It was in this moment I realized I MESSED UP!

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Who ever though farming could be so complicated?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedneckTexan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedneckTexan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
morning dogs [Music] i'm really hoping to get a bunch of acres of fertilizer ground covered today and run that strip tiller a bunch morning that marked just in time guys see that i figured you knew he was coming well they told me by nine but it's i don't think it's 8 30 yet is it no i'm afraid it's not going to feel good well let's go look at those strips we'll see what you think lumpy because it's so wet it is it's lumpy this should be one of the wetter parts of this field it should be i don't know the heel will go good yeah the hill should go really good yesterday i worked on this thing quite a bit and got everything going as far as the pnk the phosphorus and potash right now what we need to do is get the nitrogen going that would be the anhydrous ammonia that we're going to pull behind it well we just spent we just spent about a hour hour and a half on it and cannot get it going the valves are working the butterfly valves on the cooler on the system that controls it i hope what we have going on is a plugged screen or plug filter or strainer same thing so i'm gonna turn it into the wind right now and we're gonna have to bleed off what's in the hose get rid of the pressure so that we can unhook it and get to the strainer uh one of those things we're pushed against the wall here with the rain coming again because it's already too muddy really i mean it's it's considerably muddier than what it should be to be out here and we got two more inches coming so i don't know honestly we might give up on this thing before we get it going here the p and k side of things is working just fine the fertilizer the dry fertilizer delivery the controller on that the 2510 itself that's all working what we're dealing with is the anhydrous part of it just the nitrogen side of things but i don't really want to go over with p and k and have to come back and put nitrogen down because we're just going to make a mess and and end up making two passes then that's some toxic stuff right there that will that'll kill you and in no way am i joking that's why we turn the tractor around so we're gonna let that bleed out go get some tools so that we can pull the screen off up here without any pressure on it now it's still bleeding off a little bit because there's bleeder valves on this end too you can't see it anymore but i can hear it but i did get this loose i've actually got it loose by hand that's the filter going into this system that i didn't realize was there that's my bad so i'm sure hopefully that thing is kind of plugged up we can clean it out and get things moving here but i don't want to pull it all the way out until this thing's done hissing at me rubber gloves are not that grippy on ice so here's the screen i've got it out now it's been out a while i let it uh warm up because otherwise it'll freeze you the magnet did have a little bit of material on it that's a magnet here and this screen goes around here like this but the thing i'm concerned about is that this was clean which may mean we have another issue the butterfly valves are turning on the switches i'm confused for now i guess i'll just put this back in i've got my pressure turned on again so i'm going to jump in the tractor and fire it up and try to run a test and see maybe that screen pressurized and cleaned itself i don't know maybe i'll get lucky so running manual tests here i should be able to turn something on and i've got pressure to my gauges but i have no product all right i didn't get that on camera but i did an energized system test and it worked watch this master on start here we go right no yes there it comes now we'll turn it off it's off it's just bleeding down now so it's been energized the system's live so why doesn't my bleed section test work is it just because [Music] i'm wondering something i have an idea doesn't mean it's correct or accurate or that i really know what i'm talking about clearly i don't but i have an idea anyways auto steer fans running master get ready drop machine master a little more more throttle we are applying that product we are not applying anhydrous okay well that didn't work that was my idea i got it we were supposed to install a piece that would go on that whisker switch so that it would know when the implement is up and down but we have not done that yet so now i'm just tricking it to make it think it's always down no that's the wrong whisker switch that's that's the one for the dry system which for some reason doesn't it doesn't care the dry system just goes on and off with the master and i can't move that whisker to the nh3 system because it takes a different connection so i got the dealership looking for a different switch for me to see otherwise we'll have to cut the wires and make it work five to four got a couple of things i figured out why the anhydrous isn't working on this um i need a whisker switch that plugs into the correct connection to make it to make it know that the machine is down and then i can just tie it up and turn it on and off with the master but i got daryl looking for one right now i forgot what the second thing was okay that was a