Other Men Texting Your Girl

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is what to do when other guys or are texting your girl in this particular case the guy that wrote me a simi I guess it says fiance who lately I guess has been getting random texts from other guys that she there knows or she's met asking her up to go out on a date and he's losing some sleep over this wants to know what he should do and one thing I want to say before I go through his email about women who would cheat on you is there are some women that even though they're happy and they're loyal or at least you think they're loyal and you're in a relationship with them that they're just simply they don't have any emotional control and they simply deep down don't really think anything about screwing around on their boyfriend or their husband or the guy that they're with now how do I know us well I know it's from personal experience because a lot of guys think that at least what what I see is a lot of guys just tend to gloss over or ignore the when a woman says I got a boyfriend or I'm married or I'm with somebody or I'm involved and the guy just continues to pursue and to pursue and pursue now if you're the type of guy that when a woman tells you she's got a boyfriend and yet you continue to try to pursue her and use attraction techniques and skills on her to try to sleep with her and think that you got to understand is that because there was a time when I was younger and I didn't think anything of it because I thought I'll be different and you go when you start dating a woman who's still involved with somebody else or she's still dating her ex-boyfriend and so she's dating you and she's dating him and maybe a couple other guys because there's some women that just if the relationship is not is in doubt or the futures in doubt they don't want to go it alone and they're too emotional weak to do it and operate from a place of integrity and so they'll fool around on you and if you end up dating and going after enough chicks that have boyfriends or that are married eventually you're gonna come you get you're gonna meet a girl that you really like and then you end up getting to a relationship with her and you think oh I'm going to be different she would never cheat on me she would never do to me exactly what she did to the guy that I pulled her away from and then six months a year goes by two years go by you're in a relationship with this girl and you get busy with work or you get a new promotion so you're not spend as much time with her and she's a little pissed off at that and then come to find out she's been screwing around on you and having an affair on you because her attitude is hey you didn't listen I told you when some women are like that they're [ __ ] cold and to them because they're unhappy and they told her man they were unhappy and he didn't take quick enough corrective action even though there's still a commitment made might be married they may be living in the same room she's going to screw around and cheat on him or have sex with a random dude behind his back and she won't feel anything any remorse over it so the important thing is that when you're dating women you're courting women don't go after chicks that are married or that are in a relationship or that I have a boyfriend or that are simply involved why because there's [ __ ] six and a half billion people on the planet and half of them are women and when you go after women like that I mean yeah you could date you can hook up with women but you don't want to get into a relationship with them and naively think that they won't do the same thing to you if you get lazy and complacent because every guy does at some point in a relationship when you get busy you get swamp a business or just things happen projects happen at work or whatever and if you you get into a relationship with a woman who's a low integrity woman and something happens where you have a fight or whatever or your way of business and some guy knows what he's doing runs into room and the store and he doesn't care anything about hooking up with her and then it's like every guy is I give it me too and I when it happened to me it just you think how could it beat you would never do this to me and when you go you get in that situation and you have enough forensic it in that situation you realize that it's just a woman who doesn't have any integrity it's best to pursue women who are single and available they don't have any crazy or psycho exes in the background I'll give an example and there's a reason why you don't want to be [ __ ] around with other guys chicks because some dudes are a little whack tanned they're a little psycho and when my brother was in college he had one of his buddies that he worked at they both were both valet attendants why they were in college and he met this girl at the restaurant and I don't she was waitress there or a hostess or I don't I don't remember what it was but he and my brother's friend ends up going back with this girl back to her place and unbeknownst to him he didn't even know that she had a wacky ex-boyfriend this dude was like sitting out in his car watching her front door and so he pulls up and with this you know this this dude's ex-girlfriend and this guy shows up and confronts the two of them and shoots to death my brother's friend I mean [ __ ] murdered him in cold blood shot him dead and then he looked looks at the girl and he yells at her he says look what you made me do and then he turns the gun on himself and blows his [ __ ] brains out right in front of her now that's the extreme case but it's I've always found that it's not it's better when a chick says she's got a boyfriend or she didn't you know she's got a boyfriend I mean I've been out in clubs or bars or social events with my girlfriends and [ __ ] Duty like I'll walk away to go take a piss I come back there's dudes talking to her and she's and we laugh about it we'll laugh about these guys just like because every time I walk away the same dude walks over and starts hollering air starts to hitting on her hey can I get your number she says I got a boyfriend that's my boyfriend and I'm just [ __ ] rude about it and to me that's just bad karma there's too many awesome chicks in the world they were single and available to be [ __ ] around or going after chicks they got boyfriends or husbands just because you like her and you want to score and you don't give a damn so it's better so that that's the important thing to understand about women now this particular he's already in a relationship but if you're single that's a that's really important for you to think about what I just said to you especially the next time you're you decide to continue to call or pursue a woman who's got a boyfriend who is married or whatever because there's consequences for everything and at the end of day I mean why be a dick I mean how would you feel about some other dude trying to rip off your girl I mean obviously you wouldn't like it so don't do it to other people you reap what you sow in life he says hi Cory I'm just wondering if you can help give me some information he says lately my fiancee has been having texts or getting texts from other men and Sunday night we both went shopping and I just stood behind her and he she had a text off of a boy asking her if he could take her out and I asked her about it she seems to argue with me and tells me I'm being paranoid do you think I'm being paranoid or do you think she's cheating on me and I think the other thing that that you should