River walking looking for things in the river - Mudlarking with friends - Tom Burleigh

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let's go mad larkin i'm not building my hopes up one of my dream finds is okay everyone we have set up a game of playing our patent and now we have the mystery hand of mr tom burley to make the choices [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] okay folks we are on a journey this journey has taken 16 months someone asked me today did you walk it we've come from south wales to yorkshire and we are with our good friend sometimes known as tim tomtam to everyone is mr tom burley so at the moment caroline is filming me while i'm being filmed as is she by tom who's on top of the banking if that confuses you don't worry because i'm also in a t-shirt with a rainmak on carrying an umbrella because yorkshire like wales has a mix of weather but here we are and i am feeling quite cool at the moment because while it's 22 degrees and i've got a mac on i'm standing in lovely cold water so let's get moving let's get on the island and let's see what we can find now that's all well and good and very pretty and i can't wait to get over there but when phil was filming i looked down and saw this and it's a piece of absolutely gorgeous pottery look at that there are lots of little bits that i'll have a look at later but i couldn't leave that one there that is such an impressive first find for the midlock all right let's go looking for clay pipes glass rods and gold doubloons right this oh i just put the camera down now but i was going to say how many things are here and is that what i think it is nope there's a fire engine look at that we've been on this beach one minute and i found my first bit of pipes then oh that is so exciting sorry about that very noisy emergency vehicle so let's have a look there's so much lovely bits of china let's put some blue one there's this yellow which is terracotta with some yellow okay don't forget choke if you see something more this is peter parker what's that more terracotta glazed and look at the other side oh wow that is so pretty well there's also a bit of writing on it i think oh look yes oh that is lovely this really bodes well i think we're going to have the most amazing midlock here all right gracious as everyone we could be carrying a lot of heavy bags this is such a beautiful place so many things to look at but the first thing we need to do is to get in the water you know me in water so come on you early on we're going in oh that's nice and cool on the feet what's that there i think that's a piece of copper no it's a piece of green milk glass another piece of stoneway pottery the water isn't too deep anyway so i think we're going to be able to see more sort of things that are in here sometimes the middle of the river is a little creepy and one piece there one piece there don't know why the pieces so we leave that there i think i know where that is i think that is off a fairly modern mug for a cabbage caramel easter egg that's my guess do you agree am i right if you look here there's an enrolled in banking hmm has anything freshly dropped out waiting for us to find it is there any hidden treasure that nobody else has seen but at least for many years ah it's not a bit of hype then or is it a stick oh look it's another piece of pipe stem that's two pieces already let's give it a quick swirl oh i think it's going to be a pipe stem sort of day right i can't see anything hiding in there i can't hear anybody shouting look you missed a bit you missed a bit yucky mud all right so i want to go over the refillas in case i'm missing anything it does seem to be a lot of bits of last year here's a bottleneck they have like a greeny got a bottle and a bit of a sugar basin now i know i haven't got my gloves i thought they were in the car they weren't i never seem to bring my gloves nowadays over here [Music] oh look at that it was a square jar but there's not a lot left of it now but let's make a little glass pile there and here oh wow such a lot of it let's have a look can you see any other glass they can see bits of china there and that's glass and we just bought here more glass more wow what a great place to come to find river glass oh that's nice how pretty it is i'd say probably a 50 60's type storm wake up one or two rather chunky bits i'd love to see that hole look at the size on that that's quite the top to a flag and there or something and there's a another sort of handle yeah awkward quite oh that's really nice now that i picked up pooly because it's a perfect piece i love putting those into the monkey panda playing the pattern games right because it is so i have not smoothed out that it's beautifully smoothed by the river very nice so i like that so i take those off you might yeah and look at this oh it's got writing on it says medal of merit so is that a marmalade jar with the medal of marriage for their money no idea who you might be and i have one more not one of my finds but a gift all right a gift from mr tom burley who knows how much i love my squish squashed melted bits of glass he's some melted bottle top that's a