problem found an old one laying in the shop it's got the correct connection on it appears i will zip tie this to make it think the machine's always down oh yeah right there see that i mean that that is the work of a genius right there another old farmer trick oh we'll just go ahead and zip tie this out of the way to a random spot as long as this whisker is tripped it thinks the machine is down it's almost too easy zip ties duct tape wd-40 you just you got to go back to the basics that's it right there see that little green arrow pointing down obviously our implement is down into the ground oh i tricked it sometimes you got to do what you got to do all right here it comes oh we need a fan running for product it shows that we are applying anhydrous we are not on auto steer because the driver missed that it unbeeped which is a real word and i see anhydrous behind us smoking out of the trenches it's applying there we're applying fertilizer dry fertilizer we're painting maps the tubes are flowing oh my gosh i'm showing rate gallons per minute miles per hour i got fan speed set perfect i'm showing variable rate changing across the field on the dry master's on implements [Music] down don't like that the dog decided to chase me today how'd you look behind it is it feeling isn't it bad well i'm kind of to the south now coming up that little bit of a gravel hill and now i get an exhaust filter outlet temperature sensor circuit fault on the tractor that would make sense that figures hang on look at that [Music] that little bit of puff there we don't worry about that little bit of puff so here i can see that's tank one tank two is getting down there i can see it flowing down to the bottom which i didn't have a lot in there so that makes sense i'll have to go fill soon and there is my anhydrous tank riding around behind me this is my recon blockage monitor system from intelligent egg got it from red e i can see every row and know that it's flowing the average amount of fertilizer that it should be you can see the ups and downs i'm still learning a little bit on that but as long as all these bars are green i know that i'm flowing roughly what i'm supposed to be flowing i can see it on there as well on the monitor down there that's my dry i got my liquid on here so that's my two dry products this is my nitrogen i'm excited i had to run back to get the truck for fertilizer tractor's pretty muddy right now so i don't want to bring it in the yard and we've got a drier field approach that the truck will go in and out so time to top off and go to town and really make some acres happen [Music] one product in and the second product going in and that is two products full well now that i finally got this machine of beauty and frustration up and running there's only one final touch you know what that makes me think about the fact that onyx ran his little four-wheeler out of gas back there in the field and he still hasn't come to get it but other than that freedom back to work plus i'm hungry [Music] this is i you know you know like when uh when somebody wins a gold medal at the olympics something they've trained for their entire life and they finally do it this isn't as exciting as that but that's kind of how i feel right now like all the frustration all the time all the phone calls the money figuring this thing out and here i am here we are we've cut our tillage in half right now we're eliminating passes because we're putting on all of our fertilizer for next year three different products two of them using variable rate which means we got to get the third one going variable rate real soon i got cameras blockage monitors rate controllers everything rtk auto steer making sure everything's perfect this is just [Music] i wanted to jump out and show you guys what a difference the soil type makes i'm in the same field here i'm just back here on this hilltop where the soil is drier it's always drier it's a little coarser we don't get quite as good of crops here it really should be irrigated and i think it'd be pretty good but look at the quality of the berms that it's leaving much less compaction much less chunks this soil is not nearly as sticky there's a lot less clay content in it it breaks apart it's totally different soil than we have over 80 at least 80 percent of our acres now one of the downfalls that i need to work on on this rig is i need to get duals for the bander and i need to figure out what to do about the anhydrous tracks because you can see we've got two rows that are being smashed back down we want these berms high because they're going to settle over the winter and in the spring they're going to be flat like that so we can come back and plant right into them without coming along with another tillage pass is the idea but these ones i'm concerned they might be sunken if not we might be all right but i do actually have a set of uh michelin i believe they're 420 duals for that cart i don't have wheels yet i don't have the rims but i've got the tires but i'd still have to figure out if i can get an anhydrous tank that's spaced differently but for now i'm gonna need some lunch and we're gonna continue knocking some acres i was getting fertilizer in well would you look at that right there i suppose i only told him 50 or 60 times that he had to come get that out of here now this area here had some of our best crops this year because it was dry when we planted it and it stayed completely dry