No Longer A Wussy

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be no longer osc I've got an email here from a guy who I guess was back in November I did a video and he's basically says I just completely tore him a new and I guess I did a cup answered two of his emails in two different videos and he's made a huge turnaround he took the the a slashing that I gave him and he took some magic and a lot of things have changed for the better in his life so before we get into it I got a quote I want to share with you and I'm going to jump right into his email and hear about his great success it says one of the greatest things you can do to enhance your success happiness and confidence is to start doing the things you really want but that scare the crap out of you it means to do the things you know you need to do despite the consequences risks and potential for failure progress always involves risk is impossible to get to second base while keeping your foot firmly planted on first base unsuccessful people themselves and tell themselves all kinds of ridiculous stories as to why they should not go for what they want they literally talk themselves right out of everything they really want and want to become in life instead of taking action they make excuses accomplishing your goals often takes many years and even decades of consistent action even when it seems hopeless taking action learning from your mistakes and failures adapting your approach along the way and persevering without exception is essential to accomplishing your dreams and creating your dream life without employing these principles you're just another unsuccessful dreamer not a doer it's the difference it makes a difference between mediocrity and magnificence so let's go ahead and jump in a guy first guys email here he says hey coach I've written you twice before and you rip me apart both times thank you for that you're welcome my pleasure my job as a coach is not to sit here blow sunshine your ass it's to point out exactly where you're going wrong what you're doing right and what you need to do differently because I've only got a short time to spend with you and I want you to get the most out of it he says your advice really works and help turn me into a man prior to reading your book and watching your videos I was clueless with women you replied to my last email in the video that you did titled be bald and take risks without fear and on my website I'll actually put a link to that article so you can go back he said he was actually the second email er in that video so if you want to see where he was and where he is now which is that four or five months later you can check that out he says I was a second email who was completely clueless and took off my pants I'm sure you'll get a good laugh when you remember the specifics of that pathetic night I received was in the process of trying to seduce a girl and I don't really remember because I haven't watched the video again but I'm sure it was pretty funny especially if he says so which is a good thing because that tells me that he's not taking himself so seriously and he can laugh at himself that's why I talk about all the fuck-ups and things that I've been through in my life and I don't have a charge on anymore it doesn't affect me it's just part of what made me into the man that I am today and that's the way you need to look at all of your failures and your challenges and your setbacks in life is it these are the things difficult things you go through difficult circumstances that's what makes you tough it makes you emotionally tough and mentally tough and spiritually tough because as life goes on you take on bigger and bigger challenges and things the bigger the challenges are that you're taking on the bigger the risk the bigger the potential for failure it's like you got a it's just like working out you don't go to a gym and have one amazing workout just like and you've seen the movies there's always the guys trying to plan this ridiculous amazing ultimate date that wins the girl or but it's like you don't walk into a gym and have one amazing workout and then you walk out looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger did back when he was mr. Olympia it takes time and repetition with anything in life that you want to become good at that you're presently not good at it's time and repete you have to do the work it's like what Ray Lewis said grinding is my rest and their words when other guys are sitting home sick sipping cocktails by the pool he's out riding his bike he's running he's lifting weights he's doing the training that it's like Jerry Rice he said today I will do what others won't so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't I mean Jerry Rice the best NFL receiver to ever play the game the man was an absolute master he was a competitor it's like I love studying successful people like that because they're willing to do the things that everybody else isn't willing to do it's like why I have the success that I have in the business that I have today I spent many years trying to figure out my business model and I got people arriving oh that's a stupid I even hold on us for three years oh you're a idiot yeah and I was money and success in your real estate look at you now sleep on your dad's couch you're a loser man you lost it you bastards look where I am now these Schmucks are still doing the same thing working for somebody else and not living up to their full potential and they're miserable perseverance is one of the most important things that you can do in life when you know what you want and you have a passion for and you pursue it relentlessly and you just make yourself to the point where you're mentally tough and you're not gonna accept anything less than what you want you'll find a way you'll keep driving you'll keep pushing forward just like I remember back when I played football in high school it's like you'd hit that sled the coach will be on it you going drive drive drive drive drive keep driving your legs don't stop contact I've even the sleds not going anywhere your legs are still pumping if you ever watch guys playing NFL football when they hit a big pile their running back or whoever's got the ball and they're not going anywhere watch their feet their feet are pumping away digging and you know their twist and turn in the body and eventually sometimes boom they spin out and they break out for an amazing run that's where that pays off and it pays off it's a great metaphor for life you hit an obstacle you keep driving your legs you keep moving forward even when it seems hopeless it's the only way you're gonna get there it's like you're not a you're not a loser until you quit trying he says anyway after you ripped me apart in that video I ended up getting a shoulder tattoo that reads be bold and take risks damn dude that's a serious level of commitment that's awesome man so