The Perfect Rack of Lamb | Chef Jean Pierre

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perfectly good quack of lamb friends stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make it don't forget ring the bell subscribe to our channel and don't forget to give this a thumbs up if you like the video stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make this perfectly cooked raccoon all right friends well let me show you about this raka lamb how do we prepare the perfect like a lamb when you get your wracker lamb this is kind of like how you get it it uh kind of like how you get it what kind of english is that usually they come in about eight bones usually they got a fat cap on it sometimes the fat cap is all the way in this is the rack of lamb then uh you get a costco if you shoop a costco you can get like that they usually clean a little bit of the bone but i'm gonna show you how to completely clean they usually head bone eight bones when you buy rocket land friends you want to buy a very heavy big rock lamp more than two pound if you can get it more than two pounder if you can get they're not easy to get because otherwise what you see is if you buy the small one the size of the bone are the same but the loin which is what you're paying for right there this is what you're paying for is that that piece right there because you're not eating no bones and and so you want to make sure this is a two and a half pound rock this is a beautiful rock right there and um you know they come from new zealand they come from australia they come from usa they come from different part of the world wherever you are is what you get okay you can't just be you know if you if you're in australia get a swelling ring they're beautiful if you're in america you try to get an american limb whatever you it's up to you it's how much you can afford get they're all wonderful it's just a question of configuring what market you go in and what are they selling they could get in america you can get new zealand australian and and and and domestic it's up to you what you want to get so i'm not going to get uh give you a recommendation because you don't know what you're going to get but anyway what you want to get is you want to get a big one okay size matters in a rocket lamp folks you got to be make sure you have the big one so you got a nice ride so let me show you the cleaner first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get my my cleaning rag because i forgot it and it's really important i need a a wet cleaning rag all the time so i have it in my hands and so the first thing we're going to do friends is we're going to get rid of the fat cap right there and uh and it's easy to do and and and we but let's we're going to get a knife though let's make sure we get a boning knife because that knife right there friends you are going to need the boning knife that is really really important okay so we want to make sure we get that so this you it's going to be a very difficult thing for you to do if you all you got is a chef's knife it's much better if you have a boning knife this is really the tool to get so what do we do here we take our uh before you use the knife though you got to try to use your hand because if you use your knife you don't want to cut that tenderloin right here you see the fat cup is on top of it but you don't want to go in there with a knife because you you'll damage this loin right here you don't want to do that so what you do friends you take your fingers you see and you lift that fat cap right there see the way i'm doing it look you lift it with your finger and it's very easy to do you see people make it more complicated when there needs to be you know it doesn't need to be complicated friends look you're taking your fat cap right there right right there right there right there very simple let me take it off the plate to begin with so that'll make it easier i don't need that plate right there clean my hands always so then they're not they they're not greasy right and now we need to remove this fat cap i guess i need another knife for that friend so i'm going to go right there and get what i call a slicer and the slicer what i do with this and uh and let me turn it right here so you guys can see it okay see right there what we're going to do we're going to take the slicer i mean no i don't normally i don't want to turn away from but if i turn this way i turn away from the camera so i don't want to turn away from the camera but normally you don't put the knife with your hand you put it like this and you push away from your hand okay but if i do that you're not going to see it with a camera right there so that's what i'm doing in this way but normally you see what you do you go like this and you push this way away you push the tenderloin okay but i i'm gonna have to use it this way toward my hand so you can see what i'm doing otherwise you can't see what i'm doing now my knife friends my knife is on the bone and i'm scraping the bone you see look i'm scraped my knife is on the bone i'm scraping it and i'm removing this fat cup see how simple that was friends all right so now you can see a little bit more i'm going to go right there because this is how you should do it remember don't ever put a knife towards you okay i just did it for the camera okay so you can see okay so very simple so far right all right let me take this put it in the plate so it's out of the way actually