Miracles Of Muhammad Rasulullah [S]

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[Music] they came to him okay you claim to be a prophet give us a miracle and the prophet is hesitant because you shouldn't believe because of miracles but eventually he said okay what do you want he said if you claim to be a prophet see that full moon there split it in two make one go to that side and one go to that side then bring them back together and join them and we'll believe you're a prophet so the prophet prayed to raqqa and said they are up there asking for miracle jibril cam the celestial bodies are in your control order it will be done so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam pointed with his blessed fingers and the moon ripped apart and one went to that side and one went to that side and then he saw allah brought it back together and it touched and rejoined and the miracle was seen as far as in india and one of the highest men of india seeing it traveled in the direction until he reached mecca after many months and a while in hearing of a prophet he came to him and he said i saw that miracle there in india and i have come here testifying to your prophet the miracles in the life of the prophet started before his birth the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a young lad his uncle takes him on a trip to syria now in the southern parts of syria there's a city called basra in those days and in that city there's a monastery like an old church on a hilltop and in the church was an elderly christian monk the arabs used to call him bahira the monk near that place was a little oasis or a little lakes now bahira is sitting on the hilltop in his monastery and he notices there in the horizon a caravan coming and on top of this caravan he noticed a low-lying cloud at the squatting heart the heat of the desert but this caravan seems to be concealed and covered and shielded and protected from the sun by the slow laying cloud and then he noticed that if the caravan moves to the right the cloud moves to the right and if the caravan moves to the left the cloud moves to the left and when the caravan stop the clouds stop so bahira sits up like what is this and being a spiritual man he sees the spiritual significance that there must be some great personality there so he pays special attention to the caravan and when the caravan comes and parks under a tree the hero notices that the tree moves down a bit over them to give extra shade and why wouldn't it the future prophet of allah was to be seated under it years later the prophet is in medina and when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came to madina they built a masjid when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to speak there was a tree like a palm tree he used to lean on when he used to speak then one of the people came to him they said ya rasulullah don't you think we should build a palpate for you to stand on and speak so people can see you so the prophet said do as you please so they built a member for him on that side when the member has built the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam next week came and stood there and spoke so he left the tree and as he started to speak and they say we heard the tree sobbing like a baby cries sniffling as in now that they built you were called blood you left me so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came down walked back to the tree and started to rob it to say i'm still here and the sahaba say the tree became silent now we are at the battle of ghandak 10 000 plus all of the inhabitants of the arab peninsula came in one army to eradicate the little city of madina so the muslims thought what to do so they decided we will dig a trench around the city so that the army cannot cross into the city so the muslims got busy and started to dig and the heat is scorching and the muslims are digging this huge trench and the sahaba digging day in day out some of them say for three days we had very little or no food as they're digging they camped to a huge rock inside the path of the trench so they called the prophet salallahu this rock is stopping the progress come look at it because the prophet came and i saw him walking like with weakness and tired and fatigued and hungry and when he came i saw that we had one rock and our tummies he had tied three on his so the state of the prophet and it hurt him a lot so he came to the rasool and he said ya rasulullah give me permission to go home so the prophet said granted go so jabber the allahu and who went home to his wife and he said listen i have just seen the prophet in a way that my eyes cannot see him do we have anything at home to to cook and prepare for him so the wife said we have a bit of bali and we have that little goat or that little sheep so jaguar who says okay you fix the bread i'll get the meat ready and we'll cook it and i'll go invite the prophet so the wife tells him says go invite the prophet but tell him quietly so that other people don't hear and don't feel bad that they're missing out on food so jabiru came quietly to the trench and next to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he whispers in his ear says ya rasulullah my wife and myself have prepared some food for you so come with a handful of the ashab to our house so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam hearing this stood up and he said oh people of the trench and in one cowl there is 3 000 men on the trench so the prophet stands up he goes oh people of the trench