Mudlarking With Tom Burleigh: On The Edge Of A Storm

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[Music] today we're in the Megiddo with it but it became at the worst possible time it is raining since the matching raincoats a moment to borrow one so yeah we will try and make go to film which we can we're just excited to be with another fellow marking for the first time hello I'm Tom Burley and it's a great pleasure to be my blocking today with kitten Picabo dollars we're at a huge old dump site in West Yorkshire and those few of you who are my subscribers - will certainly recognize it from my videos unfortunately it's currently mostly inaccessible to - storms just gone and we've got a very small window of time before the next storm arrives wishes luck and let's see what we can find [Music] so I would say something oh good you want me to read it well then I'm blind since Germany it's always with the plastic but obviously it's normal its cover wax Wheatstone you bit cured its of Willow Al's all's very pretty stopper for my collection Shaymin supposed to look like that now I have three that's a collection open an stopper that one says something flexures if they made source yay they found a bead little chill of a bead I'm happy got a knitting needle this place is amazing it's a tiny anchor what was that wrong it's like a dome I cannot bad jump in oh that's nice pick up out what like this on the foreshore the other day look a pink bead I'm sure I'm sure everyone will have theories as to what the LED ball is for shoes is heavy oh is that a Vulcan I've got to stop by my belly what is it says something I am holding my entire weight [Music] tom has informed us that there were some good things around here and I could already see the bottle stopper limited R&W I think this is probably what he was talking about I'm mobile wow that's a really pretty one too hey is it got a puntal I can't see Oh small headless plastics one hey it's not quite the pipe I was hoping for but I'll fake it look a little face what is it no it's like a vise but it's like made out of chalk talk button I don't think your buttons wait careful don't pull it apart don't put it in the water it's chalk I put it in my bag well it's a little monkey with a hat on oh he's like you abbi lead I'm gonna oak a small piece glass bead that's pretty it sir said another bead it's a glass bead oh it's like iridescent we can make a whole little bracelet just out of a trip to Yorkshire at this rate York oh I didn't even have to get stuck in the mud for this blue one your Costco your size Toma very nicely pointed this out for us oh you can unscrew the lid well that is precious never on my block without free hand or scissors I think that's a lens oh I think it's not broken it's Bev all around it a lot of handles yes a buckle [Applause] Oh let's go I think I just found a coin when a second but is that another call thank you okay so my coin is huge I can make out the a trident on the back and the word Hemi so they can older version of the coin we still have nailed this one I'm not gonna have any idea about until we get home I managed to clean it but it's very small it's not perfectly round I imagine that's a poison bottle it's old screwed up but still oh this is what I think it is they are no oh I can't decide if you want it or not well it's a bit disturbing even for her maybe I'll pick it up with the gloves and he won't fit there's another I was gonna have to say steel but it's quite a large glass bead oh it still got like some wire going through it lots of Pete's today very green I think I'll keep it it's being that is that is part of the wicker basket fight bro oh now there's like Clint's that for kid for pets we fight a fight there I don't think I'm never going to leave well that one's very sweet I'm going to keep that what's that got on it oh I think it's a mirror you think kids alike I think it's a smash mirror it's bad luck oh maybe I shouldn't clean it here it does it has a pattern on the other side oh it's a little mirror it's just mine oh he's in part of a night boat I have a light bulb but it's a mushroom so I'm going to take it because if it's part of a light bulb but it's a small glass mushroom mom will be heavy there's a pug loader okay okay okay this is what we were excited about he's holding a little book potentially by for potentially a priest okay okay I won't wash my mouth it's a little leg bigger to anyone else I've never found it ahead oh my gosh my round head and she's gonna do pounds on just pull this out either like can I have my tool I'm thinking potentially I would say was not but it feels quite light and thinking it could potentially be a button so I'm gonna go wash it I think it might be about too many mighty little something on it how do you take ukemi [Music] there are a lot of bottles here for the nineteen forties sure Burnley save Burnley Mountain that's a nice bottle but it's very big this one has a whole ecosystem living in it oh good Birds head oh there's a Western him [Music] Oh must have been some so like concealer that's quite cute what is that what is that she's lost her head her legs and