let me bring this plate back so then we can see so now we're going to take this out of the way we don't need it now what do we do clean the hand always clean your hand friends clean your hands because if you don't clean your hands they're gonna be greasy and if they're greasy you're gonna have a difficult time cleaning this okay now we need to clean the bones okay we're not in a classical french cuisine so we need to clean them perfectly clean but we're gonna clean them nice okay so look all we got to do here you take the bone you put your your hands behind the bone behind the bone and you go like this and you go up see look you put your hand now on this bone right here where's my see where my fingers are they're right here they are away from the knife right i go down make a left turn and go back up okay let's do it again look my hands are now on this bone i go down go up clean it up you see look a child could do this no no don't let it shine don't let a child do that with a boning look look at simple there right go down left down go up go down left turn go up you see it's not complicated see right there okay right there be careful with this one okay now if you have the time you got nothing else to do you want to clean the bones clean the bones clean the bone take a towel clean the bones get in the bones okay if we want to make a 30 minutes video i'll be happy to clean the bones we're not going to do that all right so we take this out now this is because you want to make it look good but dear baby let me tell you this is good eating right here but i just want to make it look good so okay so you see it all right so now look we got a little bit of fat cap right there we're going to remove that fat right there just a little bit okay now we've got a silver skin this is a silver skin right there you get this in a pork tenderloin you get this in a beef tenderloin silver skin how do you remove a silver king that's important you grab it right here in the front then you take your knife and you slightly tilt it i hope you can see it you slightly tilt it on top of the silver skin and you scrape it very lightly you see very lightly look see no meat on the other side okay so i'm gonna do it again okay so you can see it alright so look see you grab it right and then you fold the knife on it you see you fold the knife on it folks you see right here and then you scrape it you see it you see right here it's slightly tilted on it right there you see and right there you see no meat on the other side all right now right there folks there is a little tenderloin let me continue moving the silver skin okay right there there is a little tenderloin right there on top of the loin right there if we remove it we lose a lot of meat right there see right there so i'm gonna leave it on there all right so what do we do with this guy right there we're gonna put it on salt and pepper we're gonna put in a fry pan and we're gonna give it a quick sea all right salt and pepper let's get the fry pan going so we have it salt and pepper that's all we're doing salt and pepper let me put this right there don't put it back in there in a container and salt and pepper right that's it okay clean your hand always at the same time now what do we do we're going to give it a quick seal that means we're going to put it in the pan actually i got the wrong pan for this i got the pan right here we're going to get a really nice seal and we're going to do it with clarified butter because if we use regular butter it's going to burn all right so we use clarify about it you think i got enough right there i think so butter in quantity you know i even i didn't even talk about my mison plus yet i'll do it in a minute okay so first we're going to get this in a fry pan and we're going to give it a pen a quick sear now you hear it all the time friends people are telling you give it a quick sear to sealing the juices i don't know where they get this from i don't know where they get their information from those people you do not sealing the juices the g the juices naturally goes away from the heat and are going to get toward the center of the meat it doesn't matter if you sear if you don't see it if you put the meat in the oven the juice is going to go in the oven the searing is to create the malar reaction and the malar reaction is caramelization of protein just for flavor has got nothing to do with sealing the juices the juices are going to go in the center no matter what you put them in the oven you're cooking they go in the middle this is why when we take the meat out we got to let it rest so the juices has an opportunity to come back out okay so remember the only purpose of doing this the only reason of doing this is to create the mala reaction and that's flavor so we're going to do that and then we're going to finish rocker lamb let me check my temperature because i want to make sure it's really hot i don't want to be stewing anything i am looking for my caramelized for my uh clarified butter and since i had the wrong pan i got to wait a little bit longer but i'm looking for my uh clarified butter to be about 350 degrees that's going to give me a beautiful caramelization the mala reaction create a nice seal okay anybody can do this this is not complicated okay we got to wait for this to get hot while i'm waiting for this to get hot i let me talk real quick about the meson plus i am going to make a red wine reduction shallots targon red wine reduction