My In-Laws Want to Live with Me, But I'm Not Their Son's Wife!" Incredible Revelation...

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the first time I laid eyes on Michael was at a college seminar we were both there for extra credits though our paths were quite different he was a business major while I was pursuing literature I was drawn to him from the moment he raised his hand and posed a challenging question to the professor after class we found ourselves at the same coffee shop and from there it just seemed like the universe wanted us to be together we chatted about everything from college hobbies to our childhood memories I come from a pretty strict background he mentioned taking a sip from his cup my parents are deeply religious I remember shrugging so my parents are freethinkers they always taught me to question everything I replied sounds like we're from different planets he laughed but despite our differences there was an undeniable chemistry we began to see each other more frequently studying together and exploring the city during the weekends about 2 years into our relationship we decided to move in together it was a practical decision our Apartments were far from the University and sharing a place made sense plus we were inseparable by then however when Michael broke the news to parents it wasn't received well at a dinner at their house Mrs Davis Michael's mother was the first to voice her concerns living together before marriage Michael you know how we feel about that she said mom times have changed it's not a big deal Michael replied in our house it is you're living in sin Mr Davis chimed in the evening and Ed on a somber note but Michael and I were firm in our decision we found a cozy apartment close to campus and moved in days turned into weeks weeks into months and our bond grew stronger but the strain with his parents was always in the background like an old radio playing a sad tune one evening as we were settling into our new life there was a knock on the door it was Mrs Davis holding a pie I thought I'd come by and see how you two are doing she said looking around with a critical eye we're doing great Mrs Davis I replied trying to be cordial she sat down placing the pie on the table this is all temporary right Youk get married soon she said Michael cleared his throat we haven't decided that yet mom as days turned into weeks and weeks into months months the constant pressure from Michael's parents started to weigh on us our once Carefree dates and movie Nights began to have a shadow the looming expectation of marriage one evening while we were making dinner together in our Tiny Kitchen Michael broached the subject Lizzy have you ever thought about you know having a wedding he asked I looked up from chopping the vegetables surprised like for us are you proposing he smiled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck not exactly I mean yes I want to marry you someday but right now it's more about my parents maybe if we had a ceremony they'd back off so you're saying a wedding without the legal paperwork I asked he nodded just a thought we can invite friends make it a fun day my parents get their wedd wedding and we get some peace it wasn't the romantic proposal I'd imagined but I understood his reasoning all right I said slowly but on one condition we do it our way no big church wedding just something small and intimate Michael grinned relief evident on his face deal the next few weeks were a whirlwind of preparations we chose a beautiful outdoor venue in invited our close friends and family and planned a simple but heartfelt ceremony when we broke the news to his parents their reaction was surprisingly subdued an outdoor wedding Mrs Davis asked raising an eyebrow well it's unconventional but if it means you two are taking the next step I suppose we can support it Mr Davis added as long as you're committed to each other that's what matters the day of the wedding was sunny and bright I wore a simple white dress and Michael looked dashing in his suit our friends cheered and even Michael's parents seemed genuinely happy during the reception Mrs Davis pulled me aside Lizzy I want to apologize she began her voice soft I know we've been hard on you two but seeing you together today I realized that love is what truly matters I smiled touched by her words thank you Mrs Davis that means a lot the day ended on a high note with everyone dancing and celebrating our love it felt like we had finally won Michael's parents over and I hope this would be a fresh start for us but as days passed their daily visits began they drop by unannounced often with unsolicited advice or thinly veiled criticisms it was as if the wedding had given them a free pass to interfere in our lives one evening as Michael and I were unwinding after a long day there was a knock at the door opening it I found Mrs Davis holding a casserole dish just thought I'd drop off some dinner she said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes thanks I replied taking the dish but you know you don't have to do this she waved a hand dismissively it's no trouble I just thought since you're always so busy you might not have time to cook I forced a smile sensing the underlying judgment we manage but thanks anyway as the door closed I sighed deeply Michael wrapped an arm around me it'll be okay he whispered it started with subtle comments the not so innocent questions why is the house so messy or have you considered cooking something more nutritious Mrs Davis would ask her tone dripping with faux concern one day I came home from work exhausted to find her in our living room reorganizing our bookshelves Mrs Davis what are you doing I asked taken a back she looked up as if it was the most natural thing in the world just thought I'd help tidy up a bit these shelves looked so cluttered Michael entered from the kitchen holding two cups of tea mom's just helping out Lizzy he said trying to play mediator I took a deep breath my patience waning this is our home Michael we didn't ask for help Mrs Davis pursed her lips her eyes watering I'm just trying to be helpful after all now we're family days like these became more frequent they'd pop by without notice giving advice we never asked for criticizing decisions we'd made together as a couple it was clear they no longer saw boundaries one eving after a particularly trying visit from his parents ML and I sat down for a heart tohe heart Mikel this has to stop I began my voice trembling with frustration I can't live like this feeling like I'm constantly