Dad's New Case Tractor Broke Down!

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[Music] good morning dogs [Music] all right guys this is something i've never done before we're gonna head over to my parents house right now as you know our family becky and i and the kids we kicked my parents out of their house about a year and a half two years ago we bought the farm place from them they are up the road a few miles now to the east built a new house and we're going to go there and we're going to completely reseed the entire lawn i've got alan hayne the lawn care nut he's got a great youtube channel check that out i've never met alan i'm about to meet him here pretty soon but we're headed over to my parents place to seed that lawn down and i think this is going to be a pretty big job i can't say what's gonna happen but i've also got a little bit of a surprise for you guys some of you are gonna like it some of you are not all right i got alan here it's alan hayne correct you got it yeah this is the lawn care nut so i we will link him down below by we i mean becky she will link you down below thanks becky you guys can check out his channel we're here at my parents new property on the lake here they got the house done they got the patios done all we got to do is fix this issue so i brought in the professional time to do a little seeding that's right we got scott's seed on board so they they kicked in on the seed for this so thank you to scotts for helping out with that we got the equipment here i'm gonna show you guys some equipment in a little bit here might uh might shake some of you up a little bit here i think so and then we're going to throw down a little bit of fertilizer starter fertilizer after and that comes from a company called green county fertilizer green county fertilizer alan are you comfortable up here because this is a long ways north are you freezing well i got a little headache from the altitude that's for sure from the altitude i suppose yeah we're we're 1424 feet higher than sea level i'm at minus 10. so you're at -10 yeah down there in the everglades so he's pretty close he has worked with cletus mcfarland yeah cletus has a racetrack down there and i would love to race something around that track yeah and are you also you've worked with uh everglades equipment group down there a little bit i bought actually bought a john deere tractor from them because of you now it's not a tractor like you have it's a lawn tractor nice but when they sponsored your trip down there i was like i'm gonna go buy a lawn tractor from those guys so i did there you go did you guys hear that everglades did you hear that i'd like to go to south florida again i think we should work something out let's do it i'll get a hold of cletus and maybe you can erase one of his cars out there at the track i could race one of cletus's cars maybe you'll have a lawn i could help with again because after today i'm going to be well-versed we got plenty of lawn for you all right let's do it let's throw her down boys throw her down first thing we got to do here is grab what they call a harley rake i don't know it's an attachment that goes on the skid steer i've never seen it but supposedly it's got a big drum that spins around levels out the ground and somehow separates or windrows the rocks we'll find out so it's just a spiked drum that spins around does it do anything specific with the rocks or just hit him uh you'll have to ask chris on that i'm not the expert there does it pulverize the rocks does it pick him up for you no it just wind rosin just windrows them okay it took a band of geniuses but we we got it figured out now we've got a separate remote that runs the tilt or the canter i suppose is what i call it we got it we got it the back of the property go to the back i got a rake you got a rake if i didn't know when allen brought a rake did we really need this thing i mean you know see how it goes we had it working then dad broke it helen how many monkeys does it normally take to get these going well better we don't have enough apparently not enough more than we have there believe it or not we're finding a large amount of softball size-ish rocks up here that thing does a nice job of windrowing them so they're easy to pick up but we need somewhere to put them he's making a lot of noise i'll just grab one of the uh tractors here out of his stable i got to get this one out of the way first and i don't i don't have a clue what i'm doing is there a key what the heck is that thing i'm pretty sure it's a tractor but i don't know how to i don't know what to do it's toro red it's a toro it looks like a toro it's much different than mine that's for sure how many monkeys does it take to start a case tractor well if i push the orange button see what happens it is red look don't let it is it broke down already you can barely reach the pedal though we could adjust the seat i would think i'll be nice he's the only one that can make fun of him [Laughter] simple as that in all seriousness though dad recently bought this case tractor on an online auction that is a 45c a little bit bigger model than this 3038 here um he wanted something that would handle a little bit heavier equipment which worked out well because we got the air vader here that we're gonna plant the seed with does he not know how to go so yes we own a case tractor now and so far uh obviously i haven't driven it but dad actually says he he likes it a lot really likes it i'm sure i'll drive it some today i hope if he can figure out how to get it going forward we'll wreck something yet dad i don't know how to drive the tractor neither does he so i don't i don't have to be that embarrassed just hope for the best i got it started yeah it is a taste it's a good thing we have multiple days for this there's some udders down here we can milk it we tried two of us and neither of us know what we're doing you got a bang on the hood i was just [Music] two