This Might be why Women Live Longer than Men

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dogs hey dogs huh [Music] hey guys make sure you stick around to the end of this video because we've got a really cool announcement to make isla and i do right may as well fire up the noisemaker we did not run the dryer overnight because we didn't really need to the corn is coming from out of the field that's 17 18 percent which is really dry so we're pretty well caught up there was no sense in running it all night long i'll just get it going here this morning though or not sometimes she's just fussy [Music] oh already coffee [Applause] this truck is empty so i'm going to move it out of the way so that i can dump that truck into the pits because everything else besides this truck is full there's two more full trucks grain carts full i never did ask them at the end of the day how many acres of corn they actually got out yesterday because i was busy running tillage and i didn't ask them but they definitely had to knock some acres out because we got a few trucks here which is good we're going to knock out as much as we possibly can while this weather is like this because as soon as it starts getting cold around here it gets cold and then the snow comes and then and then then it's bad that's a bad deal not necessarily for the snowmobiling but for the crops that are barely standing as it is yep morning morning i had it running and it shut off because i forgot to turn the load on oh i thought it was it timed out just a minute ago okay now the meter rolls [Music] which was very odd they should not be turning but now they're not so you know i i fixed it now they're on 25 they're moving [Music] they're going faster than they were before you were here right now they're working now morning gym are you i'm ready well then i am too dad and alan are gonna go get the combine moving jim and i are gonna take a look at this slide gate because we're gonna need this grain bin way inside here the one we've probably fixed a couple times already so there's a shaft down in here that this bolts to yeah but it's not bolting to anything i'm a millennial gym i travel everywhere with a flashlight oh yeah yeah so it's got the bolt and then there's a jam nut on the back side of it but what does it go into if i go out and move that back and forth maybe you'll see yeah maybe something will show up on that shaft there is a collar or something there there's a collar on that shaft here right yeah so there's a threaded this one's loose too where the jam nut is anyway yeah but there's supposed to be a collar on that one yep i think it's right underneath here but how would it have walked all the way from there to there it just kept sliding right up so there is a collar with a threaded spud on it that's supposed to go on the shaft here but there's no way to feed it back unless we take the whole floor up you want to do that today i kind of think we're gonna be able to do that not today yeah we better figure that out first i will i'll do that then and we're just gonna put this piece back together and leave the gate about half open and now i can hear that the dryer quit i know the fans are running no fault condition out of wet grain shouldn't be we just climbed this wet bin there should be a couple loads in there [Music] i know what i did we're not going to talk about it freaking millennials third time is the charm [Music] ah yeah we throw them all in there so we have decided to leave that gate about halfway open because it's gonna take way too much time to fish that collar back we're gonna leave it halfway open and it'll at least flow green it'll probably work its way either fully closed or fully open at some point but i've got to get that sweep run all the way back around here because we have to fill the bin with that sweep over these sumps otherwise when we get down and we draw the corn out of these sumps right here and the sweeps over there buried in corn as soon as we fire it up it's going to strip out the gear boxes and break the chain or something so what we got to do is run it around so that when the bin gets down to the bottom we're good to go because we want to put corn in this bin probably later tonight maybe tomorrow there we go sweep is in position gates are closed other than the one everything's ready to put corn in that bin except now we actually are out of wet grain and the dryer has shut itself down again [Music] so i'll shut the noisemaker off and go fuel up the 9570 while i wait for a truck to get back maybe i'll clean this filter first while i'm at it it's pretty clean now it's even cleaner hey where were you two i haven't seen you all morning oh yes no not down down you don't have to be so timid unless anna's gonna eat your face off i guess there's the wrestling i was missing [Music] fueling observing looks like everything's doing okay on this machine just making sure the points all look good the mulcher looks all right the tires got air in them because you need them you want them to be around round tires are way more efficient well that fuels up i got the dryer running again but i should climb this bed to make sure we know exactly how much room we got in there of course i can't do that myself though because i'm a very valuable highly skilled actor hey stunt double thank you appreciate it looks like there's tons of room in there yet [Music] just a measly 305 gallons but we're not done yet we've got to put the government juice in five to four can you hear me down there do you want me to run to glenwood then and get that hitter where are you at back i'm in the yard he's about six miles south i don't think he can really hear me hi i got your message do you want me to run down and get that header [Music] i'm just going to test the moisture and the test weight here as it's coming out of the field that'll give me kind of an idea as far as what speed i should be running the dryer at a little wetter than what we were taking out yesterday but 18 is not bad she's gone well now that it's 10 a.m time to get to work not twerk i'm not i'm not gonna twerk i'm gonna go to torque i'm gonna be i'm gonna be working not not