Major Storm Damage - TORNADO Hit Our Farm

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well guess what we had a whole bunch more rain and we have not turned a wheel yet [Music] so I figured we'd go on a little bit of a drive here not necessarily a crop tour but a field tour maybe a a lake tour that doesn't normally have water in it that is supposed to be dry typically open water only stands in this area early in the spring during the snow melt let's talk a little bit of shop here as I record this right now it's Thursday May 12th last year in 2021 we finished planting corn on May 10th that was probably an average maybe a little bit of an early year the fact that it's May 12th right now isn't crazy a lot of the times we're still planting on May 12th but the fact that we have not put anything in the ground and our Fields look like that that's the problem so by the time this would dry up with decent weather if we had a decent forecast which we really don't if we did it would be four days maybe May 16th May 17th before we were able to get in there with the planter um and then it's going to take us a week 10 days depending on weather with good weather maybe five days we can punch our corn in if we really if we really bust our tails for five days to get just our corn in maybe but truthfully we're looking really late here just looking at the forecast and looking how wet we are all of that is always farmed that those are not spots that that the neighbors go around this isn't our field but this is all farmed straight through so everything every little depression has water standing in it right now I've never actually seen water in this road ditch before there's going to be some repairs needed to some of the Township roads around here my new fancy digital weather station rain gauge thing said we got about a quarter of an inch thinking it was off by a few inches well their sits our tractor that we were picking rock with see that back there that's where we were picking Rock a week ago that is the Basin the fence line that we took out we put some new drain tile under there to prevent some erosion so right now the Basin is actually holding that back and preventing that water from sliding over top it's controlling the speed at which that water leaves so Rick it looks like you did a pretty decent job because that Basin appears to be holding and I can tell that the water was higher an hour ago and it's going down so you earned your paycheck you see like that right there that's pretty minimal but that's exactly what we're trying to prevent I know there will be plenty of people that come on here and tell me to stop whining stop being such a whiny farmer a whiny Millennial whatever but that's not what I'm doing here I'm I'm literally just trying to inform you guys and show you what's going on here we have not turned a wheel yet this year and uh it's just one of those things you know sometimes you have uh you got to take it as it comes it is what it is again I'm not trying to whine I'm just showing you guys what we got going on because I got a lot of followers that like to be kept up to date they wonder what's happening out on the farm and right now this is what's happening we're running out of things to do we we're we're starting to invent jobs around the yard and around the shop just because we're out of things to do so there's your update I think I'm gonna uh go live on Tick Tock now looks like the road washed out just a little bit at this intersection well I swung around and came North I'm about a half mile from the farm here now but um it's it's actually drier up here we did not get as much rain actually close to the farm we got a lot more than we needed but we didn't get nearly as much well thanks for coming along on a crop tour with me maybe I'll go polish the lawnmower now we currently have 100 mile per hour winds there's a dog bed there or uh we've lost the trampoline the pool mat's about to take off we lost the hot tub cover it's not raining much which is actually concerning only lost the tree some siding on the house there's the trampoline huh we've lost several limbs and the windmill another big tree down back there I'm just gonna go inside there she is well the car is still there kids rays are still there we've lost numerous trees out that way including one pine tree it looks like in the very corner of the yard flowing across the yard but the trampoline tipped over the pool mat is gonna take off take shelter destructive 80 mile an hour winds seemed like more than that we got trees to clean up and a trampoline to somehow pick ones see Simply Safe is awesome for Gathering your family around in the basement during tornadoes that's a big one too you guys get to cut those trees up and clean them up no last power just for a second Rhiannon didn't like that well we lost power again it's pretty dark I can see numerous trees down over there trampolines down I'm out I'm on the north side of the house it's not so windy here I don't dare go out the front but there are multiple trees and limbs down there hopefully that didn't get the shed we're losing a little siding I'm gonna be the crazy guy in the tornado I want to see it oh that's that sucks right there those are really nice trees we're gonna go inside it's just not lovely out here let's take a peek out this window there's for sure one large tree down there's another one back there I don't know if you guys can see that one yeah grain bins appear to be standing from what I can tell no I was wrong I can't see it real clearly from this angle but I'm pretty confident we're missing a roof on one of the bins there's four or five others