very squish squish-quash piece of glass it's only in the medlocking world you know when elton john goes to stay with ozzy osbourne and his misses they buy each other cartier watches when medlockers meet we exchange squidged bits of molten glass can't beat it but at the end of the day beauty is in the eye of the beolder right let's keep looking oh so many things to see so a few hours in the day i could spend a whole day here look at that for finding things yes guess what what i didn't forget your gloves i packed them all quickly thinking it was a bit of fight but i get a horrible feeling as i get closer it's not it looks really long it's the top of a knife oh that caught me out that one did did you think it was a pipe slam when you saw it too look at this that looks interesting looks like the majorica very nice how do you get used to the hang keeping things further away from the camera because this one's focal point is completely different to my last one do you see anything yet no the water's rushing too fast right let's go out into the main river something is just down along here it's not being very effective the water's still flowing straight through it i thought it was a ruined stone but it isn't just the bottom of something oh wow look there is a piece of willow pattern plate now that's not what gets me excited because as you know there are lots of bits of woody pattern over there but look what was next door to it oh it's my third piece of pipes then look at that it's a bit green but these pipes then three pieces so far what a brilliant day oh wow there's just so much china here i can't stop looking i can't stop showing you things the handle used to be there it's just everywhere like that another piece i'm sure phil will by now be collected except for clean or patent some green i think my shadow's on the way and if you look over here as you can see there's just so much it's round i think there's possibly the knob off the top of the teapot oh wind's picking up which at the moment is lovely and refreshing so it's so hot here can you see any pipes thing can you see any glass bars or rods so far and that's nice because it's a different color it's black and white instead of blue and white so we'll definitely take that one with us [Applause] oh and here we go look what i found can you see it it's a piece of ridged pottery what is a medlock whoops without a piece of rich buttery it's an interesting bit of blue and white it's not i don't think it's a little pattern totally off the bottom of a cup lots of these stone jars and things there's a bottom of a stone jar three bottoms of stone jar it's like a bottle stopper no there seems to be another knob of a teapot ah now i've seen something what do you think is it pipe stem number four or is it a piece of white stone it's pipe stamp number four oh look there's another one oh i'm so excited i'm never going home i'm seeing you forever right come to me pike stems come on come to me i'll give you a good hope i'll get you over this cold water put you in my lovely frame you'd enjoy that come to me come to me nope they're not listening i was walking along and from a distance i thought i'd seen a shopping trolley but when the aircraft you can see it's not it's a bike carrier a bait on the back of a car hmm i can't really see what is in my life without a bike tower yeah can i that's the first one we found phil is over there we're going to work our way over to see what he's found so i'll put the camera down and i'll pop a bit of music on and you can just enjoy searching the beach as we walk over enjoy [Music] well there's a bit of weddings hello hello mr johnson what have you found i found a neat little top of a teapot that would have been quite a small teapot very nice i would say that's a rim and that is far too big a rim for a teapot to have taken that one yep so we're talking a half size teapot i think i would say so and i've also found a little bit of room we do find a lot of rims up here we do rims and egg caps for some reason and it's rather architectural piece yeah nice little handle top of the handle or if you do that the bottom of the handle there we go the choice is yours folks depending how you look at it and then i found a few bits now i'd like to play a glimmer paint or pattern later but these are no good huh because they're rather posh up here and they have pieces that are patterned on both sides oops oh yeah this is that side oh that's right just hold this you can see it yeah and this one is blue and blue similar again that was the i think there's a sheep's face on there may possibly use a sheep space and a leaf there we go so we've got things set up now for a gamer plane or pattern so i'm going to see if mr burley will play the part of the hand that picks the pieces okay everyone we have set up a game of plano patent and now we have the mystery hand of mr tom burley to make the choices okay i've never played this game before let's see patent that's one dude the stripes counters patterns yes if it's striped how about bridges it's one color it's plain if it's got stripe then it's patterned and if it's embossed even if it's one card if it's gonna