The Sidemen Argue They're More Talented Than MrBeast | Agree To Disagree

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the s men are more talented than Mr Beast oh we thought the same thing in no actually yeah I'm back now we are more talented are no we are no we are he he is he the sbin is a collection of seven people with various talents yeah you can do the thing with a football where you balance it like a seal that's quite talented I am I'm formless I am I am Like Glue that's what I do my my ACT is glue we can't get rid of you yeah I like do you have have team names private boys so we have the private boys on the left and the fat Shady we could just do Harry and Ethan Harry and Ethan cool chicken wings over chicken tenders chicken wings well I know where I'm going on this one but it's not we can cuz I know you're there but I'm there really I'm there I'm there you right over you know what there's nothing worse than a a chicken wing is is nice when you get a good Wing but most time I'm just chomping through cartilage and Bone and yeah that's the best part that's the best part bro You' seen him aone sucking out the prot i' say it's very easy to have a midwing compared to a mid tender if you know what I mean but a good Wing oh a good Wing is good a good Wing is good espe when you're put in a good tender oh oh that's why I'm here though that's why I am here because I love tenders so yeah I love but I don't think I can go there because of the good Wing do you think the the the wing has a higher ceiling than a tender does yeah because I do because all all chicken all chicken that's cooked with the bone in is always tastier juicier nicer always no matter what a good juicy Wing you get like a good bit and a crisp on the out High Life he's got I feel like with a tender you need a dip you have to have a dip that's what it means whereas with what wing you saying like a barbecue Wing yeah you get a barbecue tender he could by the way you don't have a plain tender compared to a barbecue Wing Fair it's it's a tricky one we'll go there how the world's best Wing Trump's the world best tender I would agree but but General yeah that's what I'm saying worst tender worst it's got such a larger Spectrum than the than the the tender my side of the table has better RZ yeah what no honestly you probably here yeah you I have incredible Riz you got I'm KSI that's exactly it works chos I don't that doesn't care I need J jji I think he pulls our side up here no but I think you've got like that don't don't say no I'm not going to say that I'm say you've got you've got such a yeah you you you've got a TR I've got special a special CH you got cutez got cute adorable RZ okay you're adorable thank you you are [ __ ] you're getting me getting good all right um I just talk Ethan what would you say to Harry in a club what I say to her in the club I'd say Harry their back's looking very volumptuous you look good you got great said cheeks on you for a fell oh jeez mate I appreciate it will you kiss me [Laughter] you JJ what did you say to Simon uh it can't be I'm K it wasn't it well yeah okay um do you want this GTA 6 will be underwhelming oh get out hey no way no no there's an argument I'm not going to go all the Way's there's no way look how much expectations you're already putting on it well it's going to be the best game ever yeah I don't you can't all it can do now is live up to expect it can't it can't exceed that I am I'm not going here cuz I think that's unfathomable to have that much hope in it okay and also we have we're older so like it's not as mind-blowing like remember when like it come out on New Gen and we was like oh my God yeah we're not going to have that now we're going to be like GTA 6 is out but I am still very much so like oh it's still going to be G out that's why I'm here but underwhelming like you're not you you don't like gaming no I love it no no when the first one came out was amazing it's more that with games right it's like exponential right so when GTA 6 came out it was like way ahead of everything else GTA 5 came out it was way ahead and we're like oh my God but now when GTA 6 comes out it's going to be like AIT a bit not as a big of a jump what game have you been gassed for um Super Mario Odyssey that is a banging game that is a banging game game I not not me he's not really a gameer I'm not really a gameer okay fair I think GTA 6 is going to be phenomenal you said the best game ever bro I've seen the leaks and it look ridiculous Chris MD is a better footballer than Simon whoa I'm going there he's a better footballer than Chris I would Chris is a better football Chris is better football than you no n he can't finish to save his life I'm in a because I'm going to say Simon's natural technique and ability way better way better way better doesn't play enough isn't consistent enough okay I think if he played like I did like every Sunday he' be a joke of a yeah well like he'd be a he's I'm glazing too much I'm Sor