behind there that I can't see so who knows what I don't see the roof you girls don't think this is like a fun camping Adventure you don't like the storm here we go Onyx here's a headlamp [Music] what do these kitties think I'll get a little light so that they can see them look at that we got kitties in here girls are having a little slumber party on the steps kitties are attacking me it's uh it's calmed down a little bit but we have something I can't I can't wait it's not raining that hard so I'm gonna go see what we got even though I got my camel Crocs on here my feet are going to get all wet I'm gonna go check this out oh that's what I oh oh oh foreign we lost the whole cold storage shed and everything in it the Bean Head or the planter it's all it's all it's gone um well the machineries sit here so the Machinery sit here nothing's moved except the shed and everything around it but the shed landed on it all so I'm outstanding it right now I don't I'm pretty sure this is all straight line wins uh we lost the Northeast Rock bin also for sure the rest of them from where I'm standing look okay uh no it's still there the trucks look okay the roof is gone the roof is gone and it's uh it's just off the foundation like it's actually leaning towards the dryer which would be it's lean in the other direction the trucks are sitting there holy we lost it the Planters I'm gonna get in the front of the I'm gonna try and see what how bad the planter is but I don't know how much I want to walk around here all the Antiques that were on the storage shelves are thrown everywhere oh those yellow tanks that we talked about selling their gun they're well they're up against the spray trailer yeah [Music] uh old race car doors stay put they're right where we left them uh service truck is now under its second building in the last 10 years uh Peterbilt uh the trailer's got some stuff on it the truck might be okay and your golf club's tipped over it just blew the winds came from the south in the door and it blew apart just like kalbar did last year the combine Hoppers are down uh the Pete's got a beam on the hood but it might be uh let's see it's got a beam on the hood but it actually two beams three beams but it looks okay if I can get over this rafter I think the Pete uh I think I think the feet is fine I gotta answer Becky's calling I'm sure she's wondering what's going on I think so I'll call you back in a minute hello uh yeah maybe it may be in a few minutes you tell because I'm inspecting a couple million dollars worth of damage right now we don't have a planter right now okay I'm on my way she's right I don't need to be out here it is what it is if the wind takes off again and decides to get me then things are a lot worse I can't really tell I didn't inspect the planter too much but the back end which is where all the controls are appears to be what took the damage we put everything inside before the storm came thinking we were protecting it uh the grill covers in the hot tub thank you where where are you sitting at are you up by the church I saw some lights up there oh okay okay did Mike's cattle shed end up on the highway then or did it go clear across really oh ours uh ours okay ours took off we had the doors open to the South and it just lifted up and took off there's pieces in the trees it's a good thing that Ben didn't take off or would have gone into the main shed I'm hoping the south end of the main shed is okay looks okay there good all right we're gonna we're gonna check the damage here this is probably what I'm the most disappointed about oh we didn't lose as many as I thought we only lost a couple but we lost a really nice sign the ugly one no those are full-grown ones the ugly ones are little they're still there hey remember I mentioned the satellite thing it did Kink over I told her earlier today I hated that thing and I wish it would Kink over in a storm oh no that's just from that smiley face thing yeah that was from a cable when they built it that hung there for a while we'll get it off the shed The Sheds took off but the camper still stands I saw that so I don't know uh just a little bit around the bottom so here everybody will get to see just how the floor of a grain bin Works what do you think didge Onyx let's let's not go up there right now that is not safe so the roof is actually still there let's go get in a truck we're gonna do some driving a little visual oh I know some magic tricks on how to make doors work when there is no electricity hooking up a generator yeah that might not be a bad idea because it's going to take a while oh yeah they're gonna have some work to do maybe that's what we should be doing huh I just cleaned our clothes get an oil change no we're gonna wait oh I don't want something taken off in the wind and yeah it's not safe we're gonna drive around pallet flew into the one tractor that was sitting outside and wiped out the mirror but the window looks okay and here I thought the tractors that were indoors were the safe ones so the planter the 6175 it's hard to tell what that took I think the truck is mostly okay but there are beams on it the combine the service truck the seed tender the dually the 8295 the bean header for sure wait till you see the bean header one of the blue water tanks there's one here there's another one about halfway to the highway out there in the house yeah we're not going to be able to drive around this might be looking for a bean header as well boss showed up oh no it doesn't look good does it no we didn't no I was a planter I haven't been in there yet since I was on the phone with you okay we just drove down here to me that's