heavy equipment operators two managers and an idiot with a camera look at the concentration extreme concentration so alan what we have is a nice a nice smooth finish fluffy soil down there yeah what we're doing is tearing it up even more and then coming by with the other machine and packing it back down smoothing it right re-smoothing the idea is at least we can get the rocks out create a nice seed bed because one of the things in all serious one of the things you want with a good seed job is seed soil contact right that's what we're doing we're trying to give ourselves the best play there one of the things i never thought of or didn't realize was that these lawn care guys there's a lot more ag involved than i would have thought he showed up he starts talking roundup ready grass scene npk has a triumph yeah all kinds of like i know what he's saying so i felt good about that me too you know what i'm saying when you watch my videos a lot of the time i do that's why we're not just the stepchildren of ass or are they maybe we are so this aerator will seed but i guess for whatever specific reasons we're not seeding with it today what we're doing is leveling out and firming for a seed bed and then we're actually going to just broadcast it over top of this [Music] alan it's just about lunchtime you want me to go get some veggie burgers and some soy milk yeah i make sure my vegan lifestyle stays you know input while i'm here all right appreciate that you guys just keep working i'll go i'll go get food you're doing great hi can i get five butter burgers with cheese and bacon uh doubles culver's good family farm supportive company good food too look at them all already on lunch break to ride on spreader you've got two turbo held two turbo jet t-nozzles you spread and spray at the same time these are john deere you know sprinkle to use it here probably not lunch is over and we're back to work and rumor has it one of the underground sprinkler heads got run over you okay all right now i don't have one to pick up there you go i was gonna look like i was working on camera [Music] i'll jump over there and probably push him downhill yep you want to grab that there's about three orange legs just mark on the power line you want to grab those yep remember this area up be right over there all right you okay hey you guys okay you guys are doing really well keep it up we got the lawn finished off it is level for the most part tomorrow we're going to go around around and seed this thing it's about 60 000 square feet then i'm gonna run that red machine over there and i'll get to try that so far dad says he likes it the guy that ran it all day today his name is chris he says he really likes it so i'm guessing i'll like it but anyway onyx has a little league game here in about one hour so i gotta go clean up and get him to the game it's the playoffs playoffs are starting first game tonight so pretty pumped about that and uh we'll be back see you guys again in the morning ah oh i tried to do the handful thing but didn't work out that well let's try this oh there we are good morning time to load a truck right away we got one soybean truck going out here so i'll get him loaded i'm gonna grab a few things and then we're headed back to the house to finish our seating project gonna need a battery charger honestly i was pretty sure that it was the battery on the grain cart for the tarp that was drawing the batteries down on the 8360 because the batteries are not that old but ah it was unplugged we unplugged the cart so there was no reason for it to go dead so i will add batteries for the 8360 to the list well that's done now now it's time to do the real work and get get back to work on that lawn it's a showdown i was just about to ask he can't get enough of that red tractor but yeah you definitely got a leak that ain't good that's hydraulic oil but you made a big mess there what'd you do look at him he's just mad he's just gonna stomp off he's done you i just started uh yeah that's uh i suppose start it up again i'll have to look in there see if i can see where it's coming from is it a hose that's almost what it looks like with as much oil as there is there don't get so worked up we break things every day but i really like that red tractor well i guess get some coveralls on then you go ahead and fix it paint it green morning allen hey good morning got good news and bad news all right we're going to finish the lawn today that's good news that's good news you want to hear the bad news chris broke your red tractor i just i just turned it on nate just turned it on what happened you got a big hydraulic leak really big one we should get some eyes on it he can start it up again we'll see if we can tell where it's coming from okay it maybe went 30 feet i don't know if the 3038 will handle it that machine yeah well we'll see where it's coming from on that on the red one first it only needs 12 horsepower you think i would joke about a tractor breaking down i thought maybe just because it was a red tractor was expected we'll look at it maybe we can fix it i'll run a little dirt up here all right hold it kill it uh okay i know where it's coming out of i can't tell you what's if something's broke or if it just needs to be tightened but i know where it's coming from but it's going both directions there's a big uh i don't even know what those fittings are called big eye hook fitting with a bolt down the top and it's shooting out of both front and back of that like just it's pumping it straight out of it suppose it's really hard to get to too isn't it all right isn't that bad if it's just if it just needs to be tightened like an inch and 16 or inch and an eighth and you can reach it from here believe it would just need to be tightened though well i can't either but that's the first thing to try to try it yeah i don't have any big wrenches here or it might be an o-ring underneath yeah that would be our luck lately yeah we've blown