My Favourite Chicken Recipe, Chicken Milanese - Chef Jean-Pierre

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okay friends one of my favorite chicken chicken scallopini milanese you gotta make this this is really really really simple i promise you you're gonna love it i made it with a lemon pepper sauce but you can just squeeze lemon juice with it a little bit of arugula salad on top it's delicious okay friends we're gonna make chicken scallopini milanese scallopini this is one of my favorite way to make chicken you guys gotta you have to learn to make this this is so simple you're not gonna believe it really really good first we want to get a chicken breast and when you get a chicken breast this is way too thick you see this is very too thick so we need to make it thinner all right so the first thing we're going to do because everybody's been asking me how do you get chicken so thin very simple friends okay if you look at it this is the outside of the chicken this is the inside of the chicken put the outside on your cutting board you want to make sure it's flat because if you go this way you can't see what's on the other side here you know what's on the other side it's flat all right so you can see it right there right so now friends we're going to go in we're going to cut this out just like this you need a slicer to help you if you have one of them big slicer like that that helps so what you're going to do you're gonna go up and down up and down up and down and you're gonna slice okay simple look put your hand on top and don't worry it's not like the knife is gonna come and get you okay as long as you keep your fingers out of the way look it's very simple you put it on top like that and you go up and down up and down look how simple that is see a child could do this you don't have to be julia child any child i promise you look look look go up and down go up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down and look at this you got two perfect scalopini of chicken you see simple that was okay so now what are we going to do we're going to put them in flour all right simple and and and do do yourself a favor please friends sanitize sanitize i have a rag right here with little soap and i have a touch of bleach in my water you remember i always uh work with a little bit of bleach in my water if i'm doing any kind of protein okay any kind of fish any kind of meat any kind of poultry i make sure i have a little bit of soap and a little bit of bleach in my water like a cup full of look i'll show you i'll show you for this this big bucket right there it's about a gallon and a half of water right i put a little bit of bleach like a cup full of bleach and a little soap very little bit just enough to sanitize it i don't smell any more than my pool water okay at least it's sanitized because if you don't sanitize friends and um and and you're putting uh just soap in there you need to sanitize your cutting board a little bit of bleach is not going to hurt it as long as you don't put a garland a bleach in there just and barely enough to smell it okay all right so now look guys we're going to take the chicken and we're going to put them in flour we got salt and pepper in a flour okay salt and pepper and flour just a little bit you don't need a lot right and then you're going to dredge them and the reason why you're doing this is because the the egg is not going to stick the egg will not stick to the chicken if the chicken is wet so the flour dries it out okay if you come with flour for some reason you're cooking for somebody you can't have any flour just dry the chicken really good with pepper towels and then you can skip the flour there you see or if you're in a diet you can't have flour you know you never know all right so look guys we're going to take it we're going to put it in the egg this is just a egg then it's broken and salt and pepper okay and then we're gonna take it and we're gonna put it in a bread crumb in a bracket not not a regular breadcrumb man this is a panko panko a japanese breadcrumb and uh and a little bit herb de provence and uh a little bit of parmigiano-reggiano just put a little bit in there don't go right there measuring just a little bit of dry herbs if you don't have herb to pronounce okay you want to use dry herbs a little bit don't be putting some fresh herbs in there it's a dry breadcrumb right what i'm talking well i'm talking i'm gonna get my um uh my uh fry pan ready with my olive oil and today i'm using an aurica lemon olive oil because i'm gonna make a little lemon sauce for that okay temperature is 365. it's very important to get it to the right temperature if you're going to coil the oil the breadcrumb is going to soak it all up and it's going to get soggy instead of nice and crispy if you don't have a digital thermometer like this just pay attention to your oil you kind of know when it's um when it's about the the it's about to uh to smoke which is not good we don't want that because extra virgin olive olive oil has a low smoke point but we're gonna put some cold chicken here so we're not gonna burn the oil so just be careful make sure it's not