the biggest thing right now well yeah the seed tender looks pretty that's got a lot on top of it me but she called when I was on the phone with you and she was not happy that I was down here scrounging around when it was still windy so okay she made some good points yeah so the front of the planter obviously is fine and here I thought the tractors that were outside were the ones at risk but obviously the guts of the planter are back here well I don't even think it got any row units I think it if anything it's all up here it's the tanks oh yeah the Tank's open near the covers I'm gonna pull the cover off the tank well it's got a building on top of it that one tank is down well tanks are not a tough find this little that's a rope those tanks might have saved everything the compressor the guts right here this all looks okay um so there's a lot of guts up here too but I think I think it's probably all right be very careful where you step on it especially the seed tender it must have taken something because the the tarp is bent up and the tarp was closed so the cable is broke on the tarp the tarp was closed it opened the tarp yeah it was it was closed like yeah it's something God got air a beam or whatever and bent it but I think actually it it might look just fine you gotta you got a two by four literally sticking into the roof of the 82.95 it's sticking right into there what the uh Onyx oh look at the uh the filter came out of the roof the air filter piece is laying on the seat I think we can it's it'll be so the cab the whole roof here oh I can't well how about this one this one we can't replace that's heavier than I'm gonna lift off we got a little dent exhaust probably is no big deal the corn head might be fine other than a bunch of snouts actually the bean header you never know either the real we had another Bean header in 2013. it might just be a real in an air bar is it bent can you tell for sure if it's bent is it is that oh it's not supposed to be like that the insurance adjustment last year might not realize it's not supposed to be like that yeah the last time we had a building on a bean header which was in 2013 and an old shed that stood at the main shop the insurance adjuster asked me if it was supposed to be like that it was not that's from 2013 that was a good year yeah yeah we don't want to crush that one that one's that's a cool one that's a legendary one it's got a lot of good wins on her oh look at that I polish it right off [Applause] there's a way door panel that's that's a really good year too what's the second coolest here oh that is an old bicycle there too took one right to the spokes let's watch those wires Onyx you just never know it's it would have to go through a breaker but you never know uh the bat wing and the snow blower [Applause] took it there took it there this will get totaled out for the second time probably look at that tractor there's blue and red light on in the globe I know I Becky actually asked about that I wonder if it was searching for something but the other ones aren't there no why would that be on I don't know but I moved it last night I moved it last night and it was fine the key isn't even in the ignition 61.75 got the exhaust and the roof for sure look at that Farm Fest 1976. it's old I sent the camera back to the truck with Onyx for a bit but the back bin here the roof on that for sure is shot we haven't walked up to the base of the bin but the roof is gone it's there but it's done and that bin has moved the bolts are all in on the bottom of it but it's moved the the auger is kinked at the front of it so things are not right oh The Roots if you look at the ground let's see the spindly little sick tree that made it just fine oh Trail six of them or so some trees to clean up on the trail huh oh a couple more there hey for once the mailbox stood you can maybe just straighten out too maybe I'll try if we can stake them out or stake them down yeah they'll take again if we can get them to hold didn't get any drier in that field throughout the day hey that building that stands in that field that we rent is gone we've wanted that gone for years yay yay that's good news the two big old pine trees one of them at the church is down [Music] I love it but there is a semi laying in the road ditch drive down in the ditch I'll bet he got blown in there I bet he was sitting parked and he slid onyx's deer stand is no longer upright pretty confident we did not have insurance on the deer stand this is one mile south of the farm and this is the guy who saw the tornado go by this building used to stand so that roof used to be up in the air and cattle could walk underneath it well yeah don't just suppose that storm scared the out of all the cattle you live in small town America when the storm rolls through and everybody comes out of their houses and drives around this is the busiest this road has been since I don't know the flood of 74. foreign [Music] companies got a mess so cheese [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,077,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: severe weather, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, farmer, farming, farm equipment, combine, agriculture, john deere, education, farming simulator, big tractors, new farm equipment, tractors, damaged farm equipment, derecho damage, farm update, mnmillennial farmer, farm destruction, farm destroyed, millenial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, Farm videos, tractor videos, farm vlog, farm machinery, john deere machinery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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