all summer but when i get here i am just actually shutting the fertilizer off and raising the machine and driving straight through it without dropping fertilizer that little bit of smoke is actually not active fertilizer coming out there's not much there just like clockwork you got to know which buttons to push when i got this all right i got 32 acres done next you get it going tell them there's an empty one you want another one why don't you do that once you get going again i'll let him know i know there's not product coming up and hydra's tank is empty time to switch that you guys will see how that works it's actually pretty slick step one unhook the empty and do it while standing on the upwind side because there's going to be a little bit that leaks out you don't want that coming back at you so we're shutting off the valve from the tank and the valve coming down the hose from the machine that way hopefully the only little bit that can get out of here is right inside this coupler and we wear insulated rubber gloves because otherwise it will freeze burn your skin immediately [Music] now the really cool part made much easier by just a little bit of technology there's my full tank so i will move up and back up to that but i'm gonna use that camera right there to help me so between looking out the back window and looking at that camera i can tell how far away i need to be this actually backs up not too bad once those caster wheels and that cart turns and then i'll show you exactly what the trick is for getting that hitch lined up in the back it's pretty cool but i do need my fan on for it and now i've got hydraulic power to this winch which acts as a hitch parked a little farther away than i needed to come here come on come with me [Applause] [Music] that's pretty dang slick huh i think it's awesome now the part i don't like at all hooking the hose back up to the new tank and tight what percentage we had here about 85 now crack it open slowly make sure we're sealed there we go i felt everything pressurized so should be good now we just switch our hydraulic back to noise one hand again i need two hands i am having a fantastic day here after i got things figured out this is awesome even though i got a little mud on my tractor i'm doing okay hello are you at home any chance you could run and get me out at the field here i'm just farther from the house now all right bye well everything was going well holy crap that's a wet turn around the wrong spot uh i got a couple applicators in the center that are plugged so there's no anhydrous coming through them i happened just to see it when i turned it on setting it down at the end and wondered about it sure enough they are plugged so i've got to go get something to get up in there to kind of poke them out and reopen it they're plugged with mud [Music] i hope the internet doesn't think you actually drive a buick oh god that would be pretty bad huh the old ranger sure comes in handy when you got to go back and forth from here to the yard with tools all the time i've got the line removed here to make dang sure it's not going to pressurize anything but this is the little hole that we need to have open i think there's like a little rock or pebble stuck in here so what i did was actually create my own new hole here using this tool and now i think it's open if i go from the top there i can see that so it's open nothing to it it's just extremely annoying and takes more time well one of them's open the second one is not this one you think you're having a good day now we've spent an hour on this dad's across the road over here he's got a hundred acres done in the last few hours i've got 31.7 and i got two rows all the way across that 31 acres that didn't get nitrogen i'm suddenly not in nearly as good of a mood but now i'm done screwing around i'm grabbing a drill and a drill bit and i'm just punching another hole in that tube it's a good thing i slept well last night or i'd be grumpy i don't want to face this direction and do a test but if this doesn't work then there's got to be a blockage farther up in the system somewhere between that regulator tower and the end the good news is i put a few hours on this tractor and driven around the field for half the day so that's that's cheap okay master oh shush this this here we go [Applause] i couldn't tell if any came out of there or not so i'm gonna try to burn a new spot here on that that pressurize a5 to four he's probably not by radio because he's done with his field five to seven can you hear me now go ahead what field are you in right now okay i'm gonna run back to the yard i got another another one of those damn tubes plugged up that the anhydrous comes through where they where they don't just make it so you can put another one in there or take the welds off of these ones you gotta figure something else out in other words if i can get it clear and get a new tube wedged in there between the old one and the little bit of space they leave us you might need your welding skills either way you'll be getting a hell of a lot more done than i am [Music] i am on a roller coaster of emotions and i'm sick of it so here's the deal i did determine that the blockage is definitely down here it is not up there because that hose sprays nh3 the blockage is in this tube right about here which is too high i can't drill a hole here and get by with it and i can't just grind this weld off this tube because well