My Girlfriend Has Many Guy Friends

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be my girlfriend has many guy friends I've got one email that I'm going to go through with you and this guy brings up a lot of good things I think a lot of guys struggle with and before we get into his email I wrote a quote on this topic that I want to share with you because the reality is no matter who you date or you end up in relationship with the reality if you're a guy and you're dating a woman or you're married to her or you have a girlfriend there are a lot I mean literally women are swimming in a sea of horny guys mostly guys that are bad pickup artists and don't have a clue what they're doing but especially if you're dating a beautiful woman or you have a beautiful girlfriend and she's attractive she's going to be getting hit on all the time and what you really want is you want a good honorable woman who in commitment means something to if you're going to choose to be an exclusive monogamous relationship or get married women who are good and who are honest and honorable will tell you about all the guys that are hitting on them out of respect for you and your relationship but if you're one of those guys who tends to act jealous and needy and insecure and just fly off the handle like one of the clients I talked to earlier today was like that and his two year relationship ended because he was constantly accusing her or presupposing that she was screwing around on him and after two years of basically getting into a fight just about every week over this same topic she just she finally broke up with him and she literally had no feelings left for him anymore and he was stunned it's like he didn't see it coming so I'm going to read this quote to you then we're going to go through and analyze this guy's email and the quote says it's incredibly unattractive to women when they when men they are dating or in relationship with feel threatened by their guy friends male co-workers or male relatives women don't like to have their integrity faithfulness honesty and loyalty constantly question not because they give many reason to doubt them but because the men feel so insecure within themselves that they feel threatened by other men potentially stealing their girl the reality is most women are surrounded by a sea of horny men who desire them if a woman wants to cheat on you there literally is nothing you can do to stop it if you are a guy who gets insecure or jealous of other men being around your girl the smart thing to do is to see what she does so you can determine whether or not she is a good girl and trustworthy before committing good honorable women will constantly tell you about all guys who are hitting on them out of respect for you in your relationship bad girls cheaters liars or women who have lost interest in respect for you won't all a guy can really do is to be his best self and put his best foot forward and sometimes that will not be enough to keep a woman faithful only keepers will stay faithful acting like a needy jealous insecure controlling jackass will universally repulse all women let's go ahead and jump in the first guy's emo says hey Cory thank you for all you do your work has helped and had a tremendous impact on my life and I'm continuing to grow every day I've read your book twice and I finally got the hard copy which I am now reading as you and I both know I have lots of learning left to do well the good news is the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and you've already taken that step my friend he says okay so here's the point of what I'm emailing you for for 11 months now I've been dating this girl who has meant more of me than any other woman I have ever met right before I found your work her and I had broken up and then about two weeks later got back together thanks to your work I've been able to make these last couple of months better than any other time we have had together good job dude good for you but I have a few things I need your opinion on first thing is and my girlfriend tends to have a lot of guy friends in fact more guy friends than girlfriends at first this really irritated me due to the fact that she is constantly texting them after reading your book though and watching your newsletters I have come to a place where it doesn't always bug me well bottom why is it still bugging you at the end of day that's your issue it's your insecurities why because you are presupposing that some other guy is going to come along and rip your girl off now that may happen despite your best effort but the end of the day you coming from a fearful place and worrying about that happening is going to cause you to say and do things that communicate that you're insecure in other words you feel inferior you don't feel like you're a good enough man to warrant her being faithful and exclusive with you and those are things that is your own that you need to deal with maybe you go see a counselor maybe you go see a psychologist for those kinds of feelings those are self-worth self-esteem type of issues if you worry about another dude coming along and stealing your girl you should have the attitude that you're a catch that you're the best thing that that particular woman or anyone that you're going to meet in the future has ever encountered and if she doesn't see the value in that well it really is her loss you feel sorry for because you got to think about it it's like what quotes at will Smith says he says before anybody else in the world will believe it you have to believe it yourself you have to think about how awesome you are you have to think about what value you bring to other people's lives not only just your friends but where you work and also those who choose to have intimate relationships with he says however there is this one friend of hers who has been in in to her for the last five years and she my girlfriend used to really be into him after talking with her about it I came to find out that he never had the balls to actually ask her out five years and the guys still never had any balls to ask her out what does that tell you tells you that his balls are the size of BBS that is exactly why he is not with her at this particular point because he doesn't think he deserves to be with her he hasn't acted like a man and therefore nothing ever happened he says that and the good news is she told you about this guy she told you about the fact then maybe you could see that he was interested I had a guy who I talked to recently who had a similar situation he had this guy that's always had a crush on his girlfriend same thing for like years six seven years he's buying her thousand dollar entertainment centers like really expensive gifts and he was kind of butthurt and pissed off about it at first and I was like you should have the attitude oh hey thank thanks to the entertainment center dude we're both enjoying it because he's another in essence trying to buy expensive gifts as a bribe for sex and this she was thinking hey guy he should tell him to take it back that is too much hey if he's stupid enough to buy an expensive multi-thousand dollar entertainment center for the two you should enjoy it in the place that you live together why not if he's a sucker and doing something so stupid that he's put himself his personal life on hold because he never has had the balls to ask the girl out back when she was single and now he's using gifts because he'd have the balls to put himself in the line and be vulnerable and ask her out welcome you should be worried about a guy like that you should be under your breath you should be laughing at a guy like that because that guy is not a threat to you he says after listening to her talk about him in her past and having gained a little insight from you and what you speak about most of my worry and jealousy dissipated I mean at the end of the day five years if something was going to happen between the two of them it would have