MUST Watch! Palworld BACKUP & Restore! 🦄

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stop the presses you definitely need to be aware of this especially if you run a dedicated server yes yes it is going to be a dry video click away at your own parel however you have been warned pale world at launch has a critical bug which even the developers have acknowledged and highlighted the bug relates to the world safe causing corruption or disappearing worlds you might have seen this message loading up the game critical bug notice and it isue has been observed where save data may disappear in single player and multiplayer online and it's not to be ignored nothing sucks more than playing for tens of hours and then losing your world fortunately it's not oblique watch on as I walk you through how to manage Backup and restor save files both on client and if you're running on a dedicated server they're similar but different nothing as simple nowadays is it first let's start with single player the good good news is that the game is automatically backing up both the world save and your character save regularly this means you do not actually have to back it up but you do need to know how to restore it in case you suddenly log into your world and the character or world is gone or corrupted you need to open up the correct save location on the client side and to get there you hit the Windows key or click Start and type in percentage Local app data percentage and hit enter you navigate down to Pal go in there you go into the saved you go into the save games and then you go into this folder this folder is actually also your steam 64 ID for those who are curious we're going to go down here as well inside here you see all your save files corresponding to different game worlds sadly they're not named rather they have a generated ID in my case I have four out of which only one is relating to a single player save we'll come back to the others and discuss those as it relates to servers in just a bit for now I will open up the one that corresponds to a single player Save which is this one and you'll see two folders and a few files the content of players and which is this one and these four are the current save files don't delete or overwrite these unless you're putting in an older save on purpose back apps are helpfully in the backup folder unhelpfully however they're split into local which is for character and world for the actual World savee there is a reason why they do that and it does give you some more flexibility such as if a world is lost but the character is fine or vice versa if you're not sure what you're doing I suggest taking these ones right clicking and sip them up just in case it's just going to be really helpful to have them in case you do something wrong and you lose your current save if you want to restore the character you go into the backup you go into to the local folder and then you go into whichever of these backup folders that you are looking at you can see there are timestamps so they're from different times on the server which is a local single player session we're going to go into this one and you'll see this file the local data. saave this is your character file so we're going to copy this one we're going to go up and we're going to Simply paste it and it's going to ask me overwrite I'm going to do yes because I've taken a backup of the most current one and now I have have taken an older character file and put it back here and now you can go back to playing if you want to restore world that might have vanished or corrupted you go into backup you go into world let's go into this folder and we're going to take all these three files actually one folder and two files we're going to go back up here and we're going to paste and yes we're going to replace overwriting everything and now I have taken the slightly older back up and paste it into the current save now if I run the game I will be having the slightly older world that corresponds to the time stamp that is actually here and be playing that one you can do either or both depending on what went wrong if your world vanishes just grab the latest World save files or slightly older one if the character vanishes or is corrupted simply copy the local player files clear if not rewind a bit and rewatch especially the part about sipping up the file so you don't lose things simply by trying things out in this case I can get this back by going into this one and I can basically just grab it and pull it out and now I am back to how it was before I started showing all right let's now move on to the multiplayer where you are the client you're not running a server you're not running a solo but you are connecting to someone else's server in this case I'm going to go in here you'll notice that there is a backup folder and there's only a local data do save file and this is where it gets dumb it appears that the character files are at least saved on The Client not on the server this is generally a dumb design for many reasons which I will not rent about here but it means that if your character is corrupted or vanish in the multiplayer server you as the player need to go enter your backup folder local again because that's where the character backups are pull out an old one from a folder that is timestamped again and copy it back up to overwriting that local data to save that is there right now and that will allow you to pull an older character file and use that on the multiplayer server fortunately I don't think this is very common however I normally mostly heard of world saves Vanishing but there have been reports of character data being W to now let's talk about saves on a dedicated server those are in the install folder of the dedicated service we're going to navigate to it properties install files browse then we're go into pal we go into saved save games down to zero and again there is a random number here well it's probably not random but it's a hash and going down here and you see there is no backup folder the server files here compromise of the player folder and the map save files but there are no backups for some reason the developers have decided that dedicated servers will not be automatically backed up and this is the main problem people have been running into when they lose worlds irrevocably as unlike single player there's no automatic backups to fall back on this means that you as the server admin need to take backups the simple way to do that is simply select all right click sip it up and I'm going to sip it up like this I get a sip file and then I can go in and for instance just name it and today is 27 gen 2024 and let's say it's 1:00 a.m. here for me in Singapore that way I have labeled it accordingly then if something goes wrong I simply enter it and then pull everything back and overwrite whatever is there you might want to do this as often as you feel as needer whether daily hourly or something in between you might also want to explore automating this with scripts I've heard people using free sync and task scheduler to accomplish this for instance but you can generally use any similar solution to make your life easier I won't dive into these tools as it's really Beyond this video but now you have all the information you need to protect your game saves to close out I wouldn't worry too much if you're just playing single player or connecting to a server but it's good to be aware so you know how to restore if you are running a server you definitely need to set up backups if you enjoy this video why not hit that like button maybe the notification Bell subscribing and I'll see you next time good luck pal
Channel: Vedui42
Views: 2,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, guide, how to, tips and tricks, tips, multiplayer, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld new gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld how to, palworld advanced tips, palworld tutorial, pokemon, pokemon go, palworld xbox, palworld pokemon, palworld beginners guide, palworld pc, palworld guides, palworld multiplayer, palworld gameplay multiplayer, palworld backup, backup, restore, backup save, dedicated server, single player, server backup, critical bug
Id: 0n98XvNLgcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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