that i'm going to put in an easter egg lamb and i'm going to serve this quickly with a little brussels sprouts sauteed in bacon and red onion and balsamic vinegar really simple i'm going to show you how to do it now a lot of people said larry my staff said hey you know and nobody likes brussels sprout why are you doing brussels sprouts well somebody gonna like him because at the grocery store everybody got brussels spot on special so they were everywhere and i love them and i think they're delicious the secret is to poach them with a little bit of sugar water you put in sugar water and when you poach them and you cook them when they're almost ready and we're going to finish them up in the oven if they're small you leave them whole and if they're big you cut them in half and you purchase them in sugar water a little sugar water that takes slightly away the bitterness of the uh of the brussels sprout okay so let me see to make sure we good here i think we're good i can smell it we're good the butter smells delicious we're gonna go real quick give it a beautiful seal we're going to clean up our our uh uh tool clean up a cutting board and we're going to give that just a second clean up my cutting board because i hate to be in a to work in a dirty environment and then we're going to get this rock a lamb a rest and then we're going to show you i'll put a beautiful breading on it breadcrumb i made fresh breadcrumbs this recipe is on our website it's uh and essential so you can make this is the same breadcrumb that i used to make my tomato pie i use it all the time friends this is a beautiful easy to make it's just fresh bread sun-dried tomato garlic a little fresh herb if you got him remember we're just giving it a quick sear friends to create that malar reaction i was telling you about a second ago and if you look we got that beautiful malar reaction right there we're not cooking it we're going to cook it in the oven this is just to give it a beautiful sea okay i'm waiting for this break on fresh breadcrumb i use fresh bread i removed the crust i put it in the food processor sun dried tomato garlic fresh herbs and then i i use what i need for my tomato pie from different recipes i make a salmon with this is fabulous also and then i freeze the rest of it freezes good for 17 years so we're going to put on a rack of lamb we're going to put some dijon mustard on top of the lamb and uh okay we're good we don't need to cook this a little longer that's it we got some nice let's put it up like that just for a second remember the only peppers that you're always going to do that is to create that mala reaction okay and uh you know what i'll do i'll give you a a description of the mala reaction so you can you can understand exactly what it is and you see how beautiful it is and the fact that we are using the clarified butter nothing is burning okay so i am going to take it right there i'm going to put it on this side and i am going to leave it in the pan for a few minutes okay we're going to leave it right there and let's not worry about it nothing's gonna happen to it okay so now while this is happening let's get this uh uh brussels sprout ready to go in the oven we're also gonna use clarified butter so we don't burn them all right a little clarify about it if you don't have a battery use regular battery trust me we're going to use butter before we leave at the end of the day yeah for those of you that are not sure clarified butter is regular butter where we remove the milk protein so it's just by the fat it has a higher smoke point okay that's why we use it okay so it doesn't burn and this is a regular batter that we're going to use at the end of the sauce you get more flavor and texture out of butter if you put it at the end at the beginning you'll burn it all right so we don't want to do that so we got a little bit of butter and bacon you're going to say why do you put butter with bacon you already got the fat from the bacon i agree by why not well we afraid it's going to taste too good i'm in my kitchen so i i think this video is going to be a long one because i don't know how short we can make anyway yeah we can skip all this but why not we have an opportunity to teach you something new so let's do it and for those of you that don't like green beans i mean um green beans brussels sprout give him green beans give him any kind of vegetables that makes you happy saute some spinach you can do so many different things with it okay but right here we're doing the bacon now when you use the bacon friends do it slowly because you want to make sure you do not burn the lean part of the bacon you just want to render the fat so you can use the fat now you know i don't hardly use red onion but for this is perfect because i'm only going to cook them for a second red onion i like red onion i just don't like to cook them okay and some chefs swear by it hey god bless them you know to each his own you know there's a lot of channel in youtube a lot of great channel a lot of great some do it one way some do it the other it's not right or wrong it's whatever they do you know and uh and i'm i'm i'm for it i sponsor whatever whatever they want to do whatever they want to do it's up to them so look we got the brussels sprout let me tell you about the brussels sprout when they are cooked cooked i mean they poached in the water as i was telling you if they small i leave them whole well this one is not small this one is