My mother-in-law doesn't know that I gave $3,000, and she told me to "get out.

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hey aren't you going to contribute more around the house if you're going to be that kind of wife maybe you should just leave I sat there stunned by my mother-in-law's harsh words her cold intense gaze bore into me Francisco has us and we don't need you anymore you always look tired and seem to accomplish nothing chined in my unhelpful sister-in-law with a dismissive tone this is too much Francisco don't you think your mother and sister are going over overboard I pleaded I'm doing my best to when I sought help from my husband he responded with a demeaning attitude I agree with my mother and sister Francisco interjected I'm busy with work and it's becoming a problem if you don't help with the chores besides my relationship with the new part-time girl is progressing and you're just baggage can you quickly pack and live somewhere else shocked by Francisco's words I glanced at the the three of them they all seemed to blame me a surge of Rage welled up in my chest I took a deep breath calmed myself and said I understand I need some time my in-laws who had once relied on me were now falling apart my name is Michelle and I'm 32 years old I work diligently both at my job and in household chores while it's not uncommon for women to continue working after marriage I truly love my job and strive to succeed in the company I joined right after college one morning as I was getting ready for work my husband Francisco approached with a pleading look Michelle can you take care of this he handed me a file crammed with receipts and bills you should manage the Cafe's finances properly I smiled and responded sorry but I'm really bad at that I'm at Francisco while he was working part-time at a cafe I frequented after after a few chats we began dating and eventually talked about marriage now Francisco owns the cafe but despite his ability to run the business he struggles with paperwork and always asks me to handle the accounting as I side my motherin-law added Michelle I suddenly feel like eating Chinese food tonight could you rinse the rice well also Mia and the kids are coming this weekend so we need to plan their meals sure I got it I nodded to my mother-in-law's request and hurriedly left the house before marriage I was excited about my new life with Francisco however he suggested my mom's Lonely by herself why don't we all live together in our big house so now I reside with his mother to put it lightly she's not proficient in household chores when we moved in the house was a bit of a mess after my father-in-law passed away she started Living on a a pension which she mostly spends on dining out or ordering food Francisco seems to believe that housework is a woman's job making it my full responsibility Francisco's sister Nia occasionally brings her kids home and each time she does my to-do list grows I can't help but think that yet another chaotic weekend is approaching weekends which should be precious times for recovering from the usual exhaustion turn into moments where my sister in Law's children asked to play or complain about being hungry I find myself not only preparing meals in the kitchen but also entertaining the children then my sister-in-law drops a bombshell Michelle I'm getting divorced and we'll be moving back here with the kids next month I'm surprised and for a moment I'm lost for words really do you have something to say she asks no I was just thinking it must have been hard when when are you moving I want to move as soon as possible surprised that my sister-in-law and her children will be moving in I hope that maybe she will help and household chores will become more manageable while we had a normal relationship I anticipate that this change might bring us closer and result in her contributing to the chores despite my positive attitude reality has other plans perhaps because she grew up with my mother-in-law my sister-in-law appears to live life devoid of housework she spends most of her time lounging on the sofa watching TV and always has some snack with her observing her I realized her neglect of housework might have contributed to her divorce now with the added responsibility of preparing meals for her children and making lunches for kindergarten my workload increases and my free time diminishes I had hoped for her assistance but it's disappointing that it turns out to be a swing and a miss then there comes a time when my work at the company suddenly becomes hectic every day I start work early do overtime and return home exhausted to find the room overflowing with things with no space to even walk seeing this scene each day waves of fatigue wash over me on top of that my mother-in-law and sister-in-law complain asking if dinner is ready yet or why I'm home so late when I struggle to manage house old chores they coldly remark Michelle there's a mountain of laundry waiting don't slack off just because you're busy I internally protest mother-in-law I'm really trying my best but before my sister-in-law can say anything I frequently opted to keep my thoughts to myself Michelle are you standing up to your mother-in-law that's a bit bold but for the sake of the children please try a little harder to make homemade meals suggested my sister-in-law I couldn't help but respond if you have so much free time at home why don't you help out once in a while while doing household chores I overheard Francisco's sister saying haha Francisco owns a store so