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happy halloween everyone i know 2020 has been tough and most likely no trick-or-treating will be happening this year unfortunately so i made a very special holiday block city episode dedicated to halloween for you guys i really hope you guys enjoyed this episode of block city let's get 20 000 likes for more episodes like this and make sure you guys watch the entire video uh that was a really good episode of vlog city man i can watch block city all day every day it's probably the best minecraft show ever anyways man it's time for me to take a nap hey ashley what are you doing uh about to take a nap what about you you want to take a nap with me wait it's halloween night ah i know i know uh well we'll go trick or treating or something afterwards and we have no decoration hey ow what no decorations up what do you want me to do go set them can i at least take a nap first come on ashley come on i'm tired i've been watching tv all day please please we're gonna be the only house in the city without decorate no i'm i'm pretty sure some people don't celebrate halloween oh you know fine fine for for baby rage right this is his first halloween yeah so it's gonna be yeah baby rages first yep yep yep yep all right for baby rage all right i'm gonna grab all the decorations and everything oh yeah i left my ladder out here but before we put down the ladder i should probably put down the can't oh um let's put the kitchen counter thingy right here the can oh no dang it okay let's move the ladder all right let's put the kitchen counter right here and then some candy on top there we go this is already looking nice i've never done decorating like this before so i'm hyped all right let's put a spider right here in the corner scare everyone else uh let's put a little skull right here looking at someone coming over oh oh the pumpkin the pumpkin trio where can i put the pumpkin trio put the pumpkin trio right over man there's not many places i can put the pumpkin trio [Music] where should i put the pumpkins all right right here in front of everyone i will put the pumpkin trio right here too and then right in front of the mailbox there we go this is good enough all right i should probably break this one should be good all right and then i'll put the tombstone right here guys i'm not that good at decorating guys somewhere all right let's put the little ghosty thingy right here oh i like that placement um and then the tombstone right over here yeah facing towards whoever comes to the house all right well let's uh let's put this down hop on top of the ladder hopefully i don't fall off and break my leg or arm or something like that all right let's put down the decoration let's go two two by two oh oopsies okay that works that works all right this should be good enough there should be enough decorations compared to other homes like this this should be good enough yeah it looks nice it looks nice it's not very symmetrical but it is what it is it's baby rages first anyways so it doesn't really matter too much we we just need to top it next year all right so what else do we need for halloween i am gonna go trick or treating oh there's actually um where's baby rage baby rage hey baby rage are you excited for halloween guys to be honest i'm more excited about halloween than baby rages um big rage you want to go trick-or-treating hi yes okay well uh with halloween there's the thing called trick-or-treating where we can get candy and stuff right you like candy right baby rage yes please free candy yeah free candy but you need to do one thing you need to wear a costume um since you huh oh i have an idea follow me follow me baby rage we gotta go order our costumes on or are masks let's just go with masks um i'm gonna i'm gonna order us a few masks and costume on the computer online on amazon real quickly yep all right all right let's go on the internet all right um there we go all right so let me order you all right i'm gonna order you oh i got it i'm gonna be batman and baby your age is gonna be robin that's gonna be so cute all right let me quickly order there we go just ordered it wait did the bell just ring who's ringing the doorbell what it's a huh oh hold up i just ordered it don't tell wait what the heck is this huh five second shipping sheesh amazon really stepped up their game they got my batman mask and the robin mask oh my goodness they rage we got our mask already that scared me i was like what the heck all right baby rage this is your mask put it on put it on i'll put mine on too we can be can i see yeah you can oh you're so cute baby rage all right let me put on mine oh wait oopsies where'd i put mine oh oops uh oh there we go there we go let me put it on as well there we go yay father and son batman and robin oh actually we're about to go head out trick-or-treating it's just about time i think yeah the moon's coming up you guys look so cute no stop huh what do you mean stop we're gonna go have some fun come with me rage um baby rage i'll be right back okay just wait for me all right what's up ashley you want to come with us you can be a catwoman or something like that you need to teach baby rage safety stuff i i know i know don't worry don't worry it's his first halloween i promise i'll teach him all the safety stuff while we're doing it you know it's all about showing the kid to help him learn you know he doesn't know about how to interact with strangers