We Created a BLACK HOLE in Minecraft..

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all right another day at block labs i wonder what dr panic has in store for us i'm i'm going to be honest i'm not excited for this but i but you see reyes jr is though uh we're both already in our lab coats all i'm gonna say is raise junior be careful okay it seems like dr dr wait doctor oh my god dr patek i swear he's getting more and more dangerous every single time all right well welcome back to another episode of block labs here we are and of course mr doctor panic mr doctor panic is waiting up there what is he eating hey what's up doctor panic is that an ice cream sandwich yo come on down here why are you always up there oh let me see let me see what is this oh it's not ice cream it was a grilled cheese sandwich what's the job for today i already i'm not looking forward to this but just let me know dr panic today i'm going to blow your mind wait what wha wha why did you say it like that okay i i don't like the sound of that to be honest just because it's coming from this scientist what are we gonna do yeah what are we gonna do want to have a look uh sure but not really oh gosh what is that oh no oh no okay let me take a look and [Music] oh no wonder he said he's gonna blow our minds uh no no thank you dr panic if i'm not wrong those were a bunch of different tnts i will pay really good what wait wait how much how much how much will you pay me five times the usual because uh we're playing with tnt here that means we're gonna risk our lives to do this i i i'm i'm not looking forward to this oh wait that's what you're gonna be a full doc yup yup uh hand it over right now i need to see the payment up front two times all right pay it pay it up pay it up pay it up real quick one now okay and one after all right sounds good thank you so much you know race junior just gets participation honestly i i don't pay him either all right so let me see let me see all right now now what let me see those tnt blocks again let me see those tnt blocks again we need to protect ours oh gosh see i told you our lives are on the line literally oh gosh all right let me oh shoot okay race junior you better get protected as well of course of course full diamond armor that's what we need we have a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and golden enchanted golden apples what do we need this for you do realize that we put our lives on the line every single day at the job it shouldn't be like i thought we were scientists not not not flipping stuntsmen let's see it again let's see it again dr panic i kinda wanna i kinda wanna look over all the tnt we're testing today oh my gosh even more tnt why flatter tnt i don't know what flatter tnt even means okay so we have slimy tnt all right so we have slimy tnt we have tnt times 20. as if normal tnt wasn't enough we have times 20 we have gravitational wrath of zeus black hole tnt no no doctor no no i am not doing that i don't care how much you pay me i'm taking i'm taking whatever you paid me already i'm out of here dr panning i'm out of here all right i'm out of here i'm out of here dude okay fine fine fine but um on one condition on one condition grab your tnt and hop into my car i know the perfect place to experiment with these tnts everyone hop in the car trust me dr panic raise junior hop in the car we out of here welcome to cubetown everyone racehooter said why are we back here again well you already know i've always wanted to blow this place oh poor gerald oh no well things gotta happen i just remember dr panic has never been here before but the first place i want to blow up is this house right here dr panic don't worry don't worry about it don't worry about it ray's jr you'll want to be here very very soon alright dr panic everything will make sense after i explain the entire story to you but are we allowed to do this probably not but this is cubetown we're talking let me just put this into perspective this place is worse than block city go ahead and place it down you already know what i mean by that right [Music] where is how just put it down no need for explanation all right no need for explanation all right what do you want to start oh of course we gotta start off with normal tnt obviously so everyone grab one normal tnt all right we gotta start off with this house all right all right raise junior you're gonna love this all right so everyone place the tnt in any spot of the house you want i'm going all the way up to their bed area this is uh the mayor's bed area i'm gonna place it right here all right so everyone place it wherever you want and then on three or or yeah on three will ignite it and run away as quickly as possible make sure you don't get hit okay you guys better run away as quickly as possible all right all right ready in one or no i'm gonna count from from uh yeah yeah all right three two one light it up oh gosh run run run run run yo oh my gosh ray jude are you okay oh my god look at this destruction yo okay this is what we're talking about all right let's leave this house real quick before we get in trouble you know you know what we didn't do too much damage all right let's take a look