Michelle doesn't need to work right if that's the case maybe you should try a little harder at home behind their words I felt the mounting pressure that I should be doing more that night at the peak of my stress I decided to speak my mind to friend Isco I've been so busy lately and neither your mother nor your sister is helping out with household chores it's really hard Michelle you're not speaking ill of our family are you Francisco's eyes sharpened a bit and I embraced myself that's not what I mean but it's hard for me to do everything by myself if you helped out once in a while things would be a little easier for me I'm busy managing the store it's different from a regular job housework is the white 's responsibility right even though disappointed by his response I sat and pondered a good idea suddenly popped into my head and I silently pumped my fist I immediately grabbed my smartphone opened my favorite online shop and started adding necessary items to the cart after completing the purchase I went to bed satisfied a few days later my new electronic household appliances which would become my lifelines were delivered to our home the latest washing machine a cleaning robot that reaches every corner of the room and a rice cooker that cooks delicious rice without much effort each of them was a savior making my daily life just a little bit easier and more enjoyable while setting up the new washing machine my mother-in-law and sister-in-law suddenly appeared with surprised Expressions way Michelle you got such a fancy washing machine but the old one was still good wasn't it smiling gently I replied the old one took a bit too long and I heard this new one shortens the laundry time their gaze then shifted to the cleaning robot and the new kitchen appliances see I've also upgraded these I said showing them off a bit all these things clean robots and convenient cooking appliances Michelle come over here for a moment my mother-in-law said inside the room seeing the slightly surprised expressions of my mother-in-law and sister-in-law I Smur to myself Francisco sat next to me and the four of us began our discussion why did you buy so many things my mother-in-law raised her voice do you really need all these new appliances isn't it just because you want to make things a bit easier she continued well I thought it would be nice if things around the house could run a bit more smoothly I replied with a slightly troubled expression but my mother-in-law chimed in relying too much on machines aren't we the sister-in-law waved her hand but I responded the appliances we had can still be used Francisco is working hard managing his store maybe you should be more frugal Francisco nodded in agreement with his sister and in a quiet voice I murmured maybe you're right there was a hint of anger in my mother-in-law's eyes and I stumbled over my words are you even considering our household I really am but I'm just a bit exhausted I replied my mother-in-law raised her voice exclaiming enough I can't believe you're our daughter-in-law my sister-in-law with a disgusted look added I'll watch over Francisco we don't need someone like you here when I looked at Francisco he said coldly I understand what Mom and sis are saying it's a bit difficult to have a wife who doesn't do housework looking at Francisco's face my heart felt heavy he continued with a cold smile I have my own store so I decide how to use my money but being with someone who spends on anything and everything might be difficult I was shaken by his words but I looked into Francisco's eyes and counted to 10 he added with a hint of Cruelty also I've noticed things have been going well with that new part-time girl she's more attractive than you are now maybe it's time for you to pack up and find a new place to live a fire of anger surged within me though I didn't voice it taking a step back and calming myself I replied after a deep breath all right I'll look for a new home that's better finally you understand I'll feel much better without you around he said smugly Francisco signed the divorce papers that night and I mooved to a nearby weekly rental apartment with just the Bare Essentials and the divorce paper no one tried to stop me when I left did they ever really care about me after submitting the divorce papers at the city office I found a stylish apartment to start fresh during this time an unexpected opportunity came my way a promotion I had been putting off because of my family situation I seized this chance and began working as a section manager every day as I dedicated myself entirely to my job I felt A Renewed sense of accomplishment in the midst of these busy days my phone rang the caller ID showed it was my former mother-in-law I thought we had nothing to do with each other anymore right without checking her message I swiped to dismiss the call my new life had begun and I wouldn't look back at the past a year flew by one weekend as I was relaxing in my room listening to my favorite music my phone rang again to my surprise it was my former mother-in in-law wondering what she wanted after all this time I picked up hello is something wrong Michelle I finally got through I didn't think you would answer after so many calls well it's been a while what's going on I asked she hesitated for a moment and then asked how's your new life despite her probing tone I replied cheerfully it's great I love my new apartment and work is going smoothly I even promoted and and living freely that's good Michelle can you come back home I was taken aback and blurted