My Biggest Mistake

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[Music] [Music] now this stuff this is the stuff where i'm gonna have to learn myself what i'm doing i've got two rate controllers on the machine one controlling the anhydrous system the nitrogen and one controlling the dry fertilizer coming out of the back tank which is the phosphorus in the pot ash believe i want the deer rate controller here which is the nitrogen on this screen and then i'm going to control the other two the dry fert over here but that one is a gutless computer so there is no control it's just a monitor i think can i change things on there yes okay i like what you've done here did you get it all cleaned up yep yep all of it all of it no yeah we're waiting for the millennials to show up well the inside of the dryer is probably dirty too it's full yeah but you can still get in clean the columns okay those guys just finished shoveling sounds like everything that was left underneath the dryer until i get in and clean it out and dad's out blowing off the combine already this fall just keeps getting easier for me it's actually pumping [Music] a little chilly when you stand in the wind yeah we got that hose mounted up in there and we struggled a little bit with the ends but i had to take off here because i got to go get my new ride are you excited about the new pickup that i got for you i am too it doesn't have air conditioning [Music] no so you'll have to just stay out of it what year did they invent air conditioning in vehicles don't know [Music] like a kitten at a milk pail made the three mile drive home so far no issues i knew this truck was solid what do you think i like it you like it what do you girls think good good left oliver he's got 900 horsepower no i'm going to play him yeah but it might when i'm done with it hit it don't no i'm not going to hit it on the rocks on the gravel road yeah it's got all the amenities that every 75 scottsdale 20 had what do you think of my new wheels pretty nice pickup isn't it we're gonna unhook this truck now because tomorrow this truck is gonna go pick up a fertilizer tender trailer from the co-op so that we can get that strip killer going hopefully over the weekend tomorrow sunday so all that [Applause] we are done for the day i'm going to pull this out just so we can shut that shed door and then in the morning i'll grab that uh truck we'll go get some fertilizer work on this work on tillage we're reaching the end we're getting there after these messages we'll be right back simply safe is an easy to use totally customizable home security system that focuses equally on the most up-to-date tech and reliable relationship focused service team you're able to design a system that's best fit for your space and it will ship directly to your doorstep on our farm and in our home we use simply safe sensors to cover every window room and door might need a drill bit plus lots of great extras like water sensors smoke detectors and hd cameras yep they've also launched a new wireless outdoor security camera very scary ditch the interactive monitoring service will call the police or fire department if it's alerted to anything visit backslash millennialfarmer to learn more and to get at least 30 percent off your simply safe security system um what else was there oh merchandise a lot of people really enjoy buying t-shirts hoodies caps we got tumblers we got koozies we got all kinds of stuff on the website over at farmfocus there's a link down below if you guys are interested in getting anything before christmas i suggest doing it right now because there's going to be some shipping issues and some availability issues with some of the merge so make sure you jump on top of that that's it those are my shameless plugs all right thank you guys very very much morning anna orange this would be a good day to get some fertilizer going [Music] with the john deere 2510s the strip tiller rig that we've got set up we're going to need to refill fertilizer a little rough there multiple times per day so it works best if we've got our own tender truck which we don't have our own tender truck but the co-op that we work with on a fertilizer they will allow us to fill the tender truck up bring it out here ourselves so we can refill ourselves makes it a little bit easier for everybody so [Music] [Music] they're lifting sugar beets over there there are sugar beets around us in almost every direction but right in our area for 20 or 30 miles right in our area we just can't grow them we've got too many rocks unfortunately or fortunately depending on the year now this trailer is not full of fertilizer yet i've actually got to run a couple miles east here and get it filled up it was just sitting out here at one of their spots but it's nice of the co-op to let us use it i mean they're they're charging us a little bit for it but i mean we need it it works out well for us it's really really handy just to have it there so uh thanks to them for letting us do it this way we have talked about getting our own tender truck and maybe even storing our own fertilizer but that hasn't happened at this point anyway but it has been in the talks now other than getting the anhydrous line connected to everything here which is proving to be very difficult as far as getting the connections actually together there's got to be a trick to it i just don't know it but other than that i just have to get the computers programmed get the controllers uh up on the screens the way i want them and i don't know how to do that so that's kind of my first goal yes got it okay so i'm in a 95 70 rt yes right it's been an hour and a half or two hours now i got the right controllers on there finally got a hold of the precision line but now half the other stuff just isn't working it's like there's not power to it i can't get wi-fi signal from blockage monitors i don't have power to the backup cameras and i don't know why but just a heads up since i can't throw this entire machine like i wanted to last year and already kind of want to do i might throw the camera if i were to just hook traditional tillage up to this machine i'd have 50 acres done by now plus i would have saved like 80 000 i did figure out how to run the switch on there for calibrations to turn it over but i