emboss it's a pack so okay clean yeah you've got two um patterned yes three oh i tell you this man doesn't just come in on the podium places in a live show quiz clean you can see through china oh my gosh this is creepy four out of four hmm patterned five out of five plain oh this is just getting mad this guy's got extra eyes i know that he's got better eyes than me looking in a river but this is ridiculous you can see through the pottery um pattern oh my lord well there's no chance of me pulling back from here you know there's only five remaining pieces you've already got seven right in a row playing yep it's playing because this one surface cover patterned there are three left and you've already called nine this is super human if you manage to pull the last three i am just freaked person two to go is it going to be a full dozen patterned oh yeah one more please went off thank goodness i picked up the anvil otherwise tom would have thought i would have really thought this guy and maybe he is superhuman and he deliberately got that wrong so we wouldn't know he had superpowers folks who learned to do mr tom burley the man with the hand has got eyes like a hawk he can see through things more china more pottery oh it's a little glass more rich pottery but can you see what i spotted oh a bit of pipe stem number five i think i hope i haven't lost count look at that oh pipestem number five so you may do a bit of chatting that is still on tom chasing away i'm doing all the work i know they're looking and tom has found a pipe bowl don't tell him i told you he's gonna be dead jealous but that goes well because it means there could be more here so i am going to look even harder and see what i can find do you want to come down i'll show you what i got mr johnson okay stood right up on top of that cliff where it's obviously it's more of a slope i've got some pretty china so let's see if i can show you there that's a nice balloon and then there's a nice turquoise i would say two quarters there's a piece of metal with the reverse 57 in it and the reason is black was on it there right so that is lovely i think it's probably from draw number 57 rather than heinz something because heinz is famous for 57 varieties but i really like that and i think i'm going to be able to do some prints with that as well i'll get some clay and see what i can do that was quite a chunky thing wouldn't it it was as you can see it was totally embedded in there i'm pleased with that lovely well done so a lot of this area has been left for wetland now there's a football field with some football goals in place but you could never play football because the grass is two foot high and apparently there's going to be some major works putting in some more wetland areas so this is going to be a beautiful nature reserve somewhere perfect to come booed spotting i'll enjoy the scenery and look at that what a place to be you could spend the day here just looking at the green room having a picnic and paddling in the water do you fancy a game of football i would say that um it's definitely if you want to play football yeah you need to get the grounds menu pretty quick it's rather boggy and deep they're letting this go for wetlands now but they've left the gold in just for that fun of it so the duck's completable yeah here we are on another medlock with tom burley and as usual when tom takes us on a midlock we do we have climbed up and down and round and about so we're now trapped into the jungle looking out for lions and tigers and bears i'm sure we'll get to an interesting beach very soon before we get buried underneath lots and lots of greenery but it's beautiful here look at that it's a lovely place to live and there's a big huge building up there and a lovely river to go rummaging in and then a really pretty bridge and tom's just informed us there's nothing on the little beach there so we have to go on further oh dear do you think we'll make it he's not speaking to me do you think we make it though come on you can do it be brave no so many people keep asking me do you have snakes where you live alright walk with this grass and all these comments keep flooding back to me you'll be fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign there's the river and apparently tom has been explaining to me that this is queen anne's lace it's not giant coffee so we're okay there are a few bits and pieces around here none of which i'm going to take just a little bit of china a little bit of glass a lot of the hands i've got something with writing on w k something beginning with n we've got to keep that it's got words on it let's have a little look not see what it is oh that's weird do you think that's a leaf i think we'll take that right i've been left all on my own film child disappeared they're down there somewhere i think that's probably the best way to go through there which way should we try let's have a look here there's lots of ash there as you can see this was a dump at one point let me get through there what do you think wait a minute is that a bit of pipe stem oh yes look at that pipe same number um six i think oh we're glad we came this