayer comes around and i held her hand i managed to get a nice feeling pushing up against the pew in front of us with the lack of blood to my brain i think it's a good idea to hump sip you we finish our prayer as i splurge the last week of future children in my pants quickly coming to my senses i run to the bathroom brilliant think on my end says just throw water on yourself and say the sink sprayed i doze myself and come back right during communion everyone sees my pee pants i turn red i cry i never live it down till i go to a different high school three years later tl dr i came during deliver us from evil and that's how exorcisms work i have two things one in kindergarten i tripped and fell while playing tag and got mud all over my clothes all up and down my pants and shirt i am not talking about a little mud it looked like someone took a paintbrush to much clothes two i was in third grade when the hit movie twister came out in theaters the tornado sirens went off once when i was in class and i was freaked out understand to a third grader who just saw that movie the thought of being killed in a tornado was a very real possibility i ended up crapping my pants in class because i got so scared and freaked out it was brutal ah hahaha you crap your pants because of twister if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: worst school moments, school, teachers, students, education, learning, high school, college, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: yWB2aCKJ-8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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