The Greatest Miracle of All Time! - The Quran

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it is the sunnah of allah that allah blesses his prophets with miracles that his people can understand to know that the prophet is speaking the truth look at the previous miracles the prophet saleh was sent to the nation of the mood and what did tamu do samud was able to carve into mountains samud built structures inside mountains to this day we wonder how did they build those structures and when the prophet came what was the miracle given to salah allah azzawajal gifted him the camel what was the camel you think you can create structures out of mountains allah can create life out of mountains you think you are so high and mighty and powerful that you can carve a room into a mountain can you create a she camel from a mountain look at the prophet musa alaihissalam he was sent to firaoun and the people of iran they excelled in the dark arts and magic in seher they excelled in seher they managed to do feats of sir that would amaze the crowds in front of all of egypt they did these quote-unquote miracles which was nothing but magic is they made the people think that the staffs that they have were like snakes because they could wiggle they made the people see the wiggling and they said this is a great magic that you can fool 10 000 people then what did allah allah didn't just pretend to wiggle some staffs allah created life from those staffs allah created life from those staffs and in front of their eyes it wasn't a miracle of an illusion it was an actual miracle of creation that allah created snakes from those staffs and that is why the magicians recognize this is not a feat of of the eye this is not a joke this is from allah the prophet isa jesus he came in a group of people the romans they prided themselves on their medicine they prided themselves that we can heal the cure we have reached a level of medicinal expertise that no one before us has done and perhaps they were right for their time in frame what did allah send isa with can you cure the leper can you heal the blind can you resurrect the dead by the permission of allah and they realize this is not magic this is not medicine this is from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the point being every nation to whom a prophet was sent their miracle reflected their culture so that they best appreciate the miracle our nebi sallallahu alaihi wasallam was sent to the arabs and who were the arabs what did they pride themselves in they did not pride themselves in medicine they were not experts of the dark arts and magic they didn't carve things into structures what was their source of pride it was their eloquence it was their balara it was their lora that's what they considered themselves to be the best at and every year after the hajj when all of the tribes of arabia were gathered before islam the arab tribes would send their best poets and their equivalent of the nobel prize their equivalent of the academy the oscars the emmys who was it given to not to actors to poets they prized poets like they prize no one else and the best poetry was honored by being hung on the ka'b and for a few generations at least one generation before the coming of the prophet there were seven famous poems called the seven hanging poems or hanging odes because they were tacked to the door of the kaaba so the arabs thought who can beat us in eloquence upon a person who was not known for his poetry he was not known for being a poet he had no poetic experience and that was the miracle a person who could not even read and write a person who did not have the type of formal education of reading and literature and writing that one would expect from a poet yes an honest person yes an amazing person but somebody who was not known to read and write him in neither this is in the quran neither did you write a book before this nor did you recite any poetry before the quran came down and this was the proof that the prophet sallallahu alaihi was the real prophet and this is something that is demonstrated in the quran itself there are five verses in the quran exactly five that are called the verses of challenge they challenge mankind to produce something similar to the quran if you are in doubt as to the quran allah is saying you are not sure if the quran is from allah you're not sure if this is a divine message then allah says bring a book similar to it they couldn't do that so then allah lowered it bring 10 surahs bring 10 surahs they couldn't do it then allah says bring something similar they couldn't do it then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sealed the challenge by the verse in surat al-baqarah which we all know if you are in doubt that this book is from allah if you're in doubt then what should you do let them bring surat one surah like it in this challenge allah is saying i'm even allowing you teamwork go ahead and cheat go ahead and get the help of anyone besides allah go ahead and get all of mankind to bring three verses one surah like it then allah sealed the challenge [Music] if you cannot do it and you shall never be able to do it then if you doubt the quran there is no alternative other than janna you have failed the challenge you are allowed to cheat with anyone bring all of the jinn bring all of the ins and bring three verses similar to it this is a simple challenge and allah sealed the challenge because the challenge said you shall never be able to do it and this is called the verses of the hadith or the verses of the