consider is did this girl have any kind of integrity I mean how did you meet her was she dating another guy and you pulled her away from some other dude while they were still together I mean those are things to consider and if the answer is yes then if she did it to him she'll do it to you and so if she's got a track record of that then it's probably not a good woman to be in a relationship with but the other thing I consider is there's old old buddy of mine once it is to me like the longer the excuse the bigger the lie and so if your girl tends to go on and on and on and on about an excuse and that that's a reason to be if can be concerned about it at the end of the day if she wants to cheat on you there's nothing you can [ __ ] do about it the best thing you can do is to focus on having it and being your best courting her dating her properly and just give her enough rope to see if she hangs herself so to speak meaning just pay attention to these type of things and so as far as like setting your boundaries goes what I would this is your girl that you're engaged to this is your fiancee and so my question is why is why are guys getting her number even though they know she's engaged and they're texting her for dates now did she does she tell you about these guys the texture because a good woman will do this she will tell you that hey I've got this guy's texting me and and asking me out and I cuz I deal with guys that they're on the receiving end of this they're the guys are hitting on their wives or whatever and they happen to see the phone and he'll text back stop calling my wife or I would when I said number one one of my clients or you said I would appreciate it if you stopped calling and texting my wife because this dude was like blowing up her phone all day long and said she always had it with him you know she later admitted that she had an emotional fear but nothing that happened yet but if you hadn't tipped it in the bud and called me to coach him I mean it was literally a matter of weeks or even days to where something was going to happen because he said he basically put his foot down and said I'm happy to get a divorce lawyer it's like you're either committed to us or you want to date other dudes and so what's it going to be you're going to stay with because they had kids together you're going to stay with us and have a family you want to work on having a great relationship or you want to go fool around play the field it's like either way I've already talked to divorce attorney I'm ready to go either way so either in or you're out I mean he just put his foot down and said I'm not putting up with this crap now what he did do is he also started dating her and romance here again because he had gotten busy courting her and being busy with his career in his business and he just stopped doing the things that had made him successful caused her to fall in love with him in the first place but in your case I I would just say look we're engaged to be married and I I would appreciate it if guys are texting you to ask you on a date I appreciate when you tell me the other day you can't react like a total jackass when your girl tells you because a good woman will tell you about other guys or that are texting you you just say I appreciate you telling me that it was like do you want me to text these guys you want me to call them to get them to leave you alone you can ask her that if the guy's being a real pest about it you say you know what might be the right time to do that she'll give you your phone and you can do it but the other thing you can say tour is that in my mind if we're getting engaged if we're engaged to be married it my question is like why are you giving out your phone number to strange guys so they call you later for a date I mean aren't you telling them that we're engaged I mean that's that's what I would want to know you don't be an [ __ ] about it but the thing is is that the other thing is that if she is being loyal to you and yet you bring it up and you give her grief about her you give her a hard time about it or you're pissed off about it but yet she normally tells you about it if you if a woman tells you about the guys that are hitting on you a guy that's confident is going to appreciate the fact that she's telling you the time that you should be concerned is when she's no longer telling you about the guys that hit on him at the end of day if you're going to date beautiful women they're going to get hit on and it makes them feel beautifully they appreciate that but like said the thing where you should be concerned about it is if she's giving out her number to guys and guys are hitting on her trying to get her to go out on a date it's so my question to you is why didn't she tell this particular guy when she met him that hey I'm engaged to get married and I would appreciate if you don't call me anymore and ask me out on dates because a good woman will also say that she'll keep all these guys at a distance so I would say out and have a conversation with her but the thing that's most important is that when she tells you about these things don't go in orbit and become a total jackass and be pissed off and say harsh things and cause an argument because obviously she's getting a little upset because women can get upset because when she tells you and you continue to get pissed off women will take it as you feel they're not being loyal when they tell you about other guys that are that are that are calling them and hitting on them see women a woman will reveal these things to you because she wants you to know hey I'm getting hit on but nothing's going on and I just want you to be aware of it because I love you and I appreciate you and and I care about you and I don't want you to think that there's something going on that's what a good woman would say about it but if you [ __ ] have she tells you that you flip out about and get angry at her and pissed off she's got to get pissed off back because the whole reason she told you she wanted to communicate to the hey I'm being loyal to you and I just want you to be aware of it if you continue to act like a jackass around her when she tells you these things and she's just going to get to a point where she won't tell you anymore when she stops telling you that's when you need to worry that she's screwing around on you so those are some things to consider so I would be a detective just hang back and talk to her in the ways I just discussed to get to the bottom of it and just just watch or just pay attention and don't be a needy and secure jackass about it so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going to my website and making a donation that should that is related to any amount that you feel is equal to the value of the information in this video or my ebook or the other articles on my website or the other hundreds of youtube videos that i've done if you have a question that you want to ask me there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter you can go to my website click the contact me tab on the left hand side of your screen send me one to two paragraphs max detail your questions your situation your challenges and just give me several days to get back to the response because I get a lot of email from the internet and I also get a 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 161,452
Rating: 4.8953238 out of 5
Keywords: Other, Men, Texting, Your, Girl
Id: kvuz-zk1axs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2012
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