quite big actually we're going to cut them in half all right and we'll cook them just for a second and we're going to put some salt and pepper on them right salt and pepper do the same recipe with spinach it'll be delicious i promise you it'll be absolutely delicious we saute them for a second or two remember they cooked okay so i'm not really trying to cook them too much they just cooked already right in the meantime you know what's happening my lamb is cooling cooling enough so that i can get ready for the oven all right so look we got those guys right there now we're going to put them in a lasagna pan and we're going to finish them in the oven yeah look simple right turn them right there and then when you're almost done with it then you take your vinegar and you sprinkle it on top you see right there you take your balsamic vinegar and you drizzle it on top just like this if you don't have balsamic vinegar then don't worry about it you don't need it okay but islamic i use an 18 year old balsamic vinegar so it's a fig black mission thick but is that make very good it's delicious you don't have one of those don't worry and we're going to finish cooking them in the oven all right actually we're going to wait because we're going to put the rock of lamb we'll put them at the same time they'll take about the same amount of time let's go back and take a rack of lamb folks we are now going to get it ready we're going to dress it we are going to dress a rock of lamb friends so here we go hot not too hot it's good that's good it's good we're going to dry it a little bit oh i got a mess in here don't i i knew that was going to be a messy show but we're good to go not to ruby i'm going to get a pan ready here friends because this is where i'm going to make my sauce all right so how do we get this ready pepper towels first we're going to dry it out a little bit okay it's very important you dry it out now some people leave the fat before they put the break on where do they come from okay friends if you leave the fat before you put or before you put your break home on it guess what's gonna happen when the fat melts the breadcrumb is gonna come out okay we want it to be pretty so how do we get this pretty dry it out pepper towels smells delicious okay very good right there now we're going to get it ready for the oven we've got a mala reaction going we got a dijon mustard you got to have dijon mustard and i had a i had a spatula here a minute ago i used it for something so let me get another one it's a good thing because i got plenty of spatula so remember that breadcrumb right so now we're going to take a dijon mustard and we're going to brush it on it in this case we're going to spatula now you don't want to put too much friends you don't want to put too much but you don't want to put enough so we have a thin layer of the dijon mustard thin layer of dijon mustard this almost too much let's see i'm not going to put too much i want to put just enough just enough i want it to be as even as possible all right dijon master is really important for these friends okay you can use whatever muscle that you want it's your rock alarm but i can put this right here and get it out of the way all right now i'm going to put the brick on very simple way to make the breadcrumb okay remember it's got to be fresh breadcrumb folks what's the difference between fresh breadcrumb and dry breadcrumb very scientific fresh breadcrumb is made with fresh bread dry breakout meals made with dry breadcrumbs like old bread you know what all bread is good for the duck that's all it's good for okay i don't get it oh i do it with old bread well all bread you've tried all bread lately you don't that's not good so fresh bread and when i make it like i said i keep it in the freezer so now what do we do here we take it and we put it right here and you're gonna say well that's not gonna stay i agree it's not gonna stay until you do something to it so you put a little bit right there see this is so easy to do and it's amazing i promise you so put some a little bit on the side right there don't put too much you put just what you need right and now here's what you do friends you pack it in pack it in now if you feel a little bit of digital master that means you didn't put enough see pack it in just like this all right so now what do we do how do we get that side to stay right there you take that little scraper right there and you pack it in here like this see see right here pack it in and don't be afraid to put some my friends don't be afraid to put some just make sure it stays on it if it doesn't stay on it then when you cut it you're gonna have issues all right so here we have it put it right there and now we're going to take a spatula we're going to put in a roasting pan and we're going to put it in the preheated oven 400 and a quarter 425. here's my cookie sheet you see this time i'm ready to go we have the cookie sheet lined with the seal pad those seal part of fabulous folks they're wonderful nothing sticks to it right now we're going to take it right there and we're going to put it right on there and we're going to go in the oven right there my friend all right we're going to clean this up put this guy in the oven this is going to be an oven a good 20 minutes because look how big it is this is two and a half pounds this is gonna take a good 20 23 minutes we're going to keep an eye on the time in the meantime we're going to put it in the