My daughter fainted after opening a gift from my mother-in-law on her 11th birthday.

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hi I'm Ava I want to tell you about my tricky relationship with my mother-in-law Sophia she always seemed to make things hard for me sopia had old-fashioned ideas and never really liked me for a while my husband William and I lived far from them so Sophie couldn't bother us much but when William got a job close to them we had to deal with her more I could handle Sophie's Behavior because I grew up dealing with difficult people like my own parents luckily Williams dad Benjamin was always nice to me but the tough part was that Sophie spent time with my daughter Luna who was nine at the time Luna loved her grandparents and they were the only ones she knew well since I didn't have contact with my own parents even though Sophia and I had our issues I put him aside for Luna's sake I wanted Luna to have a good relationship with her grandparents William also cared about family a lot so I couldn't just cut Sophia out of our Lives Luna enjoyed spending time with her grandparents but sop still cause problems sometimes Sophia kept criticizing Luna's diet saying I wasn't feeding her right she thought Luna needed more nuts for protein but Luna was allergic to nuts and even her smell made her sick I told Sophia this many times but she wouldn't listen she said Luna needed to eat nuts to get over her allergy and called me a bad mom I knew you'd say this sopia we talked to the doctor and Luna's meals are balanced skipping nuts won't hurt anyone but it could make Luna really sick I told her even after explaining and listening to the doctor Sophia didn't change her mind she thought exposing Luna to nuts would help her allergies I was tired of arguing with her and tired of being called a bad mom sopia even tried to get Luna to eat nuts but Luna knew better and always said no feeling more and more worried about what Sophia might do I decided to talk to William about it I'm really concerned about leaving Luna alone with sopia I'm afraid she might give Luna Food she's allergic to thinking it will help her allergies I told him don't worry so much Ava my mom might have old-fashioned ideas but she knows her boundaries and dad is always there to step in if things get out of hand Luna loves being with her grandparents and we can't just stop her from seeing them William said trying to reassure me but sopia keeps ignoring Luna's allergies UNG genuinely scared for Luna's safety whenever she's with them without me we need to talk about this I can't keep worrying like like this I insisted relax Ava there's no need to stop Luna from seeing my parents just because of this small issue Luna loves being with them you know and if you're worried about Mom I'll talk to her she'll listen to me William assured me his words made sense Luna really enjoyed being with her grandparents so I couldn't bring myself to stop her if Luna had ever said she didn't want to see them I would have respected her decision but I didn't realize that even William couldn't change Sophia's Behavior things came to a head at Luna's 11th birthday party Benjamin and Sophia were invited and they said they'd come sopia seemed really excited which made me uneasy though I didn't know why when they arrived early it surprised me because sopia usually avoided being around me she gave Luna a big present wrapped in birthday paper and said happy birthday Luna here's your gift grandma got you something really special Luna thanked Sophia and then Sophia said wow that's a big gift what's inside grandpa I have no idea Luna Grandma chose it and she won't even tell me what's in there we'll both find out when you open it Benjamin said come on open Grandma's gift and see what she got you I bet you'll love it sweetie I'll be your favorite Grandma ever sopia said excitedly I can't wait to see what you got me grandma I'm so excited we'll open all the gifts after we Cut the Cake Luna let your friends arrive and once we finish the cake you can start opening the presents I suggested no Luna needs to open my gift before cutting the cake that's why I came early to give her my special present Sophia insisted despite feeling suspicious about Sophia's Behavior Luna seemed genuinely happy to get such a nice gift from her grandma the big heavy package made Luna even more excited and she couldn't wait to see what was inside she wanted to start opening her presents once all her friends were there I agreed to let Luna open Sophie's gift before the cake as Sophie said it had to be done that way I didn't want to upset Luna on her birthday so we went along with it but little did I know what a disaster it would turn into Luma and her parents were let down by the one person they trusted sopia not only ruined Luna's birthday but also turned everyone against her when Luna opened the gift she found a big cake with her name on it she was happy for a moment but then she passed out William and I rushed to her scared and confused when we saw her throat swelling up in shock I watched as William hurried to get an epinephrine shot while someone else called the police knowing exactly who was behind this I confronted Sophia demanding answers what on Earth did you put in Luna's cake what's in it I asked my voice shaking with anger and fear Sophia pretended she didn't know anything saying I didn't do anything Ava it's just