St everything is outrageous he no he is better the only thing that Chris has on him is Chris does Chris track back does he I run straight past him and that's how I scored my goal he just watched me glide on by he track nothing I would rather have Chris in a match than me I wouldn't I wouldn't I would no if you're going to say Goals he's not a striker and you're going against good Defenders okay you're crossing the ball who's going to win you or Chris that's unfair he's vertically challenged yeah I I still think as a footballer you are better yeah you you so you you're like Harry Kane as I'm great let's go you're like Harry Kane Chris can only do the number 10 Jinky minky you can score a goal you can take a free kick you can drop further back play a pass I think you he can do all that not he's better me than I'm go here yeah I like there if you're two n down and you look on the subs bench and Chris MD's warming up you're not being like I'm pulling him up again if I need like a 90 plus four yeah see again would' rather have Toby in a match than me technique came there be injured after five minutes he comes and plays for my team and it yeah could you rank could you rank everyone in the side best to worst okay well you you put me one to Toby to I think he's got I'd say Harry then four yeah it's between you Harry then you then me then VI be Vic and then Josh Josh hasn't scored Josh has an aversion football Nick has played up front every game yeah yeah but still Josh has had chance Josh was up front for 20 minutes he's still had Chan bro got fed okay okay yeah has it has chasing after a pingpong ball is a major ick now I do have one here it is anyone want to chase us go get off that you ready I'll try and do it over there yeah yeah no that's not it's got to be moving look they're playing on this table yeah oh that is that is your 30 x don't exist that's valid that's also but what I will say is is if you if you watch someone like fumble picking it up it's a bit like pick them all up mate yeah but then but then what do you do do we just never pick it up no we just anyone yeah we just get out of the package every time what would you say RX for you I hate the not me thing like the not me having but you're the one that says it no but I say it like sarcastically cuz I hate it so much vaping's Nick okay no no I'd say smoking's more of a ick I'd say because at least vaping smells nice no VAP at least when you're smoking you're you're like you're you're doing what you're doing properly like the middle ground where it's the s men are more talented than Mr Beast oh we thought the same thing in it uh talented you know what no actually yeah I'm back now we are more talented are no we are now we are he he is he the sidein is a collection of seven people with various talents he is one man who's very smart he's one man that relies on five other people as well by the way no he did it by himself for the he's very he's a very cover man the Beast we know I couldn't see him playing bmon no I couldn't see him boxing I couldn't see he's not great at football he's not great at football I couldn't imagine him doing um great at algorithms yeah we got Vic we got Vic yeah great at spending money we got him he's a very he's a very smart man but that's the thing is he more talented than seven big strong boies combin I I don't think he is no I don't think he is I beat my table very untalented though oh super yeah well we each have we have something you're tent you're good at um you can do the thing with a football where you balance it like a seal that's quite talented yeah what are all your like talents if you were to oh yeah this man over here has got enough for all us well I mean no I wouldn't say I'm talented I kind of just do stuff Hardware be Talent yeah exactly yeah I'm a hard worker you you was really great at like your editing and stuff was really sick you was good at that your your editing style and stuff was like yeah making videos what's Ethan's yeah your your talent is um you're you're Got Talent for your talent for a waffle no he the Beast got tal he's he does the uh he he's really good at you got beat you can do that sometimes he does the thing wa no you're not really good at anything you know I I can he's good at having a child I'm a father good father I I am I'm formless I am I am Like Glue that's what I do my my ACT is glue we can't get rid of you yes I'm Like Glue I stick things together and also remain residue my argument be is Mr B so talented is at his one thing which is like being good at YouTube does that Trump all of our talents cuz it's cuz you're still like quite close you've got videos that have like 70 100 million views right also statistics don't mean just no but he's so clear Sur he's better than us like like I don't know that's why saying like you reacting something is better than anyone who gets less viewed you that means you're more talented it doesn't also like you put him in a room and you put us in a room who you