twerking that's gonna be fun to combine got about 50 acres or so to finish up in this quarter and then i'll run home a mile check the dryer before heading to the next field you know i don't get to run tillage as often as i used to pretty relaxing [Music] looks like the dryer's running just fine back at home well it's been a couple of hours now i've still got a little bit left in this field i hate to leave but with it being a couple hours i do want to go back and check the moisture on the corn coming out of the back of the dryer we could put it to auto mode and then it tests the moisture itself coming out and adjust itself automatically but i've tried calibrating the moisture sensor in the back of that thing twice this year and it hasn't stuck and to be honest with you we've just always seemed to have had trouble with those moisture sensors i don't know what it is randy's seems to work fine he's even got the app on his phone so that he can change it from his phone i've never paid the money to get the app because it doesn't seem like those sensors are trustworthy for us so mrs millennial farmer is here to get me bring me home to test that quick and then uh then i'll come back hello dear my window is dirty [Music] okay that's dry that's right out of the truck [Music] 14 and that's going to dry down a little more in the bins which means we're getting it too dry so i sped it up actually a fair amount because the grain going in the corn coming in from the trucks out of the field is even drier than what i just tested that ran through so it just keeps getting better the corn is dry becky that's great it is it's fantastic toodles that is gonna do it for this field i'm gonna run home a mile and check on the dryer again took a little bit longer than i thought out here but after i checked the dryer then i'm actually gonna run to town and grab that second 20-inch corn header we bought on auction a few weeks ago i see a broken u-bolt when we bought this thing we switched it to 15-inch shanks instead of 12s because we were deep banding with it and applying fertilizer for a while but that additional mount on there that u-bolt likes to break sometimes if it's not really tight if you've been paying attention to the videos you saw a couple weeks ago we bought a narrow row 20 inch header on auction that we bought just for putting on the second machine to come and try to pick up some of this stuff because it's going to be tough to harvest this i'm pretty sure we're going to have to run at an angle with this stuff to pick it up as well as we can with that narrow road header but we got it back got it in the shop it had several things that it needed done to it we did some of it and then we got into harvest and realized we weren't going to be able to take the time and spend time on it like we wanted to or needed to to get it running correctly so we did bring it to our local dealer and they called this morning that thing is done and ready to pick up so that is what i'm gonna go grab right now i'll let this thing down so that i am reminded to fix that u-bolt before i take off with it again dryer's running good oh that's a nice one that's even a nicer one yet we're going to need the trailer that that header is on to go down and get the other combine and header tonight which means i got to get that header off and out of the way and we're only running one combine right now because we really in that halfway decent corn can only keep up to one combine we needed to get tillage going anyway and we're using the 9870 instead of this machine because that's the one that was ready for corn sooner sometimes you just do whatever works out the header is parked and we've made a decision to go from the chisel plow to the field cultivator because it goes a lot quicker but first i want to fix that u-bolt okay all right now it's it's uh it's two u-bolts i don't know if you guys can tell if the camera picks it up or not but they're kind of broken right in this area here seems to be the main point of breakageness well at least i can wiggle it into place see where it's supposed to be and i know i've got a couple of these somewhere hey dog somewhere in this relative definitely got him [Music] oh yeah dropped a nut oh i should have been more ready for that okay now one thing on one leg this might be why women live longer than men i don't know maybe that's a sexist comment i just thought it was a funny thing to say maybe maybe a woman would figure out how to do this without making it so difficult i'm so close son of a gun [Music] can't hold it anymore don't break oh come on [Music] that's so close ah if they weren't both busted it wouldn't be so floppy but they are and it is the teeter-totter method oh my god how can it not be lining up that hole's gotta be okay i got one started that makes well we got one part of one start geez [Music] like doing a rubber snake puzzle this might not work out as well as i'd hoped here i did get one fully on there was enough choice words there i left the camera all the way off so becky doesn't even have the option to put it in so you can't blame her for editing anything out i just uh i just turned it off but i got one in now if i can pull it halfway tight the second one should be easy er got her there's nothing nothing to it just fixing a couple u-bolts trying not to punch myself in the face bring just bring just leave the truck here bring allen and then myself down with the empty header trailer [Music] busy day boys and girls harvest is here this truck we're gonna leave here and i'm gonna run you down there we're gonna start moving some stuff home 16-7 again out of the field unreal [Music] yeah we came to check on you [Applause] sounds like we got one full truck there that allen's taken back jim's going to take the grain cart back i'll take the header back dad's finishing up out there to get enough for the second truck we're gonna move everything home so we're a little bit closer here because we're gonna be a little short on help the next couple days so we're gonna move things a little closer to home [Music] you guys got a lot more done down here than i that 50 expected over there that was kind of