for the rest of your life you were like when you're old and everything's sagging you're all hunched over you're gonna have that tattoo huh you'll always remember that that's pretty cool he says having this tattoo don't anybody go get a tattoo if I ever see something I've seen people like LeBron James dude shows up he's got this big tattoo of him on his back and his leg I'm thinking come on man it's a little ridiculous but that's a great tattoo by the way be bold and take risks and listen what he says he says having this tattoo helped hold me accountable to act in the ways that you teach I met this gorgeous girl on the dating app tinder and went on three dates with her over Christmas break and later found out that this girl had over 2,000 matches on this site she's hot I didn't kiss her the first two dates because I had a cold sore but I was definitely bold on the third date we were walking from the parking lot towards an indoor entertainment facility and I randomly swooped her off her feet kissed her and carried her to the entrance it's you prince charming charming James Bond look at that that's awesome he says we had fun at Dave and Buster's type of place and were intimate with later that night most women will sleep with a guy but a second or third date and look at that right on the third date baiting Marilyn the two of us grew up in the same hotel hometown but we went to separate colleges so we saw each other without being exclusive for about three months during this time I would try to see her once every two to three weeks I would wait for her to reach out to me and when she did I would set up a Skype date or arrange to see her all you a guy really has to do is to initiate the courtship to make those first couple of dates and once a woman gets to a point where she feels safe and comfortable a lot of times it's after your intimate she's gonna start calling you were texting you within a day or two and you she says the next opportunity set the next date it's really that simple and she starts to learn it Wow I call this guy who wants to see me remember it's a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and so when she starts to wonder about you and wonder if you're gonna call again do you still care about her and that great sex that you had the other night was it just a one-time thing is he ever gonna call me again am I gonna see him again is it gonna work out and she'd send you a text like hey I was thinking about your hey I saw a TV show where hey I was reading a book or I saw a billboard and reminded me of you that means that what that means it communicates is that she's got no place where she's a little unsure of herself and now she's reaching out to determine whether you still desire and you still find her beautiful and she's still special to you and of course you're always gonna be like hey babe it's really great to hear from you I'd love to see you and you're free to get together next and you make the next date was after those first couple of dates that you set where you're initiating contact you really just kind of sit back relax wait to hear from her make the next date and then get the off the phone it's pretty easy and as her attraction level grows guess what she'll start contacting you more and more as a weeks go by until you get to the point where you're seeing each other all the time I had a phone session with a guy yesterday and he met a woman at work and I'm like say what he does for a living to respect his privacy but he met this girl at work and he's not supposed to hit on women when he's work because he's in a position of authority but he was like it he took the wrists anyways so we started talking to her made a day and they started going out and then he did everything perfect from the beginning but once he really started caring about her and really started wanting a relationship with her he started to pursue too much started to focus on a relationship and then she started to back off and she stuck him in friendzone but he knew enough at that time to just do nothing and that's what he did and then she reached in by that point he started watching my videos and started reading my book and she started contact me I had a phone session with him yesterday and what he was saying was that then she left a letter on his car pouring her heart out but still kind of leaving things up in the air not let's get back together nothing like that and so what I end up doing is after a couple of days he respond to that and then he sent her a text they end up getting together and they hooked up all over again and then just yesterday after not hearing from her for two days after they had hooked up and had this great makeup sex after not seeing each other for a month month and a half whatever it was she actually asked him out when that's very rare most women will not do that this is Congo hey I was thinking about you something like that and I was like dude your work is done all you gotta do is sit back relax when she contacts you make a date it's pretty much that simple and if for some reason you don't hear from her for a full seven days than you call her and make the next date but more than likely you won't have to do anything when she reaches out you make the next date it's really simple makes things he's like it just boggles mine it's like I can't believe it's that easy I was like yeah that's it feels natural does he's like yeah as I don't really yeah it's the way it's supposed to be supposed to be effortless because remember feminine energy is about bonding connecting opening up to receive love and when a woman really starts to feel attraction for you and you're having a great time you're hanging out you're having fun and hooking up everything's fun and she's associating feeling good and having fun with you because you're always smiling you're always laughing with her she wants to spend more time with who she wants to bond and connect when she can't help herself she's naturally wired women are naturally wired to do this they reach out to bond and connect and to see if you're still interested you still care and you make the next date that reassures her just by the fact if you make the next date it gives her what she needs and then a couple of days go by until your next date and in that period of time she's gonna start to have some fear and some doubts I haven't heard from does he still like me is this next date gonna go well that's where the being unsure of where of what a guy's feelings are comes and I explained that in detail my Booker they see a lot of guys go what does it mean read the book because I really go into depth but that's what happens when they become unsure they reach out and then you make the next date you give them what they want and you get what you want which is what is the hanging out have fun hookup he says after seeing her at college twice I made it clear that I wouldn't see her again until you