you'll feel it and you'll see the oil is starting to shimmer a little bit that's when it's at the right temperature okay and uh if you don't have one of those they're easy to get it's a digital thermometer then measure the temperature of the oil like i said we want to make sure it's nice and hot when we put it in so then the brecon doesn't soak it all up and become all soggy we like it to be crispy so here we go we'll put it in here you put it in here and and remember the rules you don't touch it you just leave it in there just for a second long enough to get a nice and golden brown and it's going to take about a cup a minute a minute and a half we're just gonna wait until it's golden brown and then we're gonna flip it okay all right so a couple of minutes uh don't wait too long just double check it and see look look look look see how beautiful it is i like it when it's slightly light golden brown like that just a little bit okay not not too much now don't go right there and burning it there's just enough all right and uh and then what we're gonna do friends we're gonna do it on that side just a little bit okay you can do a little bit more if you like it and then i'm going to put them on a cookie sheet lined with a silpat silicone don't go over there cooking on aluminum now all right and we're going to take them you see right there turn the heat off and we're going to put them on that silicone and we're going to finish cooking them in the oven all right because it's a little thick to cook in uh in a fry pan the whole way if you cook it in frypan the whole way by the time you cook the inside of the outside to be a little too cooked right so we're just going to take it and we're going to pop it in the oven and we're going to make a quick little sauce okay while we while we pop them in the oven we're going to go make a quick little sauce so you know what i do if i have um um if i'm doing this in advance if i'm doing this in advance friends i um uh i make the chicken in advance and i gotta ready to go on a cookie sheet whenever i'm ready for dinner i pop it in the oven lunch dinner brunch whatever it is right today i'm going to make a little sauce just to show you how to make a little lemon sauce with capers but you could just squeeze lemon on it and put it on a rug to be delicious sometime i serve with a tomato sauce with a marinara sauce it's delicious it's really really simple think about what i just did right look how quick that was right one one two three boom all right so you can skip the sauce if you don't want to make the sauce but i'll show you how to make a quick little lemon sauce very simple right we got shallots we got lemon juice we got lemon zest we're going to put a lemon zest in there friends um and and then we're going to put a little bit of chicken stock maybe just a little bit of cream what do you what do you think and butter we're gonna put butter we're gonna put bottle friends we love butter now some people say to me you're putting too much butter too much butter mamma mia this is not too much butter is good for you and and everybody's always asking me about my emotional support i'm by the ball but i love watching my brother but it's good for you okay here we go folks a little bit of shallots it'll be perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with onion okay get a spoon all right so onion will be great shallots shallots are a little more delicate than onion by the part of the lily family same deal it's a bulb boob boob he said bob so um and um all right so we saute the shallots and we're gonna put a little bit of wine a little bit of chardonnay don't be cooking with a wine you're not willing to drink okay i'm gonna put just a little bit of wine and let it reduce yeah remember don't be cooking with the wine you're not willing to drink it doesn't get any better after you cook it i find it so interesting people go i buy coffee wine it's only for cooking oh i didn't go buy crappy fish it's only for cooking i mean think about that right yeah it's for crappy wine it's just for cooking ah mama all right little lemon juice fresh lemon juice and you want to use a lemon zest this is a microplane grater okay everybody so many ding dongs out there use this tool the wrong way they use it this way that is not how you use it they take the lemon and they go like this okay you see them all doing it it's driving me nuts look okay so you go like this yeah okay yeah he's through together now what do you do next you got to aim so you got to aim right there so you don't go to the same place you don't want to get the pit the piece is the white part so this is not how you use you don't put the lemon on top of the tool you put the tool on top of the lemon and look look look pay attention look at this you see how much better i never go to the same place twice and you see how fast i go i go and guess what happened the two friends is designed right there to hold all of the lemon zest or the orange or the lime with whatever citrus you're doing you see look look look how cool that is you see right here right so now what you do boom you put it in the pot okay how simple was that put it