at the next one what is this flatter tnt all right i'm gonna put it right here i'm gonna put it right here and light it up and see what it does yo everyone everyone just uh light it up real quick wherever you want all right on on one all right three two one i'm lighting it up all right i'm scared i'm scared i don't know what what his already blew up wait what did i even do i need to see this wait what did that even do i don't know what that did to be honest what what what oh what just happened to the world yo yo the mayor's whole house oh gosh oh gosh this my friends is why you should not play with tnt yo dr petting how did you not know that it did this why are you freaking out dude holy guacamole all right dr patty what's next what's next what's next i've always wanted to blow up cubetown i'm obviously going to leave the black hole tnt for last so let's not touch that oh i have one dr panic i don't know why there's only one of this but uh this is a five times tnt all right run run run oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm scared i'm scared how much oh poor old dude oh no i mean his time was running out anyway tnt times 20 all right i'm gonna put it inside of the 7-eleven oh run run run run run run dr panic i don't want you to die i don't want you to die run run you guys all right go go go go go run ray junior what the heck i told you to run oh oh dude you're gonna die you gotta run oh my gosh look at this it created a whole giant crate oh my gosh all the food from the 7-eleven is inside yo i cannot believe my eyes right now okay dr penny what's next wait actually i want to look i want to look let's see let's see which one to ch oh the tnt times 100 i don't think we're going to use that right now hold on hold on we have times 200 and times 500 as well all right here we go here we go yo this is gonna look so colorful yeah this is actually so cool hey what do we have next all right what is this airstrike t oh this just sounds this just sounds bad okay dr panic i'm gonna let you do this one first i want to see what it does to you i feel like it's going to strike onto yo what are you going to do to this shopping center all right just do it just do it oh he's going to the playground okay oh oh gosh oh gosh it's an airstrike tnt it's going to oh shoot okay oh my god holy see oh oh gosh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die okay oh i uh i got left with half a heart oh what yo see i knew it was smart for me to just use it i mean i mean just for you to use it yup yup rage junior guy you got rid of it i should probably get rid of this as well hold up hold up this thing is dangerous oh my gosh we have tnt 100 which is probably not even gonna be as bad as the okay get rid of this please burn that on fire and light it on fire oh no i'm not looking forward to getting lit on fire but here we go i'm letting it i'm letting oh gosh i can't even run ah yo oh oh i'm actually safe somehow somehow i didn't get hit with the fire look at this so much fire around here and light them up okay i'm just gonna stay right beside it i don't think it's gonna blow me up though so it shouldn't be too bad right it's a oh look at that clean such a clean cut oh my gosh you got so many trees dude this is this is wood cutter galore three two one and light them up i'm gonna stay close by just who's scared of slimes who is whoa oh wait wait another one wait wait why does it keep exploding wait it's still going what how far is it oh my gosh how many explosions is it gonna do what i'm scared i'm scared i don't know how many times it's gonna explode before it ends oh oh oh wait wait whoa okay okay hold on hold on oh my gosh i don't know what troll tnt does what does it do what does troll tnt even do oh wait it blew up from behind you yeah it is just a troll yeah they tricked us they trolled us we have a gravitational tnt in three two one hey whoa whoa what the oh my gosh it's just oh no ray junior i didn't say go yet yo it just pulls everything to you oh oh the fall damage is gonna oh my gosh oh no another old man rip old man hey uh dr panic i i don't think it's a good idea for us to have three of these i'm just gonna do it right here just just one of these all right ow let me do it all right i raised junior you do it you do it it's behind you it's behind you all right light it up light it up oh my gosh oh my gosh it's gonna blow up the entire cluster ah i'm scared i'm scared wait what oh no not another one of those i know dr panic loves chaos all right let's try this one boom flansteal this is i don't know what this is i think this is 200 times oh oh my gosh oh oh is is the world okay that i think that was only 200 times that we already oh my gosh that was only 200 times oh no that wasn't even 200 times that was 100 times we are doing 500 times right now in three two one i'm totally dead i'm actually dead i'm actually dead i'm actually dead oh die oh god i didn't even get the chance to eat the gold nap oh i'm so dead i'm so dead i think i think the world just cried oh oh holy crap the world is in shambles oh my gosh dr panic look at that you're the crazy one here all right you're going down there jump down there no no no not here not here