Mudlarking JEWELS From The Past On Treasure Beach

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lid still on it that you can screw and unscrew [Music] lovely there is a small red one of those long thin glass beads first bead of the day and then i think i could give you some broken bit of a broken green bead i do they're always great for jewelry making i think that is another bead it is it's gonna be yeah i'm off to a good bead style bit melted it's a big white one that's a nice bead isn't it so i came down because i think i see another bead oh gosh i do a beautiful blue one another one of those sort of cane beads has been possibly broken and then as i came down where did i see it this what do you suppose this is [Music] oh i don't know it's glass and it's got like sort of decorative lines in it oh my bead oh no can you see it i found it [Music] looks like the end of a claypot but made a blue glass really weird a collar stud is that a bead no it's not mum it's like your ball that you found but mine's red it's yeah it's not a bead oh house beautiful and excellent for jewelry but very random oh no look oh it's a tiny foot it's a tiny little doll's foot possibly yeah but it's um solid it's not hollow in the middle but we can definitely fix a leg with that yeah we have a few one of mum's oh no it's not a it's got metal in it what do you think exide is oh i don't know lid though yeah no because it's got metal i think it's a knob i find these all the time at this beach and one day i will figure out what they are oh wait someone told us they're beads aren't they someone said they're like 1920s beads just with a really big hole yeah i think they're beads i think that's what someone said [Music] but it's made white bead my first bead unfortunately this film was filmed the day after last week's film and my sound issues are still there and we didn't realize so there may be some more voice overs from me this is a chandelier drop [Music] just in a small patch we have a collar stud and above anything else [Music] what do you think that is oh that was probably a beautiful bead or something it's a beautiful color and i'm sure we can think of something to do with it does that look like that could be a bead it is wow i've not seen a bead like that never found a bead like that before it's a great color what is that that looks very exciting broken but exciting oh it's literally just that much of a broken that would have been such a beautiful bead look how beautiful that would have been still amazing though look at this tiny beautiful faceted green bead [Music] really goes with my nail varnish wow okay that is a that looks like a very cool bead wow oh my goodness do you suppose it's uranium oh that's beautiful isn't it oh you do i hadn't brought it it really looks like one of those sweets because it's it's not uranium but it has the most beautiful sheen to it that is amazing bead it's beautiful okay it's definitely going to be one of those days you a bead yeah it's a bead oh i assume it's a bead it's got a hole all the way through oh it's beautiful though they're so tiny and pretty i think i see another one over here just here looks like it could be broken oh no it's a button it looks like a clear disco ball wow i mean this beach is just full of the tiniest most beautiful little glass treasures [Music] look how bright yellow that thing is in the middle oh is it like some sort of end of a hat pin or something it's got some metal not sure but it's beautiful and it's such a bright color and this weird blue [Music] rod mum literally just said come on i need a limb and i think it's broken but yeah there's an arm we're missing the hand look the doll's arm missing the hand but we can give it a hand i'm only seeming to find white to be today and now i found a half a brush oh does that look like that's going to be a little orange flower oh my gosh look look how beautiful that button is it's gloss oh my goodness and i'm wearing all orange today couldn't match my outfit more perfectly that is absolutely beautiful i love it a beautiful turquoise bead well that is an excellent start oh a tiny green bead oh i mean you cannot see that i'll show you all a close-up in a second there's a tiny green bead oh no oh my oh wow is this another beach that's just covered and this is the tiniest little blue bead if i can pick it up i broke my thumbnail recently i did manage to pick it up i mean again i kind of have to show you in a second that one's even smaller than the green one goodness there are my tiny green and blue beads that is so tiny [Music] look at this bead wow oh my goodness that is such a wonderful color it's so and it's really nicely worn oh my gosh our beach drink from this trip is going to look beautiful wow this really is a big day look at this beautiful red one oh my goodness oh i can't wait just bring these all together does that look like what i think it looks like i i don't think it is actually apartment i don't think it's that old although it might be which should be very strange because most of stuff we find here is early 1900s and that looks and that's probably a fleur-de-lis there which will