Who Wants to tell me I'm an Idiot?!

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[Music] everything is muddy it just does not stop it's the middle of april and we actually had an inch of snow last night so now it's mid afternoon and everything is melted off we're not up to 40 degrees yet but the sun's got enough power to melt it but it's about time to start getting some of this equipment out and getting it ready this one i'm not sure what we're gonna put it on yet that one i'm not sure if we're gonna put it on the field cultivator or the mandeco but i do know that we're gonna use it so i'm gonna pull that one out get in the shop the 8295 here is a new to us tractor that dad actually picked up this winter i'm not sure if he's going to want to put it on the roller or what exactly he's going to want to do with it because we still actually have the 8260 so we got to get rid of something here i told you anna we have to hit a million subscribers let's go see if the big track horse will start there we go all winter long for the last three months i've been thinking to myself i swear we are missing a gopro i thought we had more than this but honestly we have so many gopros and cameras i could never actually keep track anyway look what i found this machine shouldn't need too much because i believe it was serviced right before i bought it i'll have to check on that but we didn't put a ton of hours on it so we'll see what it needs regardless i want to get it in the shop check everything over top it off with fuel and def and just make sure everything is up to speed yucky i think before we bring that 9570 in i can finally now unhook the snow blower because even though it's definitely not done snowing we are going to be done moving it with the snowblower because it just gets too the ground is too soft just makes a mess it all melts anyway [Applause] guess i may as well unhook it first while i'm standing on the concrete there he is the man himself afternoon jim i figured we could unhook the snowblower now i hope so too we'll put it right here on the north edge of the shed keep the sunlight off of it oh that pin got all screwy there we go camper's for sale anybody interested shoot me an email got a few people asking where dad's been he'll be home in a week he's been down in arizona enjoying his uh his time off for the winter as messy and miserable as it's been up here anyway he hasn't been missing anything i don't blame him up higher it's not too bent it's just it doesn't i think we can uh heat this one up well i think if we take this bolt out we might be able to pound that one out because if it gets hammered straight if it gets out of this first thing here then it should come out which is that so it goes the other way then so it'll snap in i'm not sure oh here oh yeah when you hook that pushes yeah yeah yeah that'll push it in and let that fly in there right supposed to it just doesn't hold it locked out and then then that side comes unhooked and this side's half hooked and then i start pulling on it thinking i'm unhooked and it stays where wherever that is so it's not yeah it's not good [Music] in there it's like it binds in there somewhere we'll look past that one there i'll pull it out and just get it out of the way then we can pull that other one ahead so it's up in the main bay easy fix just mildly annoying and it looks like we should be able to take the the old one put it in the press and just bend it back so we've got a spare now [Music] this machine's got less than 70 hours on it since it was serviced last which was from the dealers it had 550 hours on it when they let us demo it at the end of last spring after the transmission went bad in our 95 60 rc local dealer called us up and said hey we know you're you're talking about trading anyway so try this one out for 10 hours or whatever finish to finish the day off finish your tillage see what you think we bought it but then spring was over and then it actually split the tillage last fall with the other 9570 the articulate one on tires obviously it didn't get washed uh just didn't when i got covered everything kind of stopped and by the end of that it was it was it was cold out we need an indoor wash bay is what we need to be able to clean these things in the winter but we don't have that and jim doesn't want to stand outside all winter long and watch tractors he thinks it's too cold 550 hours on the oil filter so same as that side shows they must have yeah so we don't need to change engine oil or or fuel filter that must be totally electric huh oh yeah i know they had problems with some of their with their pumps running the pulleys running off the fan up front you know they had issues with it it went bad on our old machine so that's great they obviously changed it up antifreeze hydraulic oil all the levels of the fluids look good we're gonna vacuum it out and i'm gonna pull my dakota micro my uh backup camera reverse camera put the camera wherever you want really but i want it in the planter so i'm gonna take my cam off of here i was using this screen on the striptail rig which is the reason it's in this tractor but now i want it out of here it's just gonna be in someone's way yeah definitely needs a cleaning up there now it's in the tractor i want it in ready yep well this one was easy it didn't need much which i knew but now it's been in here and we know it i would love to hook it up to either the mendeco storm or the field cultivator but the problem is they're both