being judged in my own home he ran his fingers through his hair looking equally stressed I know Lizzy it's just they're my parents I don't know how to tell them to back off without hurting their feelings but what about our feelings our peace of mind we can't keep sacrificing that for them a week later we invited them over for dinner dinner deciding to address the issue head on the evening started off pleasently enough we chatted about work friends and the latest news but as the main Cory was served I took a deep breath and dove in Mrs Davis Mr Davies we invited you over because there's something we need to discuss I began trying to keep my voice steady Mr Davis looked up his for pausing midair what's the matter it's about the frequent visits and well the constant input on our lives I continued Mrs Davis looked taken aback we're just trying to help Michael took over Mom Dad we appreciate that you care but it's becoming overwhelming we need some space to live our lives make our mistakes and grow together tears formed in in Mrs Davis's eyes after all we've done for you this is how you repay us Mr Davis added his voice Stern we're just looking out for you it seems Lizzy here doesn't appreciate family Mrs Davis said her tone hurt I felt a Pang of guilt but stewed my ground it's not about appreciation it's about respect respect in our boundaries and our choices the room grew silent the tenson palpa Mrs Davis dabbed at her eyes with a napkin her shoulder shaking we just wanted to be part of your lives I never thought it had come to this Michael looked torn his loyalty divided but he held firm mom we love you but this is our life we need you to understand that the evening ended with Mrs Davis in tears Mr Davis looking disappointed and an unspoken agreement that things had to change as they left I felt a mix of relief and Dread wondering what the future held for our relationships days after the confrontation the house felt unusually quiet the constant visits had stopped but the silence was both a relief and a curse every time the doorbell rang or there was a knock my heart would race expecting it to be Michael's parents but it never was one evening as Michael and I sat on our couch he broach the topic Lizzy do you think we were too harsh I mean they're my parents maybe we overreacted I took his hand feeling its warmth Michael it's not about being harsh it's about setting boundaries we did what we had to do he sighed deeply I know no it's just hard I never imagined being in this situation with them as days turned into weeks we began to feel the weight of our decision there were no more surprise visits but there were also no calls or messages it was as if we had cut ties completely during this period I often found solace in browsing property listings online one day as I was scrolling through a beautiful house in a neighboring Town caught my eye it had a large garden a spacious living area and most importantly it was far away from our current life Michael come look at this I called out he joined me peering at the screen wow it's beautiful but why are you looking at houses I hesitated choosing my words carefully I was thinking maybe it's time for a fresh start somewhere new where we can create our own memories away from all this drama he looked surprised you mean move leave everything behind I nodded it's drastic I know but maybe it's what we need we discussed it at length weighing the pros and cons the idea of starting a new was enticing but also terrifying yet the more we talked the more it felt right a few weeks later visited the house it was even more beautiful in person and the neighborhood seemed perfect after much consideration I decided to use the money I had inherited from my grandmother to buy it the day we signed the papers I felt a mix of emotions excitement for the new beginning but also sadness for what we were leaving behind the move went smoothly and soon we were settling into our new home it felt like a dream the peace and quiet were just what we needed one evening as we were enjoying a quiet dinner in our new dining room Michael said Lizzy I think this was the best decision we ever made I smiled feeling content I think so too the first few months in our new home were like a dream the mornings were quiet filled with the chirping of birds and the evenings brought a calm tranquil energy Michael and I fell into a comfortable routine enjoying the privacy and peace that our new surroundings provided the past seemed like a distant memory and the attention that once surrounded Our Lives had all but disappeared until one fateful day I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when the doorbell rang Michael went to answer it I heard murmurs and then a familiar voice my heart sank it was Mrs Davis I walked to the entrance my face revealing my shock there they were Mrs and Mr Davis suitcases in toe standing at our doorstep mom dad what are you doing here Michael asked his voice filled with surprise Mrs Davis smiled a bit too sweetly we missed you dear and we thought why not pay a visit I tried to keep my composure it's unexpected Mr Davis chimed in we just wanted to see where our son is living now is that so wrong Michael seemed torn of course not but a heads up would have been nice Mrs Davis looked around her eyes scanning our home oh what a lovely place you have here much nicer than the old one I bristled but said nothing the visit turned into a stay one night became two then three they began to settle in making themselves comfortable much like they had in our previous home one evening after dinner I pulled Michael aside Michael we can't go down this road again we moved to escape this he sighed I know Lizzy but they're my parents I can't just throw them out then what let them take over our lives again Mrs Davis who seemed to have overheard our conversation walked over her eyes welling up with tears is that how you feel Michael that we're a burden Michael looked helplessly at me then back at his mother Mom it's not like that we just wish you had told us you were coming she sniffled we just wanted to be close to our son but it seems we're not welcome here either I had a sinking feeling when I heard Michael's parents mention they made a decision about their living situation the two of us had recently been discussing the matter privately hoping to find a delicate way to address the issue now it seemed the matter was going to be thrust into the open Lizzy Michael Mr Davis began we have some news Michael shifted in his seat already sensing what was coming go on he prompted Mrs Davis