her arms just like the Roman a Roman goddess teaspoons Wow shows how that makes me feel I don't know how I feel now I see people pick them up with the bull show and there gets really cold now I'm holding them and thinking is it take them anyway oh dear oh dear oh really that's I feel sorry for her or him it's a bit androgynous I think she had pants on at one point where she did good to put her where shall I put her the bit creepy she melted I think she's just a bit smushed she did have pants on at one point [Music] that's really pretty it's like flask it's a flask shape history some more toothpaste but all the toothpaste tubes are made of metal now they're all made of plastic the metal is breaking down unlike the plastic but it says some I have to take that that's refute it's all forties but I can't like the forties and fifties house is full of it that's an old that's just a nice thing Karen gate baby food Marmite screwed up there Oh booty oh it's the back of him I wonder what he would have been a lamb or something where's your paste pops boom cream Joey Oh like that very Art Deco penholder bakelite probably look it's got something very lost after 1947 bakelite things set the rest of it again Oh [Music] another one of those things [Music] do that [Music] the tiny shoe so tiny that's the other one [Music] [Applause] [Music] well just stay here hey I go it looks scary please be careful Kate [Music] [Music] whoa she made it whoo when she can get back again is another question Wow that's what's this go girl oh that's not that was worth climbing the tree then [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is he he loved the light bulbs [Music] who's it it's an atomic atomic ray pistol I'd say that's probably yeah it could be forties fifties when they were into space you know state your boomerang what's on the pot is it Oh oh that would look you in the garden you'll have to try cool we just can't escape it [Music] it's gonna sit now look up [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is another dump site but our GoPros run out of charge that way it's fun to the wobbly camera I think he's gone down by the river that's where we're staying and it is Greenwood & Co limited deeply it's a lenok a leg it's got a doll's leg it's got a Pantaloon a little green one do you suppose that his whole I have never found a hole marmalade popped for myself it is it's very heavy that I'm I'm going to take that it's like in the plants and it only at home here hold it don't hold the shop it that's beautiful she'll be turn into your jaw by cutting nothing yeah maybe Jody could do it oh it could be a thing could be a sting of a booth there he'll plate it's tiny there's a bottle where it's like this and then I turned it out and it you can see it's got a little a wheel something else in it maybe a cannon oh yeah that looks like a cannon I got shortened if I'd better get focused that you kid will literally detail up that looks amazing here's what a minute militaria it's not something like well your beads DL we've got the bottle out as we wash it it's amazing good look slightly out o'clock where does it say he's dying oh no shield Hall Express essence of coffee chicory [Applause] pick it up I don't know the treaty-making bubbles [Applause] what Laurie is the treatment capables sack actually no it's visits running are we doing troops [Music] well this week we went muddling with Tom Burley and it was amazing and we found loads of stuff as you can see no it's those different things and to talk about let's start with my favorite thing favorite thing I found probably this is tiny anchor which I think probably don't to do with the Navy and probably came off a cap badge back off a cap or some sort of pin but that's about that Arya cake fans to military buttons do you know what they are Hillary yep this one is the Royal Horse Artillery tilt up a little bit because you can see no the other way you could see the crown at the top so yeah if sturdy of century and it some relief from the First World War she used up until 1924 this one cleaned up a lot nicer than the other one but that's probably because this one was in the ground opposed to they tossed about in a river so this one didn't clean up as nicely but you can still see yeah this one is a general service button for the military but it's got the Royal Arms on so it's got the lion and the unicorn and the crown failure this again is 20th century it seems sort of time this one didn't clean up as nicely but very cool oh where to carry on so many things I think will be the next special thing strangely is this a lot of lead clip cake found and it weighs a ton it is so heavy thick to this thinking you haven't actually read it but no it doesn't actually weigh a ton but Kate researched it and she seems to think that maybe it could be an early cannonball just because it's got lots of it's got lots of gouges in it which could be fire in marks and it's so heavy and I looked at some pictures of some cannibals that they had in Barnet Museum and it looked remarkably similar but balls in general this is it it's a thing it's very heavy you could imagine that we