Final Days Of Muhammad [S]

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Hey [Music] remove and cameron remove and went and remove on cam and remove and went in every Ramadan Jibril would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and ask him to recite the Quran or the hadith says teach him the Quran and the Rasul used to be in Erica's so for the ten days gibreel would cover the whole Quran with him and then ten the 23rd Ramadan this is on the tenth year after hijra in this Ramadhan something different happened the rasul allah wa sharafa wa salamu ala went into Atticus Jibril can recite that the Quran taught him the Quran cover to cover in the ten days and then he saw a dream that what you're seeking is ahead of you extend your attic earth so the Rasul extended the ehtekaf by ten days and then the dream he had seen his forehead was on the ground he lifted it and the soil and water was dripping down the Blessed face and he extended their takeoff and the Ryan cam and he saw the Lahani he was seldom lifted his forehead from the salute and the soil of the earth and the water ran down his face as it was in the dream and then in this ten days gibreel recited the Quran again and made the Prophet recited to told him the Piranha game and this made the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam think why twice this year and the Prophet is the most learned of the servants of allah about allah rabbul izza as such when does allow a limit even for a dilemma you read gives a hint the one to understand that most as the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam almost like you're trying to solve something you go ah and in his heart of hearts he understood it it is the extra caution of the heavens to ensure that the correct message has been delivered and the correct message is left behind and it means that perhaps my time has come to an end and I might be departing eminently and he sallallahu alayhi wa seldom didn't utter a word about this to anyone after Ramadan is the month of Shawwal around this time he sent Mahadev new Japan go to Yemen and teach the people their religion and they say he was walking with my eyes and my heart was on the Mount on his right and the Rasul is walking next to him and then towards the end of this war he says oh my god it might be that you will not see me after this again so they say Marhaba cameras in my eyes wept but he says the order of the messenger has come for me to go to Yemen I will go I might and see my Rasul after and this was the first hint he gave to one of the ummah and then after shall him eagle paga the messengers were sent out make the proclamation that the Rasul is going to Hajj this year you must understand the peninsula has become Muslim but not seen the Prophet not talked to their prophet not sect with the Prophet now is an opportunity an excuse to go with the Rasul on this blessed journey to Hajj so people flocked into Medina the scholars say a hundred thousand can and then four days left from the lada the Rasul marches out it's a Saturday he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed to her and he marched out to gulf khalifa he stayed in sulfur Leyva the night and in the morning after the hood put on his ephraim and started to move towards Hajj and jabber rapini Abdullah says I looked so far as my eyes could see there were people either walking or riding almost a gift of allah rabbul izza do you remember when they used to torture you you remember when they used to Pelt you with stones today look look at the fruits of your toils or Muhammad your religion has reigned supreme allah rabbul izza has brought about justice on the tongue of the prophets of the Lahani he was seldom in Enderson that he left so he came out to Hajj and in this hatch it is the first hint he gives the AMA he says all Muslims take the rituals of hatch from me if I don't know if I will be with you here ever again he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed the Hajj and in the day of Arafat called the Muslims and they gathered and then he sallallahu alayhi wasallam came out to give them his farewell speech and what the speech it is verily o Muslims Muslims your blood Muslims your blood muslims your blood your well your honor is sacred like the sacredness of this day in this month and in this land all the blood of the jahiliyyah are under my feet today abrogated we will not revenge nor will we avenge nor do we seek retaliation we have forgiven at Islam has reigned supreme and then he says all the usury and all the river of the days of the jahiliyyah are beneath my feet today and the first river that I abrogate and cancel is that of my uncle Abbas or Muslims be good to your women because you took them on the word of allah rabbul izza and they Allah made them halal for you through his word so honor the word of allah rabbul izza with regards to your women I have left amidst you something that if you hold on to it you won't ever go astray the book of allah rabbul izza and the lineage of the family of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you will be asked with regards to me in front of a lot of bellezza what will you say that day and the oume is sitting at this stage 144,000 are sitting in front of him we will say that you conveyed the message we will say that you advise the Ummah we will say that you gave the revelation so then he sallallahu alayhi wasallam looked up towards the heavens and says Allah Masha Allah Masha Allah Masha Allah bear witness that I have conveyed the message Allah bear witness that I have given the advice oh allah bear witness that i have completed the religion and as he utters the words gibreel comes with the verses today the religion has been perfected and i have manifested my favours upon you in Islam I have chosen as a religion for you and then the next day came the day of the o manasa is sallallahoalyhiwasallam stood up again to speak and gave almost the same speech again and towards the end of it Jibril Camp when the divine aid came in victory and you saw mankind enter their religion and multitude so glorify the praise of your Lord and atone and repent and make a stir far for Allah is oft-forgiving most merciful as he hears the verses he tells gibreel he says it is as though my lord is giving me my own condolences the well manager says o prophet the ask Allah is better for you than here the month of had finished the month of Muharram was normal after that on the early days of safar he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to the Mount of hood and