going to be more entertained by but I also I was going to use sort of something I think you can pick all seven of us up and fling us into anything and we'll adapt way better than he would we're really changing Talent here yeah Talent I'm going to go agree sure I think his his talent of being of being a YouTuber is is so incredible that maybe he's better than all of us combined but we I don't we'll see no one over the age of 10 should have a hamster as a pet look I think you are 30 you have 30 no when I was like 11 people disagree right yeah yeah sorry not the same animal no I know it's not the same animal but I didn't really look after it I kind of hope my parents would yeah when I'm saying this I'm not saying that the parents can't look after it yeah I'm saying they should only get it if they have a kid like if it's two adults getting a pet hamster yeah I think it's fine you would yeah because i' I think I think it's fine what were we doing over there it's weird I don't want to be I do I would I can see right we'll go here from some hold what in the broad spectrum of pets that are available to humans yeah yes picking a hamster at that age is what animal would you want has a dog it's too much commitment though like hamster you can like you can leave it by itself for a few hours yeah it'll be fine but like yeah all you need to do is just put a bunch of food and then you can go on holiday for I don't about that yes both have died yes but they died of old age one died nicely the why are you laughing Over My Dead we even had a funeral a funeral for my you didn't have a funeral and everyone just laughed are you there when Joel's hamster jumped off the bed yall remember this Jo got a new hamster pet hamster literally like a couple days out he's like one he's he's like clim his bed oh sweet just does like a camicazi run and jumps off the bed and it died like the next day wa what well think about that be like you jumping off the [ __ ] Shar you should not be allowed to eat in the cinema n well it depends on the person I think has to be yeah I was about to say though true if you're chewing if you're chewing with your mouth open you should be allow to eat in but I'm sorry if it's loud enough you won't even hear me if you can hear me then clearly there's a there's like a suspense scene everything's building up on the edge of mying seat and I've got chaos gu yeah okay maybe all right action films you're allowed to eat or what you got a permit to just eat during action films only no well if it's super suspenseful and everything what am I not allowed to eat you shouldn't be able to me it depends on the person even opening the package everyone said like oh we all know that's like a one time thing yeah but what stuff in my hand in popcorn that's fine you can't really hear that it's smack but then you're eating well don't do he like a Simpsons character but are you someone who gets like a super sized popcorn yeah eats it for an hour I finished 10es about have you never seen him eat it make it down to the popcor I Love Popcorn and like as soon as I crack it it's done it's got last the whole movie no not for him no cuz then I got to get onto my ass Bast but oh once you get that sweet and salty don't make that noise that's exactly what I don't want to hear do you eat in the cinema I would yeah but it's that movie a 3 hours long I tell you what an actually getting aing hot dog at the cinema is an ick that's a ick so weird he want to go he want to go to the C Cinema start going it's so OD but no one's watching you do that though you watching yourself dud outrageous well debate settled farting in front of your partner is the biggest milestone in a relationship not the biggest but it's not I would say it's the biggest sure there's bigger so don't fart in front of do you not you took on the Josh approach well you've never no I have but I don't what's the does Josh never fart Josh Frey has seen Josh fart in front of her once in no but how many times have you seen Josh fart I've never seen him F I've never seen him fart he's got a plug I've never seen him fart I've never yeah that's what I'm saying I mean I fought all the time we know clapping cheeks but no no there there's a tactic you got spread your well every time my Mis and I'm just there like every time yeah I'm just lifting it up so it just goes like and then just the smell still going to be there is it not the smell still exist yeah I been on the cats so do you like purposfully like go into a different room or no just I'm not that a person okay and I let them all out in like the mornings you know okay oh no I'm I you're just weirdly gassy true I've got IBS yeah theit syndrome I have yes there's no shape there's no shape no there is no shap some of the ones you do a criminal and you definitely don't hold back no no I think better amongst us you don't give I also think I think they should be made like I think they're funny you come over to us and go this yeah but you yeah that's great