My husband didn't know I earned $1.5 million a year, so he left me and married his mistress.

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I initiated the divorce perceiving deeming a financially struggling spouse to be of little value my world was shaken when during a business trip my husband abruptly declared not only his intent to divorce but also his simultaneous marriage to his lover to add insult to injury he accused me of marrying him solely for his wealth and demanded I forfeit any claims to our property confronting my indifferent husband who had always treated me with disdain since our marriage led to his unraveling and a downward spiral to Rock Bottom I am Karen 35 years old raised by a single mother since my father's passing in kindergarten despite the financial challenges we found happiness as a family of three even as an adult with a decent salary my Frugal habits persisted from childhood I married John a wealthy man I met through an acquaintance drawn to his kindness and the new world he presented our differing views on money and gender roles emerged after marriage while JN envisioned a traditional household I was dedicated to my career and financial Independence before marriage JN suggested I become a homemaker assuming I would Embrace traditional domestic roles however I expressed my desire to continue working until we had children emphasizing the financial benefits although I managed to convince him the reality of balancing work and household chores proved challenging despite being a full-time employee my days were consumed with domestic responsibilities leaving little time for us as a couple in contrast John adopting a traditional husband role contributed nothing to household tasks while he witnessed my busy schedule he simply indulged in dinner and relaxation Upon returning home balancing work and domestic responsibilities took a toll on our relationship prompting me to question if this was the essence of a marriage despite my efforts I hesitated to voice my dissatisfaction fearing he might insist I quit my job despite his lack of contribution at home I had hoped that the arrival of children would bring about a positive change in our relationship unfortunately our connection had grown distant casting doubt on the possibility of expanding our family feeling the urgency to discuss this matter I approached JN hey we should start considering having kids right huh kids you're quite energetic considering you're tired from work and chores it's not about that I want to have children we haven't been married that long but I'm already over 30 women have a limited time to have children and it's getting harder for me to conceive as I get older it's almost too late but we don't need kids if we have one you'll expect me to help right you know I'm busy with work and I won't help with child rearing declaring you won't help with child rearing even before their born is strange isn't it I plan to raise them alone but shouldn't you at least have the intention to help it's your child too child rearing is your job I'm working to support the family so I definitely won't help with the kids you'll just complain that I don't help making me the bad guy you must have been indoctrinated with poverty and lots of kids since birth we're not poor we don't need kids end of discussion John abruptly ended the conversation retreating to his room alone in the living room tears overwhelmed me my desire for children was not only rejected but my upbringing was also mocked following this incident our relationship deteriorated rapidly communication became scarce and the possibility of having children seemed more distant as I continued to juggle work and home responsibilities taking on significant projects at work I found myself increasingly distant from JN one day when informing him about an upcoming business trip his unexpected kindness surprised me he wished me well and hinted at a big surprise upon my return despite having given up on him his smile shook my resolve however my faint Hope was shattered Upon returning home the front door wouldn't open and JN revealed the first surprise he had changed the locks the second surprise was the announcement of our divorce he claimed to have forged my signature and submitted the papers with a friend as a witness inside he presented a document for me to sign waving my rights to property division protesting the false accusations I insisted on a mutual renunciation of property rights intending to make it a public document John stubbornly retorting redid the document on his computer initiating a tense Exchange as I left the house he continued to scorn me for being poor even contemplating discarding my belongings a few days later John in a state of panic called me wondering what I had done what do you mean I haven't done anything why are you panicking I have a lot of questions first I was told to leave the apartment oh you were still living there that's not allowed it's a new month you're trespassing trespassing but it's my house are you okay did you forget that it was a company apartment I rented I was the lease holder so naturally you can't live there anymore that's ridiculous how could you do this I can't believe you didn't know I'm not the one who should be accused of doing things on my own didn't I tell you that you can't just change the locks of a rental apartment it's my house I can change the locks if I want didn't you listen it was my lease department even if you were the lease holder the owner is the apartment manager you can't change the locks without informing them is that so also I terminated the lease while you changed the locks I was allowed to live there until this month I was planning to return but now you've unlawfully altered someone