work for mum's name i'll have to ask mum's opinion on that so obviously i can see that she's broken but she'll be good for building a new one oh she's so broken one day you'll have a face again though so that looks like that's a cabochon off of yeah it's got some metal around it so again it would have been set in something oops [Music] look at how round that is this all looks like do you think that was like the end of a stopper it's just flat and thin that's very tactile why is it always way when you despair and think this beach has run out oh [Music] hello you're going to be helpful pretty can you see the little speck of color oh it is oh my word how luminous orange that bead is oh my gosh i can hear mum being on here's another tiny little faceted red bee such amazing beads today that unfortunately looks broken but that probably would have been a beautiful red oh no oh it is broken but one half of it is all is almost whole that is another niagara brothers scarab beetle beads but it's red this time i found it wait wait oh it's an oh i know i haven't even filmed it yet oh sorry it's fine it's a tiny ah i don't know what i have no idea it's like a it's like it would have been in jewelry wouldn't it so what's for someone left someone's later out possibly wow oh my hand's just red it's all just red except the color stud obviously i just turned around and look look at that oh my word it's a beautiful marble oh and it's worn and it's just got the thinnest little green strip i haven't found a marble in ages that's so exciting wow look at the pot oscar found that's going to be amazing it has stuff written on it something i don't know french french that would be really nice for crafting we need lots of shallow dishes for water and things well done [Music] [Music] now beautiful bead there that might be another that could possibly be another niagara for other beads because we found one similar to this and it ended up being one so i wonder if i wonder if that will be uv it's so beautiful [Music] this is a beautiful walnut bottle stop art deco and that's a beautiful bead a big bright yellow one oh this is definitely bead beach this is a bit of a heartbreaker it's a little face just one eye left looks like that would be a cool it's what shell button it's a glass shell button i think mum's found a red one of these here before oh it's so beautiful i'll be a red bead for change a bit of white [Music] another pen nib look at that oh that is definitely a tiny beautiful stopper that would have been look how small it is that would have been in a very tiny perfume i think this is going to be a first for me yes a teddy bear's eye i've never found a teddy bear's eye before and it's an amber one oh it's beautiful isn't it it's a big chunky one going to put my camera down so i can feel myself oh look at that button it's shaped like a flower oh it's got like lines in it that's such a beautiful button wow okay that looks to be very exciting oh my goodness that is again i think this must be the niagara brothers obviously it's broken but look it's got the little like the little he's not he's not a pharaoh he's a and it's got like hieroglyphics on the back it's it's a shame that is broken but he's still there look how beautiful there's a lot of it here there is yeah again it goes oh my gosh that's amazing though so yeah the niger brothers made a lot of the uh egyptomania jewelry that is so beautiful oh it's such a shame it's broken but it's got the little man is he holding a fan that is amazing wow oh my goodness oh my goodness it's just i am just gonna just find one it is another nike brother thing yeah i'm just gonna wake my way through their entire jewelry collection this time look that is beautiful is it not beautiful i mean are they like hieroglyphics again on the side or is it a little it's a little like sort of figure oh it'll mean something won't it it looks like this oh my gosh we could literally make a brothers necklace look how beautiful and i don't know what oh my word and then this random metal thing looks like it has something on it might not but probably take it home and clean it see if we can make out what's on it really lovely there is another beautiful little red faceted one we'll be able to make like a bracelet just out of these beads and does that look like that could be something oh oh that's a bead wow oh my finger's going a bit numb stand it's so funny but from here i can see when i'm this level a tiny red v all the way actually here this tiny little red bead that's what is all the way from over there there were the two tiny red beads so tiny [Music] is that going to be a bead or a dice oh it's a bead but look look at this big red cube bead that is excellent it's another tiny green bead must be from the same necklace i have lost count of how many beads i've found today now but there's another beautiful orange one it's definitely been a most excellent b day it's crazy there's another one a beautiful red one oh wow i think that's another beautiful bead wow they're so beautiful so yeah most of these beads are probably 1920s so they're a hundred years old mum's calling is this another