miraculous nature of the quran and our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said hadith there has never been a prophet except that allah has given him miracles because of which his people believed in him there has never been a prophet except that allah has given him miracles because of which his people have believed in him and then he says something that is a bit strange he said and the only miracle that i have been given now pause here before i finish the hadith the hadith translates as the only miracle i have been given but technically it was given many miracles and many books have been written about the miracles of the process actually a famous great scholar died a thousand years ago he wrote a 16 volume book no exaggeration 16 volumes entitled the miracles of the prophet sallallahu alaihi he has been given a lot of miracles so then why is he saying sallallahu i said i'm the only miracle two things number one all of these other miracles yes they happen without a doubt but they were done primarily primarily for the muslims to see or as a result of a circumstance or situation not as a response to a challenge not as a response i want to see a miracle show me you're a prophet and secondly the quantity and the quality of this miracle is so magnificent that all of the other miracles are trivial compared to it so the miracle that is the mother of all miracles the miracle that eclipses all other miracles the miracle that is the definitive miracle is the miracle of the quran that's why he has the right to say and the only miracle i have been given everything else is trivial compared to this the only miracle i have been given is the quran the only miracle is the quran and then he said and that is why i am optimistic that i shall have the largest ummah on the day of judgment what has the largest ummah got to the miracle of the quran this hadith shows us that the miracle of the quran is so miraculous that all of the other miracles of all of the other prophets don't even come close to the miracle of the quran why because what did he link the miracle of the quran to the number of the ummah he said because of the quran i'm optimistic that i shall have the largest ummah what does that indicate about the quran that it is the most effective miracle that allah has ever revealed to any prophet bar none no exceptions the quran is the miracle of miracles the quran is the greatest miracle that allah has ever sent to any prophet and that is why our prophet alaihi sallam is saying therefore i'm optimistic i shall have the largest ummah on qiyamah and you know what that has already been proven the muslim ummah is the largest ummah it has always been in terms of quantity it is the largest ummah from the history of mankind no ummah has been larger than the ummah of our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam the other ummas they might statistically be war but as we know theologically they have strayed they are not technically following the teachings of jesus or moses anymore so in terms of those who are faithful to their prophet more than a billion muslims of this generation add all of the billions that have come add all of the billions that will continue to come there is no question that merely in terms of quantity the muslim ummah is the largest ummah and the prophet sas prediction has fallen true now our scholars have mentioned why is the miracle of the quran more powerful than all the other miracles what makes i mean after all isa musa they all have their miracles why is the miracle of the quran more powerful and our scholars have mentioned that this is actually because of two primary points that make this miracle different from the other miracles of the previous prophets two points that make this miracle different from the miracle of all of the previous prophets number one [Music] the miracle and the message is one and the same you see go back a thousand years two thousand years five thousand years every prophet comes and he has a book he has a message and then he has a miracle to prove the book and the message musa had the staff he had the hand he did all of that he did isa resurrected the dead hear the cured the blind healed the leper did what he did so there's a miracle and there's a message and the two are disconnected from one another the miracle proves the message the message comes after the miracle how about the quran the message is the miracle and the miracle is the message the quran does not need external validation to prove it the quran is intrinsically able to prove itself without needing any external miracle to prove the truth of the quran no previous book can claim this so the proof and the boast the response and the challenge the miracle and the message is combined in one and no previous scripture could claim that this is unique number two and it is related to point number one number two the quran is removed from the constraints of time and place if i ask you do you believe that musa and his staff became a snake every muslim he will say yes if i ask you do you believe that his hand was light you will say yes if i ask you do you believe isa resurrected lazarus from the grave you will say yes i believe i ask you why do you believe what will you say the quran says did you see it did anybody you know see it did you physically witness this miracle no we simply have to believe what has happened before and we believe now the miracle of the quran did you have to be in seventh century arabia to witness that miracle or is it accessible to you here and now four