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as you guys know I'm old and so is my good friend Toby on the 8th of April Toby turned 30 years old I know he looks like a child still so do I I'm 30 as well over the years Toby has done a series where he buys the amount of presents for the amount of years people have been alive he bought me 28 presents he bought me 29 presents and he bought me 30 presents for turning 30. and sometimes I've returned the favor last year for my 30th he did the video and bought me a lot of amazing stuff the final present he bought me was a ticket to the World Cup finals game to see Messi play in what could be the greatest World Cup match I've ever watched in history I've already said that but you know what I mean I didn't know how to repay this but I'm doing a video right now I bought him 30 presents he's downstairs in his new studio we're gonna take the presents down and hopefully he likes some of them hi it's the present video oh my God what there's a whole audience here no one's sharing that's crazy wow your first present is a massage now from the crew no no that's not impressive no no no no tell me your jokes [Music] what do you mean I look like you're terrified okay I'll get the second present thank you oh guys oh the legs is working you know yeah I'm used to the back but the legs I'm not used to we were told we won't be here throughout the whole video let's go oh we have your second present three stripes may I yes socks I felt disgusted at holding this but you know new one yeah yeah disgusting and I had to put you know the fake mm7 that's right Mount I'm the real Eminem you guys can stop now this is you know I don't know it's nice you have a chance oh thank you all right Toby I'm gonna need to just close your eyes please they are shut okay I know you love anime what is your favorite anime Naruto probably okay the other one Attack on Titan okay the other one one punch round okay the other one 15 minutes later what's the most recent watched oh I forgot what it's called the football one yeah what's it called what's [Music] nice thanks bye all that for that all right what is your favorite one probably a Naruto wow we got you some Naruto balls [Music] another president Naruto himself oh it's hard hard that's going straight on the show yeah that's expensive as well how much well let's just say it's a lot I hope it can Shadow clone itself a thousand pounds a thousand a thousand Pounds what's that in your hand a 70 pound sticker okay yeah hopefully I can clean it Shadow clone is a narrator reference I just know that Naruto throws up gang signs yeah yeah that's it that's my brother thank you so much there you go you know now for your house you got you this might stay in the studio you know yeah yeah that means you don't want them in it no you can be honest I'm in here literally all the time I'm not in here all the time music's coming no don't look at that all right next present we're moving swiftly on because there's 30. all right now obviously we're in your studio you like making music I do so what do you need to make music on the go a laptop you can open your eyes you have a brand new laptop it's a very good laptop as well very good laptop and if you know you're bored of making music and you want to play some games you have the Rog Ally no yeah oh I wanted this who's actually playing this who has one of these JJ now yeah you put it in the mystery box oh yeah and I even loaded it up with your favorite game football manager too far [Music] so this is the Zenbook Pro 16x OLED and this is the Rog Ally so this is the Rog Ally which is 699 pounds at the website you can see on screen so it's a Windows based gaming handheld PC basically so you can play any game from any platform anytime including Steam games blizzard games you play EA games so you can play OverWatch it comes with three months free of Xbox game pass so you can get any games you want you also have the blizzards Battle app as well so you can play COD and honestly you can play anything on here among us even Among Us it has a seven inch full HD display what are you talking about oh this is the monitor display there sadly not me the AMD Z1 extreme processor and AMD Radeon graphics it has 16 gig memory and it only weighs 608 grams it has 120 hertz refresh rate and a 7 millisecond response rate as well that's fine that's very fast see if you had that you would have stopped it so as I said if you do want to check out the Rog Ally make sure you check it out in the description down below or the link on screen but anyways that is your next two presents thank you there you go they were two good presents as well it goes downhill again oh God we've come to the random section there was no real thought behind these those are the best present well I don't think you're gonna say that in a second oh God I know you like weird things so you can open your eyes this is an electric paper plane yeah but this is a lot better reaction than I thought I've never seen an electric paper has anyone else seen an electric paper plane before no you know you just got a whole new studio and the lights flashing do you want me to get your new light that's not in the present list um that is for dramatic effects oh okay yeah yeah it's like present Sunday and everything oh my God I'm gonna have fun with this okay thank you well not yet the next one again random if you know Mark isn't doing his job you can shoot him yeah yes oh oh we've done it oh yes because I'm smarter than enough bullets I'm actually tired exactly these ones like these will actually do a give them yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah including sahama each other come on man come on what's the two pack line