we are invited to the house of javed and jagger says because no one knew the shame that i was feeling except for allah so the prophet seeing his anxiety says jadher tell your wife not to stop baking the bread until i come nor put the meat on the pot until i come so jabba picked up his clothes and ran back home and he tells the wife wow calamity so she says what happened because the whole honda is coming [Music] so the wife says i told you a handful he says it wasn't me it was the prophet so she says did you say it or did he say it he said no the prophet said it so then he goes what are you worried about he knows what he's doing so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam came to the house and what an honor to have the rasool of allah at your house he sees the dough and the meat and he prays and blesses it and then he tells her start cooking he told jabir jagar stand by the door and let ten people in at a time so jabra the allah standing by the door and he says the ten people would go inside and they would eat sit with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and when they're full they would come out so java would say have you had enough like did you actually get to eat anything and they go alhamdulillah we were so then he goes okay ten more and jabba is scared all the way through because you know it's gonna run out now it's gonna run out now and he says and i came into the house in wallahi the bread was the same as it was and the meat was the same as it was but the greatest and everlasting miracle of the prophet is the sacred quran every prophet's miracle ended at his time and our prophet's time is come so his miracle lasted come and let me and although you won't appreciate it at your age but the academia are here and perhaps they will understand it better let me talk on one of the miracles of the quran our world was created from a big bang this is the scientific understanding everything that we see the sun the moon the stars the celestial bodies were all joined together in one little ball like super dense squashed up almost zero volume and it was all clustered like that together and then a big bang and it exploded and everything went apart and slowly joined back together so you have the sun and the moon and so on and this became a scientific fact i think in the early 90s i went to uni and i became educated and studying i found subhanallah the big bang which was established in my lifetime 14 and a half centuries ago on the tongue of a bedouin the prophet the prophet sallallahu do not the unbeliever see that the heavens and the earth were all joined together and we made them explode under or apart and from water we created everything living the big bang to the dot 14 and a half centuries ago on the tongue of a man in the desert poetry was that was the word of the day you know they used to write a few verses of poetry go put it on the kaaba and say challenge so someone else would come and try to write the next verse and then the poet himself would give his own verses it was competition and because of poetry some tribes would get elevated it was their measure of excellence so the quran came and it gave the challenge give ten surahs like they tried but they couldn't the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the verses came he gave it to the sahaba he goes go put this on the cab this is our challenge give us the next verse so one of the poets came and he saw this he goes oh this is easy and he ran home you know took pen and paper and started to write like you know what what's next eventually he came he wrote it down and he stuck it on the on the kaaba and this is what the poor soul had written was women are creatures with private parts this was his poetry in comparison to either there's no and the arabs themselves looked at they're gone what what an embarrassment and others tried one of the classic ones is musa lima musailima claimed prophethood so he said that allah has revealed to that prophet and he's revealed to me as well so we are dual prophets so he came to amrit is one of probably the most sharpest minds amidst you know in arab history a diplomat astute politician a thinker you know he's the type of man that will look at you and see through you you know you there's little you could hide from from hamridas so muslim came to him and he said what's the lightest that's been revealed on the on the prophet of hijaz is not a muslim at this stage said he goes i think it's so he goes something similar is revealed upon me so he said what's revealed upon you a muslim so he said the surah of tofa apple so he goes read it to me so he said inna ate verily we have given you the apple so pray to your lord and relax and forget about your worries so um you know amber is no child so he said has has a second one has anything else been revealed muslim he goes now he goes because to our prophet so he figured feel is the catchword here let's do this one so he goes because elephant or elephant and what do you know of an elephant it has a long trunk and a short tail so amur looked at him and said yeah you know that i know that you're a liar hold on you see normally you tell people you know you're a liar yeah that's one level but ammar says i know you know you're a liar but you know that i know you're a liar and you're still going like shameless
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 547,365
Rating: 4.8971295 out of 5
Id: I0__B4KiK8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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