happened a long time ago that just shows you how weak he is but they do continue to text and snapchat each other all the time it is beginning to annoy me the only reason is you're fearful you're fearfully you're going to lose her to a guy who had four years to do something before you came along it still hasn't anything it's like gerald Celente the Trends Research Institute says current events form future trends well if for the first four years he never had the balls to ask her out or make a move not gonna happen he says what they do continue to text and snapchat all the time and it's annoying me says truthfully I don't want to hear about the guy anymore nor do I really care to meet him well you're getting butthurt over this dude at the end of day it still hasn't happened and it's not going to happen he said my girlfriend is really good about telling me about the guy she talks to especially this one that's because she cares about you and she respects you and she wants you to know that there's nothing going on that's why she tells you plus she believes at least at this particular moment in time that you can handle it you won't come completely unglued like the guy that I talked to earlier today that led to the ruin of his relationship because he was constantly accusing her of screwing around because she had a lot of guy friends as well unless she got tired of the drama what starts to happen is she realizes that she continues to tell you about other guys and you can't handle it she just stops telling you cuz she doesn't wanna deal with the drama he says she always tells me that he is one of her best friends and that's just that he's just a friend in other words sex is out of the question cuz he's a that's the way it is this guy is a he's not a man that's why you ain't getting no he says but I know he really just wants to be with her because he said that to her as long as you have a boyfriend I'm not going to talk to you now this is interesting what he says nothing next he says to me I can see he's just a weak male because he continues to pursue her despite what he said and that is exactly why he's never going to get her cuz he's a he's not a man he acts like a woman who's insecure and even if say you guys were saying gone he's like oh I want to have a chance to date you she's going to say I just think of you as a friend and then he'll just continue to pursue and pursue and pursue and call her and blow her phone up think he's gonna change your mind because he saw that in 10,000 movies and TV shows that he's watched over the course of his life doesn't work in real life again you shouldn't feel threatened it all from a guy who behaves this way I've done countless videos and we're answering emails for guys that act exactly like this friend who's friends over five years it's like come on dude that guy needs to get a life he says most of all I think what gets me the most is that she continues to talk to him and today she even wanted me to go to his work with her to pick up some car parts see she wants to take you along why cuz she loves you and she respects you and she wants you there she doesn't want you to think that there's anything going on between us to there guy because it's obvious nothing's gonna happen if someone's going to happen what happened long before you ever even knew who she was he says at first I didn't want to but I figured that it was a sign that my girlfriend wants me there with her so I showed up with her fortunately the guy wasn't there exactly he says Cory I'm I'm kind of torn here because to be honest I really don't believe me and this girl were made to be together forever that's okay he says I continue to learn from all these hard situations I have with this woman another problem I face is the fact that I have yet to meet her mom and her dad or dad basically wants nothing to do with me and he's super controlling and barely allows her much freedom our time together is based on when her dad lets her out and if she lies to make some time with us I'm a kick-ass dude who gets along with most everyone I am successful in school and work I actually was dropping my girlfriend off from a day we spent the gate together and her dad happened to roll up and as I was walking back to my car I waved and he just stared at me as my girlfriend yelled for me to hurry and get in my car I was like this yeah he sounds like a real Pleasant human being can you imagine what the holidays are like with somebody like this he just sounds like he just miserable he hates himself he hates him like his life anybody to control is a control freak they feel totally out of control so they try to force everything in their lives and what does she do she lies to him and deceives her own father because he can't handle the truth he says now I have almost no desire to want to even meet him this relationship is ultimately not the one I see myself in but I'm fearful in many ways to end it I wish I could write more about this but it would be too long I'll continue to read your book and watch your newsletters by 5:00 was time to get some personal feedback from you well I can't tell you wind in that relationship if that's what you want to do great more more power to the easy thing to say is honey I love you I've really enjoyed our time together but you know what I want to see other people I don't see myself with you long term because quite frankly your father's an he's not nice to me he's not friendly and you have to constantly lie to him because he can't handle the truth I can't see myself raising kids with you when you've got a father that's a control freak like that I mean I don't know what your reasons are but the key is to speak from your heart and be honest not to blow sunshine up or ass or make her think that something is going to maybe happen the future that your feelings may change in the future just say you're a great girl and I love you but I want to date other people I think we should go our separate ways and relationships kind of run its course it's it's up to you you'll know that in your heart the worst thing you can do though is to break up with her in a week later go oh my god I'm never going to meet anybody else and you go back that's the worst thing it's it's bad for you and it's bad for her because you drag it through the meat grinder by breaking up and then making up and I get a lot of emails I talk to a lot of clients who do that sometimes they do those kinds of things because they get pissed at the woman that she's not doing what he wants and therefore he seeks to control it and therefore okay well I can't get what I want so I'm taking my toys on going home and he breaks up with her and that's not healthy either well I you said trust your heart trust what feels right to you and if you get to a place where you feel like the relationship is run its course and you really don't want to date her anymore you don't want to run your life then go ahead and break it off of there but it sounds like other than the fact that your dad's an and our family doesn't have much in the way of social skills it sounds like things between the two of you are pretty good for now so why not just keep enjoying things it's only way when you get to a place where you have some certainty and you'll know when that time comes because it'll you'll feel it then that's the time to end the relationship but it sounds like other I said other than the family you guys are having a great time so keep dating keep enjoying things and then in the relationship when it feels right for you so if you'd like to get my help personally the quickest way is to book a paid phone Skype or email coaching session you can choose any of those options by going to my website clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 108,560
Rating: 4.6809192 out of 5
Id: 4be4_tdbLLE
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Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 15 2014
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