five o-rings in the sprayer in the last week and a half must be a big leak though huh it's big yeah it's hard it's hard to see if there's an o-ring blown out underneath there there's so much oil underneath it now but it's uh it's this one right here right there yep so if we can try to i can't move it by hand but it wouldn't surprise me if there's an o-ring in there huh so we know where it's coming from we can't say for sure what it is my guess is there's an o-ring underneath there but dad doesn't even have tools here yet they just got in the place and i got a buddy that lives a mile up the road it's going to be a lot quicker to go there than back to the farm so that's where i'm headed hey slappy uh we're working over a dad's place right now seeding down the lawn and we sprung a massive hydraulic leak on his little new red tractor so if you don't mind i'm going to head over to your bar and grab a few tools because dad doesn't have any here so i'll bring them back clean them up i don't know why i didn't put the connection together before but the the buddy who lives up the road is his car owner corey kind of dark in here can you see it's it's our race car take one of these metric wrenches don't need that flashlight inch 8th inch and 16 inch what the heck it's just weird you know the internet has told me many many times that the red ones don't break down weird oh that's tight yeah that's it's not loose so i went through all that to go get tools meanwhile these guys come up with a backup plan and it was all for nine better go quick i won't go look at that beast that's what 1800 cubic inch it's got a hit me in it it's got a hemi wow oh what'd you call it a hemi a hemi karma so they went with plan b c or d or whatever it is anyway dad took off to get something we're leaving the red tractor over there broke down for now and we're gonna we're gonna get moving here with the perma green perma green you should put like uh a-hanger bars on that thing well you can actually drop the hammer that's cool too [Applause] that's the good stuff the good stuff right there alan what are we mixing in here so well the first thing we're putting in is mesotrion tenacity is the brand name that's the mesotron so that's going to act as our pre-emergent control yep similar to well exactly the same active as what we use in our fields sometimes actually the same yeah and this is off patent now so you can get this in generics now yep so and then we've got starter fertilizer here green pops 16 21 2 in pk and then rgs root growth stimulant so this is essentially humic acid fulvic acid and hormones from sea kelp all kinds of good grow stuff all kinds of good juju to really help the seed like we say jump out of the ground are we putting seed in this thing too so we're doing it all in one application we're gonna put the seed right right at the top so you can spread and spray all together that's efficiency very much so look at that black gold isn't that pretty so this is the blend of sea kelp you said humic acid and fulvic acid with cold water seaweed kelp with cold water seaweed kelp so what's the rate you guys are doing rates by the square footage is that correct per thousand square feet per thousand three ounces per thousand okay you're not doing it in acres not in acres this right here now is a blend of 1821.2 that's our npk going in uh it so this would be basically like a a starter fertilizer it is a starter fertilizer from green county fertilizer company and you guys actually sell that right we do we sell this to diyers and four packs or in five gallons and uh they can use it for seeding or sodding okay and they can get it where that's where we sell it or on the becky link that down below there it is this is the genetically modified grass seed right here roundup resistant glyphosate tolerant it actually has uh it's crossed with spinach dna for a really dark green correct yep and and it grows slower so you don't have to mow it as often it's been great yeah you should only have to mow once every two weeks usually in season you'll have to mow kentucky bluegrass you know like every week maybe even twice a week this should be every two weeks and they actually undersell that i have the saint augustine grass that's bred similar and i'm almost never mowing once a month maybe so the biggest thing is that deeper darker blue-green color though because we want your dad to dominate the neighborhood and that's right you do that is with the darkest greenest grass that's what it's all about you have to have magic seed scott's pro vista we will tag that down below too but they provided this seed so that we could do this make this video so thank you to scotts for that yep this is brand new this is not really this is just now coming out so you're one of the first to have it yes neighborhood domination where's the gps globe on that it doesn't have any leds on it either no leds no gps there we go so this thing's laying down seed and our npk uh fertilizer starter pop-up the mesotrione the sea kelp it's all in there doing it all in one pass sporty hey chris can i drive it you can give you a tutorial yeah i'm going to need a tutorial for sure stand right there all right so here's your hopper opening i've already got it set that's set okay you'll just push your hopper forward spreader on spreader on does it click into place i assume against this yeah it's just friction okay so here's your spray okay so hold that down once i'm going hold that back you want to leave that back the whole way okay so your hopper is going to be open open yep back and then pull that back and here's your accelerator your throttle well you can't make the uh you almost dumped me there you almost that would have been hilarious you got to make like a motorcycle throttle yeah well that would be even harder [Music] [Applause] sorry dad you might have some growing in the beds we'll take care of that later back that way it's like driving a shopping cart he's power