could do quite a lot of damage and it was very deliberate marks that are all sort of the same shape and size it doesn't look like it's just like natural wear and tear but lead Kate found this tiny lead figure and he would have had an arm his arm would have been loose and would have moved and he is a little baker and he look he's holding the Bible she was very excited to find this very excited that equally is excited when she burned her her first head can't you found a head dude that's very very excited it's very cute head so we found a head we haven't found her head for ages but she also found this little little girl and as she went across the tree she is absolutely beautiful and everything broken on her is maybe the very tip of her foot and her little basket but she is beautiful she has made a bisque I think quite the same sort of things they like a little cake decorations like little Biscay be snow babies and she'd yeah she is beautiful I would a client treat to get her but I was too scared I would have fallen in and they did two limbs of a poor unfortunate I think they're from the same figurine poor unfortunate little boy blue and I didn't know that pantaloons in a rather fancy shirt on it's an arm the leg but I might be able to use that it's actually a leg it's not a dolls leg but it is a leg we found some beat which we love to find beats of my bead necklace is going longer we found these fall here we gotta find another one but it's in pitch in the back of the car but that's cool we always love to find a bead three marbles to play once and I lovely swirly class one two lenses that would have been allowed to do this button that Oscar found mother-of-pearl button that they said it was um chalk but I think it's just a bit flaky cuz it's been in the flake is inositol my thumb it's just dissolving found lots of um but we found the three volcanic bolt stops really clear writing on them really lovely this one came from Keithley this is where we stayed put the details about where they all came from but they're very clear lovely you don't often think it what can i bought stops that clear writing on them we've got two glass bottle stops writing on again this one says cartons and in that sauce and this is Fletcher's which is also source Fletcher's of Selby broken you know these we found some pieces of pottery most of them a willow patent will have patent pagoda go der building another pagoda and then this I don't know what this would have said to all's but I think I was probably willow Parton as well it's a lot of widow pattern found lots of plastic things he found him I found that stood quite mr. shade it's not hole that would have been quite funny part of her duck chick for fish and then Kate found we found a doll that was a bit squished they decided that she'd save it and this is what she's done with him she's like felted him a new face yes fascism it faces got cute little icon hat a little button that we found on the ball Shaw yeah he's cute he's a little block of wood that we found beachcombing and the little mushrooms i felted mushroom with a little pipe stems stem loose yet well yeah little loose yet well pixie and then I found this one there's a bit battered and it is broken I said I didn't know if it was broken but it is obviously broken which is a shame I'm not sure I'll go my collection or not I found a lot of miscellaneous metal there was this which i think is probably the lid something which is quite pretty lots of stoppers it's like a wheel could be a wheel I think I don't think this is a radish horseshoe I think it's a boot plate like a I'm going a heel shoes last longer no talk really really is on its last legs gleam toothpaste just very cute tiny I think that's that the back of got found one pipestem said Germany on it just got like fine lines on it would have been a nice pipe I think you'd find the whole thing I found this brake light pen holder which I am trying to glue together it didn't work you can see it with the residue of the good I need to find some better glue but that's quite nice that I found both holes we do with a bit more of a clean but that's quite nice it says ver lost on the back all the registration and stuff so it's 1940s there was this that cake pan which is an old compact mirror maybe it's got pattern on that side but miss lots of miscellaneous bits of baby doll plastic torso cake lots to do some things with those now all in this old mug that says remember me which is quite cute which game gonna put some other plants one of our plants in like the marmalade pots to put plants into I was given this one we found lots and lots of bottles a couple of share top ones that one's a bit damaged but it is sheer top share top ink it's just nice with the bubbles it's fluid texture tiny mum do it these ones I don't know what they would have been used for but they're pretty perfume maybe and old it was on film I had like old some jewel on well hold on who lon I'd say the Google these things but and I couldn't find anything I think that was like concealer and then there was this plastic it's called DeMuth I don't know what it was really nice container break you