a regular cake i' have understand what's happening maybe something you did cause Luna to faint you've been neglecting her nutrition despite my warnings and now she's paying the price don't try to blame me Luna was fine just a moment ago and now she's having an allergic reaction tell me what you did to her Sophia I hope you didn't mess with the cake you need to un up to your actions and take responsibility look at Luna she's turning blue I snapped back ignoring Sophia's excuses focusing solely on Luna I hurried over with the epinephrine I always kept on hand for emergencies although Luna's swelling went down a bit she remained unconscious it was clear that she needed to go to the hospital to fully recover the room was filled with worry for Luna tears wed up in my eyes and even William looked close to crying sopia who was already in tears seemed scared in that moment I decided to cut open the cake to see what was inside what I found shocked me to the core I demanded answers from Sophia questioning her sanity for putting nuts in the cake Sophia what were you thinking you ignored my warnings and put nuts in the cake putting Luna's Health at risk how could you be so careless I only wanted to help Luna not hurt her I didn't like that Ava was so strict about Luna's diet while it's true Luna might have reactions sometimes I thought gradually giving her nuts could help sopia argued my frustration boiled over when I confronted Ava saying are you crazy our daughter is allergic to nuts she could have dieded from this reaction who gave you the right to decide how to handle her allergies look at the mess you've made I'm Luna's grandma and I have the right to take care of her she'll be fine you're all overreacting you're just trying to scare me for no reason I'm sure this is all part of Camila's plan to make me look bad but listen Sophia if things go my way today you'll be in big trouble right now all I care about is Luna's health I said firmly just then the ambulance arrived with paramedics they took care of Luna and took her to the hospital with us following closely the doctors told us Luna would need time to wake up and would have to stay at the hospital for a day or two we were all overwhelmed with emotion I broke down in the hospital finding comfort in Williams arms after calming down I called Benjamin to let everyone know that Luna was no longer in danger when I hung up I turned to William and expressed my anger saying I'll never forgive Sophia for what she did today she could have put our daughter's life at risk I've been thinking about how serious this is it's unbelievable something I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen it myself my mom has become someone I don't even recognize anymore she did all of this just to make me look like a bad mom she acted like she cared about Luna's happiness but she never thought about how dangerous it was for Luna even after everything she still says I planned it all today showed me how far my mom will go to make you look bad I'm so sorry I didn't see it sooner and didn't do more to keep her away from us I need to protect Luna from my mom's bad influence I failed as a husband and as a father William was starting to realize how serious the situation was and Benjamin who had always been a good grandfather was clearly affected by Sophia's actions this time she went too far even though she'd gotten away with things before we weren't going to let her off easy this time we decided then and there that we couldn't let sopia keep hurting Luna her actions were a threat to Luna's safety and we couldn't allow her to keep causing trouble in our lives sopia was no longer welcome in our family we were determined to protect Luna and make sure she grew up in a safe and loving environment it wouldn't be easy but for Luna's sake it was a decision we were ready to stand by following a heartfelt discussion my husband and I quickly made a decision while Luna was still in the hospital it was time to head back home Benjamin Sophia and a few of guests stayed behind eager for updates on Luna's condition this gave us the perfect opportunity to address Sophia's actions when we got home 4 hours had passed since the incident in the living room we found Benjamin scolding Sophia while she seemed indiff busy on her phone the untouched birthday cake sat sadly beside them a painful reminder of what had happened despite my sadness I held back my emotions when they noticed us Benjamin and sfia hurried over I just got an update I said Luna is in good hands and she'll recover soon although she's still unconscious the doctors are hopeful thank goodness Luna will be okay I was so worried but it looks like everything's fine it wasn't even a big deal Luna will be fine and her nut allergy will go away soon Sophia declared in that moment William unleash his anger on Sophia scolding her for everything she had done Benjamin joined in expressing his disappointment and the guests visibly shocked stared at Sophia with disapproval I too was filled with rage I've had it with you Sophia I declared we've given you so many chances to change even after your actions put my daughter in the hospital you show No Remorse this is it you will never be allowed near Luna or our family again you're banned from this house you can't tell me where to go your son won't cut me off for no reason I won't let you keep me from my granddaughter just because we don't agree