My husband listened to his parents and told me,My parents want to live here. Start packing.I asked..

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this is where my parents live Mark declared suddenly upon his visit behind him his in-laws nodded happily I found myself in the middle of an online meeting and quickly apologized to the other party before ending the call irritated I turned my gaze towards the door why did you come all of a sudden I asked them maintaining my composure my father-in-law proudly replied we'll pay off the mortgage so please leave it was hard to suppress a laugh at his statement my mother-in-law had never worked and my father-in-law was just staying at home without any employment yet Mark was completely in favor of his parents opinion disappointed by his stance I considered divorce I leave I quickly replied to the surprise of all three of them the mortgage of the house is $5,000 per month with an inward smile I began to pack seriously luckily I had a business trip scheduled for a week starting for the next day with my suitcase and Bank book ready I headed to the entrance goodbye I said as I left the house first I'd start by transferring the House's title to Mark I felt excited thinking about my future plans my name is Shy Owen I am 47 years old and work as a web designer I went independent 5 years ago and have been fortunate enough to receive many project checks as a result I've earned more than five times my previous salary and now live on the top floor of a high-rise condo I met mark my husband 3 years ago through Ashley my former boss and his cousin he's kind and honest but had trouble maintaining relationships so he had been single for a long time around that time my business was doing well and I bought the top floor of a high-rise condo doubling as an office I wasn't planning on marrying but Ashley strongly suggested I meet mark when I met him he was very gentle and attractive looking much younger than his actual age we started dating and got engaged within 6 months my parents had already passed away and my only relative was my brother so my brother and his wife also attended the family meeting from Mark's side his parents and cousin Ashley came the meeting went smoothly overall however my sister-in-law's comment this seems stiff left me puzzled I never imagined her words would become a reality after marrying Mark moved into my house and we started our life together his workplace was harsh requiring him to leave early in the morning and return home past midnight despite this his salary was only a quarter of mine I suggested to Mark who was exhausted and went to sleep immediately every day it's bad for your health why don't you look for another job however he reprimanded me with a face full of anger are you saying I should quit my job are you looking down on me because I am less I was surprised by Mark's strong reaction as we had never argued before feeling uncomfortable about unintentionally disrespecting his job I decided to apologize sincerely I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way I'm just worried about your health Mark quickly calmed down and apologized our first argument ended swiftly however it became difficult to suggest a job change afterward Mark's return time got even later and he eventually spent half the week at the office while I was concerned about his health he seemed to enjoy his job so I decided to support him as much as I could creating a relaxing environment whenever he returned home hey about my dad's medical expenses could we increase the remittance a bit Mark suggested this when his father mother was in the hospital with back pain sighing inwardly at his request in his father's hospital room I didn't hesitate to help my in-laws as I had no parents of my own our household depended on my income with Mark contributing a part of his salary to his parents his salary wasn't low for a man in his 40s but the exact amount he kept for himself was unclear however it was evident he was providing enough for his parents not to struggle I couldn't agree when he insisted on increasing the remittance because it was possible only due to my income yet it was hard to refuse in front of his parents Mark you're really kind thank you so much it's a big help they said looking at me and Mark under their pressure I reluctantly agreed to increase the remittance afterward my in-laws started demanding money for various reasons not just the remittance I wanted to refuse but they knew I would say no so they approached Mark instead especially weak to his mother's requests Mark often decided to increase the remittance whenever she asked on the day his father returned from the hospital after sending my in-laws off in a taxi Mark and I return home only to find surprisingly that his parents who were supposed to have gone home were waiting outside our house it's tough for Dad to climb our stairs so I thought we'd take care of him here until his back is fully healed what you can't just spring that on me my surprised reaction made my mother-in-law frown my father-in-law stood in front of the door as if to say let us in quickly Mark that's okay right Mark replied and I stared at him in shock he avoided my gaze from his reaction as I observed the situation it became apparent that Mark and his parents had likely already discussed their plans fine you can stay here until you're fully recovered I reluctantly relented ushering my in-laws inside they surveyed the house and settled onto the living room sofa look at this place so nice our house is 50 years old and falling apart remarked my father-in-law yeah it's really showing its age agreed my mother-in-law Mark nodded along indicating their intention to stay for an extended period admittedly since I had been providing with financial support having them here might ease the burden however Financial considerations