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[Music] morning everything looks good there next thing i'll check is go around the bins make sure we're not leaking anything in the pipes anywhere in the back just make sure everything's running good the corn is going where it's supposed to [Music] so and now climb to wetman see how much we got left enough to go for about three and a half more hours welcome to another day of corn harvest we do have some work to do around the grain bins this morning we're going to transfer some more stuff get the wet bin close to empty they're going to come out and readjust the auger on the header for the combine and hope that that helps some of that plant material from flowing through so thickly thickly is that a word i think it is and then we're gonna move five miles south and take out a hundred acres down there because there's a different hybrid of corn down there that dries out really quickly we're a little concerned that it could be so dry that it might start breaking over so we want to go get that harvested as soon as we can i gotta go see the girls before they run off to school that time of year i don't get to see him enough so i better go visit him while i can good morning not starting off good buddy now what a flat tire no way oh for crime's sake hey whoa hey you almost killed me good morning did you guys notice i got rid of the spec you know how i did that new camera we are gonna shut this thing off because we're almost out of wet corn we got plenty of other things to do before we get the combine going one of which is another flat tire different one on this truck and a headlight that's out another spot for a decent view this morning everybody's taking corn all kinds of work going on over here we got midwest machinery adjusting this auger for us we got jim fixing everything that's broken and we got the dogs keeping watch over everybody couldn't get air in it god tried tried rotated it just always something the transfer of grain continues the transfer of grain continues well jim goes and gets that tire fixed i am going to finish emptying out our very last bin of soybeans for the year that way we can transfer corn into here this little spot right here that's rotten stuff from the gate opener we have up here which is on the outside and apparently started leaking a little bit of water so i am going to silicone that shut from the outside once i have this thing empty only about 100 feet to go but i'm going to shut it down now so that i don't get dust in the lens of my brand new camera for you guys morning another day in a couple grain bins how are you coming in yet i'm two thirds the way around i haven't run the sweep yet i just climbed in here oh okay dad is gonna head out and start running the mendeco vt vertical tillage on that field we were doing last night but here's what i'm doing here i'm pulling this stuff away from the wall because the power sweep doesn't grab it it doesn't pull that away from there and we're putting corn in here so we need all the soybeans out of here so i'm going by cleaning up the outside walls and making sure i get it to the middle then i'll run the sweep it's it's this whole thing it's uh it's one of those deals oh it's good you think you want to try it right now i'll find an empty truck then and i'll buzz out there and we'll try it out okay five to four go ahead eric's got that uh auger on that combine readjusted so he's wondering if we want to go out and try it right now should i bring an empty truck out to him we could see if it made a difference yeah you sure could um he's north of the buildings in the bean field so i don't know where if you want to come out to this field we are going to head out and make a round with that x9 now that the auger has been adjusted and see if that helps everything i'm doing with the bins seems like one step at a time there's constant delays because getting the crop off the field is number one but right now we're down to the point where we need more room to go with this corn so we gotta have somewhere to go with the crop and it's all screwed up for a few different reasons again number one because covet screwed up our marketing we ended up carrying over a lot more corn than we really wanted to so we're stuck with this corn it's a poor quality corn we need to move it just so that it keeps better and dad with his double knee surgery has set everything behind harvest started a week earlier than we expected which is a good thing that's not a bad thing but it caught us off guard [Music] well it seemed like that helped it's not perfect but we were harvesting 6000 bushels an hour unloading on the go at six what did i say we were harvesting 6 000 bushels an hour unloading on the go at about six and a half miles per hour we got two trucks in a hurry so i gotta go dump this and come back and get jim seemed like really speeding up the header speed and leveling it out more that was that was what made the difference last night but it seems like i don't know i'm driving pretty fast today so we're gonna take it back to the yard fuel it up and get out of here go do some field work get some harvesting done [Music] and repeat we're gonna go harvest now which means we need diesel in everything throw some diff in this thing thunder unfortunately thunder was empty on diesel so we gotta bring it over here to top off that ditch you okay she's fine just taking a nap under a corn header this thing does not have an automatic window cleaner over here and the guy driving the thing is too lazy to do it himself because he never wants to stop but we're cooking along dumping on the go five and a half miles per hour roughly give or take right now 53 5000 52 54. that's bushels that is bushels per hour of capacity coming through the machine and i can drive faster but when we're dumping on the go five and a half miles per hour with a 40 foot 40 foot header that's fast enough for me i i can only keep up to so much as i'm still getting used to this thing there is a lot going on so now he's gone i sped her up right here we're going six point two five point nine she's up and down a little bit we're pushing the power so we're running up we'll slow it down a little bit fifty four hundred fifty five hundred when we get in better corn it it will eat it header seems to be working good this has a different chopping system underneath it then the uh then the mower blade style i call it than the stock master heads it's doing a good job with what we did with raising that auger this morning it seems like i'm getting a few more cops bouncing around but at five to six miles per hour there's enough stuff feeding in that those cops never go anywhere they bounce