Mudlarking Legs, Heads, And Pipes! DOUBLE GIVEAWAY

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello he decided that we would come back hasn't been very long since we were here last about four or five days but we just it was so successful last time that we thought we try our luck again we not and we haven't we don't expected it to be like experience but we're still optimistic so we're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will find something do you see under this tile see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] I'm so sorry I can't do it well he's almost rubbing our color stud and or is it just I'm gonna be a natural thing it might not be a natural thing I found one oh my gosh she's beautiful oh that's David's tenth day oh my gosh lacking homes she's not yours you're getting move you've got lots [Music] which means it's gonna be really something now was it broken [Music] oh my gosh I think it's Oscar it looks just like Oscar we need some limbs under firing heads I love well obviously but there is quite nice to make them oh he looks a bit grumpy Oh No [Music] [Music] oh I didn't think we were gonna really find anything today as though we would have been picked clean in but I said that you need your own little things [Music] you [Music] [Music] we can make his cat sculpture happening again I really didn't think it was going to okay I have just pooped fine I've just found a broken thing a broken piece of my dream fine you would take it to the water close enough to do this it's a anything Oh bent down to pick up this and then again as it goes [Music] [Music] since it's me Oh did have something on it never find a Roman coin never thought I'd do that [Music] Croft houses I don't know I don't think so no I think it's like a bask but that's looks like a tree it's got like a crown and a it's got like a crest on it oh my goodness oh my goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a nicer name black gonna believe what it is though no yes it's a pity leg and a button I just sang the song [Music] [Music] [Music] but there's a bead before you upstage me no little boy sat next to me we could stick your tiny head on it but I 17 I said I've committed to the office my sake England something underneath it you [Music] maybe [Music] this is Amazon nice jewelry I found what another big watercolour pan so might be a good word for my words [Music] one Bobby Bobby I think the Congo bees let's go for five no it's sort of really wise listen we could play with it must be a bit hard I just bought a marble wait one glass I think a clay one ok marble [Music] Oh careful I don't think it's growing oh no it's good it's going fine it's going one last pipe Bowl well you know you just found loads of things that's a lot of legs I want you to [Music] it's quite a productive patch find another leg bird I found a bird bottom [Music] we could build you don't have a bird's head gear we do have a hell of a elephant's head oh build a creepy animal lion lion could be pile my words Oh 101 lion whoa lions [Music] after they really really good like their horses doesn't like I've already said that Oh what does it roll out like well then you always find the best Pittman would well if any way you're gonna play one who's gonna be here yes you bought a head pipe a pipe with a head on it [Music] you said it what is it scaly pipe not a confidence game you've done really well pipes I have had any pilot or today they didn't rain into my arm long they gave me one [Music] you know you've done pretty nice pipes today [Music] quite a few Pete's today she's gonna have a head is it even a thing oh just the back of him that's a shame [Music] well that was the end of another trip to our favorite Beach and well we found multiples of things again cake lots of amazing pipes I found a few heads she found a few heads I found hundreds of legs only one arm but it's--but sees new arms so that's a good thing so yeah we're really happy but we're gonna go home now because to miss the traffic [Music] [Music] well we were about to I'll faint again because there's not a lot of options for us at the moment let me talk maybe they'd still be some stuff after [Laughter] dogger to know what to go this film to be honest I think is we found plethora of heads a plethora of legs in a plethora of pipes and partners and beats which is found multiples of everything first bag CEO max hill yeah lots of marbles loads of bits of crafting yeah and so whatever we pulled this film I don't know at this point we haven't named it but it'll be something to do with heads legs and pipes or buttons that's a lot of buttons actually I didn't get quite how many buttons num beat Wow okay favorite finds my favorite find I [Music] the little boy dull head he needs cleaning I'm sorry I'm running out of time to clean things we finding so many thick no no it's also neat sonica don't do it don't do it it's so neat no it just hurts to do it just have to be there oh my favorite find him no no I don't think he's gonna come up much greater than this anyway but it is it looks like Oscar it's a little boy doe head I've never find a little boy doe head before not doe head we found a little boys heads yeah but not in boiled eggs no something don't do it just find it just and yeah so I think the next dole may be a little more scared oh I think we may with some of the other chips you've made have enough looms now talking of limbs so many legs so many legs I mean I don't like to do fine I honestly don't remember I know I found four tiny one you have to go with your tiny other tiny leg that when I stuck the one you found was that we do the legs all go in the same pot anyway don't they mm-hmm but I think I found quite I think I found more pigs you did find more legs yeah I think spits II get that it's not quite perfect but they might see as I haven't done it yet we'll see the other thing I thought