thousand miles away one thousand four hundred years later the quran is timeless the quran has removed the constraints of time and place any human being anywhere in the world in any society in any frame of time in any place and location can witness the miracle directly and what other miracle can claim this what other miracle every other miracle you need to have been an eyewitness or else you're simply believing other people which is fine we believe the quran we believe in other people but the miracle of the quran is independent of a particular time and place and hence our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam has every right to say i therefore am optimistic that i will have the largest ummah because the quran is not constrained by time and place any non-muslim wants to challenge the quran here here it is read it listen to it ponder over it and see if you can produce a chapter similar to it the challenge is still operative the quran is still here amongst us that we can read and recite what other miracle can claim this therefore there is no question that the quran is the ultimate miracle let me just mention very quickly six or seven things that make the quran miraculous the most obvious of them and the most self-evident and the one that the quraish understood immediately was the language and the style the rhetoric and the eloquence of the quran nothing ever composed by men resembles the quran go look at the seven poems the malacca go look at pre-islamic poetry go look at all types of what is called nather and rhythm and rhyme of pre-islam and post-islam the genre of the quran the style of the quran the eloquence of the quran is something that no human has even come close to it truly is timeless and that is why when the greatest poets of quraish heard it when the greatest poets of arabia heard it they didn't know what to do they were mesmerized it is mentioned in the quran multiple instances of the seerah allah azzawajal mentions al-waleed for example ibn akbar what he did when he heard the quran abu jahl the enemy of islam at night he would go stand outside the house of the prophet sam to listen to the quran being recited because it was mesmerizing he didn't know how to interpret it so many of the quraish even as they rejected the quran they didn't know how to explain it because it was atypical and this is something that every one of us recognizes and realizes subhanallah even if we don't speak arabic we appreciate the beauty of the quran so this is the obvious point and our scholars have written many books and treatises going into detail about what is so unique about the language and style of the quran the second point that we'll mention and this list is not exhaustive there's much to be said the second point we'll mention the preservation of the quran and the prediction of the preservation this is unique it's one thing to be preserved it's one thing allah says in the book it's going to be preserved if you study the literature and the holy scripture of any other civilization you will see the quran is in its own category not the gitas of hinduism not the books of ancient buddhism not the old testament not the new testament nothing is even in the same category as quranic preservation we have the earliest manuscripts of some of the earliest manuscripts of the quran the quran was compiled and written down in the lifetime of the prophet sallallahu isaac in rudimentary form within a year after his death when all of the major sahabah were alive the first from fatihatunas compilation was done then in the time it was standardized across the ummah so that no two groups we differ about everything we don't differ about the quran our muslim ummah has so many there are no versions of the quran there is but one quran around the globe no other religion can claim this and the beauty allah said so from the beginning i'm going to preserve it don't worry the third point we'll mention is the predictions of the quran the quran predicts things that's going to happen for example the famous incident of the romans and the persians in a few years allah says right now the romans have lost in a few years the romans will win over the persians and this happened and the quran speaks in the future tense and it happened in the lifetime of the sahaba and other predictions as well of the miracles of the quran the miraculous nature of the quran is something that we rarely think about and the quran mentions it as being a miracle and that is the stories of the quran the stories of the ancient prophets you see the arab peoples the the the quraysh and all and all of the arab tribes they were disconnected from bani israel they have nothing to do with the children of his health the stories of the old testament are not known in mecca yusuf and this haqq and what's happening with even even the flood and ibrahim this is not something the arabs are concerned with musa and what happened with musa is not something the people of makkah are talking about there are no bibles in arabic at the time there is no library in makkah this knowledge is not just not known it is unheard of and in the middle of arabia a shepherd comes along without any formal education without the capability to read and write without having a library and he began narrating the tales that are known to all other civilizations imagine in a pre-internet era when the world was cut off and whatnot you found a tribe in brazil cut off from all of society and it knows the histories of what is going on in rome and persia it knows everything that's happening