way right there we go i can see some lights over there i think we'll be okay i'm glad you're all with me i wouldn't want to be stuck here at all on my own lots of it's partly out stinging it up more bits of torture more japanese not weak the reason you can do is snap that off because if you just turn into another plant then pieces oh is that the lid or is it the bottom of an anchor i think that's the bottom of an acre i wonder why we find so many egg cups oh wow look at all these little bits wow some chinese it's decorated i think yes it's a bit of decorated punch then i think it is i'll have a check for somebody with better eyes we'll give thomas out to see if he thinks that he's decorating pipes then if so what i'll find all right on my way to find one i found this it's a glass bottle oh these are always a pleasure to find and this one says 57 on the top how interesting is that it's only a bit further down the river than the piece of metal with 57 on hmm such a plethora of bricks on this particular spot that monkey has decided yeah after the success of fossil or no fossil this is name or no name on the brick let's have a look what do you think is this neymar no name brick house that goes home with us right neymar no name summit that goes over this okay right then we're doing good monkey we've got more bricks than you are tall right there that one fell over so that's gone that was a plane all right what do you think everything to play for three one three no we went five two yeah but i'm not taking a plane one norm so i've only got to carry four when i was searching for tom to check out my pipes in the paper it's another bit of pipes then oh i'm so excited i've completely lost count i think that's number seven all right i keep my eyes peeled the tom and my friends just down there ah there are the wellies of mr tom burley and i found this bit of pipe salmon tom i wondered if you could have a look at that with your young eyes do you think that's got a pattern on it it looks like some sort of blue chinese pattern no no no no actually i think that's um i think that's a mushroom breath oh i thought it was something using it as a substrate oh it was a chinese pattern what a lot of undergrowth i'm just thinking because it's so difficult to get to do you think some people haven't been up here looking and i got more chances that a little bottle oh yes my plan work look it's a little brown bottle scooped off very petite it's a bit grubby but it's amber color lots of pieces oh how'd you come back here we've lost more bags up a lot more of this really difficult to midlock when you're at limited capacity having to say no to so many things so we came through this it wasn't as bad as i thought and now we're into a little bit more than an awful area so them oh i'm doing so well today oh what a shame tops broken on it the top isn't in there is it can you see anything i have to make the top no i can't have it over here i know that's interesting what's a giant stopper damaged with a giant green bottle stopper that's very nice is that another piece of pipe still made of blue there's nothing oh andy's got a bit of a ball as well oh that is lovely oh i am so enjoying this medlock do you like finding pipestones did you find any are you bored of signing questions the rest of it what else have you got i've got a bit of blue on there it's very nice it's a bit of old faithful yeah willow button nice little bit of a flower pressed with a glass this is a boat it's got a number two on an aqua and it's a lovely shade look we've got no sunshine really the best we can do and i know i'm bringing up maria here because it's my first but i did find four bricks yeah and now a pipe's there we've got another fight oh how welcome excited you so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] well caroline's giving me the camera to have a little look around which is the surest way to make sure i don't find anything because i tend to be very bad at finding things right can i hang on a minute come on now what do you think folks have a look do you think that that down there is a pipe stem or a storm yeah you think it's a storm dunno so do i but we've got to check even if it's just an excuse to put my hand in the cold water oh that's nice correct well then those who said it's a stone there we go a lovely sound of russian water there of course nice to have my feet in here tell you what cool me wellies off a bit because it is steaming today the forecast rain so we we wore our jackets but now i'm in my t-shirt standing in the cold water because it's muggy and warm and lovely and hot here in sunny yorkshire right have a look with me talk see if you can find anything see if you could spot things better than me you probably can you're probably all screaming now and if this isn't my rubbish eyesight you're probably saying phil you missed it you missed it like a nice bit of blue and white look see this nice bit of blue white bit of a change from the usual so i just pop that in my hand oh that's a funny looking piece of obviously made for a particular function of purpose anyone know what our functional purpose was interesting to learn what