else's property which could be criminal damage wait why did you terminate it so early criminal damage is that why the police are at the front door now I'm too scared to open it but I calmly replied so the police did come don't worry it's probably not for trespassing or criminal damage it's better to talk to them why do I know about the police because I reported you for filing the divorce papers yourself it seems like you've committed crimes like forgery and fraudulent use of a private document divorce papers can be filed by one person but only with mutual agreement and personal signatures since John forged my signature and the witness it's obvious that it's a crime but he seemed unaware of his guilt I continued pressing further so the divorce papers you submitted are invalid and your marriage with Susan can't happen either how do you know about Susan did you think I knew nothing I had a private detective agency thoroughly investigate your affair with Susan it was a busy time at work and coordinating with the agency was tough plus you even held a grand wedding ceremony while I was supposedly on a business trip are you okay your business trip was a lie yes I took leave from work despite being busy to do some research and prepare documents I knew about you bringing Susan home it would have been impossible to gather this evidence while working after I revealed everything Jon was speechless and seemed quite downcast even over the phone then he pleaded with me please don't tell Susan I'm divorced why why would I there's no such fact to tell really thank you are you misunderstanding something when did you become divorced that fake divorce paper is invalid remember so legally you're still my husband not divorced what so since you committed adultery well legally my husband Susan needs to pay compensation I sent the demand for reparation to her house yesterday by express delivery she didn't know you were Mary right then I can't withdraw the claim at this point I already knew Susan believed John was single but I deliberately sent the reparation demand Susan hasn't contacted me yet so maybe she hasn't received the letter it should arrive soon should you be on the phone with me when you also have to deal with the police you're busy I'll ignore the police I won't be arrested I'm going to Susan's house now to get the letter back before she or her family can accept it he then hung up he probably went straight to Susan's house to wait for the postman at the front door I knew it would beutal because the letter was sent as registered mail to Susan only even if he waited for the postman he couldn't receive it a few hours later a dispirited John called me according to him there was an incident when the postman arrived finally I'll take that envelope who are you you don't live here right I'm practically a resident here since I'm married I have the right to receive the mail I see but I can't give you this envelope it's registered mail for Susan only what give it to me absolutely not if you're so eager ask Susan for permission what's going on here oh John what's all this noise what's happening ah Susan this is registered mail for you this man insisted on taking it sorry for the disturbance now I'll be on my way what's this a demand for reparation John you were married what's going on here sorry it's just she's an ex-wife from a long time ago I was embarrassed to say I'm divorced I'm sorry for keeping it secret but it's strange isn't it we haven't been dating long and a demand for reparation if you were divorced before we started dating there shouldn't be any problem right well my ex-wife is crazy maybe she's demanding reparation out of spite because I got married that was the excuse he gave but such a lie was quickly exposed the envelope included a letter I wrote along with my contact information so Susan called me directly in that call I told her about the affair the invalid divorce and that they had a wedding ceremony while he was still married to me although they had a wedding ceremony they hadn't submitted the marriage registration yet John wanted to submit it on April Fool's Day so it was still pending he probably delayed submitting the marriage registration due to unty about whether the divorce was finalized after being exposed Jon fled from Susan's house and shamelessly contacted me again I still had something to tell him so we agreed to meet at a nearby cafe as soon as I arrived John said Karen please withdraw the reparation claim Let's Pretend we've been separated for a long time and officially divorced now I can apologize to Susan for being secretly divorced and maybe cover it up you think I'm desperate to stay married to you I was going to file for divorce anyway but since you cheated you'll pay reparation just trying to extort money from me huh typical of the poor you have such a poor heart you're talking nonsense depending on my answer everything can change there's still an option where we don't divorce if I say no you can't reject it meaning you can't marry Susan and your marital status will be exposed fine I'll pay the reparation just divorce me now sign here then about property division property division how much more do you want to take from me reparation should be enough remember we agreed to wave property division right so let's make it official all right you're not as bad as I thought thank you we then went to a public notary made a public document for reparation and property Division and then to the City Hall to submit the divorce papers finalizing our divorce relieved I exchanged final words with John glad we don't have to divide property what are you saying I'm the one who benefits from that by the way do you even have assets after paying me reparation Susan will also claim