My Best Chess Game vs Magnus Carlsen

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i i mean if we're gonna actually do serious chess analysis i don't think there was so much could have done differently there oh the only the only thing that i played well and then we don't say that just say it i'm gonna clip it i'm gonna put it on my you know background you played flawlessly i mean that's he's lying he's lying chat clip it and baby sorry go ahead this is taking in mind expectations ah there's the catch i was doing a practice game i'll resign i wasn't preparing you sure alex very nervous to play the 10 year old magnus all right you guys so we have the app on our phone the play magnus app and what we're going to be doing is we are going to be playing magnus at the age of 10. that's what we agreed on right and in the app it says at 10 i played in both junior and adult chess tournaments including my first attempt at an international master qualifying group i finished with five draws and five losses if you are 10 years or younger you can beat me at age 10. you should definitely continue playing chess your chess future is bright so i really like that line no hang on if we beat you is our chess future bright wouldn't you have to be 10 or younger in order for that to be true that could be true while also being true if you are 10 or older you know and it's not specified here say the french and why did you ruin my geometric setup this looks better no it doesn't much better okay continue okay so here you played knight c3 does this look like what you actually played at the age of ten i think that's pretty reasonable i remember i had a few games there and some winner lines where i got outplayed in some very close positions i think i also played line with uh bishop d3 but i think i only started playing that when i was 11 so yeah it's it's very realistic okay and we sent you a link to the analysis board also if you want to be able to see it in real time let us know if there's any issues with that we touched it again okay i honestly think i would have a better shot trying to london against him and alex trying the french andrea we're playing him at age 10. we have to work as i don't want to work as a team i want to try okay we're gonna so this is the this is the main line um in the knight of six french i don't remember too many games that i had back back then with this particular line i think most people were playing the winner bishop b4 to be honest but i definitely looked at these lines back then so in that sense it's um what what are your thoughts on the mccutchen with bishop g5 instead of e5 on move four oh i think the mccutchen is a decent uh opening uh but in general it's more fun to play for for white than for black since with white you're usually the one who's gonna end up having serious uh attacking chances okay well luckily for us your ten-year-old self didn't actually go into the mccutchen so uh andrea i'm trying to remember what i'm supposed to play here you are on your own for the french i know absolutely nothing about the theory here what is the magno meter on the play magnus app uh that's like that's a an evaluation bar oh that's cool so that's how you would evaluate the position magno meter yeah uh obviously i named it after myself uh the humble being that i am you're so humble magnus how are you so humble and so good okay i don't know it takes years and years and years of practice okay alex is being a little bit aggressive on the queen side i think i'm gonna i think i want to try my own game as white alex tries her own as black so i'll join magnus you know on the sidelines with the commentary i think that's a good idea yeah i mean you like being on the losing team so that's fine andrea we're not on the losing team it was rigged i was playing with anya taylor joy it had to be scripted otherwise it would give away who the guest was it did give you good advice though she did she definitely did but uh you didn't didn't follow it this is actually realistic uh in the sense that dc5 i think was the old move and after queen a5 uh there was there's another move rook to a2 that's what i was expecting but i think that was played by griez in 2005 so magnus 10 wouldn't have known about it which is why i prepared this against you obviously yes i actually went really in depth before the stream having a couple practice games but that's what you need to do being a content creator it's all about preparation preparation preparation people think it's improv just winging it while you're on stream but in reality everything's scripted no absolutely i mean when you left our stream when we were on home page and brought your friend david howell i thought that was so funny and so scripted i was not nervous at all yeah it's it it's good and then of course you can sort of act like you don't don't know what's going on i think that's a big part of streaming as well but yeah people people got to know that uh this is this is hard work and that's why i haven't been been doing it uh for me just i think chess has been much easier way to uh to make uh ends meet well magnusson that is why we are both on for content creation you are helping us with the chess and we are going to teach you the ways of the content it's very nice to hear yeah so so far this is but this is uh been played very well by both parties playing better don't know that i i don't know if i actually knew these moves when i was that age but i definitely probably