aside it didn't mean I welcome the idea of cohabiting renovating old houses is trendy these days how about considering that Mark I suggested yeah maybe Mark replied vely 2 years into our marriage despite being in the supposed honeymoon phase Mark and I hardly spent time together we hadn't even gone on a honeymoon this place served as both my home and office it was manageable when Mark was out for work but with my in-laws around all day it complicated things if we were to live together I'd rather move into their house and Reserve this place solely as an office thanks to my initial resistance the topic of cohabitation wasn't brought up again by my in-laws however even months after my father-in-law's discharge from the hospital my mother-in-law showed no sign of taking him back their belongings started to overflow from the guest room into the living room Mark your dad seems perfectly healthy now he even went bowling today maybe it's time for them to go home I suggested what are you saying sending my dad back with his bad back is cruel what if it gets worse Mark raised his voice leaving me silent it seemed that Mark believed raising his voice would compel compliance he frequently asserted his opinions loudly and opposing him often resulted in my mother-in-law sighting with him putting me at a disadvantage this Dynamic persisted for 2 years during this time I took care of all the housework while my in-laws frequently went out to enjoy themselves despite my father-in-law's back being fully healed there were no signs of them returning home sorry I have a meeting at 1:00 p.m. today so I'll beat lunch in my room okay I informed them as I placed lunch on the table understood but leave the dishes for later my mother-in-law replied without looking up as the Clock Struck 1:00 p.m. my online meeting commenced however about 10 minutes in the door burst open and Mark declared this is where me and my parents live my in-laws nodded behind him I swiftly apologized to the meeting participants and ended the call inwardly frustrated I told you I had a meeting at at 1:00 p.m. I grumbled as I headed towards the door why are you doing this all of a sudden I asked calmly only to be met with my father-in-law's smug reply we'll pay the mortgage so you can leave suppressing a laugh at his audacity I simply replied all right I'll leave surprising all three of them with the mortgage at $5,000 per month I couldn't help but smile inwardly at the prospect of moving forward with my plans I approached the task with a solemn expression aware of the serious decision I was making fortunately a week-long business trip awaited me starting the next day armed with a meticulously packed suitcase and my bank book I headed for the exit goodbye I uttered bidding farewell to the home that had become a source of contention the first order of business was transferring the house title to Mark brimming with excitement about the impending changes I checked into to a hotel and promptly contacted a real estate agent to initiate the house transfer encompassing the morgage the success of the transfer rested on Mark's ability to handle the mortgage if he couldn't manage it the options were a lump sum payment or selling the house accepting this reality I directed the agent to find me a new home and office my work could be conducted remotely but a dedicated office space was crucial for calm client discussion the agent identified a suitable location approximately 40 minutes from my previous residence complete with topnotch security after a visit and quick decision I bought the luxurious apartment considering it a well-deserved reward for my efforts in the interim period before the move I stay in temporary accommodation once all the necessary documents were prepared I delegated the packing and moving process to a professional moving company during the move my in-laws and Mark assisted while exchanging unpleasant remarks about me one of the movers even commented you have a difficult family causing a flush of embarrassment a week after settling into my new Abode I received a call from Mark his anxious inquiry about changing the mortgage indicated he was just grasping the situation his father's shouts in the background urged me to return quickly despite the divorce being the plan Mark seemed taken aback but we're getting a divorce right it's unfair for me to pay the mortgage if you're the ones living there he protested however I couldn't accept his denial after they had explicitly told me to leave the house I played back our conversation from that day caught on tape during a web meeting Mark was startled by my explanation having forgotten about my practice of recording meetings for documentation purposes undeterred I informed him him about the impending mortgage repayments subject to a credit check mark seemingly unaware of the details asked about the monthly amount leading to my laughter despite my prior disclosures and document presentations Mark seemed oblivious to the $5,000 monthly mortgage stunned he remained speechless prompting his mother to intervene she questioned the amount and perceived it to assert that Mark's salary could handle it unbeknownst to his parents Mark hadn't disclosed his actual salary allowing his mother to confidently declare that they wouldn't assist me any longer in response I burst into laughter provoking her anger undeterred I revealed the actual mortgage amount $4,000 what the mortgage is Mark's monthly salary that's absurd my words left her shocked and Frozen for a moment but then she burst into laughter that's impossible Mark has been sending us $4,000 every month if his salary is really $4,000 he would have been sending us all of it stop lying she exclaimed refusing to believe me remaining calm I pointed her towards the evidence look at the shelf right by the entrance of the living room you'll find Mark's salary