in the pot okay so now um now we got acid in there right i said we're gonna put a little bit more here hey capers keepers escape escapers campers are wonderful you know what a caper is everybody thinks they're part of the olive they're nothing to do with olives the capers is a um is the flower bud of the caper bush which means if allowed to grow becomes a nice old white flower you know i always say what were they smoking when they come up with the idea of capers hey before it becomes a flower let's take it let's put it in the brine so we can either three months from now they have to be smoking something strange to come up with that idea right but it's fabulous right little pepper little lemon juice right here where do if you make a lot of sauce let's say you're making for like a few people you can add a little bit of chicken stock in there just a little bit of chicken if you're making a lot of volume i'm not making a lot of money i'm already got two scallopini in there so what i can do is i can put a touch of cream what is the cream gonna do look you know remember gotta be our reason the cream is fat and what does the fat do fat helps you offset the acidity fat help you upset the acidity remember that right that is why we're gonna put butter in there we're gonna wait for it to get a little thicker we're gonna let it reduce and then we're going to add butter and i'm going to show you how to add the butter correctly okay so we're going to wait for this to reduce all right now i'm fine now i'm going to put the butter i got to show you the right way to do it the right way to do it for don't be afraid now butter is a friend you don't have to put butter if you don't want to put butter but i i do so look you're taking the butter take the heat off take the heat off why do you want to turn the heat off because if you don't turn the heat off you know what happened the butter will separate and becomes oily we don't want that remember butter fat milk solid and water that's what the butter is and if you boil it it's separated because look look look at this look at it you know if you have a little chopped parsley put it in here i just happened to have some look at this let me tell you something folks that sauce right there on fish on chicken you gotta rub it on your body do whatever you want look at this how beautiful or what let me tell you friend this is a beautiful lemon pepper sauce we're going to put on top of the chicken all right let's get the chicken out of the oven and then we're going to make a nice little plate okay all right i'm going to take it out of the oven and uh oh yeah baby let's double check and make sure it's cooking up but look at it this you look beautiful right so now we're going to do we're going to take it we're going to put one in a plate just like this we're going to make a very simple plate eh nothing fancy like i said i made a lemon sauce today because i had nothing else to do all right like i said i'm gonna i'm gonna put a sauce on it folks put a nice little sauce in there you can just keep putting that sausage keep it put the sauce on it and you can put a lemon juice in there it'll be delicious i promise you i have it like that all the time okay and then we're going to make a we're going to put it we're going to start out on top i made a vinaigrette there's a video right there on a vinaigrette very simple vinaigrette right little oil and a little vinegar good vinaigrette now remember a little salt and pepper voila and i'll put this right on top of it arugula salad on top let me tell you something friends this is delicious this is simple one two three anybody can make this you can oh come back over here you right you can decorate the plate if you want with a little bit of sauce right there on the side you see very simple okay you can just do this with a couple paper in there and make it look pretty but very simple chicken scallopini milanese my friends look how beautiful that is okay let's test it you know it should be tender enough oh layer look at this i can cut it with a fork it's so tender oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah delicious mmm you gotta try this is my favorite chicken i love it i know you're gonna make that recipe you're gonna love it don't forget to subscribe we need subscriber and ring the bell so you get notification every time i do i put up a new video we try to do one every thursday at 10 am and and subscribe and give us a thumbs up if you like the recipe thank you you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 312,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make chicken milanese, chicken cutlet, chicken recipes, chicken milanese recipe, chicken milanese, milanese recipe, how to make, fried chicken, how to make chicken cutlets, arugula salad, breaded chicken, chicken recipes for dinner, chicken recipes easy, chicken cutlets recipe, fried chicken breast, food network recipes, chef jean pierre onion, chef jean pierre, chicken scaloppini, chicken scaloppini milanese, dinner recipes, easy chicken, pan fried chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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