sitting back there where it's not just mud from the gravel it's like black sticky just i'm not i'm not going to deal with it it's going to be a mess big mess real big mess huge mess believe me it would undoubtedly be the biggest mess this country's ever seen anybody want to take bets on this truck starting it's not gonna it's not gonna happen that'd be my bet anna thoughts you don't even have money to bet you don't have opposable thumbs that's why you don't you don't work my gosh that light is on there's juice come on baby nope she dead want to know the cool part those batteries were put in here maybe a month ago those are fresh batteries these are the reasons i never put this battery charger away i don't even bother rolling the cords up anymore just gonna take a little time what is time really perhaps time is irrelevant in space yeah perhaps that's what i always think about too it's weird that you talk i got a battery charger going on the semi the other one don't start yeah well i think the tractor will but we need the semi out of the way [Music] jim's leaving us that's okay i gotta go load some stuff up into my niece's car anyway so i'll just let that battery charger go and i'm guessing the dog is going to come with me mostly because she follows me everywhere shook a shucker shook jeez there this one likes me well that job is done and now i'm thinking it's already 4 30. i might just wait and not bring that tractor in here today because there's a bunch of mud so i could do it in the morning when it's froze over or in a couple days when it's dryer which doesn't look to be the case it looks like the next couple days are just gonna be mixed with rain and snow this is the nicest day we got so maybe it's a good day to put the uh i'm not starting it on it just chill the new ipad mount in the uh flanker tractor this one hopefully will be a little heavier duty than what i've been dealing with and then it's got a really good powerful suction cup as well pictures make the best directions it seems pretty handy but she's not gonna stick every time i put it on there and try to adjust it i mean i know the windows are cold and stuff but it needs the bolt to that bar it was a sweet idea but it's one of those deals where i know when i get out to the field my ipad's gonna be falling off the window and i'm not gonna be happy about that to be honest with you i'm not even sure that i really need the ipad i'm going to record on to the deer john deere command mobile system thing i don't know if i need you or not but but it's easy to do it doesn't really take anything i got the ipads i got the app the planner talks to it it really doesn't take anything to record your stuff it's one of those deals you know there's so much like uh software out there so much recording stuff so much so many companies trying to develop something that works for farmers and i think that's hard to find at the end of the day i gotta plant the seeds into the ground they gotta grow and i gotta harvest them i don't like wasting so much time with all this software some of it's very useful if you actually sit down and use it otherwise it's just kind of like it's a really cool tool that doesn't provide an roi this one could use a vacuum too carpetin tractors is just isn't right it's got the rubber floor underneath but if we take it out like then the carpet's just going to sit somewhere in the shed so i don't know it's just it's weird there we go old trusty now i've got this heavy duty little dealio tutor it's actually a cup holder and a cell phone holder all in one came from cobb river design randy bourne sent this to me go to cobb river cobb riverdesign.com the letter says randy's from mapleton minnesota and he calls this the cell defender so i'm going to mount it in here see how it works and then i mean this sucker is heavy duty it's going to work fine then when i'm done here i'm going to move it to the combine for this fall i don't know where i'll mount it in the combine but that combine needs a better cup holder system there are a lot of different options when it comes to how you can mount that thing ultimately i settled on this one looks a little weird but i don't need a second screen down there because everything's cleaned up and on one monitor this year i don't know yep it works that's got me thinking now i wonder if there'd be a way to mount it on the lawn mower because on those zero turns the cup holder is always way down at your feet it'd be nicer to have the cup holder up where it made more sense i can't promise you i'll figure it out but i can promise you that i will check it out how the heck with it let's just make a mess i'm gonna move the rv out clean the floor get the big tractor in it's gonna leave us more room and what do you know the german shepherd is up and gonna yip no yipping there now we were able to get the tigers all muddy on this thing again it really is a nice day if it just wasn't so slimy from the snow we got overnight but man this is supposed to be by far the nicest day of the week [Applause] i was gonna park this outside behind the bins but i'm not that confident it's going to want to start again so maybe i'll just let it run bring it back in here that was me thinking out loud you're welcome well we let this build air why don't we see if this big forgot about that oh what are the odds come on plenty of juice there otherwise people are going to tell me i'm an idiot for pumping it there we go i'm telling you i don't know what the deal is but