keep on going step back and watch him kill each other okay if there's one thing you love in this world more than anything what would it be Colombian women yeah we have a Colombian yeah okay yikes they're they're AI images because you know we don't objectify women January is crazy yeah February crazy robbery looks beautiful Yeah March how much just as peaceful April birth if I see an edit of me in this way March April May May I June do you know AI yeah damn July I'm scared no I'm just you know just I just want you to experience all the present you know that's September that is a big batty gal as some people would say all right this one's over then oh great that is Josh he has Bunda at this period but there's toe it's November December oh yeah save the best for life right yeah well you know if you like these these bundas and you ever see a woman that you're like oh I love you but not the Bunda we have a voucher for one BBL oh so you know yeah so what who's giving this PBR because it says it's from you I'll give the baby up yikes what do you do just inject I don't know it's dangerous it's really really have to lift their butt yeah I said you're just gonna yeah just walk around you know what we are halfway through 2023. so my calendar starts in August which means no one only actually have one Colombian well the thing is right your birthday was also two months ago true so I'm gonna take this back so I can remember the dates because I need this so I can remember dates because clearly two months late you know what Simon you hold on to that I've seen what I needed to see summer stuff same videos right okay next all right you are a religious man a good fairing man what is your favorite book The Bible I don't know that was a trick question so give me your Bible you can look now I got you a Bible why would you put a part of this customer it's a it's a personalization you chose to put 30 years old nearly at Heaven's Gate I mean I'll take it over hell I'll take over hell but you're old now I don't want to be reminded me you're old that's just you know and speaking of the Bible what did the three wise men get gold frankincense gold frankincense admir what actual gold can tell you probably not it says real 23 karat gold there you go pure authentic Frank consensus yo that's lit yeah and they come in their own antique looking handmade wooden box designed to capture the spirit of the gifts carried by the three kings you know what you're a king Simon thank you thanks probably going to hell for this but it's fine for gold frankincense for your new shoeless so you can finally be tall look you can put that in your shoe I don't and you might be five foot foreign things that if I had myself measured at the doctors and it said five for eight so someone's lying to me the doctor thanks Simon where you go where's your your heel for the record I am completely happy with my height I know you might not be here out of the last 10 videos you've made what's your favorite video USA holiday your videos oh my God Iceland seeing the Northern Lights yeah well I want you to relive it with a projector projector for my friend so you can see all the stars that could look sick in here including your own star yeah we bought you a star oh because your consolation areas in my constellation yeah oh what's it called some chisel yeah yeah we thought you know some drizzles people will be like it's conveniently near your name whereas this one is your name yeah so there you go you have a star so it's actually called this yeah the story is actually called this yeah it's called tbj's sick I'm buying the telescope now well it's funny you mentioned that isn't it shut up shut up [Music] so I saw your reaction in the mystery box video and you're like that's sick so it was I bought it I know but I knew you were buying things that you thought were sick so there you go oh oh we haven't even got to the good presents yet what I'm kidding we've done it's okay oh my God I'm gonna fit this in my car how did you get this here John my guy come on okay I get really nervous when my eyes closed you know why I wouldn't do anything to you [Music] wow that seven inch display for your new home I figure you know you need a doormat so I've got you not a custom one a little well we were gonna get a custom one but I felt like anything I wrote was too offensive yeah you can open your eyes it says home sweet home but oh yeah so it's you know a nice little house so now every time I step into my house I'm gonna think of you yeah how nice your house is well you don't live in a house yet no you live in Mean Streets East London yeah can I use this in East London you can use this a stab proof vest you need this one that is you should try it do you have a knife you're right let's just leave this in the package there's a key there from the blue lock good anime go on try and stab him go on what your mum see yeah bro that's fine imagine this is on someone right this is on me I've just taken your Colombian woman and rattled her no you're gonna stab me here yeah I didn't even feel it I think I cut myself in the key I couldn't go a 30 year old video without making some sort of old joke so there's anti-aging cream I felt like it was an obvious rather black known crack isn't obviously I'll have it I'll use it for you are still young at heart and you still have your glucose addiction why would you do that why not why would you you can have it in the studio when people come in missing teeth look yeah but when people come in you can be like oh sweetie books exactly making the studio better you know by fixing that stupid light why does it do that to be fair that's in here are never on true it's always like creative mood lighting there's