around a little bit more when i slow down i don't know if we help the plant material situation at all or not but i'm running the head pretty fast and i'm running it pretty level and between those two things i haven't had a single problem since and this corn maybe this is a different hybrid so maybe it's holding together a little bit better as well five to four it's pretty flat here and the corn is decent let's bump it up to six and see what it does even like six two or three see what gonna see what's gonna happen here so now we are unloading on the go six miles per hour 6.0 we're pushing well the corn isn't as good as i thought there's 4 400 we're moving we need better corn there's 5700 53 we still just need better corn it'll do it i've seen it or let's back it down to five and a half years i do like the feature where the corn runs more to the side of the cab than on top of your head it's just not quite as loud so that's handy after my first few hours in this machine last night today let's go through a few things here on some of the stuff that i do and do not like about this machine keeping in mind that the machine that i'm used to is 10 years old so the machine i'm used to running is an older machine there's a lot of functions functions and features in this thing that i'm just not used to because we don't have them on our machine they are probably on the newer s series machines and probably on a lot of the newer manufacturers machines as well so just keeping that in mind i'm going to go through what i do and don't like and my first initial observations here first off it is a much nicer cab than what we have on our other machine i believe it's basically the same cab as what is in the newer s-series machines i think it's the same as the 780 was last year um very comfortable the seat is i think the same seat as what was in the 8rx it's got all the movement you could ever want in the thing it's got the massaging part of it which i may as well turn on because i'm working hard and i've got the cooling fan on it's got the refrigerator underneath here if if you like that um i tend to use my cooler keep a go grow some crackers in there um things that i don't like on the cap this right here is bothersome i hit my head on that i'm a tall guy and that's a problem for me right there the way that dips down i also don't like this thing maybe maybe the s series are like that but from where i sit it is right in my line of sight for that side of the header i i don't like the location of that um what else what else it's got pegs nice the stick here it's a little busy there's a lot of buttons on it there's even buttons underneath but once you get used to it it's nice it's it's it fits the hand well it is nice the buttons are nice the gen 4 monitors are awesome i love the double monitors it's got a double uh wiper out here which i haven't used but i imagine it's nice i haven't turned the radio on yet looks like the same radio that was in the 8rx grain level 3 out of 4 so i'm at 77 in the hopper right now i like that feature i'm gonna run out of room easily i guess that's a good thing i do like the vents in the ceiling kind of like uh the tractors are i like those i don't like this tiny little visor that's useful if the sun's right there but not if it's over here or over in this area or over here as silly as this sounds there are five cup holders over here there's three back here and two over here more than enough but none of them are super convenient for getting to all the time i wish they would put one just right here just let it hang right off the side here so if anything spills it doesn't spill on the buttons it's easy to get to seems like that would make sense maybe you couldn't get to this large area down here then i don't know i'm also not really sure what this area is over here i don't know what what you put in there maybe uh maybe a cat you bring a cat with you i guess personally i just you could put them in the fridge too there are lots of little storage spaces in here you can find somewhere to put everything so that is nice tank sample does a really really good job of cleaning the grain once you get it figured out the one downfall so far which is getting a little nitpicky here but i'm running 1400 uh rpm on the on the cleaning fan this thing has a monster cleaning fan you can over do it and start pushing corn out the back it's got a totally different cleaning fan than what the 700s the the s series have when you crank the cleaning fan up you get really really clean grain but if you go too far you will it will send corn out the back one of the downfalls is the cleaning fan lets some air come forward and it comes out through the head like this you can help that by turning it down but then your tank sample gets a little dirtier it's a give and take like with anything else but 1400 so far is what i found to be the sweet spot on our corn at the moment if i get down to 1300 i get a little dirty back here i haven't tried going higher than 1400 because i don't want to make that situation any worse i guess the fridge is nice i'm not actually used to any of my beverages being cold after 10 a.m it's not all bad that's cool it comes on automatically when i start dumping i tend that a lot of the times i just clear it out that's what i find because i can just look out that window i don't know a lot of guys like it though um it's handy uh the stick is a little herky-jerky i wonder if there isn't like a setting in the computer that i'm missing it's nice like i said it fits the hand nice but i struggle to be smooth sometimes when i'm in and out of corners i don't know it's probably a setting that i'm missing i'm guessing it unloads quickly i believe five and a half or maybe more bushels per second it unloads very quickly and it has a clean out so that when you hit the button it automatically stops the cross augers in the tank and allows the big auger to clean out before it shuts off you can double tap if you need to shut everything off in a hurry so you can still stop everything right away if you need to i find that to be a handy feature took me some getting used to i overfilled the first truck the head is a different head as well it's got the rollie deals on the end like the header that i borrowed last year from capello uh it doesn't make any difference in the standing corn i don't i don't see that it does anything here but they're there if you get into some down corn they certainly aren't going to hurt anything the other thing is this is not like the stock master heads where it's got the slinging blades underneath like the lawnmower blades this has got the chopping rollers underneath so it's a different style of chopper similar