I Accidentally Made the Warden Even Scarier

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so we all know that the warden is weirdly scary for a block game but you know what's even scarier forgetting to turn on your hostile mob sounds so you never even hear it coming that was perfectly setting up my my Stakes Brandy you haven't said what do you think he's building I didn't want to interrupt while you guys were chatting I'm sorry we're just shooting in the breeze baby you can you can interrupt do I need obsidian to place end crystals or can you just place them on the Bedrock to spawn it I think you should place it on the Bedrock brandsy you play someone anything um [Music] oh no he's dead I did not go to client at all for nothing hey Skip uh yeah go find me uh uh another elidro while you're in the end no sir so I scoured my replay mod footage to find my items but with the server about to close for the week I'd never make it back in time plus I'm married so uh you know I guess I offended him I give up done for the day you give up I do have to go so I gotta hope my wife with her gardening must be nice to live in to live in a picturesque 1950s version of America fortunately a few days later the seeds of doubt that I'd never see my items again formed a new plan that couldn't fail all right I'm here I'm logged on and I'm making my move okay this is it okay I've survived so far and I believe that I have to go this way Skippy tea yeah you got your stuff back I'm so close but between me and it are so many shriekers you have wool no I just written down here I don't have anything ah you see my stuff oh oh it's beautiful oh I'm here I'm here oh I set off the oh no oh god oh no I set off the thing oh Skippy tea ah Skippy T I'm setting him off again oh Skippy tea how many times can I set him off before he decides to murder me three no I set him off twice already if I throw something on the ground will it trigger him like spawn a Shrieker you mean yeah what would be the worst that could happen you die again on This Server I think he's here I think he's here I'm hiding I don't know what to do huh oh he's here skip 18 he's killing me okay how about this I'm going to come save you from the water frenzy wow hi all right wait Brandy secret weapon oh this is even better this way quickly oh this is gonna make it oh I'm gonna die with this oh no why I see my death marker I don't so you're gonna have to you're gonna have to help me out here it's this way oh this is great oh this is the sneaky part sneaky sneaky hold on I almost got my old stuff okay I'm going to my older staff where I will need you for just a moment this is so scary what I am uncrouched do you see my name no I need to oh okay uh stay right there bud you're doing great I just need to get rid of my wool uh got it you got yourself okay I got some of it there's still more shoot [Music] you hear my eyes off that's one of the shriekers everything is fine whenever it seems like it's not fine that's just your mind playing tricks on you because really everything is why are you opening a chest dancing oh I gotta I gotta cover it it did well you have so much Sandstone I don't know I don't know why I am so did you take up a hobby that's what you thought was best right now stop I what I need to get out of here okay I got one spot open fantastic job just gonna go get my shulker and that will be a successful Mission and nothing can possibly go wrong you're gonna go spawn it and kill me aren't you no I'm not I'm you're trying to set up stakes in this corny video that we're doing nope nope I was that was that was inevitable I had to get this you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster you're a monster is he here no he's not here he's fine it's fine come here what why is he here you're spawning turn on your hostile spouse why are you like this why do you put me through this can you get my stuff you I'm offended that you think I would do that intentionally you totally did it intentionally uh oh I see I see your stuff I'm almost certain there was two that you spawned oh I found him oh I done did find it I spent Super Bowl weekend getting those brandsy watch this Super Bowl Goods Oh yay there's no I have to wait another year for a Super Bowl to get my stuff back is that what you're telling me my Phantom membrane uh I might have spawned another one why it wasn't like I decided to do it for fun consciously you had no reason to go over there you consciously went over there to spawn this thing that's not entirely accurate to be fair why would you do this to me I was being nice oh I know I know I know I know and I'm I didn't mean to do this I didn't think that you'd fly directly into a whoa I'll tell you why I couldn't see a wall because I have to deal with this dumb Darkness thing because you just had to piss off a warden why I didn't know it was the third time in my hostile creature sounds are muted why are they still muted I I said before we went into this I said are they still muted and you said I don't know okay we're good I'm fancy I'm just having fun now it's a good time I'm so baby girl I'll show Cloud come on into the server and help me out and I said I don't think that's good brancy I don't think that's what we need and you said no that would be fine look I'll make a video out of it this is Minecraft and this is the scariest thing that can happen in Minecraft I would have spot a warden so it'll kill my friend skip a toy on the No Name of the beak and I said Brandy I don't think that's the way I wanted my video to be I want my video to be never right why can't it just be never right oh I hear your anger oh do you you don't have that muted because I'm feeling like a hostile creature right now bud just turn this down you're muting me now now despite Skip's death being in no way any fault of my own actions I still felt bad for him so it was time to call in the big guns [Music] to the right to the right another rock pillar there you go there's something okay go straight go straight go straight yep yep yep is this his stuff that's the stuff that's the stuff I got it I got it I got it I got it I got an XP let's go not the sound not to sound ungrateful because I do appreciate you setting it up in a nice little cache like that it is more worthwhile to me outside of the ancient city maybe maybe this opens up opportunity for a Content proposition you know you don't have your stuff maybe to get your stuff you and you and Brands you do a little something something together AKA maybe clean up the ancient city you know I can supply with some some of the basic resources to get along you get your stuff back can you be nice to me for five minutes yeah that's fine I needed a video okay all right let's let's go clear an ancient city shall we let's go let's go clear in ancient city first things first take out that group of skeletons together as a Duo go go go okay nice nice oh look at them teamwork teamwork all right skulk time baby let's do this what happens if you do this we go together oh look at that I think a good team building exercise is if you both take out a Shrieker at the same time you know you're kind of getting each other's back if one of you doesn't doesn't Harvest it then you're both no so there's two shriekers