made the effort to visit my college you tell us to be clear and unapologetic about what we desire and my desire was for her to make the effort good for you self-love and self-respect demands that you do that you're attached you're awesome too you're a gift as well you bring a lot to the table you want to see that she values that through your actions good for you do good job he says when we would see each other I would focus on your simple yet sound principle of hanging out having fun and hooking up there wasn't a need to complicate things why get in the way of what the Creator designed us to be like it's really simple he says we were both busy and focused on school and I will admit however that I did have the intention to have this girl become my girlfriend but I didn't bring up being exclusive because you say not to because it takes seven weeks or so for a girl to fall for a guy well that's under normal circumstances when you live in the same town because you're obviously kind of in a long-distance relationship you guys you guys shouldn't look that go up seven weeks think thinking oh she should want to be my girlfriend why she's not asking me well in this particular case you're not spending as much time together as you normally would if you lived in the same city that's a big reason why but you can't look at that and go out spent seven weeks okay she should be ready to be my girlfriend why isn't she doing that oh my god why is Jazmin yet it's either because your long-distance you're not spend the time together like this particular guy was or you're probably still doing things wrong especially if you're going hey it's been seven weeks why isn't she asked me to be her boyfriend who cares it's none of your business your job is to create a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen hang out have fun and hook up even when you're married that's your job as the man to hang out have fun hook up when you're in a relationship that's your job to hang out have fun and hook up it's really simple don't complicate things if you look at movies from 40 50 60 years ago the guys are focused on their purpose or mission in life and they don't want anything to do with the relationship or commitment or babies reading that want to see the world I got things to do places to go people to see and the women are always scheming and plotting it's like how how do I get this guy out of myself how do I get him to want to marry me and eventually they wear the guy down of course he loves her and eventually he throws in the towel and says sure and he proposes and it's happy and beautiful and romantic Allah sings but what do you see in the movies today it's a complete opposite guys act like the biggest like oh you please spend time with me your highness and of course it works in the movies so you try that in real life she's gonna like you're a dude and you're gonna get dumped her friendzoned it's really great to watch those always especially in like old movies with like Cary Grant he was really really fantastic any of those a Jimmy Stewart It's a Wonderful Life if you watched that movie it's the same thing that's the way women are naturally women naturally want to ness and as a woman falls for you more more I talked about this in my book they want your attention all the time but if a guy's trying to always get his girl's attention he's acting like a woman that's why it turns women off and a lot of women that have seen enough movies they think well the guy should act just like he does in the movies when a guy does it it's just like I don't know I'm not sure something's missing so he continues on during Easter break we were both back in the same hometown and she messaged me that she was bored ie I want you deep inside me big boy I took that as her wanting to see me ding ding we have a winner good job you read you paid attention so I picked her up and we went to play tennis I found out that she had never had a boyfriend and I didn't think she would ever ask to be exclusive because she was also shy so I went for it this is part of your old bad programming and bad behavior you gonna keep in mind you're both off at college you're spending a lot of time apart from one another but you're in your head go on what it's been seven weeks so y'all she's shy okay let me go ahead and ask her it was completely unnecessary but it worked out okay for him in the end but I personally would not done this cuz it's just not necessarily cuz that tells me when she sent over heels and gonzo it's gonna come up he says we had been talking for over three months at this point see he's looking at I'm going hey man it's been three months you know thing the the turkey must be done ready to pull out of the oven so she had brought it up yet must be because she's shy so let me twist her arm see she would be my girlfriend this is a one critique I have about you dude he says I ended up hiding Easter eggs in a park for her to find in each egg I wrote a word when she put the words together it said kiss me passionately if you will be my girlfriend she said yes and I'm very happy although you recommend the girl bringing up I was confident she would say yes and I made a bold move well I guess that's the one thing I would not have done cuz it's not necessary because she definitely run the risk of saying it when she's not there cuz she's not talking about those things when you guys are having conversations you're laying in bed naked together she's not emotionally at that place now women are gonna come around go hey you want to be my boyfriend they'll say things like where do you see this going what do you see us having a future together or do you something want to get married do you see yourself getting married and have a kid someday they ask you then you always go what do you mean honey what do you asking me always ask never assume anything it's the worst thing that you can do he says thank you for helping me become a man and achieve happiness well good job for you for mostly following what I teach but bottom line is you still got her there so great now you have the official label so what hang out have fun and hook up just focus on that and don't complicate things but what you do need to do is you how that train is really on you need to make sure that you learn the communication skills that are in the back of my book because you got to know those things because otherwise things will start to go sideways if you start arguing and fighting with your girl because you don't know how to communicate with her so if you'd like to get my hope personally the quickest way is the a paying phone Skype or email coaching session you can choose any of those options by going to my website and clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 27,442
Rating: 4.9256506 out of 5
Id: M2ilWI6_wxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 24 2014
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