exactly that's why i do it for him no talk to him now before you go okay okay and i want nothing bad happening tonight okay ashley where do you think we live we live in block city something bad is gonna happen for sure but i will promise to keep baby race i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'll keep baby rage safe okay uh you better all right all right i'll teach him about everything you want to come with us ashley or no okay be safe no i'm gonna rest why why do you always need to rest i swear you need to rest 24 7. so you're not doing anything mommy come with us all right all right well baby rage we need to have a little safety talk all right it's all about you know being safe all right okay sounds good all right cool cool cool all right let's go let's go all right all right let's uh oh man oh wait wait i have an idea uh you wanna have you wanna have fun right you wanna have fun your first uh your first halloween all right let's have some fun let's have some fun don't tell mommy about this okay she might be wondering where all the eggs went but i i i got something cool to show you all right all right all right come on come on come on let's head out to the garage we're gonna take our car we're gonna take our car and go trick-or-treating trick-or-treating this is baby rage's first trick-or-treating experience even though i'm probably more excited than he is right now to be honest guys i can't wait to i can't wait to get a ton of uh candy um yeah we're we are not stopping by this house do we get free mcdonald's too oh baby rage um no no mcdonald's we're here to get candy from neighbors and homes let's not buy this house let's let's go trick-or-treat at this house remember this lady remember your babysitter oh okay it looks so cool yes you see all the decorations dang they went all out with the decorations now i feel like i did a bad job all right well let's ring the doorbell take one candy each we're here to grab some candy is that okay with you miss oh how cute yeah i'm batman he's robin all right let me grab some candy yum yum yum yum grab some candy baby rage what are you baby rage what are you baby rage he's robin i'm robin all right well have a good night miss all right let's go let's go let's go let's go um wait that that's all the house wait i think um baby rage i hope you had fun tonight you ready to go back home is that it uh more candy i mean shoot oh baby ready don't be sad okay okay we could go back to the old neighborhood that i used to live in this isn't candy what is it wait what is it baby rage let me see cucumber soup oh you you know your babysitter she's a vegetarian or like you know she's a healthy freak you know it's okay well i'll get you candy all right let's go let's go but i want candy okay okay all right i'll take you to i'll take you to another neighborhood daddy used to live there and i think you might remember i think you might remember i think you might remember uh this house it might give you bad memories i don't know you were a little young then it's been a it's been a few months or a year now all right well no mcdonald's no mcdonald's baby rage no mcdonald's all right we have a lot of people probably trick-or-treating on the street so let's get out let's get out let's uh let's walk to each house all right come on baby rage let's skip skip with me skip with me yay la la la la la la la all right we're gonna start with the first house okay all right this house is a little dark it says no trick-or-treating huh i win no you don't i won the race baby rage oh man this this house doesn't have trick-or-treating baby rage wait let's have some fun baby rage take some eggs i'm gonna teach you something okay don't tell mommy about this okay okay you promise you promise you won't tell mommy about this okay look at this look at what daddy's about to do eat this yeah yeah eat this wow yeah look at all these chickens look at all those chickens did you have fun yeah okay don't tell mommy about this or else we're gonna get in big trouble okay all right let's go to this house right here oh this house has pretty good decoration man this house is really nice and i kind of wish we lived here instead whoa whoa whoa boo oh man you scared me sir oh that's a really cool costume what what big paws you have thanks yeah costume what big teeth you have oh give us some candy oh okay okay we got chocolate baby rage this is your first candy i don't like him scary yay okay okay that this dang this guy is so spirited can i can i eat it no no let's save it for later we gotta we gotta oh let's do a little contest baby rage to see who gets more candy okay okay let's compete who gets more candy okay i win no it's not over yet let's keep going to different houses trick-or-treating this way oh who is this ah oh god i hate this holiday what i hate this holiday what do you want this guy is a little grumpy isn't he wait um sir sir oh shut up hey you don't tell my kid that punk yeah yeah before i beat you up i'm about to pummel you you want these hands yeah yeah i bet your blood hey i got garlic all right stay away i'm just kidding i'm just kidding hey hey you just hit my kid i'm breaking into your house one day ah go go go go go go go go go ready to go [Music] all right let's go to the next house let's go to the next house don't tell mommy okay don't tell bobby i've got another house right here dang they don't have any decorations or anything like that oh wait they do have blood