right up here why don't you both try and do a little little three two one countdown in three two one go go I gotta take out two of these things you got this Ramsay dude you have a bandana yeah that's a sign of like a go ahead a warrior oh it feels so good all right I'm ready that's a good pep talk or an 80s exercise video can he all right you need to take something away from him three two one let's have some fun [Music] [Applause] honestly very very different definition honestly oh where are you skip I'm with Brandy oh good good good we stuck together through thick and thin I did not just abandon him come on that's our buddy cop name I'm thick he's thin so good news uh the warden's angry and it's in Rampage mode it's on a bat though so we're good it's fine oh nice you remember that time when I summoned the warden and you shot it when it was right behind me to try to save me and then you flew into a wall and died tried to save you look at this yeah you guys don't need my help you're doing well getting a long gluten chest oh my God there's three over here by the way I did turn on my uh my hostile mob sounds so that was a good good tip thank you nice skip see Skip's already being kind and he hasn't sworn this whole time too so that's a plus round two Skippy TK I see I see two oh I see three all right last time I took three didn't go there do you want to take the three okay I think we need to I think we need to cover them in Wool first a moment where you see how you truly react in harsh circumstances oh ah not a good harsh circumstance I'm is that a good thing or a bad thing I'm so confused nice nice work guys that was good I got the warden distracted you can go to the chest now if you want okay thanks thanks God yep no problem oh my God there's gonna be another one how do I get out of here I've got them both on me [Music] I took a hit for you I took it for you you got out now you guys reacted great that was beautiful wait skip I see you right below me okay we're slowly making our way around we're maybe like 20 we got we gotta go back in and clear up okay get the ones over there do you see us we're we're going back to where we were do you remember that uh I went down and I'm lost in the darkness oh I see you guys did we get all those shriekers I think I only took one I got them both yeah I got the other two we're good thanks let's see let's keep going let's keep going there's another chest hey you guys got my favorite building up here it's also the hardest oh you just summoned a warden um that's time to go oh we did we didn't where is it is it inside yeah it's inside it's inside let's go take a break we can yeah yeah I'm tuckered should we make a little base a little Outpost a little rust stop right here okay who's the the building expert here we got five minutes until the warden's despawns okay actually I don't think it's five that'll that'll keep him out [Music] right it's not like he has a laser beam or something like I made like a couch nice nice good for you know whatever bass needs tell me three crafting tables oh I just oh how about okay A little bit of greenery yeah always makes the place feel a bit more friendly oh my gosh master builder in the works oh my goodness oh twerk you remember when uh tubbo came to live steel and tried to make peace it's this is the same vibe that I wear yeah good luck we're like the tubbo of Minecraft wait step back okay and now we got live entertainment huh hey wow or if you think of it a microwave or another pun or that's that too okay all right before before we head out back to the ice room uh I'm gonna need each of you to compliment each other on something you've done in the last minute skip when you got in the boat I was holding back laughter to try not to impede on the greatness of your video editing is style although that is noobster you are the one who found noobster which I think is the most important element yeah I like I like to be complimented by the people I surround myself with Ramsay I actually do like your band animal thanks man I'm blushing you can't tell but I am blushing I'm gonna make another set of cheeks Rosie if you know what I'm saying okay we should go that's perfect perfect that was great that was great let's go let's go try and knock someone Awards okay I don't know if I have any strategies on how to get into this place but we're gonna probably need to try and get inside of the ice room because I think there's gonna be a Streaker all right if you guys want to come around front this is the most dangerous building because it has a trap is there's I think you missed the Streaker the first time you got it the second time though is that gonna do a thing Parker okay if you were trying to be nice you would give me innocence okay okay this actually this is a perfect opportunity to do another another team building exercise you guys see that Warden over there we're gonna murder it anybody got wood I need some trap doors oh perfect we need we need six trapdoors stacked okay Brandy you know what to do with those trap doors right yeah uh make a pit all right it's a team team building exercise to figure out what what it does quick you got about 10 seconds give it give it to me I know what to do I don't want to do it okay go go do the thing I'm putting all my trust in life in your hands I sure hope you guys figured out what that does we gotta go say we're going to go it's fine oh yeah yep I might need help okay okay we got we gotta kill this Warden guys you see it off in the distance it's right there there oh I see it nice oh my gosh they're so good we're cooking it oh watch out jump in front of in front of us incredibly Brave okay okay great okay yeah we got this we have it we have a drill right we know exactly what we're doing all right come this way yeah he seems friendly I sure hope you got those trap doors in there I don't remember where they went there they go oh oh I fell in don't tell me he walks through back this way Wreck This Way Again this way I got a sway it yes we got it oh second wardone nice nice he's aggro on me he's not even gonna bother you guys look at that I can fake him out see he thinks he's gonna blast me and then he gets trolled wow you're just edging him yeah hey I gotta keep him aggro you know you guys you guys are so good oh my gosh I'm so scared skip deserves another item I think he jumped in front of me to save my life he tried to sacrifice himself you could almost say shove it in what kind of name is that [Music] I don't want to describe all right do you guys want to meet up in the center of the city we should get blue glass and just pull this in honestly that would look really cool that would look cool well I think we did it though yeah is your guys's ancient city that's very generous oh my gosh okay yeah what else you got that's actually I got one of these yeah oh oh and and that's actually literally why I came down here that's that's the real thing and and bang this is your last thing hey hey you know what I feel like you respect me so much more now and I appreciate it yes [Music]
Channel: Branzy Bits
Views: 95,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: ERinG30uF44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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