could have found them but i think in a few moves you will sort of start seeing the idiosyncrasies of of young magnus more than you've seen so far so far it's mainly been it's mainly been opening opening theory so you know magnus as a commentator if you were giving your uh commentary advice to the black side of the pieces here would you go for you know perhaps a move like queen b6 or a move like 94 just for commentary really this is asking for a friend right i only asked for a french really sure i would say both both those moves are are reasonable uh i would say it's gonna sound very silly but i would say actually all the moves that are taking to account the fact that um i don't c5 is threatened except moves that just hangs something i think they're all they're all fine okay that was a great answer so 94 seems kind of juicy but i'm worried that actually i'm just explaining my thoughts to the audience not not asking for a friend just explaining four friends b4 and then queen c7 i'm worried that i'm giving out a pawn but you know young magnus's king is in the center of the board and i don't know if he can handle that pressure so so time to make a decision i don't know okay i'm gonna play knight e4 this is actually very similar to a game i had in 2005 against bereave in the world cup i think um in a similar position it was like queen c7 e4 de4 and then c4 we got this type of position where right had the two two against one on the queen side and black had this uh pawn on uh on e4 which could be be fairly strong so i would say so far this has been extraordinarily extraordinarily well played by both sides and uh we're mostly gonna have an exciting battle yeah i mean your your 10 year old self is actually a little bit intimidating you're playing very well right now um andrea very fast right and very fast why are you so fast i thought you're supposed to slow down a little bit oh i was really i was really quick back then interesting uh all right so here i'm tempted to take on c4 because i mean my pawn is under attack what other options do i have bishop d7 but then the e4 pawn looks like it hangs so i'm trying to decide between those i'm not asking for a friend i'm just thinking out loud andrea what do you think [Music] i don't know i've never played an opening similar to that i like the fact that magnus's king is in the center of the board and i'm worried if i take on c4 i'm helping him develop i feel like you i mean if i were black i would try to rush the castle and if they take i would castle but uh oh the magno meter didn't move actually oh i i have to subscribe to get the magno meter if i get that is that cheating not really uh because it's not gonna give you actual advice it's just gonna tell you approximately how you're you're doing here this is uh first typical minus 10 move which is queen takes e4 later versions of minus would definitely not go for that because before castling you really don't want to take take that pawn uh in general because you're behind in development and just grabbing pawns especially ones that it's gonna lose you several tempe it's just not very high on the on the priority list it may not be terrible it's just yeah it's not something um older me would uh would have done yoga me probably would have been like ah that's a pawn i can deal with it yeah i mean i i thought that young magnus would be very eager so i actually played into that it was all calculated truly absolutely so here i don't want to take on c4 because it's gonna help you develop so i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to castle and chill that's what i was thinking too seems safer oh are you ready for your move what would you play here and then i'll tell you what magnus that h10 played please don't tell me it was lone castles no you played king f2 king of two is reasonable reasonable okay okay you're proud of here if you would go back in time and you could tell your ten-year-old self anything what would it be i don't know it would be uh you're gonna grow up and you're going to be awesome just keep up the good work you're so humble i just i really look up to you as a beacon of humility truly that's what i aspire to yeah it's very very impressive okay so i'm down upon he takes c4 bishop takes c4 bishop takes the g2 is honestly a little bit tempting i feel like 10 year old magnus is a better calculator than me so i'm gonna sit with his only rated 2 000 sure you guys should actually be better tactics hmm you're right i should be better than magnus at h10 i'm gonna take on c4 thanks for the confidence boost andrea you're gonna grow up and you're gonna be awesome alex but you're not tense though i don't know how this advice don't include that how do you feel about your position now magnus what do you mean i'm not playing the game no but it's not but if you're if you're asking ten-year-old me i would say good good okay he didn't seem too confident it's like when if i asked him how my game went against you uh i'm gonna take on c4 here did you ever cry as a kid when you lost games did i ever not cry when i lost games that's the question i i also cried a lot i think we all cried a lot growing up losing i i think it's it's really it's really normal it's uh it's just uh how a lot of kids respond to setbacks in general so i i i'm not not not ashamed of that for sure uh what about king h3 are you ashamed of that move at all slightly lightly yeah i mean it's so embarrassing ten-year-old playing king h3 how are