part of a nice thing or is it something different [Music] oh my goodness i i i think that probably is isn't it beautiful beautiful [Music] that's beautiful [Music] i love mad lurking with mum because i'll just be walking along and suddenly in the background i'll just hear ooh the excited noises she makes when she finds something and i'm sure she gets it from my end too a tiny little so this is a i mean it's a cabochon but i think it's just a gem not a cabochon because i think cabochons are smooth but yeah a tiny little clear glass gem that would have been set in jewelry and what did i see and it's just a pretty stone i mean yeah we can definitely make a bracelet purely oh that's only half of one oh no the next door i think i see oh no it's a hole oh my word look how beautiful that bead is oh wow let me zoom in look at how beautiful wow oh my gosh ah i love this beach for beads okay so i see a red button down there hmm i wonder what's on the other side it feels like it could just be like a flower or oil oh do you suppose it had something in it oh it's still a lovely color though i can't tell if that's anything or if it's just a stone hmm wow i mean what's that on the end of it is it glass i think the whole thing's glass and then it's got like what a strange object i'm feeling compelled to take it though [Music] then [Music] what is that it's just a round glass coal ball it looks a bit too big for a cod marble what's this is this a bead this is a bead that's an unusual bead i just love the beads here they're all art deco this is a bit of an anathema on this beach because this is part of a victorian doll's leg whereas most of the things on this beach are 1920s beautiful button lovely mother of pearl buttons here hexagon these are some of my favorite things to find in a little paint pan oh no [Music] oh no [Music] oh my goodness okay i can tell that it's broken but oh wow look it's a lead cow oh my i have never found it's mum found the pig oh my goodness oh i absolutely love it look no no [Music] it's a lead cow that's beautiful look how detailed his face is lovely yeah he was also upside down he looked like that oh but he's beautiful he's gorgeous i did say i wanted a figure this does count wow hello hmm does this look like it could have something interesting on the other side like it could be some sort of oh no i don't know what i thought yeah nope it's teeth of course it's teeth but it could also have been a little figurine but no it's a big chunky teeth is that the end of a hat pin oh possibly again what's that made out of it's such a beautiful color wow i don't know what so it might be a bead but it's got some metal on the end beautiful though that's um like a yeah it could be a bead it's got a hole all the way through but then that's sort of decorated maybe it's like a fancy hat pin and that's like well it's beautiful whatever it is it's not a bead let's look here then ow it is what a strange what an unusual bead another bead oh it's just a very opaque no translucent clear white bead and there's another beautiful one wow was really pretty again that looks like that's going to be a really beautiful bead oh it is sort of swirly again wow i cannot believe our bead luck today we're going to make a bead string just of this trip that's going to be just the most beautiful rainbow of unusual beads it's nice today because my find bag is far more full than my oh dangly plastic bag bag for plastic things that moves quite long the wind and it's quite annoying but this look at that though wow that's wooden that's like it could be off like a banister or but that is absolutely beautiful and it'll be excellent for something craft related oh it's a lens that's a nice lens wow that's beautiful look at that you've got bad ears or something in there or [Music] it's beautiful that is beautiful [Music] do you suppose that's a marble [Music] or just a perfectly round stone i think it's just a round stone would you suppose that's another round stone it's just another round stone [Music] rubber hiding behind this big brick is this beautiful faceted i think green sort of been the color bead of the day green and red which is very strange because it's usually blue and white [Music] oh i think that's the back of a i think that is the back of a head look that's a bun that's the back of a girl's hair i think oh no i'm sorry you've lost your face [Music] [Music] rostered us to him he just knock him off just dragging it just literally he's just scraping it all across um it's very rude sonny oh no uh well we went back to one of our favorite beaches that we haven't been to for about four months five months and we're also having a bit of a retro um roundup like we used to do we're doing it on the floor so sonic can be involved because he was very oh he's gone away now isn't that um yeah we found um so many beads so well kate found the majority of the beads but so many beautiful small glass things and beautiful buttons and stoppers and marbles and arms and yeah we had a lovely day um so i mean how many beads did we find did you count them i think i found 35 i found 15 so that's 50. it's a good master i figured