on the floor that's oh baby rage get back get back get back come back get back we're not we're not in blood no no no no no baby rage um uh nothing nothing let's go let's go baby rage everything's okay everything's okay oh my gosh oh baby razor let's keep going this used to be my house what is my monitor doing up there how is my computer still on yeah i'm never coming back to this house this house is haunted for sure at this point that jim davis got killed here oh okay um oh okay let this house seems pretty spirited hello nice costume you have there hi fancy this is the kind of spirit we need very very happy guy hey kid come in free candy hey baby rage baby rage baby don't go in don't go it this is the safety i was talking about don't hey kid come in free candy no give us candy out here fine we're trying to do kidnap my kid she's creepy uh creepy old man uh what thank you okay okay uh um what the heck is this thanos uh what's up dana what the oh we got calaveras hey this is actually pretty cute um who are you guys supposed to be um i'm batman and my son he's robin oh what is this twinkie huh uh it's a little unhealthy but hey once in a while it's okay you like you like twinkie you like twinkie baby rage you're gonna you're gonna love a twinkie don't eat too much now too much sugar is bad for you all right so it seems like this is the last house in the neighborhood all right baby rage you ready you ready you ready to get some candy okay okay let's go let's whoa we got the jason voorhees guys man this guy has a really nice pool honestly i i don't think i've seen how too many homes baby rangers just jump in the pool get out baby rage this is not our house but this is actually a pretty nice house honestly dang it nice decorations and everything oh very very cool very very cool i see um huh that guy was pretty cool yummy oh that's pretty nice that's pretty nice all right uh baby rage we should probably go we should probably go it's getting a little dark look what is that it's pretty cool is that candy oh that's a really oh caramel apple oh my god baby rage since this was the last house um we should probably head back home okay how many candy do you have um uh well we'll look one once we're back in the car i think i have one two three four i have i have four candy baby rage i have four candy i have four candy baby rage i hope you have fun i hope you had fun baby rage all right all right how much candy do you have baby rage well why was he laughing he said he he how much candy did you have guess um three i probably have more than you of um five five how do you have five candy um wait a second did i not did i not get candy at the last house baby rage stay in stand i mean stay stay in the car for a quick second i'll be right back okay baby rage let me go no i don't get no no no baby rage get in the car i'll go get i'll go get some candy okay i can't let you win all right well let's head back to the house i know i know this looks bad as a parent but i need to win guys i need to beat baby rage and how much candy or at least or at least high you know or at least high in the amount of candy we have oh the guy's still outside all right all right let me let me go ask him for candy excuse me sir um i'd like candy please you have been here before i don't think i don't think i got candy from you though only my kid got candy please sir how how old are you um not old enough really man hey hey i haven't gone trick-or-treating in like 10 years okay caramel apple can i have another wait wait wait hold on can i get another one please please the night is over anyways well you come on just one more i'll leave you alone after you give me one more hey okay okay he gave me a brownie ah i'm stuck all right well now i just beat baby rage oh my gosh i can't wait to brag the bigger age how much candy i have baby rage baby read i beat you i got more candy than you i got more candy than you yes ah kids need to learn that they can't always win you know baby rage are you ready to go back home baby ray where's where where's baby rage baby rage i know you're hiding behind uh baby rage maybe he didn't want to wait for me anymore and just walked home i don't know how that's possible because i live kind of far away but um i should probably drive back home and see if baby rage is at home what am i gonna do what am i gonna do baby actually ashley's gonna kill me ashley is gonna kill me oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh uh uh oh my gosh i need i gotta make sure i don't get oh no back already yeah um i'm just here to um take a little bathroom break you know it's where is baby rage oh um baby rage is just waiting in the car we're still gonna go trick or t no no no actually ashley wait wait wait um baby rage you know he's in the halloween spirit uh and and we still have a lot of stuff to do so i don't want you to you know break his spirit right now you know he's way too happy right now thanks for caring about our kids so much yeah don't worry let me just go to the bathroom and you know enjoy the rest of the night i promise you we're gonna surprise you okay oh my god oh my god oh my god where's my bathroom okay i'm gonna use the bathroom upstairs oh my gosh oh my gosh where the heck is baby rain oh my gosh baby rage uh-huh baby rage oh no he's not at home what about the backyard maybe he's in the backyard oh i'm gonna be in big trouble oh my gosh my baby got kidnapped again didn't he oh no first jim davis