r/ProRevenge - Bad Neighbors! - Reddit Revenge Stories | Ep.5

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hey guys welcome to this episode of Reddit Pro revenge in this episode I've got some really awesome stories for you guys I hope you stay for all of them and subscribe for future videos I've also put some bloopers at the end of this video for extra entertainment purposes let's get started so I live in a quiet little town in the Midwestern United States my house is the last house at the end of a sleepy little dead-end road so this new guy moves in next door let's call him dick dick was one of those guys who was so popular in high school that he thought he had made it without doing any work and tried to spend the rest of his life living off being the cool guy he's the type of guy who drives a lifted truck and a motorcycle don't get me wrong I ride motorcycles myself what I don't do however is sit in my driveway at 2:00 a.m. and Rev my engine there's a bit of a downhill slope from the middle of the street to our house at the end and dick likes to race down this hill lock his brakes and drift into his driveway the first winter after he moved in I noticed that my mailbox had been crushed and there were fresh tire tracks in the snow leading down the street the tire tracks went over my mailbox and into his driveway a few days later I see dick standing outside and I asked him about this he denies the entire thing and says that he doesn't know what happened to my mailbox and that it must have been a delivery guy or something I figure it was no big deal and I fixed my mailbox a few months later the same thing happens again I fixed my mailbox and I moved on some time later this happens yet again this time a pretty pissed so I talked to my cousin who's a commercial welder and I had him make me a mailbox out of some scrap quarter-inch steel plate which was then mounted on the length of old railroad track for the post a little bit of glue and some cedar shingles and you'd never know that it wasn't a typical wooden mailbox also the railroad track post was sunken in concrete four feet into the ground for the next several weeks I waited with anticipation every time I heard his truck roaring down the street but nothing until about five months later when I heard his truck than a crash by this time I had forgotten about my mailbox and I thought for sure he'd struck another car I ran out onto the street to see if anyone needed help and there was this truck broadside against my mailbox all smashed up he saw me walking up and started yelling about how I tried to destroy his truck and how he'd make me pay and he called the cops a cop showed up to take his report and dick pointed out how my mailbox had been specifically designed to destroy his truck I gotta admit I got nervous at this point the cop looked around at the truck and then the construction of the mailbox and then he turned back to us and asked me if I had trouble with my mailbox before I explained how it's been smashed several times in the past year the cop said it's pretty clear what happened here this is an obvious case of a wanton destruction of property my heart sunk into the ground and dick got a smug look on his face but then the cop turns to dick and says I'm gonna issue a citation for this as well as reckless driving you should have seen dicks face at this point he was boiling with rage as the cop wrote him two tickets and told him he needed to pay for the repair of the damaged wood on my mailbox here's a bit of backstory for you guys I live in a predominantly Mormon area and I'm not a Mormon I received quite a bit of criticism from my across-the-street neighbor because of my religious differences he currently has 10 children about a month or so on trash day he told one of his kids to kick my trash can over on the street the kid did it and I witnessed everything this is not the first time he kicked my trash over and I figured it was a lost cause to go over there and ask them for some decency the same day I was reminded by a friend about how I used to have a pen pal when I was younger before I move later that night I was browsing the web looking for a pen pal when I stumbled across a cool-sounding site prison pals com I visited the site and after clicking through a few dodgy links was brought to an array of different prisoners who were looking for a pen pal after doing a bit of browsing from there I stumbled across a fellow who was on death row for first-degree murder feeling bad for this guy but not wanting to give my address out I remember the asshole across the street more out of curiosity than malice I proceeded to write a very detailed letter about how i'ma trapped securely gay Mormon man with ten kids who is looking to start an extramarital affair with a prisoner I put his address out and I hit Send I had my hilarious petty satisfaction I expected nothing to come out of this I thought he would be going through his mail see the letter not open it and toss it but boy was I wrong of course with it being a small town the guy does run a small business here where one of my acquaintances work I went in just earlier today and chatted with my acquaintances before he told me oh my god did you hear about your neighbor I said no because I hadn't and he filled me in with all the details apparently one of his neighbor's kids had brought in the mail only for his wife to find it and read the letter from the prisoner responding to the joke letter that I wrote I don't know the specifics of the letter but I do know that his wife threw a fucking fit when he arrived home and made him pack his bags my acquaintance informed me that I was not the first time my neighbour had started or tried to start an affair with another man and apparently this was the last straw for her I'm still shocked horrified and extremely amused by this predicament about six or seven months ago my neighbour got a drone I don't mind people having hobbies but for some reason he insisted on flying like the biggest jerk possible he would often hover in front of other people's houses and windows and try to race cars down the road and worst of all he had habit of flying his drone in my fenced back yard he would buzz it over my dog diving low enough just over the dog's head before circling around to do it again my dog isn't small but the drone terrified him and I was worried what would happen if it hit him I asked my neighbor several times to please not fly in my yard and explain that it was scaring my dog he basically told me to get lost and laughed in my face when it still continued I called the police unfortunately there wasn't