slips there if you doubt it check for yourself she dismissed my explanation accusing me of lying and headed to the indicated sh in the background I could hear Mark trying to stop her soon her voice of surprise came through the phone what there's not even $4,000 here Mark what's the meaning of this Mark's actual salary turned out to be even lower than I knew and I could hear his in-laws questioning him in the background you might not hear me but just so you know the house mortgage is $5,000 a month take care I declared as loud loudly as possible whether they heard me or not I ended the call Mark called again several times later but I ignored them all let's discuss this through a lawyer from now on I texted him and then ignored any further communication the lawyer I hired dealt with frequent contacts in the following days which soon quieted down I promptly file for compensation through my lawyer after a while a response came through my lawyer and I couldn't help but laugh at its contents it seemed to be coed by a team of Liars from Mark's side their claims were laughable the allegations by Shelly are false and the real victim is our client we demand compensation for emotional distress at Reed all I could say to my lawyer was I'm sorry the divorce was nearing but our relationship as a couple was still ongoing I wanted to get away from a husband who could make such demands my client wants to meet and discuss in person it seems Mark doesn't know about this my lawyer said handing me a letter the letter briefly requested to verify the truth behind Mark's claims I agreed through my lawyer and chose a location far from my current residence for precaution at the scheduled meeting with the opposing lawyer Mark didn't show up the lawyer was young and polite greeting me properly upon arrival he revealed that his client was actually Mark's mother according to him Mark remains silent during their discussions keeping his head down his parents kept accusing me claiming I fabricated fault to demand compensation as I listened the lawyer handed me a document detailing the alleged malicious actions however my lawyer and I noticed that the document was intentionally crafted to demean me I explained each point in detail and the opposing lawyer nodded earnestly showing understanding my lawyer La presented evidence in line with my explanations I see the content of your statements is completely different jelly you have solid evidence and a strong case he commented all this part is reversed I pointed out and corrected a mistake the opposing lawyer was visibly shocked once the explanation concluded he left the Rune with the same poetess as when he arrived my lawyer and I strategized to expose Mark and his parents falsehoods reach ing out to other relevant parties to set up a meeting to discuss compensation about a month after the meeting with the opposing lawyer Mark and his parents arrived looking Haggard his mother glared at me as if seeing an enemy you seem to be enjoying all this trouble who do you think is responsible for this situation she asked dissatisfied with the private dining room I had chosen it was unfortunate that she didn't like the upscale restaurant she used to favor however her irritation might also be influenced by the fact that the opposing lawyer Having learned the truth dropped their defense mother you used to like this place right I anticipated her Delight but she met my words with a somber expression we entered the restaurant greeted by staff griefed on our situation and escorted to a private room Mark remained silent until we were seated then suddenly grew emotional Shelly I was wrong please help me I can't go on like this I'll do anything you say please come back Mark pleaded stunning his parents I offered a kind smile momentarily easing Mark's distress however I signaled my lawyer who handed Mark a document as Mark paled I urged him to read it his mother snatched it glaring furiously the document meticulously refuted each of Mark's claims in Stark red ink enraged she splashed water on my face berating me for my arrogance to everyone's surprise I burst into laughter at the absurdity of the situation my laughter caught them off guard including my lawyer yes it seems I wasn't the perfect wife I quipped I shared the burden of household chores endured criticism for my infertility and even had my earnings taken as Mark's parents continued to rail against me I signaled my lawyer who predicted produced a photograph it depicted Mark entering a hotel with a young woman my former boss and Mark's cousin Ashley shocked into silence Mark couldn't deny the evidence Ashley explained the situation revealing Mark's infidelity in the face of his guilt I submitted the divorce papers and compensation documents Mark overwhelmed began to cry his parents equally shocked faced the reality of their son actions within a month Ashley informed me that Mark and his parents had moved to due to financial strain Mark's salary couldn't sustain their spending habits and they sought Ren assistance the compensation for the deceived woman and myself was covered by Ashley's parents surprisingly Ashley found love with Mark's former lawyer drawn to his decisiveness embracing the unexpected turn of events I started blocking about my experiences leading to new writing opportunities since the divorce I've been pursued by a corporate executive I met through business our relationship turned romantic and he's proposed we live together while I contemplate my answer I'm certain of my decision as I prepare for our date tomorrow I reflect on the journey that brought me here seated in front of my computer once again
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 31,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: D2gLzgtCnio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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