don't feel confident in my abilities to actually run the new gen 4 monitors for calibrating this stuff and i need help hooking the hose up for the nh3 because i can't get that hook yeah i figured the line out in the back maybe i'll get this one look at this one oh it's gonna work yep that's the trick now i got it on film for next time i gotta thank a guy on instagram for giving me that tip like right there that little pointer i had a lot of little tips and pointers but that was the only one that made sense i am really super tempted to put put a couple hundred pounds of fertilizer in her thousand pounds of fertilizer in each tank and see if i can calibrate it right awesome we got it going thanks daryl we finished corn yesterday actually so now we're just scrambling on tillage before wednesday happens found my issues with the backup cameras and the wi-fi box that communicates with the ipad for the blockage monitors it's just a fuse which i was suspecting but i honestly i didn't know where the fuse box was in that tractor may as well take a whole bunch of spares and now i'm feeling so fantastic about things i'm gonna put a little fertilizer in there even though dad told me not to and i'm just gonna figure it out or get really upset with myself now i just need to figure out how to run someone else's trailer shouldn't be too tough [Music] killed her i actually line that up pretty good not because i'm good but because i had dumb luck [Music] got to adjust it just a little bit here so that is our potash or our potassium going in i don't want to feel it completely full in case we have an issue but it seems like i got things working anyway we'll go about half full i don't really want to not fill it enough and then not get things you know i may as well knock some acres out if it's going good now in the back bin here i got to get over this way some we're going to be putting map or mono-ammonium phosphate which is basically it's a phosphorus fertilizer it's uh it's an 1152o is the analysis on that meaning 11 parts of nitrogen 52 parts of phosphorus no potassium in it yes that's only 63 of the product the rest is known as inert material boy i hope this works almost forgot one of the coolest features of this thing the jump drive the usb drive that holds the fertilizer recommendations for our fields because this thing is going to apply variable rate for both of those products that i just put in and we need to have a prescription written because it knows what field we're on and exactly where we're at at all times it's going to put more fertilizer where we need more and it's going to put less where we need less the only trick though is guess what i'm not entirely sure that i'm fully confident in just how to do this on these new monitors yet learning oh no look at my intelligent ag recon system has alerted me that that there is no product flowing through the tubes but now i can see product in each of the tanks as frustrating as this thing is a lot of the time i'm really excited to someday have this thing working perfectly get all our fertilizer down in one pass variable rate i mean there's no reason you can't do this okay folder selected gen 4 37 prescriptions so i'll import all those yeah first pin product that's the field all right well thank you to the precision hotline set up through midwest machinery i was walked through that process which was relatively simple we set up some more fun stuff for our uh for our pages here now i got to calibrate everything believe i got to allow access to the meters and something else that i just remembered uh oh yeah i already charged the meters before i had access so i think i filled them tight no big deal i'll just drive out the soybean field to dump a little bit there the guys out in the dakotas montana canada where they use these systems all the time for seating they're all laughing at me right now so you guys go ahead and laugh it up [Music] so [Music] meters are charged clear hydraulic flow two motors well it's a little tough to see from here but the meter is spinning and it is running a calibration so i gave it my desired rate my desired speed and how many pounds roughly i wanted to run for the test so now i'll go see what the actual weight was and let the computer know whether it was correct or not and then we'll get a desired or an actual calibration number so it knows exactly what this product weighs so that it makes sure we are applying exactly the amount that we want to apply i got these handy calibration shoots here that strap right onto the meters from green valley equipment where are we at here now i know this bucket empty weighed two pounds we've got almost 29 in there now about 26 and a half pounds of product added to the bucket the machine thought it pumped out 25.3 so it was off by one pound over about 25 actual amount applied was 26.5 now get a new value there we go now we run the same thing for tank two product number two calibrate that i've got everything set to manual here just to run a test i'm out in a soybean field that needs fertilizer anyway i'm gonna try it so it seems like i've got everything running but i can't set up a guidance line you know what i need a i need a different receiver anyway i need rtk receiver because i need this to be as accurate as possible so becky's going to bring onyx down i need her to swap receivers with us she's not going to answer right now she'll call back let's see if i can put fertilizer in the ground so i need my master switch on there she is hello now we'll see if this thing will put some fertilizer in the ground when i drive no oh that's very very slow moving i'm gonna have to speed that hydraulic up [Music] are we moving fertilizers [Music] i figured out why because the master switch was not on now let's push some fertilizer no speed detected i think we're working here's our target rate 50 and 60 pounds here's our application it's going to bounce up and down a pound or two here's our blockage monitors here's our behind us if i switch here i can see inside the tanks i am not applying any anhydrous i've got a predefined rate of zero let's go check our depth here but i'm getting excited i think we're going plenty deep but i'm told we want to this has been already tilled a week ago so it's going to be softer than normal i think i'm