oven friends okay so here we go right here in the oven and make sure the temperature is good we'll go in the oven all right now we're going to make the sauce but i can't make the sauce in a dirty kitchen i can't i just can't do it so here's what i'm going to do friends i'm going to clean up my kitchen you go get a glass of water and you come back to me in a minute we're going to make the sauce and then we'll finish the whole dish okay okay while the rock and clam is cooking i clean up the kitchen i feel better i can't cook in a dirty kitchen i got this thing when i'm done with something i like cleaning up and i gotta get back it's like a clean mind for me if it's crap everywhere i just get confused i can't concentrate i'm going to make an easy sauce a red wine reduction very simple a child could do it now this a child could do it okay put a lot of butter if you want this time we're using regular butter we're in france eh we're using a butter and because it's not going to burn we're going to keep an eye on it that's all we're right here we're making a sauce when you make a sauce you want to use regular batter okay and we're going to use shallots look at those shallots friends i get the biggest shallots in for laurader okay they come from canada actually look at those things you know so somebody said send me a comment and say you know your big shallot that's like nothing it's because they never had them i wouldn't be cooking with shallots if they didn't test like nothing okay they taste amazing you know in another video i did a sample test of a french shallot like this versus a big canadian scallops a shallots and you would think right okay little one are going to be more flavorful no they were not i couldn't believe it but eyes closed shallots i'm i've been cooking with char 50 years i know shallots and those are delicious they come from canada i don't know what they do with it but it doesn't matter i think they do a very good job because they're delicious okay so we're going to put a little high heat in here we're going to caramelize the shallots remember shallots caramelized twice as fast as the onion right so we don't want to do it very long we're just going to make sure that it's like the the flavor or let me put on more butter it feels so much better when you give them more butter you don't want to use butter use olive oil but be careful it burns quick too you know i mean buttercress friends it burns fast too so you just got to be careful not to burn that's all right the smell of butter and shallots is intoxicating i love that flavor i really do it looks beautiful so we're going to put a touch of garlic remember you put the garlic just before you put liquid so we're going to put a little bit of garlic in here this is a chopped guy very little i just want it in the background okay i'm not interested in having a lot of garlic flavor in here just a little bit in the background and then this is just a really classical way of making a sauce we're going to use a vinegar i'm using the fig vinegar friend since i'm using it in a brussels sprout i'm also going to use it in here okay very simple a child could do this i mean really really simple and the next thing we're going to do i'm using a a beautiful red wine remember okay measure carefully do not cook with a wine you're not willing to drink some people ask me what what wine is good to cook with the one you drink if you can't drink it do you want to cook with it do you think it gets better after you cook 15 minutes uh-uh it doesn't so you cook with a wine you're willing to drink and the cool thing about it is let's say you're making dinner for four people half of a bottle goes in there the other half you have an aperitif and the other bottle is for dinner all right now what we're going to do we're going to do what's called a wine reduction where we're going to reduce the value let all the alcohol evaporate and we're going to do this we're going to add a little bit of fresh targon fresh tarragon tarragon if you don't have targo use oregano use thyme use rosemary use whatever herbs you want but try to use one not 17 different herbs friends targo is quite special for a red wine reduction this is really simple right i use a good wine a letter way down render reduce and you know what you get out also once you know our friend is a ropoto porto or madeira where's the wine it gives you a little sweetness to it it makes a beautiful sauce it's up to you i like it so we're going to add a little bit of extra wine this i love to drink in in europe we drink the pork wine before dinner in america we drink an after dinner i drink a before and after anyway so then i'm good you know i make everybody happy i love my life all right look guys we are reducing the wine reducing reducing reducing this is why it's called reduction so span it allows for reduction and right here my friends i have a beef stock and the beef stock is uh if you if you if you have my oh you know what i forgot salt and pepper don't forget salt and pepper please otherwise i can see the comment you forgot the salt yeah too late now dude so we let the wine reduce down to almost nothing it's really important if you have never tried it and you're not sure why you got to reduce here's what you do friends you take a spoon you put the wine in you test it right and then you let it reduce a few minutes and then you test it again let it reduce a few more minutes and test it again now don't be