he made to ask for them and they say the doha was like a farewell both for them and for their living towards the 28th ninth or 27 of Safa called Abu Muaz Heba yeah m-my Heba Allah has ordered me to seek forgiveness for the people in the graveyard of the bothy so come with me so Abu Muaz Heba said I went with him middle of the night greetings to you or dwellers of the graves and then he says glad tidings to you and what you are in compared to what the people outside are in calamities are about to be unleashed like a chunk of the dark night one will follow the other the last will be worse than the beginning Abu Muaz Heba allah rabbul izza gave me the choice to live in this world or to meet my lord and go to Jannah so a bomb away Heba says by my mom and dad be sacrificed for your prophet choose the dunya choose to stay here stay with us see your own map flourish see you amou mcgraw guide your own ma and then go to Jannah towards the end and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says I chose the meeting and the appointment of my Lord instead and then he says he went home the next day there's a funeral and he goes he followed the funeral procession and then as soon as he came back from it his head started to ache and fever started to grip him and they say fever so intense that you would put your hand on his turban and feel the heat from outside the turban so he's in the house of my Munna of the ilaha and how when the sickness started for 14 days he is sick so early he leaves and he goes to the house of our YCJA and when he enters she says all my head so the prophecies or I assure know my head is the one that is hurting in that sickness he would still attend the Salah and lead the Salah it was still counseled he was still advised he would still visit his wives you would still judge and every day he used to say where am I tomorrow so they said be wherever you want to prophet sawa Hardy he was seldom so he said if you permit I want to be in the house of our Ayesha so Bilal gave the event for the Salah to start and the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam said pour water on me so they poured water on him and he got up and he fainted and then people are waiting that the Rasool will come so then after a while he gained consciousness so he said have they prayed they said no how will they try there waiting for the Imam for the Rasul to come so he said put water on me so they put water on him again and then he sort of Liholiho Salim stood up to pray then fell down again and fainted and then again and then he said order Abu Bakr to lead the Salah and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cannot lead the salah anymore after this he sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked for water to be brought from seven different wells and then he tied his head and if you take me I need to speak to the people so they went and they set him on the member and this is the last time the prophets of allah allah wa sallam has set on the member and then he says Allah curse the Jews and the Christians they took the graves of their prophets as a place of worship don't take my grave as an object of worship after me whoever from you that I have hit with the whip then he is my back take your tears off from me now instead of in the court of a lot of Eliza who have I have taken in a well from you ask for your wealth back so I can return it don't ask it of me in the day of judgment whoever I have dishonored or defamed he has my honor take your cast from me now so one person stood up and said ya rasulallah you owe me three dirhams so he said fight him his Durham's and his family repaid his debt harms then the salat also her camp he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed and then came back on the member and then sort of Mahadi he was a limb said again whoever I have wronged come and take your wrong from me now whoever I have struck come and strike me back whoever I have taken their wealth come he is my wealth naked whoever's I have defined or dishonored he is my honor come and take and then he sallallahu alayhi wasallam said a lot of buddhas they gave a servant the choice between this dunya and eternity in it or the meeting of his lord the servant chose the meeting of his lord and he doesn't say me he says a servant so abu bakr is sitting there and he starts to cry people were wondering why is Abu Bakr crying in the middle of all this and he says I am mothers and fathers be sacrificed for you or profit or profit we will sacrifice the households for you and the Prophet said sit here Abu Bakr and then the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says let all the doors into the Masjid be closed except for the door of Abu Bakr and then he says the person that I am and netted to the most from his wealth and his companionship is Abu Bakr and another hadith whoever we owed anything we repaid except for the death of Abu Bakr the death of Abu Bakr we leave to allah rabbul izza to repay and now he says if I were to choose a friend except for the solution medida I would have chosen Abu Bakr as a friend and for him the companionship of Islam is sufficient people were wondering why crying in the middle of all this two days before his death and this is a Saturday the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt rejuvenated revived strong the Muslims are standing in Salah in the toes over and they praying and then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to join the salah so thus have carried him there was a commotion in the Masjid the Rasul his Intel and Abu Bakr realized that maybe the Prophet SAW Selim is here so he steps back and the Rasul placed his hands on him and pushed him back forward and he said on the left side of Abu Bakr so he would pray with a sheraton with his head and Abu Bakr of the ilaha and who would take up the moves and then the Muslims would follow abu bakr radiyaallahu anhu and sunday is Sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam released all his servants and he had seven dinars at home if they DA Risha give this in siddhartha and when he used to find he used to wake back up did you give the 17r and siddhartha she said no we will busy with your sickness and then again he find that when he came around have you given the seven dinars and Sedaka how will I stand before a lot of Buddhas and in my house is 7:00 dinner to give it and saw that ayah Aisha she wrote the ilaha and he gave it and Siddhartha and this is Sunday night now at night she didn't have money to burn oil in the lamp so