much they could do other than ask him not to fly over my property finally late in December it happened my dog got tired of his shit and managed to catch the drone right as it was diving towards him he shredded the drone into a jumbled mess of wires and plastic my neighbor was pissed he stormed over to my house swearing and threatening me and a week later I got a summons to small claims court he wanted $900 for the cost of his drone and an additional $300 for supposedly denying him his access to his property but the drone sat in my yard for a couple of hours before it was retrieved I said fuck that he could have killed my dog I don't have kids or a girlfriend I just have my dog who's been my best friend for the past seven years that dog has moved with me three times and was there when I graduated college he also saw me buy my first house and my first new car I love my dog I went to legal advice and got some help from them it turns out that him suing me was the best thing to ever happen when we got to small claims court the judge basically laughed away his claims that I had intentionally trained my dog to attack his drone but little did he know I was prepared I had dozens of photos in my yard showing it was impossible for him to accidentally fly that low to my dog and I also had videos of him harassing my dog in the past I also saved all of my medical bills from taking my dog to the vet seven hundred dollars for an x-ray check four hundred dollars for a full dental exam with tooth cleaning and repair check another $250 to sedate him during the exam check why not I don't want him being uncomfortable then there was the cost of anti-anxiety meds and a secondary check-up and wet dog food for a week just in case my dog's teeth were hurting in the end the asshole ended owing me about almost $2,000 and now he's being investigated by the FAA for not having a registered drone and violating several FAA regulations concerning drone flight [Music] my neighbor from a couple of doors down and I had a long-running feud it all started when his dog came into my backyard and my dog attacked it I was nearby and able to call my dog off before I got serious but the other dog had a couple of bite wounds the neighbor wanted me to pay the vet bill when he threatened me with a lawsuit I offered to pay half even though I owed him nothing it was his dog that was off leash and in my yard after all he declined the offer and took me to small claims court and lost the trial lasted all of three minutes when the judge found in my favor that's set into motion of him starting to fuck with me on a regular basis my garbage cans would get knocked over every trash day he would honk his horn and flip me off as he drove by my house he even tried to get my ten-year-old son arrested for riding another neighbor's minibike he never ever called the cops on their kids just Mines it was all just stupid petty crap but it was a lot of stupid petty crap and we were growing frustrated and mildly concerned with what he might do we eventually grew tired of it and filed a restraining order against him we dropped the legal case against him when we received a letter from his lawyer stating that he would refrain from any sort of contact with my family for a period of two years things settled down at this point but I was not yet satisfied I had been staying on the high road through all of this not responding to any bullshit eree in any way I had a desire to get revenge but never acted on it then one day I hatched my plan of evil genius I was in the hardware store and noticed some Japanese beetle traps these traps are just plastic bag with a scent pack the beetles are drawn to the sense that they fall into the bag and can't get back out they also sold refill packages of the scent packs for per package my neighbor has a very large Rose Garden in his front lawn it's his pride and joy Japanese beetles love roses so I bought four packages of the refill packs I put the packs in the freezers overnight to allow me to pull out the wax easily the next morning I woke up at 3:00 a.m. I pop the wax squares out of their cups and put them into a baggie I then crept over to my neighbor's house and spread the wax squares into the mulch under his rose garden covering them from view with a bit of hardwood mulch that next day was a hot one by 11 a.m. it was north of 90 degrees Fahrenheit I figured that the wax had probably melted into the dark mulch also by 11 a.m. the Japanese beetles were starting to arrive at my neighbor's roses I went on a bike ride later in the evening and I could see a small swarm of them attacking the roses my neighbor had not yet noticed what's happening by noon the next day there was a freaking cloud of them there had to be hundreds if not thousands that afternoon I could see him spraying them and waving his arms in the air with frustration by the third day there were thousands of the beetles if not tens of thousands of the beetles they were everywhere in front of his lawn and wreaking havoc on his roses by the fourth day there was nothing left of his rose garden other than a few tattered leaves and thorny stalks those damned scent Paks must have drawn every Japanese beetle in from miles around I had never seen so many in a single place and that was it the deed was done and I was satisfied and laughing quietly to myself and I never told a soul what I did not even my wife that was a few years ago and his rose garden is fully covered now and it will stay beautiful as long as he keeps being a quiet neighbor hey guys thanks for tuning into this episode of reddit pro revenge if you guys like the video please don't hesitate to subscribe give the video a thumbs up and share the video and as promised here are the bloopers for the next several weeks I waited with anticipation areas not responding to any bullshit er e in any way bullshit er E or the fuck for the next several weeks I waited with anticipation oh fuck I can't say it but the wood camouflage had broken off [Laughter] you [Music]
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 770,014
Rating: 4.8479147 out of 5
Keywords: reddit revenge, r/prorevenge, reddit prorevenge, revenge story time, revenge storyline, reddit pro revenge, reddit revenge stories, top reddit revenge stories, stories from reddit revenge, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, best revenge, girlfriend revenge, neighbor revenge pranks, bad neighbors, r prorevenge, petty revenge, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, top reddit posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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