in the world and telling you its stories you will say how did this tribe get this information and allah mentions this in the quran you were not there ya rasulallah you were not there when they argued you were not there when allah spoke spoke to musa you were not there when zakaria and the angel came allah mentions in the quran that these stories are a miracle how did you know this neither you nor your people knew these stories before the revelation of the quran number four of the miracles of the quran i will go over very quickly the theology in the middle of an idolatrous society the quran preaches a unique monotheism a monotheism that is unheard of strict monotheism belief in allah belief in the angels belief in qatar the theology is unique and it makes sense how can a shepherd in the 7th century come forth with this perfect and that's why allah says you did not know you did not know ya rasulullah what was the kitab the quran what was iman until we sent it down to you number six the laws and the morality of the quran the sharia of islam in a society where racism was rampant allah says o mankind we created you from one man and one and one woman and we made you different races and tribes so that you can get to know one another allah eliminated racism in a society that preferred men over women and allowed women to be buried alive the first revelations females protecting those innocent lady girls that were killed in a society where lawlessness was rampant where there was no allah azzawajal revealed in the quran laws about truth about honesty about justice about virtue and that's what jafar assad said to the that oh negas we were a society immersed in jahiliyyah we would do every type of sin then allah sent us a prophet with the revelation that taught us truth from falsehood so the laws and the ethics of the quran and will conclude because of time of the of the things that are miraculous about the quran is the impact that the quran has on those who listen to it simply by listening to the quran you know in your instinct in your fitrah your god of gods your heart of hearts you know that this is from allah and the beauty and i speak as somebody who did not know arabic and once upon a time i for my whole entire life until i was 20 did not speak arabic i did not understand any arabic the beauty us who are non-arabs and we don't understand the phrase of arabic even us when we hear the quran we know this is not the speech of a man we know this is the speech of allah the impact the emotions the crying the fear the hope that a language we don't even understand has upon us this cannot be this is the kalam and that's the beauty and the miracle of the quran and allah mentions this in the quran when they hear what has been recited to the prophet system do you find them crying this is upon non-muslims that are good allah says good non-muslims righteous non-muslims when they hear the quran you find them impacted and you know there are youtube videos of famous people being put the quran on an earphone for the first time we see the impact some of them crying some of them mesmerized they cannot understand what they have heard the impact of the quran on the kalb that is pure it is a miracle from allah and the final point we'll mention and again this is not an exhaustive list the final point we'll mention which is a miracle that is palpable we can sense it we can see it we can feel it is the miracle of the memorization of the quran and this is something that once again we as muslims undervalue undervalue completely when somebody becomes a half of the monsters oh masha'allah good boy jazakallah that's it move on do you not realize that a 10 year old child memorizing 600 pages in a language that he doesn't even understand is a walking talking living miracle can you memorize one page in a language you don't understand if i were to give you if you don't speak japanese i gave you a page of japanese could you memorize that page in 10 minutes 5 minutes 50 minutes how about memorizing 600 pages in a language you don't even understand without a single mistake word for word letter for letter the haphaz are walking miracles that this is a book from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala every half filth is an ayam in ayatellah because no other book can be memorized like this in the quran these are clear verses in the hearts of those who have no other book has been preserved in this manner no other book can be memorized with such ease no other book has that impact no other book has within it the theology the morality the laws of the quran and my dear brothers and sisters allah has praised himself because of the quran to allah who has sent the quran all praise be to allah who has sent the quran down allah is worthy of being worshipped because of the quran this is the miracle of the quran may allah bless me and you with and through the quran and may he make us of those who its verses they understand and those who applies halal and haram throughout our life span i ask allah to forgive me you as will ask him he is the refugee [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign oh [Music] foreign [Music] me foreign [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 478,434
Rating: 4.9385781 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant, miracle, holy, spiritual, guidance, God, Faith, word of God, the creator, who is the creator, who is God, the book of God
Id: T9B38w0zrSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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