now this it's all my fault oh my gosh baby rage he has to be in the tree house i hope please please please please please your rage oh no big rage is not i'm a failure as a parent oh okay okay let me go to mcdonald's let me go to mcdonald's maybe mcdonald's i don't know crap i think mcdonald's is closed right now man oh my gosh could he be at the mall i don't know i just gotta ask around is there a way from here to go to the mall hmm there might be a back entrance baby oh there is there is okay how come there's a mcdonald's that connects to the mall from here and there's also another mcdonald's inside of the mall that doesn't make sense okay well gotta ask around i wonder if anyone's working this late at night crap is there anyone in the real estate store excuse me is anyone here shoot no one's in the gym no one's in the bank crap oh my god i lost my baby i lost my baby crap how many times am i gonna lose lose my baby oh there oh wait there's someone working here hello hello excuse me sir oh i'm out of breath oh have you seen have you seen a kid um that that kind of looks like me um he he is a baby and he was wearing a robin mask i can't seem to find him oh right oh wait you know something he was with you right no uh i don't think you've ever seen me but you had a purple sweater on and a joker mask wait is he talking no he you're going towards the park oh my okay thank you so much for telling me that was not me sir that was not me oh my gosh i'm so thankful you told me about this oh my goodness i think he just got kidnapped guys maybe baby rage just got baby rage just got kidnapped by that person that was impersonating me is there no one working here crap do i just steal a gun or something oh my god oh wait wait oh oh were you did you just come back from break or something sir um uh can can you give me a any gun and again did you say steal no no i didn't say steal i didn't say steal um i need some wait oh nice halloween spirit is that aquaman uh is that aquaman or something suit no oh oh you just kind of oh oh oh you just kind of look like aquaman uh um i need a gun any gun uh give me give me the most powerful thing you've got i need to take i need to get rid of this criminal what please i have a gun license sir give me any all right thank you so much oh a hand cannon oh my goodness here's my credit card hurry my baby just got kidnapped i need to go murder someone my gosh oh no i'm i'm out of bullets uh sir can you give me another one give me another one please accident hey please please i accidentally shot the gun it was on accident all right thank you so much sir all right i won't shoot it this time all right well he went he went to a park apparently so uh i think the park is this way is the park this way okay okay okay we have no time to drive i just need to head to the park and hopefully we can find baby rage or else oh my gosh why does this have to happen to me every single time next time i'm never letting my uh you know i'm never letting my eyes off of rage a baby rage ever ever never letting go uh of you know i'm not letting go of my side of baby rage my my baby oh wait what the come on what is he saying that's him i'm your dad now okay what he hey hey hold up you there what are you doing with my kid stop give me my kid i know who you are rage what the how do you know my name and why do you have my i was a big fan of you what big fan of me on what i want a life like you what the heck what is this creepy talk this stalker i'm doing what you did what do you mean you're doing what i did i will shoot you like how you started in the city stealing someone's identity i would never do something like that i i would never do something like that i will be you no you will not baby rage come with me i'm your real dad baby rage oh my god he's confused omg a zebra is behind you what zebra what wait where he disappeared again this dude disappeared again baby rage i'm your real dad you should know who here let me take off my mask it's me it's me daddy don't you ever go running off like that again okay don't follow any strangers i gotta make sure i teach you everything because i was being careless daddy i'm sorry okay you left me oh i'm sorry i'm sorry baby rage but hey you got all the candy right here take take take my candy too you can hop you can have all the candy you want okay i'm so sorry for doing this to you all right we're gonna go we're gonna go home now okay all right let's go home we need to head back to the car and everything okay oh my gosh this is uh this was one disastrous halloween oh my goodness uh at least baby rage is happy right today has been awesome oh okay okay that's good that's good baby rage i'm glad i'm glad you really enjoyed today all right well let's let's head home now okay so much candy all right and free and and ice cream oh man okay well let's let's go home okay okay let's go home
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 739,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Block City, Pocket Edition, Pocket Minecraft, RageElixir Do NOT Trick Or Treat in Minecraft, Trick or Treat in Minecraft, Minecraft Trick or Treat, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Halloween, Halloween Minecraft, Scary Minecraft Video, Minecraft Halloween Special, Special Halloween Minecraft Video, Special Minecraft Video, Block City Halloween Special
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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