you gonna become a world champion with these moves no i know you're playing well though thank you thank you uh you realize if i win this game my score against you is gonna be 2-0 right i really realize that it doesn't say yes it just hits me i feel i feel maybe like 10 responsible for that yeah that's fair a decent number now i'm really embarrassed because i'm worried that i'm not going to be able to win 10 against 10 year old magnus and i'm gonna lose both games oh you'll be fine andrea i don't know just play the french no no but you started only playing at age eight right uh yeah i knew the rules before eight uh but i was a complete beginner at age eight like i did uh at the age of eight uh i didn't know what the scholars made was for instance so i i started i started yeah i started pretty late and this is me at 10. a lot of the young guys now are ims at 10 or close to ims um so those were definitely different different days so did you ever feel like you were a late starter and then i mean obviously you became one of the greatest players of all time so this is not a roast yeah for sure i think i did feel though pretty early on in at least in norway that i approached the game quite differently than a lot of my peers did how was that uh because i sort of took it more seriously i was more interested than they were i'm more of a passion like i was studying studying every day uh pretty much for usually for three hours and others would play you know one tournament in the weekend and not not much else so it's it's not that surprising that i i ended up surpassing most people yeah not surprisingly this is a great rook ending by the way thank you i'm guessing you didn't start the studying before age 10 or you wouldn't have ended up here you know sure uh actually um my first real game book uh was uh i was at age eleven uh i i was uh pretty pathetic and the end game player before that that's how i would describe my i will say though that g6 is a pretty uh instructive mistake because i like the first part of that sentence instructive the second half if you want to change you know because we're on twitch homepage i'll give you another chance so go ahead again tell me about g6 the thing about g6 is at the weakest point in white's position is the pawn on f4 he would love to attack it twice and for that you would need the king what i would say is f after you go g6 i can go h4 i don't know if uh wins10 is gonna do that you actually played king f2 but oh and then i just gave you advice okay but if if -10 had gone h4 there the whole king side would have been kind of closed off and it would have been very very difficult for you to win any of those pawns uh because the king is just gonna protect them from g3 or f3 or whatever and you're never really gonna be able to create a pass pawn and on the on the queen side it's one against one you're never winning there so it was very important to keep that route open for uh for the king to have good winning chances well luckily now really good pushing so i'm gonna play h4 thank you magnus fantastic very good yeah even i fixed up on that one uh and that's actually a very interesting plan so uh let's see i do i play h3 here i kind of like it yeah i'm gonna push your king away i'm gonna play h3 a little birdie whispered the idea i will say one thing about h3 i wouldn't say it's a bad move what i will say is that you could have played it whenever there was no there was no hurry you were rushing got too eager that's 10 year old magnus because you don't really know yet whether you need to play h3 so it's better to play the moves that you need to play first the move that you clearly need to play is king g7 because the king is not going anywhere on the other side because you're just gonna drop f7 so uh moving the king the other way first would have been sort of more instructive there okay i guess i i was thinking that you might end up playing h3 but if that was the case then your king would be tied to the pawn right exactly h3 is a bad move uh because it um it gives the g3 square for the rook right which means that um the that square can be used by the rook at any time you have ideas like rook g3 king has to go to h2 then you can go rook f3 and the pawn on f4 um is falling now or later you don't care about the a6 pawn uh you might so that's why i said why i said no an hour later also h3 would take away a square from the white king on the third rank and you really need the third rank um for for the king later you really really don't want the king to be pushed back to the first rank because then it will be very very difficult to defend the pawn on f4 i think that makes sense so maybe i should have waited on h3 um i guess in in the current position i still feel like your f4 pawn is weak uh but now i'm worried that you might play your rook to d7 and put pressure on f7 so i do have to be a little bit careful here um the rook could have done the same from b6 to b7 true true b6 to b7 yeah rook d6 is just a a it's a good move it's just it's a it's a pure waiting move right so now i'm thinking because i have a few options uh if i ever i could try a5 and try to just trade off but then i'll have three pawns versus one but h3 is so far advanced that i feel like i'll lose it and king h6 i'm tempted but i need to figure out what to do after king after rook d7 it's it's not easy if it's not easy for me it's not going to be easy for 10 year old you either though that's the right attitude for sure