john deere welds them all the way through inside this plate so that you have to buy this entire whole new multi-million dollar boot but they did have one flaw in their design if you do it right and you wedge a tube down there and you bend it just right you can jam a homemade tube in there and weld it in place but it's tricky compressed air doesn't work this is the hole here that you can get a tube down that jim and i had to do it on before but the mud that i'm working with i'm not even pushing it out i'm just smearing it it's just so sticky that i can't even clear the hole to get a tube in there and i know there are farmers watching saying well yeah you're going when it's too muddy the thing isn't gonna work when it's too muddy yeah sorry guys this is as nice a weather as we ever get here during fall this is what we're dealing with and we're going to get two inches of rain starting in a day and a half and it's going to be in the 40s nothing's going to dry again we are pushing right now to get as much done as we possibly can this is exactly what happens every single year it's exactly like this i can't get that part the nearest one is two and a half hours from here because nobody runs this machine here it's either in north dakota or in iowa so two and a half hour drive to go get that part which i believe this whole boot to fix it all was like 600 bucks when i checked this spring otherwise i get a tube to stick in there but the tubes we have are too short hey the tubes that we have on hand for the anhydrous they're too short so even if i get the hole open and get the tube through there they're too short do you know i mean i suppose i could run the fleet farm or fleet supply see if they'd have something longer we have made the decision together to give up i'm going to spread the p and k with it that's working we're not going to put any anhydrous or nitrogen down with it we'll have to deal with that later i know there's a bunch of people screaming at me saying well just fix the line fix the line just fix the tube then you got it all going the problem is i know from experience that i'd fix that and then there'd be something else and then i'd spend a half a day fixing that and then there'd be something else over and over again then we're down to just tomorrow and we need to get that fertilizer on because we paid a ridiculous amount for that fertilizer in june and now it's double the ridiculous amount that we paid so we own that fertilizer for a lot cheaper than what we would if we don't get it down and we got to buy it in the spring so we are going to get that down and of course the fertilizer companies and the big companies will say you know product availability and demand here and demand there and covered this and covered that no it's because corn prices are high corn prices go up all of a sudden it looks like the farmers might make a little bit of money again and those companies decide they're gonna take it first i'm gonna shut the camera down now before i stay anything foolish i'd hate for you guys to know how i really feel i feel very defeated very melancholy keeping with the roller coaster of emotions theme that i have here i've had an hour hour and a half here to down think about some things eat some beef jerky from mike and aaron at our wyoming life which is really good by the way you can order it yourself check out their youtube channel good people great people come came and did a podcast with us but all we gotta do is fix that tube put those tires on get the spacing right get the variable right nitrogen going sounds easy doesn't it now i i don't feel like giving up right now as much as i did an hour ago but it is muddy out here in spots and we got to get this done right now so i don't know why i'm torn i guess i didn't really have a good update it's good jerky though aside from not having my nitrogen things have been going really great for two hours here so i thought i better get out ch side and manually just check make sure i got products coming out the really handy thing is i got this box right here i can flip that on turn the meter and i can see the fertilizer coming out the unhandy thing [Applause] is that there hasn't been fertilizer coming out of those middle too for potash probably for who knows how long been going for two hours i don't know why that didn't show up on the recon system but it didn't and there's no potash coming out so i've been running again with no product in those middle two rows so now i'm putting on one product out of my three and those rows i i can't i couldn't script this i can't make this up i do know there's one product coming through just fine which means the blockage has to be right there so if i shut off the pressure now i can hear myself think but i don't know if i can well we'll find out but i'm going to put the camera down you're not going to get to see any of this because i'm putting the camera down because i i just can't as expected no flow for sure in this one or isn't that one now but not out of here which is one of our center runs there's a good reminder of humbleness and appreciativeness is that a word there's no way the camera does that justice i love working at night when there's not problems so i'm gonna hope that there's not i got one tank that's down there aways so dad's going to bring me out a tile flag to replace down there and he's gonna help me load up again and uh and then and then i'm just gonna keep on keep keep