out why we're struggling financially I thought to myself I knew it and responded cautiously Francisco's cave only makes about $1,000 a month right if no one else in the family Works things could be tough you know about that she asked yes Francisco's Kay wasn't doing well I was fully aware of its financial situation since I handled all the accounting but he pretended to be the successful owner without understanding the real state of his business it was almost laughable how oblivious he was I handled all the finances and procurement so of course I sensed her shock you knew and didn't tell us we had no idea you were doing so well in such a big company or that you were contributing so much to the household expenses my former mother-in-law exclaimed I admitted yes I contributed more than $3,000 every month thanks to that you all managed the truth was I used my salary to bridge the gap in Francisco's business losses he seemed completely unaware of the situation and after I left it seemed reality hit hard Michelle can you please come back she asked curious I inquired so how's Francisco's Cai doing now she sighed we might have to close soon and the part-time workers keep quitting with an inward smirk I commented on his slightly sloppy management style it's hard to keep it going for long isn't it his little bit of Pride doesn't help not doing proper work I mean how many women out there do you think would be willing to support a guy like that my former mother-in-law was momentarily at a loss for words I continued somewhat sarcastically wait I'm a bit busy now since you left the house is a mess it's chaotic with things everywhere confused I asked wait what do you mean she described the disarray of their home with belongings scattered everywhere looking like a store room without anyone to cook they were eating out which was costing a lot the washing machine broke down and it seemed like there's no room in the budget to buy a new one actually the appliances that you you took back I was really relying on them my former mother-in-law admitted puzzled I asked huh why is that those were for my convenience besides I bought them myself so it's okay for me to take them back right she reluctantly agreed yeah I guess so but I never realized housework was this challenging with a firm tone my former mother-in-law added with three adults in the house how can it be that hard what are friends Isco and your daughter doing a hint of fatigue could be heard in her voice as for Francisco his staff members have been quitting and sales have plummeted as soon as he found out he became really downcast and has just been lazing around at home but Francisco used to spend his money from the store without any restraint right on top of that Mia doesn't help at all she doesn't do anything around the house and even gets her allowance for me to be honest living on just my pension for the three of us is really hard she continued I responded with a hint of sarcasm ah Mia once told me that I was unnecessary because she was there my former mother-in-law desperately said Michelle we're really in trouble living on just my pension for the three of us is quite tough I firmly stated I have no intention of returning to that house it must be hard living with all that baggage she seemed to be at a loss for words seeing her like this made me feel a bit sorry for her but as I was about to hang up my former mother-in-law seemed eager to say something Michelle I'm really sorry can you reconsider her voice sounded a bit exhausted I replied I wonder if we can ever spend days together with smiles again huh was it that hard without me I asked with a mix of surprise and calmness after a short pause my former mother-in-law took a deep breath yes there's actually an issue with the property tax we might have to let go of the house I said I see but I really don't want to get involved anymore decide what you're going to do with your family I hun up without waiting for her next words after that I set it up so I wouldn't receive any more calls from her in my room holding my favorite mug filled with aromatic coffee I enjoyed my time alone looking at the outside scenery a smile spontaneously appeared on my face a few months later when I passed by the cafe where Francisco used to work I noticed the place was now quiet and empty recalling its past liveliness I felt a bit nostalgic it seems they really closed the shop while walking around the old town I became curious about my former in-laws house and saw a sold sign coincidentally I bumped into an old neighbor in town according to her those three three had quickly sold their house and moved to a small apartment nearby in their new home there were always loud arguments and even the smell of garbage it seems the neighbors are quite bothered and it has become a bit of local gossip I thought it must be tough for them but with a bit of effort life can change I wondered why they don't try as I gazed at the old house these thoughts wandered in my mind a lot has happened to me since then but I'm living each day to the in fact a handsome guy from my workplace confessed saying I really admire your hardworking nature now we're enjoying our dates and I'm really looking forward to what the future holds if I get married again I really want to be happy I'm feeling very excited about it now
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 50,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: u5VWRz9ZBCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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