but she's definitely gonna get a new arm very soon and I am endeavoring to knit her a jumper and to make her skirt but the jumper I keep making it too big I can show you one I'll show you one dumpling is good but it's just way too big for bitsy yeah it's a bit big I sort of think I have to have the pattern I think I overestimated to had chunkiness but a lovely lady's offered to make her dress maybe making your dress as we speak so maybe she'll have a whole wardrobe of different things but it's always appropriate to knit or a jumper like yeah I'm wearing look say wolf I needed this jumper Kate's got a knitted messed up Oscars on it so bets bitsy should have one too so that's what I'm trying to do before anyone says make a clothes I'm trying my favorite find it's got to be their heads I only up until this trip I'd only ever found two heads after years of doing a year of doing our news you've had only found two heads and now I've pushed it up to five with one trip so there's this little fella or you think it's a woman I think it's a woman in a riding hat riding out look at it's the Mona Lisa esque smile and then that's a doll though that looks remarkably like bitsy mm-hmm Spitz's we've got the same size it looks like the head I found the other day and then this one is very cute green pom-poms she's so beautiful she might be my favorite but also also I found my first ever bag seal and it's it's like a LED bag so it says you err on one side it says how do you turn it over okay yeah so this side just here just here has also announced it it has a like a crest another cool yeah we'd like that it's got the crown on top and then it said like a shield shape with a little lion on inside and then on the other side it says I can wake outta you but then I can't make out the other things but how exciting is that my first ever led bag seal fines are of course my but I you didn't find everybody my pipes so that pipe so I've got you found some plain ones to more bubbly ones cuz they are now this is the one that was in like the commotion of like fire waste and I managed to go at it with a hammer gently and break it out and it didn't have a stem but it was a whole bowl another bubbly one this amazing one which has a harp on this side and then this side is a little like man a little figure obviously his head is the one bit it's missing because that's how it goes and like I think this is like is either sword or like a like a belt and he's like got one leg up I don't I couldn't there were lots of them and pipes hops on but I couldn't find out what the significance of the man was and the and I couldn't make out the maker's mark it's been there too worn away so if anyone recognizes a pipe like this I'd love to know this one and then this one has feathers on it and it's so beautiful it's so beautiful it's got feathers that's your favorite isn't it mother it's so beautiful and then this one which is like fish scales and it's way more complete than any of the others it's got some fire waste on the back but look it's got fish scales I'm it's the most complete decorative pipe I've found so far the detail is beep like beautiful it's beautiful I'm so excited and then this one which you can just make out it's probably Crystal Palace London it's like a commemorative mmm yeah Crystal Palace about this is a clay Bowl that's a face go ahead and just so close yet so far and of course it's the ear because it's always the ears yeah it's like a clay pipe father's a head and an ear no it's so beautiful and detailed as the little bit slashed up this I think is a cricket like stamps on it and then some decorative ones a twirly one hmm this one is the Diamond Jubilee it says now that says Diamond Jubilee on both sides there's still I found one that said 60 years all that was in last episode of course multiple hoof pipes I've had two other heads as well I found another doles head little blundered old head again I think she's wearing riding hat she was riding but I just so tiny I don't know what to do that did you get some craft really it's so small otherwise you won't never see it but it's very cute I don't know what that would have come up to any bisk toy I imagined do you think we should put all this I don't know it's the same size this is the the tiny little like sailor boy figure I found what's it made out of this guy's just Colin is little scream again he lost his head we're finding that was a lot odd way if we find the head so we find the bodies umm I feel this beautiful cat look at that very sunny ask it to get little color I'm going to rebuild him his legs it's another project for me now I've got none Millie put there to build to rebuild his legs and gold leaf them because I think that will look beautiful let's Brad the grumpy dog no no it's a dog but that that would be good for cast again I'll give him a crown or something make him into something with legs the legs broken legs were thinking about rebuilding their toes cake fountain that's half of a dope well it was a quarter of Noel's head isn't it is it worse we're building it no it's my doing back what's left is that and I will have to think of another water color water thing oh they mixed it together pottery with a bird and some buildings take front nose and the lips not quite all the lip but that's quite that's probably quite good for crafts again mm-hmm and this one thanks now it's really weird had some things break that's beautiful fish looks like that's a face they're leaning on it oh that would be a nice piece of jewelry you could like the gold bits edge or something and oh yeah I met a brain or an earring or something I mean like enormous this China's lovely he's got shells on it and pieces of curl that's beautiful that's really nice again that could be used in its own thing marbles beautiful what did you say about the black it was called something but I forgotten now Oh what were they cold