like again I think or early plastic that would I maybe concealer again but this doesn't seem to be anywhere pushing it up it's just like a little plastic container like that use that for this little blue one unfortunate the lid fell apart when I washed it that's a very pretty blue tiny green one poison Brown poison bigger bottles we've got some bigger bottles we all found one bottle each which is a special bottle this is the one that Kate found sort of tight any bird on it I'd say it was actually a whiskey flask don't have whisky on it to pose to pose well Brandi maybe that's nice it's a lovely color Bobby green then I found this one greenwood and co limited Keithley which is where we stayed so that's a really good like memento of our day I mean that's a lovely aqua color and then okay and I found this one that would he'd dug out on film essence of coffee chicory and of coffee and chicory and they would have used that instead of coffee when it was difficult and complicated to make coffee they used to use this instead shield halt yes CWS but you can't still get essence of coffee and chicory maybe we should try it one day but you don't like coffee do you then there's this one which I've now keeping my buttons that we find in what's called Jerry again I couldn't find that anywhere that's quite a nice art deco shape they're all a bit battered they need a bit more of a cleanup but there's so much here it was difficult to then ask it maybe pick this one up bits watermen zinc it's got quite nice marks on the bottom but he wants that one and the same with this one little tiny brutal cream with the lid thank you it's that then this is broken one we don't usually pick up broken ones but look at that pattern look at the embossing it's beautiful York's bottles Association limited so lovely there's got like two spades and I don't know what that is trademark that is such a beautiful bottle is such a shame it's broken I have to get my husband to cut the top off of it make it to a candlestick or something because I was very pretty so dark this beer bottle I imagined it's nice and then last I found this Greek god s locking in the hidden in the grass and she is just I went to Pompeii last year and Herculaneum and yeah this is the sort of thing you see in the museum's there this day she's yeah she's broken very fortuitous ly to look like a groat roman goddess they knocked all the heads off of them because they were it was like a because they were naked I think it was just like prudishness so she can lie my garden and look pretty and Roman s but we're not suggesting that she's actually Roman oh no she said this is what they have in the museums in Pompeii I'm like yeah that's like okay yeah no Kate pan to coins this one's an old penny 1920s mm-hmm you can see Patania on the back it's very faintly then the king's head and then she found this one and I don't know what it is I can't see it we can't clean it I think it was silver once it was yeah you can see that it's silver on the edge there's not a bit of sixpence but it's too it's too curated you can't see it's gone it's gone in this in this video um I found this one this small plastics one and I have an idea for my next craft project and in the video that's going up next week I find the final I find a piece that was missing it said make sense I found something that I needed to finish this craft project so this one will be at the end of next week's video probably guess what I'm going to do I'm going to make him this one again using where did it go using this broken play pipe the thing that was missing and the thing that was missing that I found in our next video so Julian just see how about turns out disordered say to thank you for Tom for inviting us to his mega DOM and even though the weather was awful we found lots of things and it was it was a cool day it was fun he was a lovely man and you should go in very nice of him to come out about weather hunting with us and if you're not subscribed to him which I'd be surprised about but if you're not will leave a link in the description to his channel and he said wonderful videos that he makes and his video if this day went sit once it goes up we'll add that to the description as well that's it I hope you enjoyed watching we we are planning lots of more like collaborations with other people we have we have one arranged and one we're trying to arrange so if so if you enjoyed seeing us with other mudlark is if you give us like a thumbs up down below so know that you enjoyed enjoyed it then we'll keep doing it we've got one rains this time so yeah please like and subscribe oh yeah we've never been very good at doing that so um we'll see you next time and I hope you have a nice week would you do you know you're not supposed to be there you know it don't hide you know you're not supposed to be there and sitting on mines doing funny [Music]
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 21,285
Rating: 4.9625583 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking, tomburleigh
Id: N0TcpXKvYlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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