Teleporting Players Into the Void For Revenge

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this is wreck wrap also known as lifesteal's most wanted see this server has been trying to trap him for months and with every trap he escapes his reputation grows stronger and if i was gonna finally take him down i was gonna need a team to do it fortunately being lifesteal's most wanted target means everyone wants to take a shot including his own teammate harry this guy is like super skeptical of everything but i want to kill him now good we're on the same team this is perfect yeah yeah have you seen that mystic hat thing basically if a player is standing right under the end portal and you push them with a piston it teleports them to the same coordinates in the end or in other words right into the void i like that a lot he's gonna be skeptical obviously because i tried to like like get him yesterday but mind if i join oh what's up what you guys up to this morning oh just chatting oh my gosh that was so freaking close i mean does this dude have some kind of spidey sense or something luckily he didn't hear our plan but we already had a huge problem because by now this glitch has been discussed across youtube and no doubt rex own subscription feed and if i was going to use this glitch i needed to disguise it so that he'd never see it coming and i think this is my best work yet now this is a completely normal hallway which just so happens to also double as a one-way ticket to the void see above this layer of powdered snow is our trusty end portal so with the help of a double piston extender wreck wrap gets pushed up right where we need it and with a gentle shove from our hidden pistons he gets teleported right in the middle of nowhere but even with this trap the glitch isn't guaranteed to work see there's a one in a million shot the slightest lag at the right moment could slow the pistons enough to simply teleport rec to the end platform instead of two is doom and when you're trying to trap a player like wreck you can't have anything go wrong so i was gonna need to bring in a redstone mastermind i mean this guy is evil he's heartless he's sinister he's a friend from work oh hello mr cube so i saw your latest video and i know that you have a little rough spot with recrap can i maybe show you a little something on a test server that i'm working on as you know like the thing with wreck he's like the nicest person in the world which makes me want to kill him so much more like it's just like out of love but mr cube i want you to just take a second all right now look inside of this furnace right here okay there's nothing oh oh what see ya it's cool but it's definitely not perfect right yeah i think i could i could make this definitely a lot faster i think and another problem is the ceiling is like super sus i could actually make it any block like if this was like a normal block you could just use like a piston isn't it great how like hatred and revenge really brings people together i will get to work on that right away so i left the machine in cube's capable hands giving me time to work out the most important part of the okay well that's just ridiculous yeah i finished it and a few of the major changes is now we don't have the powdered roof i love that and then also it's much much quicker so if you stand right here for me and then all you'd have to do is just place like this oh my gosh it's so much faster [Laughter] this thing is is very over engineered but it's gotta be this is lifesteal man this is this is the big leagues right here this is what it takes okay so run me through how this thing works basically what's gonna happen is this observer one takes this piston pushes up the block and this goes into zero tick so this makes a zero tick so that'll send the pulse into these pistons and then that's called quasi connectivity and yeah that's basically it basically it's very complicated so sign up for his masterclass now it was time to set up the trap on the lifesteal server but i still had the most dangerous task ahead of me so since this trap is gonna teleport rec to these exact coordinates in the end i'm gonna have to bridge out to the same coordinates over the void to make sure that he doesn't just land on an island and hopefully not die in the process oh wait a minute that's an end city i might not be allowed to wear elytra on this server but this is definitely going to come in handy so after some terrifying bridging and some minor distractions my uncontrollable shaking has subsided enough to tell you the good news the exact spot rec will teleport to just so happens to be in that horrifying canyon and just as i was about to head back and build the trap my partner in crime parrot called me with some concerns what is the likelihood of me getting trapped in this because like i want to kill him right but i also have this internal suspicion that there's something that's also going to be set for me because cube and i are not on good terms so just for the record parrot is afraid of being betrayed while planning to betray his own teammate please just bask in the irony see parrot hired cube and his team the pog to help him kill clutch but cube kind of betrayed him i was nervous about cube at first i would be really afraid of cube you know what the motto of the pog is right lay it on me end chaos by starting chaos create chaos there's no way i could trust someone with that motto so now i was gonna have to build the real trap without the one person who actually knows how it works wait does a comparator face this way or the other way but even worse i still needed to get wrecked to agree to meet up in the first place luckily i know rec fairly well well enough to know that he's a big fan of liking and subscribing well enough to know that he's a big fan of casey neistat who just happens to be teaching a film course that i'm currently taking so when i reached out to rec to get him on board with my plot all i had to do was drop casey's name and say i needed rex help with an assignment which wasn't a total lie because the assignment was real i just sort of left out the part where he falls to his death but even though he agreed to me i still needed a storyline for this fake video so the plan was simple parrot and rec would meet me in vitality at spawn where i would suggest a meeting to get revenge on the pog and after a short trip to the nether we lead wreck to a portal on the other side of which awaited an extremely sus war room and as rec watches parrot check for the fake traps i get in position to set off the real one and once parrot's in the clear i pull the trigger and wait for that sweet sweet death message so without further ado i present so gentlemen i wanted to bring you all here because something occurred on this server recently that caught by talcy and i's attention the pog seems to have betrayed our friend parent here are you guys willing to trust me enough to come with me to take down the pog right now we're afraid tonight i will go with you i don't know about that i have dug a tunnel it is pretty far away to kind of throw them out look at that no brands you can't be sure i didn't kill you underground last time i wouldn't do it this time all right or would you or would you that would be the perfect play parrot i've been in this situation so many times oh my gosh i'm getting desensitized to this now dang is that their plan just to desensitize you to all traps i don't know maybe yeah anything on lifesteal any leading any plans to cooperate it is it is and i admit and i appreciate you guys with your trust you know it's it means a lot to me down the sketchy pathway watch out i know it's all right one of these times i'm gonna die to a trap really you guys have got to learn to trust all right hey that's why we're walking down here i actually don't feel stressed at all which is like a new feeling for me bro i am so stressed right now i don't know what kind of card this kid's going to play it's not a card there's no car i'm just trying to ah wait wait no no i i'm more i'm more skeptical of the youtube guys doing something i'm um i don't know dude oh my gosh okay this was it my one shot wreck was in the perfect position parrot was safely in the portal and after weeks of planning i was ready [Music] you should have gone for the head [Music] shot but in the end rec teleported to the end platform and claimed his title as the goat but it's not over yet because on this server no one makes it out alive it was for the casey neistat course though still right no it's all lie the whole thing's a lie every bit of it's a lie
Channel: Branzy
Views: 2,611,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, branzy, branzycraft, parrotx2, clownpierce
Id: ObUgXwWwsM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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