maybe apart from your knives your brother's ones pick out your five favorite hmm including buttons um maybe so i think these are my five well my four favorite beads and a button and this is the button but it's a beautiful orange glass flower button and it just looks like a suite and i love it i think it's my favorite button i've ever found it's beautiful and then this big red frosted cube bead i mean i don't think i need to explain why i love that one it's beautiful big this one purely because it's such a lovely color and it's sort of see-through and it's such a funny it's an odd shape i don't have any other beads like this really this one is beautiful you look at it and it's full of swirls and it's got like a clear bubble at the top and yeah it's beautiful and then this one again because it's just so satisfying and frosty and there is a second reason why this one is a favorite along with this bead and the niagara brother white bead well then they're uv they're uv beads it's very uv isn't it it's crazy so yeah those are my favorite beads and buttons mom these are my five favorite beads and buttons but actually there's a chandelier drop in there it could be a bead it's got a hole in it sorry about my nails i've been painting the kitchen um so yeah that's a beautiful glass chandelier drop it might have come off a lamp i found another one quite close to it which makes me think it possibly was off the same lamp i don't know um i just like that one because it's almost luminous yellow and it's a flower and it's flower and then this really really pretty mother of pearl that's got slight carving on it it's beautiful and i just like the way that they were both just there they weren't buried they were just there waiting for me um this little bead because it looks a bit like a heart and it's such an odd shape yeah quite a lot of these beads i think oh 1920s this like art deco and there's quite a lot like this one did you find out on the brown one yeah that's quite very typical with the 20s the same with that one yeah they liked the modernist yeah and the square and like the uh i like that like the peg shaped ones yeah these these ones and i like funky colors too which is an array here significantly less blue beads than we usually find yeah and then it's just one tiny little glass red bead again it makes my beads and my buttons but again with the buttons they like bright colors you know it was just after the war they wanted colorful extravagant looking things to come out for the austerity that's like the nice brothers so we had quite a lot of luck this trip with finding some beautiful pieces of niger brothers jewellery which we've spoken about before but we found so many and it's quite it's a story we like to tell because we feel like it's important in the 1920s max and norbert niger created an immensely popular jewellery range including egyptomania and lots of oriental influences sadly during the 1930s at the height of their success the nazi regime invaded and took over their homeland jewish max and norbert quickly moved their business to what they thought was relative safety but they were eventually captured by the nazis and sent to auschwitz death camp where they were both tragically killed under the nazi regime along with the niger brothers a whole generation of talented designers from cablons also perished at outfits and other nazi concentration camps max and norbert produced artistic and intricately detailed art deco costume jewelry from cabons czechoslovakia from about 1900 norbert ran the business side of the company and max ran the workshop and designed the jewellery after the first world war the brothers made max's designs exclusively demand from america and england caused the expansion of the business and in 1926 they moved into new premises at this time they had 24 employees the company emerged from a long tradition of gertler craftsmanship in the cablons area both the niger brothers were master girtlers gertlers were professional metalsmiths who primarily worked in non-precious metals and silver so i've included a picture of what my little broken piece would have looked like whole and it is a shame that it's broken because it would have been beautiful but this is one of their um egyptian pieces and we think mum's one is from their oriental range and it's sort of slightly made to look like jade and we've included a picture of something similar and i found another scarab beetle this time in red which again is unfortunately broken but it's still beautiful and again that would have been from a scarab egyptian necklace the last one we're pretty sure is and again we think it's probably from an oriental yeah as opposed to egyptian again it looks like it was made to look like a a stone so if anyone recognizes that last bead um we did look but we couldn't find anything similar yes please let us know but we absolutely love finding these pieces we only find them on this beach in one particular in one particular spot and they're so beautifully made and they're such wonderful colors and it's such a it's evocative isn't it yeah the history behind it is yeah and we love that we can find