I Tried to Hire DUMB People ...but I'm Also Pretty Dumb

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susan did you not read the job listing you idiot get out of here applying for a photographer oh my god another susan or is this the same susan jose get out of here oh my god susan susan why are you everywhere [Music] remember when i tried to teach all of those dumb kids tina what location do you have for me uh a boot tina you're a freaking idiot what is this draw a cow idiot what animal is pink you're a friggin idiot jeremy did you hear what i did to the kids at my last school i would throw books out the window jeremy i threw one of them out the window jeremy but then in doing so i realized that i'm kind of dumb too well since getting fired from both of those teaching jobs because i was throwing kids out windows and tasering them i've been trying to find my next calling in life my next job and that's when i found it hiring job 3d the app game so believe it or not this app was actually made by the same developer that made teacher simulator which was that second teaching app game i played so already i knew that i was made for this job it basically feels like what would happen if those dumb kids that i tried to teach then decided to come to me to try and get a job experience what it's like to be in the recruitment and hr department by undertaking necessary tasks including sorting through resumes conducting interviews and signing off on employee holidays i can't wait to see all my students all grown up hopefully they've gotten better at answering my questions select your character businessman or businesswoman businesswoman confirm oh yeah okay we are interviewing susan here for a customer service position all right susan bring it you better be bringing your a game to this interview okay i need to ask if she has at least one year of experience susan do you have one year of experience in customer service i just graduated yesterday okay susan susan did you not read the job listing you idiot all these kids that i taught i failed them they're all still so stupid all right susan time to redeem yourself do you at least have good communication skills because we need that for this job tell me more about yourself i uh my name erm [Applause] well done susan what a great communicator why should we hire you because you're hiring oh my god susie and i i have to make the decision based off that info whether we should hire or reject susan um susan susan girl i don't ever want to see you again get out of here you're an idiot you don't meet with my criteria you have wasted my time get out of here your shirt is stupid i'm about to does confetti like i just had a confetti popper just at my desk and i just like every time i reject somebody i'm like yay excellent good decision susan was the worst we're hiring secretary photographer admin staff oh we got to go through all of our applicants okay applying for a photographer oh my god another susan or is this the same susan jose get out of here get out of here delete no more susans oh crap i think we were supposed to we were supposed to reply for an interview with susan but no adam we're not looking for programmers mary is trying to offer me a free loan with zero percent interest wasting my time i demand additional money mary go away schedule holidays okay angela is it possible for me to take four days vacation you have five days remaining yes angela i will allow you to go on vacation because i am a good boss my vacation needs to be from the 14th to the okay from there to there submit oh please check what oh there we go i know what i'm doing angela all right don't tell anybody about this oh my god we can now stamp documents i'm so excited yes stamp it okay here we go oh yeah right in the center i'm a master stamper nobody can stamp better than me a new outfit hiring is war no why would i wear this this is going to terrify people oh okay because we got a got a slow day at the office we're just gonna play some garbage basketball these are all of susan's applications and there we go susan stop trying to apply here you're the worst there we go i just can't believe the first person i had named susan and then we actually got an application from a season oh my god susan susan why are you everywhere who put you in the it pile i'm gonna have to talk to our other hr people i gotta i gotta warn them about susan she's trying to get in here okay there we go wow i spend a lot of money on confetti poppers let me just tell you i mean it does make the work day go quicker when every time you complete a task you get to pop some confetti it's a little life hack for you guys it's payday all right damn elle oh wait is that your annual salary or like your bi-weekly salary does your bi-weekly salary then you need a pay cut never responded in chats she never responded my dm's l i wanted to have a ladies night with you elle watch some chick flicks you never responded you get a pay cut elf whoa i pay cut you 3 000 oh yeah i'd be mad too that's a lot of money steve refused to join discussions respectful to others leaked companies leaked company secret steve steve that's fireable bye steve get out of here out of here get out of here oh god susan no oh god you were wearing the same the same top as as susan from the first interview i got scared for a second patricia respectful to others lied about being sick well you're gonna take a pay cut because i don't like your shirt and you're a dirty liar get out of here yay ruining people's days okay we got dave clara mary no susans no susans thank god no susans i would like to interview more people please thank you truck driver all right this is my favorite part of the job minimum five years experience i can only ride a bike