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ever since I found K food hasn't taste quite the same yeah I'm always thinking yes Foods good but what if K made it meanwhile Kay's over here make any [ __ ] pipe bomb in her bowl here it's looking like the beginnings of a pizza to some extent maybe not in shape but in spirit when did you put the mince meat on it you've got this K a delicate hand like a surgeon there it is expertly done nearly covered the whole thing so again I've never had a calzone how we look at calzone experts that we does this look about right so far something in my heart tells me it's probably not supposed to look like this but again I'm an experienced uh you know that doesn't look horrible a bit misshapen looks like a Giants foreskin after it's been cut off but it's just bread and sauce the classics Kay [ __ ] yeah man there's more action with that butter moving across the pan and there wasn't the entirety of death stranding just watching that [ __ ] race around as it melts is more fun get that mincemeat alway a little bit k it's almost done though god it's gonna form like a Pangaea it's all gonna come together in the middle is one giant continent what the [ __ ] happened in the middle was there a fight a war how is that a Big Mac it's but it's bread with butter and a giant slab of unseasoned meat tit it's just a mincemeat sandwich with no flavor oh and this time she'd downgrades from hamburger buns to toast so might as well check it out that meat looks like kibble no I assure you it'll taste far worse than kibble by the time Kay's done with it it's weird with Kay she treats mince meat as if it can't exist without being dunked in egg very rarely do you have one without the other does look a little like kitty litter I guess wow that just looks like a festering infection now it's not too late kay it's still mostly together it's looking like a dream k-o-k it's burning save it what did she buy this from McDonald's damn that looks just like a Big Mac she cheated off-camera she wouldn't got one from the store don't make your son eat this one Kay have mercy we're in luck Oh God is that a burger or a set of hash browns I would never eat something like this I'm Way too concerned about like health violations it's like biological terrorism we are four for four on mince meat recipes right now I obviously don't know with our cuts I don't know why she doesn't just drop the whole [ __ ] onion in it's about the same size your fingers are far too precious you need to be wearing mitts at all times you're like dr. strange with those hands if you lose them the world is a worse place okay protect those hands at all cost you know I've had a few lasagnas in my day but this would certainly be a first if I was served this somewhere when I ordered lasagna where are the noodles what you don't see them they're onion noodles she's so much better than Chef Boyardee man I wish they'd start packaging her meals I don't know about you guys this is looking nice to me tonight I do love eating birdseed I ran out of the cage we moisturize that a bit Kate so it seems a bit dry eating those rocks would be like burying your head in the beach she made burnt toasted garlic rice granola basically they should be on the dessert menu of every restaurant it looks more like mashed potatoes than rice but dammit its improvement what kind of rice does she buy - you just go to the pet store and just grab what looks like rice cuz that's the same rice she made last time I looked like kitty litter she would be fired from the Krusty Krab instantly with this cutting technique damn it k yeah it's pretty close microscopic pieces you've done a great job it's like a powder now is that ketchup that's a lot of barbecue sauce what happened it's just barbecue sauce with garlic store bought barbecue sauce that you added cloves of garlic to the whole meal here do we have any Koreans in the chat that can confirm what's the vertically can you taste the kpop you're chewing on garlic right now how does that feel it yeah I bet it tastes great man those vampires are gonna [ __ ] hate you I think you got it right the first three times I Karen wanted so badly just to get the [ __ ] away from Kay it chose suicide [ __ ] jumping off it did she pick it up and put it in this dish I wasn't paying attention whatever the [ __ ] dust on the ground adds flavours probiotics I could hardly think of a more inefficient cutting technique other than cutting towards yourself both thumbs like there can't be you know professional culinary work there honestly I'm surprised she's not treating that knife like a [ __ ] hacks or Wiggles saw or whatever they call it they're like the two armed one that you go like this on I don't know what I'm the professional timber sports man but whatever that saw is this use it like that make it like a traffic cone of lettuce it's okay there's like 50 yards worth of real estate there and you still somehow managed to miss the place come on okay at least make it presentable oh my god pepper broccoli has been tortured God looks like James Bond Casino Royale and he was gonna get nuts [ __ ] slap done by mids Mads Mikkelsen again I can't speak for Koreans here but something in my bones is telling me that a Korean meal doesn't consist of unseasoned chicken slapped with one piece of broccoli for carrots and a little bit of rice that's a North Korean ration peel that's like two coke cans worth of sugar out of nowhere what what is that a latrine Charlie when when it's also done this is the most appetizing thing she's ever made appearance was well how do you even let something get that burnt but you just start cooking it and then go to sleep we're getting there that's a lonely egg K it needs a friend oh my the toilet bowl again don't use it kay that's ruins minion recipe from the top turnbuckle there it is that was easy and now I'm gonna put the jam on it and today I'm going to be doing Johnny it touches sugar did someone get executed in her kitchen Oh watch out for the why he's here to steal our jammie Dodgers
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,646,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking
Id: 0Z9hfjYVyUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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