but you not see how like do you not see how funny the human body has to let out a toot it's so funny I don't know I I I I think if I say I was I started dating someone and they're the best person in the world and a month in they let rip like the most disgraceful thing I think it would put me off a little bit really I think it would no I'm talking it's like no it's horrendous it stinks it's like methane Vib yeah it's really okay what what what is worse hearing her fart or hearing her PL in the toilet oh I love it all every you love it all love it hang on I want everyone to be I want my house just be as open as possible if you go bang you're hearing you even if she's there like I'm not outside the yeah is that big one yeah but I love I just find just be even when she's grinding fine sure you know people people would you be in the toilet at the same time she's going to the toilet sure yeah yeah no a poo no I don't mind all of it yeah it's fine I would I I would incline to I think it is a good Milestone though I'll give I'll give it I'll give it that okay we've got just over yeah Simon still needs to reach the Milestone so I have of I just don't do you like do do you go like oh sorry sorry no I sometimes blame it on the dog as well I he was Elite child once you got a child a child yeah there's no way that child is creating that possible cereal is a soup oh so we actually have some that you can oh we got a cereal here we're going to analyze a bowl of cereal yeah that's exactly what we're going to do let's analyze it before we look because you can get soups with things in yes you can get soups with love can I can I cheat here I'm going to get the definition of a soup otherwise I feel like we're going to be on you know what going know cuz this is cereal soup is a liquid dish typically made by boiling meat fish or vegetables in stock or water yeah soups are can by their ability combine a variety of ingredients into a single harmonious dish I think it's a soup that's a sweet soup I think it's a soup that's a sweet soup in front of me leave yeah I'm I'm not I'm going to I don't I'm not going to strongly agree is a it is a soup that's a soup soup why is it not a soup well firstly cereal if I have a if I have a box of like frosties right yeah that's a box of cereal is is that a soup no not what cereal is not a soup the Crux of it is if you combine two things into a that dish okay so when I dip a chip into ketchup is that I would say a soup hear me out if you had a bowl of ketchup and you chopped up some chips and put it into the bowl that's also technically it's a ketchup soup it is get me out of there get me out so when I have a bath is that a human soup yeah could be yeah it could be listen to yourself I'm getting all soup like a hot a hot tub with three Donnies in it is a is a is a human human soup I'm asking these questions and they're still going we can only go off the definition of what it is and we have determined soup it is it is a soup my side of the table is funnier than the other side it depends on the scenario scenario it depends um I think he's really quick wted he wted yeah he is and I'm you're as a personality you got you're very like I have one liners though I'm not like a you got no no I I'm bounce off and he makes stuff funnier like he I'll tell you I'm an amplifier I'm a good amplifier I always see it when we have teams I'm always like one of you three need to be on a team to make that team good so I guess when it's you and Vic you you nothing happens I can't amplify yeah I that sounds bad but I can't I can't amplify as much I can amplify just not as much yeah it's like comedy Duos so hurry I'm going to do this just to peace fans I I feel like if you say Duos the majority of people watching are going to say yeah sure you know take it we'll take it we'll take it har is the funniest this is the smart move nice A little sip oh look at me go down ni yeah it's all right yeah all right thanks guys that's it oh yeah CLS I the CLS okay well what do you like on your pizza uh how about just some cheese just cheese and little tomato and some regular sauce that's it yes that's it when you got freaky with your lady well way back in the days you not put cheese on the nipples no no you told me you did that's confidence
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 1,600,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LADbible, lad bible, the ladbible, the lad bible, lad, ladtv, ladbible tv, celebrity, funny, viral videos, sidemen, sidemen agree to disagree, sidemen mrbeast, sidemen grand theft auto, sidemen gta 6, sidemen gta vi, ksi, miniminter, w2s, behzinga, behzinga ping pong, ksi hamster, ksi mrbeast, sidemen charity match, sidemen chrismd, sidemen argument, grand theft auto 6, grand theft auto vi, sidemen debate, do all sidemen think the same, sidemen fight, sidemen ranking, ksi simon
Id: exnk0ZXLqVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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