another thank you so much that's heavy you're giving me back the aging cream so you're still old we've got you an oap bus pass oh my gosh yeah wait this is legit yeah this class is for the use of really old people so their little odd legs don't get tired why did you have to say little they won't be after you use these see right it's cool I should have had these after that would have been perfect you set me up sorry sorry maybe next time do some preparation well I don't know what you're gonna say arguably the most expensive thing in this whole video someone actually just say it's Priceless you my friendship I'm not giving you that as a present but it is it's close to that you have a voucher for one free miniminter video appearance I get to cash in you a pairing on my channel there's a lot of terms and conditions towards this by the way just where in my head yeah but it's not cool you have to agree to the video I get paid from you uh I don't know what I was gonna get out of this it's free especially free yeah this is not the appearance anyway moving on I know that you have been learning a language right there's a couple french Spanish and Japanese in espanol I actually don't know I wonder that's how you say it well I've got you a lifetime Spanish Rosetta Stone is this real this isn't but I do yes this is a piece of paper but I have signed up and I have the the details so I've got a login for is that stone to learn Spanish Colombia here I come and while you're in Spain or Colombia you can go skydiving you wouldn't go skydiving would you my mum would kill me exactly but what about if it was indoors I haven't done this before I know the others did it in the sidemen video but we didn't you want to come with I mean it's for four people do you wanna come with I will be there that was actually me asking you if you want to go oh 100 that's that's my voucher okay my bad now to celebrate this to celebrate this fine occasion we should have some champagne you don't drink I don't drink what do you drink apple wait this is from the Queens it's the Queen's Apple Vineyard the Queen picked this herself just before she died so I swear yeah in Sandringham that's the Queen's backyard made from the finest single variety apples yeah we didn't know what kind of apple you liked either so we got you lots this is like the most expensive apple wine cooler this is the most expensive apple juice you can find how much does this apple juice bro um I don't know yeah and raspberry juice yeah but you're not seeing this well almost at the end time chisel you have about five presents left damn now this one you may have but if you do I don't know yeah exactly that's exactly I feel like you know what it is you can open your eyes do you have this he does have it but you know what this is so expensive that it's probably gonna be worth a lot more at some point if you sign it that might take it if you signed it as a man united fan oh yeah yeah gladio I didn't know Lego was that expensive yeah bro crazy yeah he's left us but all right you may recognize this bag Raul personal shopper yeah which means well you know what that means exactly I just emptied out my wardrobe well it's not many clothes but I'm I'm hoping that you like them I think [Music] because I saw my hero wearing Prada [Laughter] the [ __ ] is this this is not Prada I blew the budget on the first test yeah you Richard we thought you'd like it oh I wish Davis and if he doesn't like it I'll wear it I've never seen anyone put on a vest like that this is the heart is beautiful absolutely beautiful yeah I like it okay I like it Picasso yeah oh yeah yeah this is hard thank you so much man I actually need a Prada wardrobe now Prada if you want to come build a wardrobe in my house please let me know and the final gift I was trying to think of something to get you because you took me to Qatar that could have turned out to be a terrible it could have we could have both got arrested it's true and it could you know it could have been a terrible game could have been whatever but it wasn't it was the best game ever it was and I decided nothing can really live up to that so I didn't get you anything okay thanks for watching no I actually did Keystone basically a few years ago you hired out a certain place and had a birthday party so I've decided it's two months late but I've got you thought park for the evening just for your birthday party you can do what you want with it yeah as well yeah to celebrate your 30th you've got thought part are you gonna come yeah I think I might be busy that day love you yeah I'll be busy but no you're not love you it's already a new calendar would you mean it's in my calendar no it's not it is no it's not it is you've got busy right because like busy in your calendar I was like what what would you mean yes you've got the same as you had before you've got the rides open you've got yeah so shout out thought Park I love you I only asked them like two days ago huh I just checked your calendar and you're not busy so I will show you there I'll be there yes who wants to come thank you so much it's all right that is it for today hopefully you've got some stuff you like oh what was telescope and a star you want to try this that smells like the queen not now like yeah cheers happy birthday Tom happy birthday he's finally joined the 30 gang thank you Simon love you I can't tell if I like it or not that is serious that's really happening it's definitely Apple well thanks for watching peace
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 2,617,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog
Id: oziUBiAmsdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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