we got here oh no that's pretty it's that's rounded off in the water and it's got a lovely texture to it because it's that bubbly glass that's nice oh no they got the birds on oh that makes it special so i'm keeping it because it's got the birds oh it's a little bit of blue and white cornish way there with a lovely little shell emblem to the top of the handle that's a chunky bit of vandal there just down in here i was hoping i was a pike but it wasn't it was just sit from the top corner there in the ground below the thing i thought oh could be onto a pike but no not this time but half the fun he's had been half the fun is finding so if you don't go you'll have no fun at all but if you go you'll have at least half the thing that's written down that way that's a that'll be the company name i would imagine on the bottom side of a plate or something a bit of a pot there the safe oh no i haven't seen this on my right okay keep walking right to the oh my gosh look at that oh hang on there's a nice bit of pasta and paper just for all those out there like myself appreciate a bit of victorian cast iron there you are but oh what we got yeah right it is a safe too a rather modern one and i don't think it's functioning any longer but there we are now they do say that the idea the word bank for depositing your money comes from the days when people would go and bury their belongings their treasures in the riverbank which we are on today but i think it's taking a bit extreme when you install a safe on the riverbank step takes all shots do you think there's any treasure inside folks what's the combination there you go oh no i can never remember the right numbers really need to tell you what what if i use an unorthodox method to open it [Music] there we go as it is it's the home to a very cute spider so we don't want to distress him any further so we're going to put him back over and leave him there we go to settle in the dark and enjoy his new home in an old city right what else can we find around here right now i have a lovely bit of scrap there which i think you look gorgeous in the garden with a flower growing at the top and four bricks and a little bit of scrub at the top and i have to get it all in my bag so here we go all right probably a bit of scrap in the corner there put the gloves over there we'll never go putting that one in there there we go oh i don't think he wants that fit and there's a guy somebody finds in here already hang on something's stuck in here there we go caroline's water there we go that's better that's the way to do it ah easy peasy man no one is on top of there there we've done this before there we go just got one more to pop in and that on the top there we go what do you think maggie do you think we're gonna make it buddy yeah good that's great i've seen something that it's glass and it's a color i'm not building my hopes up one of my dream kinds is a glass rod now there's gone something under there there it is oh look at that oh even with my dyed hands it's stained on my gloves you can see it's a red piece of glassware oh look at that that is so excited red or orange i can't tell it's a piece of white there let's put it over the top it's orange oh oh that is so that has got to be my prize find of the month i'm so excited and just to seal my find look at you it's a glass bottle stop at all i've found so many wonderful things today oh i can't stop looking you'll have to go home at some point but i'm in no rush oh look at that i'm going to be going on about that for a an orange minute wall i found a couple of little bits of interest that see the little hole there so that must have had some kind of wire handle going through it or something so yes so for some practical purpose i would imagine and this poorly ornamental i think a little bit of a castle wall could be yes off an ornament i think it could be up a flat back and there was like a soldier stunned in front of it or a cable and that might have been free spells i think so i think so yeah do you agree there so they hang on to that right but we have found some interesting things today and we have had such fun being back here it's our first trip up north in such a long time if you've enjoyed it as well please give us a thumbs up and of course it would be fantastic if you know anyone who would enjoy a trip with the johnsons and share the video with them but most importantly until the next time that we're on an adventure together don't forget have fun bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,771
Rating: 4.9716311 out of 5
Keywords: See my best mudlarking find!, see our Yorkshire mudlarking finds, river walking looking for interesting things in the river, finding bottles in old rubbish dump in the river, finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, finding things in the mud, finding things in the river, finds from the past, looking for interesting things in the river, looking for old bottles in the river, looking for old things in river, looking for things in the river, manky panda, phil and caroline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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