trying to sound fearful said we've sold our house we realize there's no need for it when we have such a lovely family home here with you two my eyes widened in shock you did what we wanted to be closer to you both Mr Davis explained looking Earnest Mrs Davis looked hurt We Are Family why wouldn't you want us here I took a deep breath and said what I'd wanted to say for a long time this house it's mine it's not owned jointly by Michael and me it's in my name only I retrieved a file from the study showing them the ownership documents Mrs Davis looked at the papers and then back at me clearly stunned but you're married what's yours is Michaels and vice versa she exclaimed I smiled triumphantly that's where you're mistaken we held a wedding ceremony yes but Michael and I never legally married we never signed any official documents so technically you're not my in-laws the weight of my words seemed to hang in the air Mrs Davis's face turned a shade paler her eyes widening in disbelief Mr Davis looked from me to Michael seeking some form of denial Michael took my hand signaling his support it's true Mom and Dad we thought thought you'd be more accepting if we had a ceremony but we never felt the need to get the state involved in our relationship Mrs Davis began to sob so you deceived us and now you're throwing us out the room was Heavy with tension after the Bombshells were dropped Michael's parents were clearly taken aback but it wasn't long before the shock turned into outrage so you tricked everyone with a sham wedding and you think that makes everything all right Mrs Davis's voice had a hint of Venom Michael sighed it wasn't about tricking anyone it was about the way we wanted to live our lives the ceremony was for us and those who wanted to celebrate our love Mrs Davis's face turned a shade redder you dare defy the sanctity of marriage live together in sin and then mock us with a fake wedding I've had enough enough Mr Davis declared standing up Suddenly you young lady are nothing but a sinner and a witch trying to pull my son away from his family his values I was taken aback by the fierceness of their reaction but I wouldn't let them intimidate me I have not taken Michael from anyone he's made his own choices and it's high time you respect them Mrs Davis's eyes were filled with tears but but her voice was Stern Michael come home with us leave this woman she's done nothing but pull you into her web of Deceit Michael ever the calm in the storm replied Mom Dad I love you both but my place is here with her she's been nothing but kind and understanding even when you both haven't been you can't just demand I leave her you're choosing her over us Mr Davis's voice was a mix of anger and disbelief I'm choosing to live my life on my terms Dad I'm choosing to be with Lizzy The Room went silent for what felt like an eternity the air was thick every breath heavy Mrs Davis's face was a mask of hurt and betrayal very well she said her voice cold but remember this you're turning your back on your family on your faith all for her I'm not turning my back on anyone Michael said firmly I just wish you'd see that Mrs Davis's eyes were hard her voice bitter let us go she said to her husband not giving either of us another glance and with that they left leaving behind a wake of hurt confusion and uncertainty I looked at Michael his face a mirror of my own feelings we both knew that things had changed irrevocably and there was no going back a few days after the confrontation as I was heading back from work my neighbor Mrs Carlson called out to me she was an older lady known for her daily walks and her uncanny ability to know everyone's business did you hear about the Davis Family not selling their house she asked with a knowing look I paw taken a back what do you mean she leaned closer lowering her voice they never put their house on the market I heard from Susan who heard from Janice who works at the town's real estate office there's no record of the Davis property being up for sale I felt a knot form in my stomach were they lying to us all this time when I got home I shared the information with Michael he looked shocked I can't believe they'd lie to us what were they trying to achieve we both knew the answer they wanted to manipulate the situation to their advantage the realization was a hard pill to swallow all this time while we tried to understand and accommodate them they had been playing a game Michael sighed deeply rubbing his temples this this changes things it's one thing to have disagreements but outright deception that's something else entirely we can't keep letting them pull us into their manipulative games I said firmly we need boundaries strong ones Michael nodded you're right we can't continue like this it's unhealthy for us and for our relationship the next day he went over to his parents house he needed to to confront them get some answers when he returned his face was a mix of anger and sadness they admitted it he began his voice heavy they thought that if they moved in with us we'd be a proper family again they felt threatened by our independence we sat down discussing our next steps it was clear that for our own sanity and the health of our relationship we needed distance from them we need a break Michael declared some time away from all this drama and manipulation I agreed it's the best decision for us right now that evening we sent a message to his parents informing them of our decision the reply was filled with anger and accusations but we remained firm we needed this for our SES and for our future the next next few weeks were quiet we focused on each other rebuilding the trust and closeness that had been strained over the past months one evening as we sat on our porch looking at the stars Michael turned to me thank you he whispered for standing by me for fighting for us I smiled squeezing his hand always the journey had been long and fraught with challenges but it was a poignant reminder of the importance of boundaries honesty and mutual respect in any relationship as the night deepened we looked toward the future hoping for peace and understanding
Channel: Revenge Reverie
Views: 15,232
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Keywords: reddit top posts, problems in relationships, reddit stories, reddit real voice, reddit, relationshipsaita, daily routine, reddit horror stories, reddit cheating stories, cheating wife, reddit cheating stories revenge
Id: LOKm4PikCcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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