I had black ones I don't know they had a name in the part marble game blacks or something like that I don't know but yeah yeah I have black marbles they had colored marbles you had ball bearing marbles which again called something that I got it was a long time ago I played marbles and something is I found in this this little cabochon which i think is poping turqoise what pretty sure it's turquoise and that's my birthday that's why I know that that's just a little sister Danny but it looks like the shape of it like a doll's eye would have been told some dolls eyes were was like stuck on metal sticks yeah but it's not how are you stuff right now coin obviously we can't see what's on the coin a lot some people suggest a different way so I think maybe we'll do a program a program a film one day of us trying to clean off coins yeah I don't know what these are it just says lion what's it made out of like a metal I think it's metal because this one was whole but it's it fell apart it's like it's perished so yeah it could be that's really hard to tell it could be concrete actually well I have no idea about that it's all very pretty though very cool okay we found quite a few beads I mean they're not huge but there's a few of them this Wet Ones nice again I don't know if his glass I think that's a coral one again potentially it's the same as the one I found in a previous trip and people lots of the commenters said that it was probably a coral button and then I'm good to lift them so high yeah I'm trying to see him that's why I don't know what belt that's sort of claim and then all the rest of class I think this one's quite nice Kate's told me because it's a white inside and right on the outside and out the end looks like a go this one oh this one yeah faceted glass red one I didn't put them on the string did I my doing buttons lots of buttons mother pearl buttons wooden buttons LED buttons metal buttons did any of them have any thirds on them there anything on it no those ones but my button does this one it says English make and I can't figure out what animal it is like a fox or a cat or a dog I can't see it I get the magnifying glass never lick I'll get the main thing listen what I'd say a fox oh maybe a dog could be a dog that one has something on it probably a military button but again it's our friend the green rust says pick me up what this was loving pull up to open and access on both sides mm-hmm I've got another one but these are Nathan see my second one I found must have come off some packaging mm-hmm I'm thinking I know you love to rub free when I'm trying to show like trying to show them and around that I was trying to clean it [Music] this is the same rate is not almost basic same bead separated [Music] that's Fred's it's growing it's growing we thought we would just include em to show you how many heads Weaver collected so far spits oh ho oh and Bitsy's head of course and of course bitsy Zedd I think we I think it's definitely one of our biggest collections yeah it's our heads which is exciting for us because it's like one of all those favorite things to find recognize this one was one of the first things we ever found one I was really tiny wasn't it and it bottled up this since been built over when we rescued her I think one of these other ones came from there too but yeah some of them were found on film some of them we found before this section here is from a film that will come out in a couple of weeks oh yeah heads 28 oh this Henry's head - I won Henry's head 29 and this is just human heads yeah we're not doing and I'm not head not talking animal heads because on this trip my friends are very good and why it's - yeah heads hello and so this is all thank you about three weeks ago we set up a Kofi account because a lovely man named Jack James had approached us about wanting to donate for our channel and we started talking to Derek and we decided that maybe it was time that we would know he would that we would make it an option for other people if they wanted to and apparently you did the response has been overwhelming and it's it's difficult to talk about it is it yeah yes yeah but just like the kindness and the generosity of you guys and like the mud Larkin community and just the who you like and then not just like the donations but the comments people have been leaving on our Kofi page or just ah there and and on oh and like on the channel sometimes you get comments and it's just like you don't you know you're not used to people just being so kind lovely and it yeah it just it really really does like make our day when we get those sorts of comments people have donated you have donated and we set it up because we really wanted a more sort of needed a circus and an autofocus camera that was sort of small because the camera that we were using before because we when we first started we had we had the camera that we were still using and it's a good camera but it's not made for making films and made and yeah it's been there's been issues and then and then for Christmas we've got the GoPro which really helped but again with it with that camera can't show detail and with a to be the channel like us it's all about the see detail and especially up because we really like finding tiny things and it was just it wasn't he wasn't working but we have a thing we can't show because we're filming with it but ok sorry we might be in a slightly different position because the wonderful camera TM the memory card was false it stopped filming but this is it this is the camera and the you mean you I don't know if we if we it was but we can't show it at the moment because obviously we're filming with it but you'll see it you know you and you'll have it over you and I've ordered am a camera bag to keep it safe because it's honestly we've only made we made a food made a film with it now we made the crafting one that was out one Thursday