down on that yeah that went like a breeze today i can't believe how much you got knocked out here [Music] i don't know until you get it closer so i can see it's just where the tires are on the trailer look at how handy that cane comes in [Music] for those asking no we didn't bail this but the landlord the guy that owns the farm here that we rent from for crop production he's got cattle of his own so he bales a little bit every year for that reason i feel like i've been in and out of this yard a fair amount today you think we put the 12 row or the normal header on the 780 now [Music] more [Music] i'm hoping it hold it the mosquitoes are eating me alive normally that's not an issue during harvest usually we've had a couple good freezes and they're not around hey where are you going you got an ice cream cone i want an ice cream cone you want to go in there with grandpa no she doesn't want to go in there with you she wants to go in the combine but not with grandpa how about i go with you you're driving i parked him in the way of the combine so he's going to grab the combine i'm going to move this out of the way that way he can get a few acres knocked out while i get the field cultivator ready to go you were sleeping we got four more of the g4 stock stompers for maywest sitting there that i'm going to put on now because this head is probably not going to come off of here hopefully for the rest of harvest safety stop looking you go let's see it she was high speed sweeping but now she's camera shy hi digi sock stompers that don't have the standard spring in them they've got a torsion torsion system in here kind of like a trailer axle i highly recommend them plus you get into a predicament you got to back up with them they go both directions without hurting anything are you getting that pile all swept up you're doing a good job you did really good thank you [Music] i think you're crazy [Applause] that's pretty cool huh gotta get one for the instagram i suppose isla and i better get the field cultivator going all right you're gonna hand them to me okay i need one to start with [Music] that one we just have i don't know a dozen or so of these missing because we took them off this last spring when we did some testing with tillage man sam to look at the hardened ones versus the standard ones so that's why we're just completely missing a few here isla and i are gonna keep working on this we're gonna get the shovels on dirty hands we're gonna grease it we're gonna check tire pressures we're gonna keep the combine moving keep the dryer going keep everything moving but let's go in the shop here and talk about something quick before i end the video for the night right now we are at eight hundred and thirteen fourteen fifteen thousand subscribers on youtube that's a bunch right here's what i want to do we want to donate some more money like we did last year we did last year with farm rescue the organization that moves in and helps family farms during times of crisis and then we also donated some we've donated some to the local ffa we did a fundraiser last year for uh grain bin safety training and equipment stuff this year we want to do something a little bit different and we're going to go kind of based off of what our county organization does here which i'm a part of on the board and and i really think it's cool what they do where the organization donates money to to scholarships for students that are going into an ag related field we want to do that exact same thing but this will be coming from the millennial farmer but that's where i got the idea here is we want to we want to give some scholarships to kids that are going into an egg related field that are going to be supportive of a farming of agriculture of any sort not just corn soybeans livestock fruit i mean orchard stuff whatever kind of of farming it is anything agriculture that supports it and we want to give back we don't have it worked out yet we don't we haven't figured out exactly what the dollars are going to be or how we're going to do it but keep an eye on that because we're going to figure it out real soon especially now that i'm saying it and you guys are going to hold us accountable the other thing is i want to donate to farm rescue again farm rescue is again that organization that will come in and maybe help the farmer plant its crop their crops help that family farm plant or harvest the crops or whatever it is they need to do to get them through some sort of crisis if somebody was injured or is sick it helps them out we want to give if you guys can get us to 900 000 subscribers or a million we're getting close to a million do we say a million or do we say 900 000. a million by when by new year's by tomorrow oh by tomorrow a million by tomorrow you got a mosquito on your neck i scared it away with my dirty hands i had one too they're everywhere they're thick all right you guys get us to 900 000 subscribers by the end of harvest and or a million subscribers by january 1st and we will give at least five thousand dollars to the farm rescue organization at least but if you don't get us to those numbers there's no way we can donate see see that see that help us get some subscribers here get some views share the stuff get the word out we're going to give back to farm rescue we're going to help students with scholarships it's going to be great it's going to be so great you're going to love it this is what the twins do always in the class when they when they get there um they're um they're saying them they jump and then they go that's pretty exciting do you want to say anything isla you want to say thanks for watching and then you can do the thing on the camera you don't want to do that either nothing you just want to get to work with me okay thanks for watching guys and remember keep it keep it between the rows yeah tomorrow oh you have a job tomorrow tell them to keep it between the rows keep it between the rows [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 852,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mhbpiHd9YoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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