that's that's what i'm trying to bank on here let's see i'm gonna just see if i can trick 10 year old you i'm going to play rook a4 interesting king g3 yeah go ahead that that was a good move by ten-year-old magnus and i'd say now uh it's looking pretty pretty uh-oh uh you could you could still you could still trick him okay so then i'll go back i'll go back i'll repeat a little bit so i'll go again now i'm going to try king h oh he should he's truly going to g4 h4 that's what i was going to ask about yeah yeah you're absolutely right um there's no need to go back he made another mistake he tricked him alex you succeeded i tricked young magnus okay that's very good uh now i'm tempted to play kh5 rook takes f7 king g4 and then try to push your king back and take the h2 pawn so i'm just gonna yolo i'm gonna play king h5 here i'm not a very patient player i would say that this is not not a necessarily a bad practical choice um that's uh he would need to play accurately and of course he played rook f6 in two seconds so what should have he played oh no that was a good move no that was the best move oh i thought you were no no i wasn't roasting i would say um i were playing for at least two and a half results for two and a half results what do you mean it's it's an expression like you say that you play for three results win loss or or or draw uh but like you would still have to make a lot of mistakes too to lose this as black so that's why i say two and a half okay i i think i just need to unleash the magno meter on the app because it says 120. uh i don't know if it's talking about iq or it's just a lightweight but i would really like to click that button and unleash it you know it's not iq for sure um okay so all right if i take on h2 rook takes g6 i'm not gonna play king f5 and get checkmated i'm not that nice um if i play king h4 then you go rook h6 i go king g3 and it feels like you have a draw you don't want that yeah no i definitely don't so i also have king h5 which would defend g6 and you can't defend h2 after so you have to take on e6 but that is honestly very tricky um and then there's also g5 rook a3 doesn't really make sense to me because you could just repeat and i can't take your pawn so if for me it's between g5 and king h5 that i need to think of that is correct that is very reasonable thank you so good i feel like i use my call of friend more than i'm allowed to in this game but maybe it's okay all right i'm just gonna play king h5 magnus is thinking rook takes i think i have to take here and now what would you play in real life i'm curious how different it is than your 10 year old self not an easy decision to be honest my first instinct says okay six um but also king f3 and rookie eight are candidates so you played rookie 8 here at least you played a candidate move yeah i think rookie 8 is uh is a good move and in general the position should be should be drawn now but a lot can a lot can definitely still happen with uh with mutual past pawns uh okay so i'm debating between king g4 and rook h1 here i don't know if i should care about your king getting to f3 uh if i play rook h1 king f3 then i probably can't go h2 i i think i'm gonna play king g4 here i i'm trying not to take too long i would have been mate actually rook h1 king of three h2 rook h8 this might my bad okay wait can we look at that line again yeah so uh you were saying if i played king h1 rook after one king f3 i would say here it's already a little bit difficult to make a draw maybe actually quite difficult to make a draw uh i think you're you're going to lose the the h-bond true which is why i actually calculated all of this and i played showing for the chat yeah you know part of being a content creator is making sure that chess is accessible for our audience so that's what i was trying to do here silence is good the only sort of third candidate move i could see was um was rookie six because you really need to um to grab upon on on g6 so yeah rook g8 is excellent okay uh so i think i have to play king f5 here and reasonable you go king of three that's kind of intimidating uh so minus 10 is saying no more draw i'm gonna play for a win now um that's not very nice uh all right so rook rook b2 or rook g2 which one am i going to go for and are there any other options i mean i the thing is i don't have that many options here magnus 10 is already imagining the youtube titles now yeah what would magnus 10 call it fun day being homeschooled beat somebody at chess something like that yeah okay i'm gonna play rugby too uh oh no you're checking me oh uh-oh oh no this is looks like it's about to crumble andrea i would like some encouragement i have one i'll probably lose as well so we'll lose together it's a 10-year-old 2 000 rated which should be at least one win in there oh man i think yeah we've lost all our pawns so something went terribly wrong let's yeah it's gone pretty badly here i would say now after king e7 jerking d5 um dennis would have had to go rick d6 check to drive your king away and then take the pawn on g6 and you probably were losing there as well it's just worth mentioning that um in case of king d5 if you take on g6 immediately maybe there are some chances because your king can go to e4 after you check the check the game with rook b3 right so uh you know but no it's probably lost it would be fun do you think magnus at his current age could save this game with the black pieces against magnus with the white side of