to i believe uh gearing huff makes something similar so we had a gearing hop header we bought a new one about 15 years ago really liked it it did a good job a couple small things with it number one it had a ton of grease zerks that we had to grease every single day but that's 15 years ago they probably have come a long way since then we like that header but we did have the research to deal with if you got off on the rose it would leave the stocks kind of stringy we didn't like that and when you get into point rows where some of the rows would crisscross we'd plug up a lot this header does not have research like that but it does have the other two issues i have plugged up in point rows with this head multiple times i don't even have to reverse it i just stop it and it clears itself out i start up again i'm good to go nonetheless it does it and if i get off on the rose at all it leaves stringier stocks both of those things are mild to moderate annoyances for me i'm not sold on the chopping system yet but i know deer was going for less moving parts a little more you know less parts and less expense to the farmer and uh and horsepower safe sorry i'm turning there i'm trying to keep the thought process going get my auto steer going again here um i'm blanking out anyway i believe the idea is that it's just a simpler system underneath there less moving parts less to go wrong but i'm not sold on it yet we're going to have to see how it does with our tillage if you're not interested in a chopping header or you run different tillage than we do it may be a completely different conversation and the folding the folding on this header is fast and it seems pretty flawless you do it all on the monitor you hold the button on the touch screen and it folds right up and it goes quick there's no issues there there's no problem with the folding header it's it's handy the one big thing yet to be proven i have seen bushels come through this machine over 7000 bushels per hour and i've seen it be clean out the back but consistently i don't yet have the horsepower to do it which surprises me because this thing goes over 700 horsepower and i don't know if if maybe the corn i'm in right now is making it struggle a little bit or what i'm still i'm still pushing that 5500 or up to 6000 but at some point i run out of engine horsepower so i'm not able to sit here and consistently do seven thousand we don't have the logistics to keep up to that anyway i mean we just don't have the grain cart or the trucks or the truckers or the grain dryer our operation our logistics can't keep up to seven thousand bushels per hour anyway but i'm trying to make this thing do it and i'm falling short on engine horsepower i have done it not on camera yet i've seen it and it cleaned and it did well but i can't do it today but i am sitting really consistently at 5000 to 5500 and that's on these these long rows you know obviously you got to turn on the end you got to do headlands you're not going to end up pushing that out at the end of the day but the capacity is there engine horsepower is where i'm a little bit short at this point again i got a couple more days in this thing maybe i'll find it i'm gonna talk to the the people from deer and see if i can tweet some things see if there is more in it or maybe just in corn with the amount of plant material that we're bringing in maybe that's what it's got which is still really impressive i'm running through this spot at five and a half miles per hour over that's probably about my average 52 or 300 bushels an hour i'm gonna jump out and we're gonna take a look at this thing in the back see what kind of job it did there five to four i'm gonna jump out here on the end and kind of walk back here just see what kind of job it's doing i gotta hit the restroom and stretch anyway [Music] it's got a really nice ladder i like the ladder track system same as the 780 had last year it's a good machine so far [Music] so this is right down the middle which is always going to be the worst spot there's one there's one i knocked it away but it's in there [Music] pretty clean again same as soybeans you're never gonna get it perfect there's one there there's one when we did the calculations the other day running at about the same as what we're running now we were pushing about one quarter of one percent out the back in the middle row which is going to be as bad as it is anywhere so it was doing a really good job and it was cleaning the tank actually this is probably about as clean as i've seen it and the men's room oh that's ladies there we go that joke never gets old i just can't believe how dry this stuff is this is so crunchy so brittle compared to what we've had for the last few years here unbelievable we got dad running cart with his bad knee it works out for him to be able to run that thing back to work it's also nice with the dry corn this year it doesn't peak up on the roof nearly as bad roof roof [Music] you tell me hey dude how was cool good good look at that view right there that's pretty cool i'm just not used to unloading corn like this it pulls so easy man look at that are you sure that's not mars that's crazy there he goes we're switching grain cart drivers grandpa's knees getting a little tired onyx is going to take over we're sending the first string back into the game five to six you can go fill that trunk that's on the ends and then when i get up there with the second trucks here i'll have enough to finish them off [Music] you finish filling the one that you got half pole last time there's another decent day we're gonna call it right now we're gonna feel these last two trucks and we're gonna be out of here [Music] that's it i'm tired thank you guys remember once again we're raising money for bin rescue equipment entrapment equipment training for these local fire departments that can use it and first responders check out the links below if you know somebody that needs it or if you want to donate there's a couple links below keep it between the rows good night
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Views: 808,193
Rating: 4.9678221 out of 5
Keywords: millennial farmer x-9 combine, mn millennial farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, millennial farmer, millennium farmer, Trying To Keep Up With The X-9 Combine!, john deere x9 combine, john deere, mn millennial farmer equipment, x-9 combine harvester, farmer, farm equipment, Farm videos, off the husk, grain cart, cole the corn star, Welker farms, farm machinery, john deere machinery, harvest, x series, John deere x9 1100
Id: xppjdiiaccA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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