steering [Applause] well the old uh scots pro vista appalachian turf green county fertilizer company yard mastery lawn care nut perma green machine here run pretty good you know we got into ricky's oil when he puked motor there got up in a quarter panel into the wall boys patched it up put it back together we kept on digging here we are in victory lane got to thank everybody back at the shop all the guys the driver of the truck we was up late last night it was been a long day been a long week all in all but here we are victor lane i don't know why i kept getting more southern as i talked you better is that just a nascar thing it works out yeah it's just it's natural yeah i guess so this east side of the yard is planted now dad's out rolling that we decided this would be a lot faster and we wouldn't have to fix the red tractor so we're just gonna roll this in that drum's got water in it it's weighted pretty heavy it's just uh leveling it off then the next step will be to come by with the straw mats here then i think they'll turn the sprinklers on now this is interesting down here this is what it looks like to fertilize a tree through the trunk which i did not know was the thing apparently it's a great way to fertilize these things who knew it is the straw mat installation time so ready see much easier thanks for teaching me the magic you're welcome don't tell too many people i won't sure wish that would work with all these staples we got to step in now oh you got a crooked one there that's the way of my life rock more than likely josh is getting a bunch done all right josh has bigger feet i'll just keep videotaping you guys you're doing well we're definitely hitting i'm hitting a lot of rocks yeah you look like you're getting ready to rob a place i might be is that what they wear in south florida this is it keep the sun off you i notice you just rolled up your sleeves well you know i gotta act like i'm doing some kind of work [Music] only a few more hours of this to go this is every bit as fun as you would think it would be i'm coming to help you guys i'll get wait till we find a little there for that josh says we're going to the fence here one roll from this box to the fence allen says we're going to be 20 feet short 20 feet short i'm saying 8 feet short one of us is going to be a hero and chris i think you should start back there and be realistic don't you don't you show up now and try to be a supervisor back there where you're supposed to be no excuses how tight should we pull this that's what she asked we got a sprinkler head there we're gonna have to cut over too you're going to the side that'll work all right here we go it goes for a lot longer at the end than you think there's a lot more left than you think a lot of jokes in there see where oh oh oh looks like about eight feet from the fence that's a lot of stretching that's about eight feet i get to buy you guys a round of drinks isn't that how is that that's how that works right there it goes onyx you need me to teach you onyx i'm pretty good at that now hilah do you think you could drive that i think you could i'm not too tall you're not too tall oh yeah it'd be hard to see wouldn't it ellen i think we just laid our last roll here the last roll of straw right i'm so glad i hope so i hope so too uh i didn't have the camera on for like six hours meaning like i'm feeling sunburned oh yeah sweaty dehydrated hungry a little scared a little scared huh a little scared well we gotta be hopeful let's be hopeful all right positive attitudes all watering all the time now all watering that's the key you and i we got to go to the watering hole oh well that kind of watering is definitely an order definitely [Music] hey becky beck can i call you back i hope that's okay listen so your husband the millennial farmer he's out getting us some lunch right now which that's that's a good job for him but i want to ask a favor now whenever you edit this you have to make it look like i did all the work 100 of the work and then i'm really tired all the time working really hard also always get my best angle don't show my man breasts or any of my fat areas or anything like that you know neck up would be best and again just make sure that everybody can tell that i did all the work because that's what i'm gonna do in my video as well and you know i wouldn't want your video to look any different than mine so thanks very much appreciate you okay hold on hold on i almost forgot this i know tons of people are gonna be asking while we were throwing those mats down in the backyard the north carolina guy over here and dad hooked a green tractor up to this red tractor and pulled it out of the way pulled it out of the yard because it wouldn't even move i think the pressure was being released so badly through that fitting that it would you couldn't even move the tractor so uh we're gonna get some oil up here some oil and we're gonna take that fitting apart and see what it is but we're gonna do that tomorrow because sun's going down it's been a long couple days this thing's gonna sit right here but is what it is one of those things they all break down all of them doesn't matter what color they are anyway i knew a bunch of people were gonna be asking i dang near forgot about that but yes this is dad's new tractor needs some fixing now
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,045,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The lawn care nut, lawn care for beginners, lawn care setup, lawn care tips, mn millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, millennial farmer, farmer, farm life, farm vlog, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer funny, tractors, farm equipment, farm machinery, farming simulator, off the husk, farming simulator 19, planting grass, case, case break down, case machinery, case ih, tractor videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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