drinking the whole thing because you're gonna get drunk and then you're not gonna know what you're testing but if you test you educate your palate as to when the wine is reduced enough because when it's nice and reduced it's nice okay if it's not reduced enough it's going to be bitter it's not going to be pleasant so reduce the wine until it's reduced to you satisfaction okay so what you do you test it just like that man it's hot ah it's getting there it's not quite where i want it so but you'll be amazed within a few minutes or a few seconds how much difference there is maybe a little bit more we're going to let her reduce just a second i got to keep an eye on the rocket lane don't go anywhere how you doing over there dude okay he's doing good because i don't want to overcook the rocker lamp okay because then i got to start all over again oh let me see i keep burning myself oh now we're there now we're there later we do just a little bit more i want you to see what's happening in there and then we're going to strain that whole thing we're going to put it through a strainer so we get rid of all the salads okay the wine is reduced just about enough let me test it again no really don't be afraid to do this friends don't be afraid to do this you gotta taste good before delicious what i'm saying is if it's not reduced enough and you put the stock on it too late you can reduce or all you want with the stock is not going to work the alcohol has got to come out now that's called a red wine reduction it's really simple you see nothing is complicated right i mean really we want to make it more complicated what it is no look we're going to go in now we're going to put the stock all right and we're going to let that cook for a minute we don't need to let it cook that much so now look at this amount of sauce i got here for let me get a whisk you notice i got a lot of sauce right there right some people say let it reduce yeah you let it reduce to the right consistency and then you got nothing left my wine is reduced beautiful my stock is delicious why do i need to reduce it more oh to get it thicker oh i got it look a little bit of tapioca powder a little bit of cornstarch a little bit of uh arrowroot use a little bit of thickener very little and don't let it boil so much so you can see what you're doing you see mamma mia i'm talking in the steam you can't see that's how i get my facial by the way i stay right there that's why i got beautiful skin other people are going to watch me imagine that they come here for the first time to the channel they're going to say these guys are nuts that's okay my subscriber no i'm not a lot look look look we put a little bit of cornstarch very little all right friends very little don't go there and make this so thick i want just a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit see a little bit mama mia little my friends very little all right let me check the rocket lamp now how you doing over there dude it's doing it's go i gotta check it i got to go in there and check it friends all right so look you know what we're going to do we're going to check it together let me finish this right there look at the mess i made i made a mess everywhere i got to clean it up you know what they say don't clean it up when it's hot okay so don't clean it up while it's hot just move it over there i'm not supposed to clean it up when it's hot so look we got the sauce good i put it back in there because i got to get it finished it's still too liquid you see still too liquid so what we're going to do we're going to put a touch more cornstarch very little we're going to strain that whole thing we're going to strain it strain it right there and then we'll finish it off with a little bit of butter just it's still a little too thin see still still touch too thin if i let him reduce i'm not going to have anything left i want to have some sauce left so look put all that stuff in here friends you don't hear all that okay i mean you can you can eat it if you want i like to get rid of it all you see look see right there friends now you got something that looks like something i'm telling you i know what they're going to say this guy is not looking look at it look at this i'll show you you know what let me take a rocket lam out because if it's overcooked i'm in trouble oh yeah no it's not overcooked it's fine i'll leave it in there another minute or so [Music] let me leave it in there another minute i can finish the sauce okay friends look look look look look you see what i'm talking about i'll show you i'll show you now really really people think i'm exaggerating i am not exaggerating look look look look can you see can you see look how beautiful that is let me do it right there so the camera can see it you see friends look look look look how gorgeous that is you can rub that all over your body wait until it's waiting until it's not so hot let me let me test it okay you see what i'm talking about at look it's perfect perfect mouth feel now what do we do how do we fix this how do we make it perfect you knew it a little bit about it don't be shy don't be shy now immediately friends immediately see that's why i don't need to work out i do well in the kitchen immediately mix it up really really good little salt and pepper yeah yeah let me turn this off turn the heat off because you don't want it to be don't want the butter to separate you put the butter at the end so the butter gives you an