she borrowed it from her neighbor and then comes Monday morning and the masjid is full to the brim with the people praying as the people have entered the masjid he feels a sense of strength so he opened the curtain the face of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looking into the Masjid so this helps say we almost lost our Salah and then the as'hab came to him you're looking good Abu Bakr camp or Prophet you're looking strong alhamdulillah so this is after salat al-fajr and then the prophet salaallah alayhi wassalam fell unconscious again in aisha radi allahu on her face his head was on my chest he was going into consciousness and out of consciousness he looked up towards the ceiling and then he said Allah whom allah fear allah allah and aisha said I remember it he had said that all prophets are given the choice to choose the eternity in this world or the meeting of their Lord and as he uttered it I realized he has made his choice the fever had run sky-high and there was a ball of water he used to put his hand into it and rub it on his forehead and he used to say Allah it has its balance in this situation his daughter fatima Tassajara entered he set her next to him and summoned her back and that come so she came near and he whispered in her ear and she held her face and sobbed she cried bitterly and then seeing her situation he called her again come so she can again he whispered something else aisha asked a later on What did he say he said first he said that she will made me recite the Quran twice this year it feels like the a jealous clothes you will be the first of my family to join me so I cried and then he said aren't you pleased to be the queen of the Muslim women of gender so she said I loved looking at his situation she says for the calamity on my father so the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said after today they want to be anymore calamities on your father and in this situation of the Rahman the son of Abu Bakr entered the room and with him is a civic he looked at the silic longingly in his head I am going to the majesty of the ones Most High let me say walk so how is she said I noticed him looking at that so I said do you want the tour prophet and he nodded yes so I took it and I softened it with my own mouth and my own saliva and then I clean his teeth with it and then he sold muhuali he was seldom placing his hand in the water rubbed it on his face and he said in in in a little Maltese occur on table in the Quran in LA in the Quran he looked up as though he saw something and he says Allah filmography colada it she says I quickly made drama the recitations to rub on him to say all that cure him he said no but ask Allah to give me the companionship of the ones most high so then in this situation and the hand trying to put water on its face the hand fell and I assure Abdullah and her realized that prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam has passed away the room became filled with fragrance the cry the heart ache help stir of the lonja sends for her father honorable kebab aisha sends for her father abu bakr siddiq who is a kilometer and a half away so the first one to enter the room after the death of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Ahmad roti of Maharani aisha says he knocked and asked permission because it's the house of Aisha she says I gave him permission and look at the detail and pulled my hijab over me in Omar cam with Maria movie revolution other and he said oh so unconscious so deeply unconscious and then he stood up and tried to come out of the house and move in receipt yeah Omar he is not fainted he has died so he said you are lying you're a person that fitna has engulfed the Prophet won't die he has gone to his Lord and will return as Musa returned he can't accept the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how the Prophet hasn't died in his shouting in the middle of the Masjid in the middle of this commotion and the people have gathered around him they don't know what's happening Omar one of the greatest of the Ummah is shouting he hasn't died and the news is coming from the house he has died so Abdul Muttalib stood up all people is is there anyone who has heard anything from the Prophet to the effect that I won't die and they said no and Omar said no so then the ambassador Abdul Muttalib said I make you witnesses over yourselves that a lot of Galatia nor the Prophet has given any guarantee that he will live forever as such the Prophet sallallahu wasallam has died this was the first occurrence that it camp and then Abu Bakr severe cam ilaha and kiya abu bakr oh he came from sunny and he entered the room of his daughter and the other wives who were sitting they covered and then he went in the Prophet is lying solo Authority wa sallam Abu Ali his face glowing bright so he removed the cover from it he wrote the allahu anhu leant over in case the Blessed forehead of the Rasul and then looking up towards the heavens he said o my dear friend and then he leant down and kissed him again and he said well Sophia all the chosen one and then he kissed him again and then this time leant over and kissed them and said Rasul Allah or my prophet and then he says the death that a lot of policies are prescribed upon you you have faced it Allah wants that you taste this dua death twice and what the son of a cop says is nothing and then here on the allahu anhu walked out of this room an honor is still shouting so he said sit Alma a nominal Futaba still shouting and then he gives his timeless words to the OMA whoever was worshiping Mohammed understand that Mohammed has died but for those of you who are worshipping Allah understand allah rabbul izza is eternal and doesn't die and then he read one Muhammad on Alerus all prophets have come before him prophets have died before him if he died is always killed will you forsake the Dean will you turn back on your heels and then Omar says it's as though I had never heard the verse in hearing it he felt the truth sank the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away and in one of the hadith he says is this in the Quran Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr says nam a new prophet sallallaahu he was seldom passed away on Monday at the age of 63 on the 12th of Rabi al-awwal
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 264,835
Rating: 4.9117212 out of 5
Keywords: seera, biography of muhammad
Id: hVxJoigb5p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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