why are these people wasting my time i mean can you see at least how do i look like you look like an interviewer okay sure yes how i look like sir you're supposed to say that you look good baby but whatever can you read a map how did you get here gosh i got lost 10 times oh my god we're never gonna find anybody we're never gonna find anybody get out of here i mean you have no experience and you don't know how to read a map or get somewhere successfully how we better be i'm sorry that the school system failed you i mean i probably played a part in that because i uh i was the one that taught all you guys but you know whatever not my problem i have a job please can i take leave for two days edward edward you have no you have no days off is somebody dying are you dying no then no you can't take any time off get out of here i want to take a day off from work no you're not getting there's give me a reason you need to give me a good reason if you have no days off can i take leave for a day yes jenny because you have five it would be best if it's on august 19th well then i'm gonna give you the 18th now i'll be nice i'll be nice oh my god one of my wonderful employees are here with a gift for me thanks for always taking care of us oh oh how cute and thoughtful they love me here oh and i got a water cooler what else i got i put blinds up on a wall where there was no window just to uh give the impression i have a window oh my god it's susan stop susan go away i'm putting you i'm putting you in sales so that somebody throws you away after her oh yeah it's payday clara bada teamwork useful in discussions um why is nobody doing a good job also why do i either have to increase your pay or pay cut you like i feel like i should just pay you what you're owed but pay cut here you go do better rowan leaked company what is this company secret did we murder people why didn't you leak the company's secret to me i want to know what it is rowan now we get rid of you can't have people leaking company secrets is it that the company gives me so much money for confetti every month is that why is that what you leaked that's nobody's business but mine i don't care that i'm spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on confetti okay it's necessary i just want to give more interviews i thought that was my thought that was the main part of my job but i'm learning that that's not true why do you look like the unabomber please can i take leave for two days why what are you gonna do all right is this for you to go murder somebody loves it susan that's fine it's approved next week i need to leave town for a day no why why people coming in here you don't have days unless you're dying you need to be here oh i want to borrow a joystick what uh this you mean a controller what do you need a controller for she just ingested it into her body okay can i borrow a hole puncher where's all your guys stuff this i think there you go why are you borrowing all my stuff and ingesting it into your stomachs that is also not proper work attire oh yes i get to interview finally okay translator do you speak english once upon a time there is cat the end brilliant do you speak french oh no wait why did that they gave me the okay that was not french speaks say something in french we just oh i'm very confused i guess he's fine sure you're hired i don't know what that what happened during that second question that was not french it was a totally different language oh well he knows languages that's all i need what is vip by the way what the heck no ads salary times two vip outfit exclusive pet dog why what do you need a pet dog for i mean besides the obvious but i meant like for your job why do you need a pet dog also you'd be five dollars a week for that what no thanks i don't need a fake virtual dog that bad all right who leaked company secrets today liked my customers always asked for a raise bad at teamwork well the customers like you so we'll keep you on but we're cutting your pay takes good care of things rude to customers why do we have such terrible employees why are you all terrible what about being sick rude to cuss oh my god what out of here get out you're all the worst susan's starting to look better and better every day uh who wears sunglasses to an interview seems sketchy is that cause it's susan are you in disguise susan can you work under tight deadlines not susan i always finish in a blink of an eye can you calculate properly not susan what's two plus two pretty sure it's fine oh my god do you have strong spreadsheet skills she didn't even know what two plus two was we really gonna hire this lady what are spreadsheets all right susan get out of here you're still no get out of here out of here you don't know what two plus two is it's eleven all right guys well uh i hated everybody there was no good candidates they all were terrible these are definitely the kids that i tried teaching all grown up still dumb if you're smarter than these people then make sure to leave a like before you go i should have thousands of likes then because i know you're all way smarter than these people and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button over there you don't have to be qualified at all to hit it it's free it's right there you can click it right now unless your name is susan then we don't want you here and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,137,213
Rating: 4.967865 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, full game, walkthrough, papers grade please, teaching game, grading game, funny game, dumb, funny, teacher, students, hire, hiring job 3d, job simulator
Id: mVRuHH1l-Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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