trucking like that yeah yeah oh you didn't bring the ratcheting one you brought a normal wrench [Music] well we're good on product for the moment but now we've got our next issue to take care of [Music] i've had an issue here with these two rows for a while but i i was giving them a chance but the problem we have is turn my headlight on here these scrapers we put in these two rows that ready designed which to a point worked well but i believe with this ridging here they're just piling up with soybean stubble and i end up dragging piles across the field so we've got to get these out of here no these are the only two that have ever had an issue now we gotta let's do one at a time because we gotta be in the same these have an adjustment to them we gotta be in the same holes or it changes the pitch of these blades and then our bridge is different all right yeah okay thanks go get your pickup all right well at this at this rate i should be done by 5 or 6 a.m yeah i should have enough in there now we didn't totally fill the back tank i should have enough for 30 acres 40 which at this rate will take seven eight nine hours but you know what i'm here and i'm healthy and i got supper from my lovely wife which is about two hours old now probably cold and mushy but we're gonna be able to farm next year it's gonna rain a little whatever happens happens i'm gonna turn on some rage against the machine and work late into the night bye-bye now you guys take care it's i've pulled the bottoms of both meters off both products are flowing out of eight nine or ten of the twelve rows i've pulled the meters off i've run them they're clean they flow but they're not making it to the shanks and it's different rows for each one it just doesn't make any sense the covers are sealed good so you got good air pressure you think i suppose i could check that'd be one thing to check i guess but it made i mean it went a few acres i've almost done a full round so it should have gone i wouldn't have even known it if the blockage monitor wouldn't have told me i would check the cover seals first yeah i'll check that but i don't have a lot of hope okay i'm going to run jim to disrupt and then i'll be back there all right bye bye here's your update it's only gotten worse and i haven't even finished my supper shut up it's mud [Music] some of the rose packed up with mud i dug them out they're free and clear the problem is when they pack with mud they plug the hoses all the way back i'm gonna walk back here to the ranger and get a hammer and hope that i can hit them with a hammer enough to clear them out and if not i'll have to pull those hoses off and dump them this machine i think would be a fantastic machine on coarser soils lighter soils less sticky soils warmer weather longer sunshine days when you're not up against the rain and you're not up against freezing ground and you don't have sticky soils like this i think you guys get my point it's working again things are working [Music] good night everybody okay here's my final update i've had a very frustrating day it's very late at night i've seen what this thing is capable of it was pretty awesome and since then it's been uh been very frustrating i went for the last uh last hour hour and a half here watching the potash very closely getting out multiple times to clean the meter and spin it over manually and make sure things are feeding and they were but the potash has not moved in a lot of acres which means when i'm going it says i'm applying and i'm not or i'm at least not applying nearly enough and i've had it i want to thank everybody who has helped me get this thing going this is a sweet rig but it is 100 for sale i'm done fighting it i have way more money tied up in that than i wish i did and not only that but the time and the frustration that it has been over the last two years i need it out of my life i need a gun a lot of good parts on it it's a good piece it's been gone through top to bottom so if anybody's interested in purchasing a headache have i got a deal for you here's an update to the update of the update for the updates it is now the next morning i got up early because i was laying in bed thinking about it what happened was i think i believe that meter roll on the potash end which is not uncommon it got enough humidity in the potash it's set up it got sticky it ground up in the powder one of those two i pulled the whole meter roll i pulled the whole meter roll out and i beat it on the tire to make sure it was not clear i dug up inside to make sure nothing was stuck or bridging up inside the tank rolled it over it spins but now here's what i'm doing because we got strips all across this field where there was not any potash i've got the machine lifted up and i'm just spreading the potash across the top if that works i'll come back in and fill in these gaps but the thing is i'll probably i should be out of potash by the time i get to the end of these strips and there's no way i'm going to risk putting fertilizer in this machine ever again in my life it certainly is a beautiful morning however [Music] you know what they say red sky at night sailors delight red sky in the morning farmers better get their 1910 air cards empty
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 933,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vfhlJMaCLQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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