on how to raise her sopia shot back no Mom William replied firmly you're not welcome near me or my family ever again Dad can come here anytime but not you he's the only sensible grandparent Luna has he's done his best to keep Luna safe but today you put Luna in the hospital and acted like it was the right thing to do I can't let someone so heartless be around my daughter Sophia couldn't believe her own son was turning against her she could always trusted William to support her not realizing he was being rational unlike her even the guests started criticizing her sopia felt trapped with no one on her side not even Benjamin in desperation she screamed at us blaming me for setting her up this is all your fault Ava you turned everyone against me I'll never forgive you for this you should be begging for our forgiveness your actions have ruined your reputation and kept you from Luna I'll sue you for grandparents rights I'll take you to court court and the judge will let me see Luna just wait and see I don't need anyone to support me I responded firmly you're not going to have much luck getting grandparents rights from jail I'm sure the judge would find it pretty funny to have a criminal asking for visitation after putting her own granddaughter in danger Sophia protested what are you talking about Ava why would I go to jail I didn't do anything wrong didn't do anything I shot back what you did is a crime Sophia you can be arrested for knowingly exposing a child to allergens it's considered a form of poisoning maybe you didn't realize it but William and I did we've already called the police on you and look here they come now to arrest you Sophia in denial insisted no you're lying this can't be happening you can't arrest me for this Sophia's panicked expression showed her desperation as she begged us to drop the charges tears flow down her face and she started to panic just then two officers came in and told her she was under arrest she clung to her hands begging us not to send her to jail William remained unmoved telling the cops to take her away while I gave Sophia a cold look showing that her deceitful game was over in a last attempt she turned to Benjamin for help begging him to do something Benjamin please you can't let your wife get arrested like this she pleaded but Benjamin stood firm saying when my wife does something truly terrible and shows No Remorse I won't protect her I've warned you for years to change and you never listened today you put our granddaughter in danger I was only trying to protect her not realizing it would hurt her so badly please Benjamin I'm your wife you have to help me Sophia pleaded desperately but William stood by his decision saying firmly Sophia I've already cut you out of my life it's the right thing to do and I plan to do the same tomorrow I'll talk to a divorce lawyer I want to end this as soon as possible I won't stay with someone like you I'll protect my granddaughter and my kids from you Sophia was shocked and pleaded desperately no no no Benjamin you can't do this to me I'm your wife ignoring her Benjamin told the cops to take her away Sophia continued crying and begging for help bringing a tumultuous end to an event that had long concluded a sense of Peace washed over me as William Benjamin and I went back to the hospital after the other guests left clearly upset by Sophia's actions they promised to tell everyone what she had done the next day Luna woke up feeling much better but she was terrified of Sophia Luna cried and begged us to keep her away from her grandmother saying how Sophia had tried to make her eat things she was allergic to to help Luna deal with her feelings we got her a therapist at the same time William and I started going to therapy together to work on our communication as a family having Benjamin's support was really important for for all of us with his help we started to heal and grow stronger as a family Sophie's life took a sharp turn for the worse after the incident her actions caught up with her and she faced serious consequences once her own family found out what she had done they scolded her in cut ties with her even her friends were disgusted by her behavior and stopped talking to her with no one to turn to Sophia found herself in a desperate situation begging everyone for bail money but she didn't get any help and Benjamin filed for divorce the next day Sophia was served with divorce papers while still in jail receiving the divorce papers and herself sent Sophia into a fit of rage in the following months Benjamin was able to get a quick divorce taking advantage of state laws with the police report as evidence our legal case against Sophia moved forward despite the expectation for Sophia to cover Luna's medical expenses her financial struggles resulted in a lengthy prison sentence as the judge ruled against her moreover we obtained restraining orders to ensure she stays away from our family with confidence that sopia won't have the chance to approach us again we remain watchful but if by some chance she tries to cross the line she'll encounter the fierce protection of mama and papa bear who are determined to do whatever it takes to keep Luna safe
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 72,784
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 3ay6OSZzTlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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