pieces at age 10 just a thought experiment if you will this is a thought experiment it's not going to happen but it you know just just to continue that train of thought what do you think magnus at his current age would play in this situation just just you know think about it i don't know using uh using hand and brain arms probably he would say rook pawn or king okay yeah that's very helpful i'm really glad we have you on stream today you've been very helpful would you like to go on another walk with your niece don't forget when you roasted him alex continuously saying that you beat him i mean i wouldn't save this game either okay i'm gonna take on b4 oh man i would say rook a6 would be pretty standard here uh h2 rook h6 and uh turns the since the pawn falls it's it's game over and then it's my turn yeah andrea it is your turn um okay let me tell you about the only way you could trick your opponent that would be an interesting topic position so let's just play a few moves like uh rook c3 okay uh let me just put the current position to catch us up okay so from where we are after king g4 let's go h2 okay and then rook h6 okay h6 rook b6 yeah let's let's try that and see what happens actually uh and rook h2 uh let's just go rook g6 uh okay i think that's cool to look at i might be putting it on the app also just just to check you have three king of three no you're not putting it okay uh you have a tough opponent here magnus no i i was just going to show you a nice little trick okay you're you're trying to angle angle me no i'm so sorry i actually mouse slipped i meant king f3 to look into your educational line i wasn't trying to trap you uh so thank you yeah yeah e6 okay youtube thumbnail magnus loses to himself at age no i'm just kidding okay two uh okay okay six oh oh i see what you're trying to do oh thanks for the four still nice this is nice uh i would say this is the only way you can you can trick people in in these endings and uh i've seen this this trick been successfully uh successfully used many times but yeah in reality you're you're dead lost so yeah in reality you didn't play king f3 you played king f5 yeah and uh you were actually very good at this at this age but i'm just gonna try to defend it i feel like what advice would you give should i resign here as black or should i try i wouldn't say you should resign you can go you can go a little bit longer b6 is a good move i would say it's not instructional normally it would move the rook give it a check from the side first to push the black king uh to the to the last rank before you start advancing the pawns obviously e6 is excellent as well well unfortunately if i play king f8 then i'm going to get checked on the back rank if i move my rook i'm going to get checked on h7 so not a lot of good options here i'm just gonna move my king king f8 would be one trick you could try oh shoot king no no no that's okay yeah i will just explain king f6 okay yeah yeah i'm putting it on the board king f6 yeah it's just hard incidentally if the white pawn was not on f4 f7 would have been the only way to save the game if the pawn was not on f4 interesting let's say there was no pawn on f4 and after king f8 king f6 rook f7 would be the only way to save the game yeah that's actually a really nice stalemate trap um okay cool well i tried king e8 so i didn't even have a chance to trick you at 10. um whatever lack of end games you had at age of 10 it's not showing because you're just playing this game very well are there any more stalemate traps let's try to learn from magnus andre do you see anything i i like what you're thinking but it doesn't work here thanks exactly what i was gonna say okay i'm going to just try i i i won't oops did i accidentally put in a move no uh let's just try rook b7 see if we have anything here because you know sometimes computers make funny funny mistakes now i have to try not to get checkmated so i'll play king rook b8 but uh yeah this is really unfortunate magnus if i offered you a draw here at age 10 and and uh bribed you with some candy do you think that would you know change the answer maybe uh maybe it was saturday i only ate candy on saturday when i was little yeah like i come with a huge basket of candy it's saturday your parents aren't around would you would you take the draw off or you might have might have okay so i wasn't actually that competitive back then i wasn't that competitive back then yeah gentlemen's draw really are you gonna play until the end no i'm just going to make it instructive and i'm going to let chat show how he's trading off the rooks here and now i can't stop the pawn from promoting so yeah i think i need to just find how to resign on the app andre and then it's your turn [Music] we always stop in time
Channel: BotezLive
Views: 1,832,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alexandra botez, andrea botez, game, vs, board, checkmate, grandmaster, attack, win, how to, best game, move, moves, twitch, highlights, hikaru, carlsen, top 10, best chess channel, chess tips, improve chess, funny chess, chess match, chessmaster, botezlive, tactics, chess lesson, chess battle, twitch clips, livestream fails, funny twitch clips, botez, botez sisters, chess, gmhikaru, top twitch, livestream, best of, top, moments, hikaru nakamura, nakamura, magnus, gothamchess, eric rosen, agadmator
Id: 2wv9ejQ9q28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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