damages she she mentioned charging you for the wedding expenses that's impossible I'm marrying Susan she can't claim that we're divorced now so there should be no problem still living in a fantasy you committed marriage fraud you had a wedding while still married you think Susan Still believes you marriage fraud that's ridiculous Susan will believe me believe that if you want I heard from Susan directly also weren't the guests at your wedding p actors you still owe them you know about that I haven't paid them yet what does it matter to you you could have just taken property Division and been better off that's what I wanted to tell you even if we had divided property you would have benefited more what are you talking about poor woman your family is poor and you only make $155,000 a year right even if you got a raise it would be barely $20,000 you don't have any property you keep calling me poor so I thought you might be mistaken yes my salary is indeed $115,000 but you know I work for a foreign company right it seems you have no interest in me but I became a director of the American Branch it's not $115,000 per year but per month $155,000 per month so that's an annual income of $1.8 million you're still bad with numbers how do you manage to keep a job it's $180,000 a year $180,000 that can't be true of course I haven't had the chance to spend such an amount so I've been saving it for the future the savings from before our marriage aren't part of the property division but there's still a considerable amount since our marriage so I could have received half of that in the property division you were my Des after all I'll get the divorce papers corrected are you okay after all the contempt you think I'd gladly undo the divorce if you have that much money you don't need to claim reparation right it's just a small amount for you he who laughs at 1 cent will weep for 1 cent this reparation is for the mental anguish you caused me I'd like to claim more honestly and since we've made it official make sure to pay it even in installments I'll be penniless also don't go back to that apartment your belongings should have been moved to your parents house by now you thought I had few belongings but that was because I had already moved most of them were were you that indifferent to me I can have so little so I have to go back to my parents house they don't know anything yet do they let me explain don't say anything I've already told them everything it's only right to explain why we're divorcing oh and your father said don't ever step over our threshold again so I have nowhere to go he collapsed and I left the cafe later I heard he caused trouble at the police station despite my advice he went back to the apartment he sat there aimlessly in The Empty Apartment until the manager called the police and he was taken away I'm not sure if it was for obstructing public duties trespassing or for the falsified divorce papers eventually his parents took responsibility for him after talking with me and learning about Susan they decided that apologizing and paying damages to Susan's family came first they went to Susan's house to apologize kneeling in front of her family they settled everything without pressing charges for marriage fraud even paying for the wedding expenses I had expected them to sue so it was disappointing they didn't so I decided to pursue legal action against him for for forging the divorce papers John offered a settlement but I didn't withdraw the lawsuit I didn't want him to think everything could be solved with money I wanted him to be convicted and understand the gravity of his actions even if it cost time and money I left everything to my lawyer so it wasn't too burdensome for me even though it took time John exposed for his actions and the marriage fraud at his company couldn't stay there anymore after being detained by the police and subsequently absent without leave he was eventually fired he ended up living at his parents home working all day at a relative's construction company his father took all his earnings leaving him with no income I thought his parents wouldn't abandon him but they were stricter than I expected they paid my reparation and Susan's compensation planning to make him work like a horse until he repaid everything he lived in a shed-like place with no electricity receiving only $5 per day for food deducted from his salary they plan to dound and kick him out once he's repaid everything a harsh fate after years of hard work I was offered a position at the head office abroad so I moved overseas after the divorce was finalized I worried John might come to me for help or Harbor resentment but moving abroad alleviated those concerns I thought work would be my partner for a while but soon I found a new relationship I'm now dating a foreign executive at our head office and I'm pregnant with plans to marry soon I told him everything about my past and my ex-husband and he's understanding I'll take maternity leave and plan to return to work later supported by him he's enthusiastic about taking paternity leave and co-parenting showing a different cultural perspective after being tormented by my ex-husband I finally feel I'm grasping true happiness and confidence in building the happy family I'd always dreamed of many suffered due to selfish spouses and while divorced isn't always the right choice enduring silence isn't a virtue it's important to know that honest discussions can lead to resolutions and sometimes divorce is a necessary option
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 76,983
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: YpqXsTB6JCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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