it the pumping works i know it doesn't make sense but there's something to it everybody always tells me it's doing no good they're full of it some sort of a fuel pressure deal of course we'll have to get the seed tender out pretty soon too we do have actually about 40 more loads of corn to haul now now that we're into april but i'm just not going to do it until the roads dry up because right now the frost is going out and everything's muddy and we'd tear the gravel roads all the heck so we're going to wait on that until things firm up was that scary there now that's in the shed so when it's raining and cold and whatever i brought a little mud in but at least it's in here well i'm gonna put these things away and then go see the kids because i saw the school bus swing by here not too long ago and i don't figure something else out well it's a new day now and i'm actually headed down not headed down i'm i'm in the edge of the twin cities metropolitan area which i'm out more when i get available wow fbn looks like a fun place to work use the left two lanes to turn left onto valley park drive south oh i'm going this way they've got flags up isn't that kind of like the universal symbol for a party going on they need one of those wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men yeah everything yeah you have to follow the lines perfectly uh if you step out of bounds it's not the end of the world it's this kind of a guide so we use snipers up in the uh that guy had a long yeah it's a long stride yeah well the thing was you know how many stickers that you really want to play and that's the glyphosate palette so that palette's worth about eight to twelve million dollars right yeah and then you've got all the glyphosate totes over here sure there's six seven eight hundred we have a great position on glyphosate yeah and if you were to walk into newton there would be much more than that even hundreds newton is the other site that would be south of here one of the other sites you said that one is two hundred thousand about two hundred thousand square feet and this one is how much it's just twenty five thousand square foot twenty five thousand so a lot of stuff that comes into here actually comes from newton comes first comes from newton um either to replenish things that we shipped out of here or to bring new orders and pass them right through so a lot of these products that are sitting here specifically like as oxystrobin which they're unloading more back there but you said is very difficult to get a hold of but fbn's actually got somewhat of an advantage in that area because of the vertical integration that's right so so over the last couple of years we've developed our own registrations we've developed our own supply chain connections with manufacturers both domestically and overseas so we're buying time on their production lines we're producing our own product and our own registration so we're not subject to an allocation where some big manufacturers can be like you get this much and you get this much only this year because it's short we can manufacture as much as we can as little as we think we need it gives us great flexibility that's huge in a year especially in a year like this right now that's right that's right it's a major advantage all right we're gonna head out and we're gonna actually deliver some chemical i haven't seen exactly what's loaded up in this truck but we're gonna head out to a ride to a farm and uh and do some some delivering just in time for the rain look at that right to the farm that was serviced with a smile well that was cool i'd never seen the inside of a logistical center like that where they're bringing chemicals in and out or whatever it might be that has to come through the center but i really enjoyed that so thanks to terry and jack and bill and everybody there that helped me out showed me around showed you guys around well that was fun fbn's kind of got their hands in a lot of really good things i think when it comes to farming agriculture in general whether you're a small farmer or a large farmer they're obviously involved in things like seed and chemical analytics are huge they have been huge on that front they've got a lot of really cool analytics to tell you what certain things should be doing for prices and what is performing best for seed in your area they've got crop marketing they've got crop insurance they've got financing they've got health care plans available through them and they've got over 40 000 members now on fbn so if you guys are involved in agriculture or your farmers and you want to check them out there is a link down below use that link it helps them know hey you came through zach you learned about it through me so it helps me out helps them out and it'll help you out membership is completely free by the way so with that guys thank you for watching there's going to be a bunch more videos coming because it is i mean other than the rain and the cold it's spring until next time keep it between the rows [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,120,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story time, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, farming, millennium farmer, between the rows, larson farms, millenial farmer, millennial farmer new videos, farming simulator 22 millennial farmer, farming simulator 19, farmer
Id: ngjhS1fK98A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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