amazing texture i promise you the texture of this right there friends oh baby all right let's take the rocket lamps we're going to check it for temperature we're looking for about 135 degrees we're looking for about 135 degrees i don't think we have it yet i really don't think so we're gonna check it don't be afraid okay i like it when they go oh oh mamma mia it might be good you might be there yeah yeah if it's there if i overcooked it i'm in big trouble let's go in oh no i didn't have a cooker oh mama me i may have it overcooked we're done oh no it's good easy perfect see right there friends it's going to go up it's going to continue cooking a few more minutes so let's relax let's have a glass of wine and then we'll cut it and to make sure it's cooked to perfection we're going to wait a few more minutes it looks like it could be done let's see let me clean up all this really quick you get it out of the way we're going to make ourselves a little plate okay so then we can we can have a nice dinner you coming in for dinner tonight friends how cool would that be i invited everybody for dinner you know years ago i could do that i had the restaurant i had the cooking school you guys could have come in anyway and we did that we did it for 50 years okay and right now nobody's here well i don't see nobody there they're they're eating they're gonna eat antonio's gonna eat the food right i guarantee you're not uh leanne is gonna eat the food and jack he's gonna eat the food everybody's gonna eat the food all right oh here we go fruits now we can take it right there we put it right here we're going to take it like oh oh you know what i forgot the brussels sprouts the brussels sprouts come over here you come over here right this way come over here here let's turn everything off here let's turn that whole thing off all right let's uh yeah we're looking good this is what i want i want a little child on the brussels spot that's going to be perfect all right so now let's go back to our boning and eye friends and now we're going to cut it all right so here we go oh beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful cut look at this folks perfect medium rare just gorgeous perfect gorgeous if you like a little more cook you'll go ahead and cook a little bit more but i like it just like this this is beautiful all right very simple friends gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous so now what we're going to do we're going to make a plate so what i do is i have this beautiful glaze right here friends i'm just going to put a little bit of this look at gorgeous that sauce is friends remember it's just simple this this was very simple that the red wine production was extremely simple to do friends it was really really simple so we're going to lay one down right there this is going to lay there and they went right there then we're going to put another one up and we're going to put another one up right here let's take this guy right there this one is pretty i'm going to put it right there and then we're going to put some brussels sprouts now you can make some beautiful potatoes for this we're gonna take some brussels sprouts you know what let me get a tongue we're gonna get some brussels sprout and like i said you don't like brussels sprouts don't worry oh it is hot be careful i'm telling you to be careful yeah i'm actually talking to myself i'm going to take a couple of brussels sprout in here very simple now folks you make it however you want with whatever vegetables you want i'm just trying to make it a pretty plate kind of a delicate plate right there very simple a little bit of brown brussels sprout right there all the way around it make it however it makes you happy remember a little bacon in there not gonna hurt anything it's gonna make a real pretty and this my friends you can take a little bit of the glaze right there where's the spoon oh come back spoon right there take a little bit of the spoon right there a little more sauce right there for us put as much or as little of the sauce as you want it's really up to you this my friend is a beautiful perfect rocker lamb so with potatoes service whatever you want you don't like mushroom squats don't worry perfectly cooked medium rare well it's the best moment of the evening is uh i'm gonna eat it and i cooked it perfect i mean i like it that way oh oh and it's wired again [Music] wine oh but hmm is amazing let me try the brussels sprouts huh they're delicious oh yes with the sauce on it oh my goodness actually i could pour more sauce on it it'll be absolutely delicious my friends i hope you make it thanks again for watching we'll see you next week give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday when we do a recipe thanks for watching we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 910,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rack of lamb, rack of lamb recipe, Perfect Rack of Lamb, lamb chops, how to cook rack of lamb, easy lamb recipe, lamb rack, how to cook lamb, how to cook lamb chops, how to prepare lamb, herb crusted rack of lamb, roasted rack of lamb, lamb chop recipe, lamb chops recipe, cooking rack of lamb, easy lamb chops recipe, how to make lamb, lamb recipes, easy lamb chops, lamb rack recipe, CĂ´telettes d'agneau, Recette de cĂ´telettes d'agneau, Receta de chuletas de cordero
Id: QDiKcbxCgAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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