My Last Video with JJ

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all right me and JJ have moved out from our place I live with Talia now quick backstory so in 2014 myself Josh Vic and JJ moved into a house I'd obviously known JJ from school I'd only met Vic maybe twice I'd known Josh for about a year and a half if that so we lived there for about two years and uh while we were there we started making more and more videos as the sidemen and things just started growing from there then go forward to 2016 we move into an even bigger house which was just mental still the four of us and that kind of fully cemented itself as the sidemen house again we lived there for about two two and a half years and after that time we all decided it's time to move out move into London so me and JJ were left and we decided if we wanted to live in London we wanted to go for the most Central Point possible so what better than center point so we moved into like the 29th or 30th floor uh we were there for two years and then we moved down a few floors spending another year there until we've now moved out JJ has at this point actually moved out I invited him back and I got John to ask us all the questions that we've never really answered in front of each other do you want to intro this question just roll straight into it hard hitting questions yeah sure we could start crying we'll make out oh Berlin I'm sure they would [ __ ] love that they'll be like it's my only fans Jesus what what are the best and worst Parts about living [ __ ] it all it's just not many of the best brilliant this is gonna be fun I think it's nice having you there I think you're like a nice company having like your best mate in the flat when you yeah when you want to do something you can even though we didn't well worst thing I'm gonna say you're you're screaming you know what I'll take every time we deliver a wedge is here oh my God that was the weirdest moment of my life you know yeah so I was streaming and I I go I'm just gonna go get a drink open my door and Craig David has stood three yards away from me and I'm thinking this is so odd hello Craig hello go sit down I'm like guys I'm gonna only open two more packs in my head I'm like I really want to go say hi to Craig David oh my God worst thing because you kept having people here like when you're doing boxing training oh yeah so I'd start recording and in on the mic you just see like this and oh yeah all you hear is that okay punching that was punching again punching all right so here it is the long overdue house tour flat tour I don't live here anymore neither does KSI welcome to the flat press that magic all the lights [Music] as I said don't live here so it's a bit empty this is the main road we did a load of more sidemen videos here I mean the sofa is I reckon it's been sat on more and more sidemen videos than for fun we had a TV there behind you I mean we watched football about six times this rug you might think is ugly it came with the flat dining room this rarely got used I've actually realized now after living with JJ for three years we didn't actually hang out much we didn't eat here we didn't really hang out there this was just filled with [ __ ] I mean if you if you look in the background of some videos you'll be able to see the amount of crap on here yeah we filmed mukbangs in on that we filmed that coin game yeah we had a TV there and a TV there sometimes when there was two matches on like the World Cup the Euros we could literally watch both at the same time this is the most useless light in the world these light up very dimly prices don't even work who was the cleanest I gotta sound quiz come to my house and you'll see them yeah no I'll give you that yeah a lot of my bedroom was so much cleaner than yours you were the cleanest in shared areas okay yeah fine your room was always a mess my room was always a mess yeah every time I'll give you that yeah fine play Shadows you just I wasn't a mess I wasn't a mess you left stuff and then you just took a while to clean it up yeah a little bit sometimes yeah yeah which we're giving away on side plus JJ used it like twice I don't know where the [ __ ] put it I don't know where the [ __ ] put it and it has been here ever since Jade is gonna say I'm the messy one he just puts out of his sight and then doesn't come over here and be like yeah I don't have any mess we have the kitchen yeah I I did not cook I pretty much got deliveroo every day oven all of that I feel like I'm doing like an estate agent tour this is just cupboards this is a fridge we had a water cooler because we're bougie we don't drink tap water it's Central London it's weird tap water is gross the view at night obviously it's starting to get there it's actually insane beautiful view I'll miss it many people in their lives including very best friends don't get to be involved in each other's lives as much as you two have do you feel lucky for that yeah I'd say 100 especially if someone from school as well to just come up together and just be like laughing at all our old school mates like we're so much richer than all of you we don't do that we didn't even go to school reunion no we're like we're too [ __ ] rich and famous no that's not why I don't know why my office the rug is obviously there the bean bag is there that was obviously here ignore these I have marked the wall slightly that's fine now they peel right off it's fine it's a team this old desk this is an Ikea desk to here this is an Ikea desk I was like I'll get those make it a corner desk I am not good at handyman work I have not put them together well it's pretty basic do you think you'll see each other as often I mean yes because obviously a side man yeah but no because I don't know I think we're starting to have our own lives obviously you're going to be doing more subatalia I'm sure when Randolph has a baby Laura he's just gonna disappear because that's just what happens what that's way more important than a baby that's our baby well I guess it's gonna work in it but he'll have to like spend more time with his kid and stuff yeah like I know we're getting to that age where oh no what you're making us sound so old no no but then after that then you start hanging out more because then it's all right the kids are a bit older and then you realize how much you [ __ ] hate them so three years I was here I posted pretty much every day so that's over a thousand videos on my second channel in here that's mad got a little toilet in here it's a toilet a skid marked there's not I don't use the toilet so there wouldn't be it's nasty wait that means I leave them master bedroom it's ksi's why did you get the master bedroom because he