with this and we've been filming all round ups with it and it's just it's so wonderful oh it's just because you you you especially had had a lot of issues with focus on the things you couldn't see so to you because everything just sort of looks blurry anyway so you just dispense a yeah over the year that we've had YouTube there are quite a few the intros that couldn't be used or not so much the cutting room flow but with this now worried about sound issues but we've got plans we have plans when her mic and also and we watched docking those 51 video when they talked about windows because I feel like Mick know a lot about cameras and here's talking about wind noises and saying that you should stick a bit of like a dead cat mouth fabric on the back of your microphone to so we're gonna try that because there are still windy day yeah there are well by the judge you just watched this film so you were aware that there are wind issues and microphone nations at some point and we have you know we do understand that sometimes you can't hear sometimes you can't hear what I'm saying because I'm so far away from the camera or but it's thanks to you wonderful people we shouldn't have any visual issues yes anymore which is so very exciting and yeah overwhelming we cannot possibly thank you enough but but we're going to try are going to try and do do a bit some things so if you watched our crafting video on Thursday we made these I made this and mum made and so sort of focus so I made this which is a tiny gold man moon jug although it's not a moon because it doesn't so this is what I made and mum made I can't I can't concentrate no wait no it's not working okay I made this little celestial bottle or do they call it Celeste you know you called it constellation starry bottle it's got a half P in the lid and it's got a piece of shot and it's like a piece of metal from the for child but I rebuilt it and gold leaved it that's mine so I said these you've got goggly for me so these are um I'll giveaway items we are going to give these away so we have to write because one giveaway one giveaway is going to be for other people that donated so we'll just take those names and put them put them in it put them in a hat and pick them out and send one of these I think where they were going to let the person a person who's that yeah that that giveaway that person will choose which one they want and then the other one we are going to do be prizes but they'll choose your face no I didn't really make it with the intention of bringing competition but hey yeah I mean I'm not bothered if you want to hurt my feelings obviously I would hope you choose that I mean and then the other one the end the path and then the one that wasn't chosen will then be in a giveaway for everyone what what did we decide you need we're gonna ask how many pipes kate has found in the last five mud locking videos to have a guess I mean there is a probably thing what we specifying a pipe a complete bowl a bowl not us not us not the stones a little bit out of it it could be slightly broken yeah yeah a bowl yeah yeah all those and we don't actually know I have to go through and find out so yeah so you have to be subscribed to be entered into the giveaway and then you just need to comment how many pipes you think I have found in the last five five months I've no idea she crafted knowledge because she you don't for any and have I lost my mud knocking videos so yeah and then whoever gets closest to the answer and the yarns or the answer yeah and we we have our an email dress in our about page all the goodwill will reply to the comment in the VR well dresser you can email us your address and if people if more than one person gets right we will have to draw out of the Hat again but yeah these little things and also if if you don't win the giveaway we are well on our way to starting an Etsy shop we hopefully we've got to coincide yeah we've nearly do this for a year it's four months until we've been here so we might open the Etsy shop on our first anniversary then also we are getting closer to five thousand subscribers which is just so many coincide with that but we are going one of them we're going to start an Etsy shop and it will probably be things like like this that Oh cuz that are smooth and easy to post and hopefully we won't break when you get them how we're working on beard make we are we have some really exciting oh I'm so it's very exciting very very excited about it oh it's very very grateful yeah yeah I mean it's all because of you it is all because of you guys that watch and subscribe and like and comment it's don't hate it's all all because of you we just like to say thank you so yeah I think that's it we'll let you go cuz I feel like this is very very long mm-hmm I think it's quite loose um I think because we just like we like they know we like talking to you guys we like it's like it's a huge huge community that's and like when we see sometimes in the comments that you guys like talk to each other I mean crazy I just it's just it's so it's just such a such a wonderful wonderful thing it's it's a the thing and not not just like our channel I know that there's obviously mud luck in the YouTube community yes it's great it's going up yeah okay yeah Thank You UT is growing we love it we love to see when we love hearing you guys and the like the different places that were most feel like sorry okay okay oh sorry I know okay right we're gonna leave a comment pinned at the bottom with me the exact extractions for how to enter the giveaway so there's nothing nothing left to say but thank you and we'll see you on Thursday [Music]
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 24,279
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, thamesmudlarking, UK
Id: WsD-kvTeOMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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