oh oh wait wait that's smart that's smart wait oh my gosh it's over it's so over for this world oh gosh oh gosh there goes the world oh no i i don't even know what it's about to do to the world oh my god it's still spreading do you guys see it the world is just getting destroyed little by little oh my gosh oh it's it's all spread down to bedrock level oh my goodness okay i did say i wanted to destroy cubetown but not this much what okay what do we have no oh no oh no we have wrath of zeus alright dr panic i need you to use your magic wand or your magic hammer and turn it night time right now ah there we go there we go all right all right i'm gonna place down this wrath of zeus tnt and light it up oh no i'm gonna look at this guy oh i can't say i didn't expect that but i didn't expect that oh no not again not again not again not again oh dude we really are destroying this entire city okay we have a chunk buster and physics tnt i think i should probably hold on to the black hole tnt just because i don't trust dr panic all right so we have chunk buster tnt and physics tnt all right let me give one of each to to these guys we have chunk buster tnt all right which one should we start off with we have chunk buster and physics what is that okay we have a physics tnt all right raise your oh what the what wait why is it oh no no oh no did i just see it explode bedrock what the heck what's up dr ben what just happened okay no more no more no more let's try the chunk buster all right let's go somewhere else first oh no no no rage junior you light it up but i'm running i'm running light it up light it up ray junior light it up all right i'm out i'm i'm i'm i'm scared i'm scared i'm actually scared oh gosh oh gosh wait wait it wasn't that it wasn't that okay that was bad yes dr penny you made this you made all these i'm scared i'm scared of you okay all right let's find a nice vantage point to use this black hole tnt i i don't even know if we should use this one to be honest this is it the final tnt that we are testing and it is the black hole tnt we basically created a giant trail that leads all the way up here to activate the tnt and we're also inside of a bedrock cabin just because we don't hey look you're wait what my car wait what how is my car still here okay okay at least we still have a way to get back home i hope after this black hole tnt i don't know if we will but uh dr panic go ahead activate the redstone let's do it this is part of the even more tnt pack apparently all right we see the redstone getting activated oh gosh it's going it's sprint oh my god my car oh gosh there goes my car oh no this is so bad all right at least we're not getting sucked into the tnt with everything oh my gosh it's just taking everything away wait i'm gonna go with it i'm gonna go with it okay okay no no it's literally sucking everything into the tnt oh gosh oh gosh oh god bad idea bad idea all right bring me back bring me back close it close it close it close it there we go there we go there we go oh my god it took the car takes every single block around the tnt okay i'm just glad that okay we're definitely walking back home oh what what is happening whoa whoa whoa it's sucking us into this corner yeah yeah we are so done for i deactivate the reds i don't even know there's no way we can stop it look my car is in the sky my car is literally in the sky now oh my gosh okay i think it's over guys i think it's over i think we're safe i think we're safe holy crap we gotta go see the damage that it did oh my gosh all i gotta say is goodbye to cubetown look at this guys the entire the the entirety of q town is basically done so i think we should probably go guys dr panic ray's junior let's get out of here all right dr panna you can blow up one more tnt before we go let's go find nah nah i think i think my car is gone we're walking home at this point we are walking home i am i'm so done i am so done you guys we might be back at block labs but today is my last day here at the lab here here dr panic you take all this armor race junior take off your armor right now no you're not going inside that was the last day no no no no this is a lot no no no no just take off your armor rage junior we're going back home we are going back home raid your car yeah we i i lost my car you owe me two diamond blocks i lost the diamond block that you gave me before give me the two times payment yes please all right oh wait what how much you get you're giving me four i mean even with that even with that that's it that's it i'm out of here ray junior we're getting out of here oh my god what is ranger i i'm out of here i'm out of here let's let's go home i'm done with block labs for now [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,053,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft TNT Mod, More TNT in Minecraft, Minecraft TNT, Black Hole Minecraft, Minecraft Black Hole, Block City, Cube Town Minecraft, Minecraft Cube Town, RageElixir Cube Town, Minecraft Roleplay, RageElixir Roleplay, RageElixir Block City, Block City Roleplay, Block City Minecraft
Id: hfLt1q5lCeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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