earns a lot more money than me oh luckily this is all clean now so I don't have to risk touching anything disgusting I feel like this is normally an invasion of privacy I mean this is the famous KSI setup for such a ridiculously huge YouTuber and such a a rich man it is a terrible setup that PC is wham like that's too big this is the biggest UK YouTuber and my guy uses a g7x not plugged in he just does that and he uses the speaker as the stand and then some some Road mic that I'm I'm pretty certain that was like my old one that I was going to use for traveling it's so bizarre but I watch every video and it's fair enough they're good videos so it kind of makes sense keep the charm I guess did you ever hear me like [ __ ] because I have a problem I'm pretty loud when I orgasm I don't think I've heard yeah I don't think I could look at you the next day yeah no no I'm here I heard like oh yeah I'm like a [ __ ] demon well not like that but like I really like I really go for it okay because I feel like amplify is the orgasm as well it's like when people do the uh like hammer throw and when you let go you shout yeah yeah exactly that's it well that's exactly perfect example yeah bro guys try it for real like literally put you all into it all right and you'll be like damn this orgasm was great wait did you hear me no I never heard you okay I never I tried what ah [ __ ] old guy you're just quiet bro I told you yeah not anymore next time oh that's it but who's gonna hear you he had this view speed up look at the view seeing this every day from your bed very sick this is his toilet I would never show you this stuff if he if he still lived here because it would be really really disturbing shower bath that bath is sick although you know what I've always found jar in a bars that are like hard at the edge instead of a little bit curved it hurts your head to rest on it you need that one of them pillows or something that was the very first world problem I'm sorry and then we move on from here into this part so there's a door there which I've found kind of weird because there's like two bedrooms here so this one is my bedroom you probably recognize it from porn this is my view we have the busiest Street in London right there I had a TV here this is where I had all my like clothes and shoes and stuff had a little ensuite over here little I had an ensuite over here it's very clean now that's the box like that's still a mad bath can you show show us how you fit in the bath you're gonna say I definitely don't fit you definitely don't fit fit it's a knees up job my legs are flat yeah to be fair have you ever walked in on one another naked not not naked no I've seen you in your pants a lot yeah yeah weirdly to say this I've seen you naked but not here but no it was uh it was like that shoe in it when I was chasing it that shoot oh okay yeah your [ __ ] out yeah yeah well that's what I'm trying to get back in shape again so I can be naked just want to be naked around the homies oh come on guys hold me I think he was always awkward whenever I don't want to say her name but uh whenever I had my wine towel and I'd like leave it out by accident and then yeah she'd had to clean it yeah or take it away and I'm like yeah like I'll come back and I'm like oh it's gone [Music] I know [ __ ] the final room so this originally when we had it in the old flat which was just a few floors up we had the desk over there and then we had that as like the studio that's where all of new age was recorded then when we moved to this flat it kind of changed a bit kept the studio apart then we turned it into the podcast room hence this wall I don't know if this will still work we can try oh this is the podcast room I mean you can see by the dents on the floor we had a chair here a chair here and a chair here so everyone's knees were like touching it was so close everyone was like breathing in each other's air so when this was the studio we actually had the podcast in that corner and it was just two red curtains just put there and the cattle we just put a camera here filmed us there it was so squeezed in got this John started filming I had to sit in the corner there yeah you sat on a chair here and you had like a camera here a camera here and a camera here and you were literally like this room and the upstairs room has seen seen a lot two podcast setups we've had a KSI and Randolph album be recorded in it I've recorded all my songs which aren't many but me and Randolph recorded them all in here yeah this room's this room's seen a lot are you gonna miss each other I'm gonna miss hold my hand bro is [Laughter] no I am I'm gonna miss living with you bro yeah but I'm gonna see you again soon anyway I'm seeing you tomorrow yeah I hate saying no I hate saying I'm gonna miss living with you because it makes it sound like please can we live together again yeah which I think obviously you're happy now and yeah your place well yeah it's about time yeah and I feel like and I'm happy yeah yeah I am I swear no Charlie is like it's time for us to have a baby and marriage no but I will miss living with you all right I feel like I mean it's eight years yeah it's literally a court over a quarter of my life like that that's kind of that is quite mad and no longer have we known each other for 18 years you've known me longer than you haven't haven't known you [ __ ] that's yeah Jesus why aren't we married I offered for a video oh still see each other yeah of course yeah yeah I don't know it's sad it is yeah it's sad it's it's sad man that's the tour it's the first and only time I've shown this whole flat normally obviously I'll show you like a bit but I won't show you the view because I don't want you weirdos to know where I live but yeah me and JJ we've both moved out it's the end of care Simon uh eight years eight years we've lived together it's kind of mad but now I live Italia I don't think I could live alone that's scary thank you for all the memories in the flat and the other flat I count them as the same Flats there's it's one flat so yeah thank you for the support over the years in this flat and uh hopefully the next one's just as good if not better than a house then marriage and kids [Music] nah but for real thank you guys for watching and um yeah thank you again peace done this is like KSI has ended come on come on man I'm gonna miss you bro I'll miss you too man oh this is weird yeah done you can stop now oh wholesome oh my God cute
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 6,113,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog
Id: fdbTftTLzH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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