about seven inches or so which is consistent with where i was last year as it should be so and i can run my little test boxes here which spins the meters and then i can watch manually and make sure look at that [Music] it's it's like everything's working i don't think i've ever had that before well now that i have the p and k all worked out the final thing to do is to get uh anhydrous going but first now i gotta grab the fuel tank i got to grab thunder and head down and fuel up jim bring onyx down grab a receiver it's one of those days that does not feel very productive it's frustrating but you know it's all stuff that needs to be done onyx a little sticky out here especially on the ends but otherwise it's going pretty good yeah it looks like it we are running the chil chisel plow on corn stalks as well as the ripper just to cover ground faster with that rain coming here in two and a half days we're just trying to knock as much out as we possibly all can [Music] yeah it's a little bit sticky but oh yeah we got to do it now because it's only going to get worse oh i know it yeah what do you do he said he hasn't sheared any bolts everything looks good other than a little muddy what do you do doing a good job simple as that at least there's a few people getting something done today i've got the much more accurate receiver installed on the strip tiller tractor but what i almost forgot was the fact that i need a receiver on the strip till bar as well that way the two receivers communicate with each other they know where the tractor and the implement are they adjust for sway and changes in altitude and degrees and all those fancy words the best way to put it is it's another way to make sure i'm going as straight as possible without any trucks in or out or anything else going on it's just kind of like a quiet gloomy day now to just make sure that i kind of know what i'm doing as far as setting those two up to talk to each other do you need a ride do you need one i'm sorry i no i just can't do it i can't put a furry dog that sheds everywhere in a brand new tractor or a three-year-old tractor whatever well once again and hopefully for the final time today thank you to the midwest machinery precision hotline that they set up i believe that's an acre sink deal but that helps out a lot because then they can actually just remotely access my display walk me through what i need to do to make sure everything's calibrated correctly now we got some big time precision going on here now if this all works i've got one final piece to add to make this whole thing complete but because it's real dark and cloudy to the west i'm gonna wait it's really more of a novelty cosmetic thing there i made the long trek all the way down the driveway i'm gonna start with no nh3 no anhydrous just so that i can get the everything else going here um okay okay i got my prescription rate on both products we've got our map this is going to be the target rates 4 800 rpm on the fan 133 135 on our target rates currently in this spot however that goes master's on implements down i got to put these down as a little well out here yet are we pushing fertilizer yes [Music] is it the amount it should be yes am i between the rows i'm gonna show you guys what concerns me a lot about this implement that i might be seeing already is these are the soil conditions we get in the fall i've been over that many times look at those disc blades i've gone this far if we don't do this now it's only going to get wetter and you know you can see it it's not great it's just chunky because this is the sticky heavy black soils that we have this is this is what we deal with i think it's all working correctly at the moment i'm going to raise the front discs because i don't think i need them in this bean stubble and i'm going to move over 15 inches so i'm between the rows from last year because i want to keep those roots in the ground there we go five and a half miles an hour i'd say those strips look much better there now i don't have those front discs down they're not tearing up the mud before the shanks get to them so i think you know if you're running it on corn stock ground or something where you need those blades they're probably awesome but i think they're doing more damage than good right here so luckily we can just pick them up variable rate seems to be working our recon systems working our cameras are on now that is cool it's not going perfect here but it's going pretty dang good this tractor is way overkill for this machine it i think it would pull it at 15 miles per hour so i'm driving six miles an hour throttled way back it's pulling it easy a little sticky like i said but that's all right got the backup camera to back up to the anhydrous now i should be able to switch this and my camera's gonna die but ideally now i can use this winch pull this cable out hook up to the anhydrous tank here i need a hitch pin there i need a pin i kind of overlooked that hitch pin part so that's actually really sweet now we got the line here that gets stored here gets hooked up to the anhydrous tank but it's going to be pitch black here in a little bit here the camera i think makes it look a lot brighter out than it is but since dad neither dad nor i have actually pulled an anhydrous tank ourselves in about five years we are gonna wait until daylight tomorrow to get this thing set up and ready and going so i'm gonna shut this thing down and actually wait for jim to get home with the ripper and then i'm going to take it to the next field i have confirmed that everything other than the actual application of the anhydrous is working in this thing i'm actually super pumped about that so i'm gonna shut everything down here because i may as well leave the tractor in the field now that i walked up and down the driveway i may as well walk back up again i'm actually really stoked but for the moment i guess i'll just go eat some supper supper was satisfactory back to work [Music] you know i think i'll just sit here for a few hours and relax get a little tillage done [Music] thanks for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 577,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7uxsk9P1IDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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