them and still show everyone their beautiful work to this day and i found two stoppers both again 1920s this one this is like a small perfume it's absolutely tiny it's smaller than my thumb now so i can't imagine the bottle i came out it looks like le leek or something it's beautiful that was just i don't know how i saw that really because it's kind of see-through and then this one which is a bit worn and a bit broken but that would have been beautiful too yeah i've never really seen a stopper like that i think it's perfume again like i said it does look very much like the leak glass and then there's my lens i don't know what that would have come from it's quite small usually they're a bit bigger than that and they would have come out of lamps and things but yeah like a torch that's very domed for a torch [Music] anybody knows i've not found one quite that domed before they're usually a lot shallower it magnifies doesn't it it does yes but again that looked really beautiful like shining in the sand this is this was an odd thing it's a tiny green oh and i do and it's made of glass it's um like indented in the back which makes me think it was a cabochon but why is it got the letter r on it for someone i don't think i don't think they did that or maybe they did but i didn't they didn't pass don't think well maybe they did that's a new one on me but maybe maybe it was personalized maybe it was peeva oh people are for rosie not trying to think of all names apart from rosie of that era anyway if that's what you think again i'm going to ask for your help but do you think if you have any ideas i mean i even if it was personalized what would it be a personalized what tiny yeah anyway that's a curiosity um a first for me this week was my first teddy bear eye and it's quite a large amber one and if you've seen the film where he made wonky our mud lucking teddy bear you'll know that now this is we're halfway to making another bed can you hear my brother or a sister this one's still got it's um it does i mean obviously it's broken but it's a whole amber teddy bear eye but unfortunately i do suppose we need to find another amber one or could you have like hedge chromia i think he could have that word so yeah that's very very exciting and a glass eye is always a brilliant find some dole bits mum had the best luck today and found two complete uh china body doll arms and are they opposite arms they are look oh there you go that's almost a doll right there look there's the head so yeah there will be turned into dolls i said on the day i thought this was an arm but it might be a thigh i think it's a leg yeah a leg oh no i don't it could be like a slightly no it's a leg it's a leg because yeah there's a thigh with a knee and pass my little foot does it fit on the end does it fit on the end there you go there you go it's a little bit big in the foot but they sort of have to go together now don't they because i found them on the same day so there you go there is that oh there is the leg the back of this poor girl's head i think this is sad though that is sad that's a bit of a heartbreaker isn't it and that one yeah and this socked leg um these are our miscellaneous objects um i found a couple of paint pans which i always like i'm going to do something with those one day hmm w n london never found that before oh my goodness really loudly oh it's windsor and newton oh i have heard of windsor and newton rather than reeves fancy i think friends are now in terms of fancier than reeves um these these are um the buttons or knobs off of a car battery a glass car battery exide the company was started in 1888 but i imagine these were probably from the 1920s and 1920s glass battery which one day i would love to find um there's and there's this weird thing i'm just curious as to know what this is what people think it might be it looks like it's made of bone and it's got these two tiny holes i i i'm just curious and then you're my lead cow or the the top half of a lead cow with a really detailed face i really like him all day i was just asking for a figure and then near the end i got this little red cow okay um these are we didn't find well there was there's loads and loads of pottery there but i only picked up the very special bits of pottery um this is very idyllic scene with a seagull in the bridge and a windmill yeah maybe this i don't think it came off the same thing they were quite far apart but it's another winner love it when they break like that just perfect is it the exact same room they're very similar and the birds are very similar shape hello little house which is a really cool little scene little boat a little man on it i really like that piece then my batman piece which is crazy just definitely bartman it is isn't it maybe somebody had it and then he threw it away and they'd had it for years and years and years and that does maybe it broke and they threw it away so this bead uh i think it happen this we don't think it's glass do we think again it might be like carnelian it's got lots of little um but they sort of got bubbles in it maybe they're not bubbles it doesn't feel like glass it's kind of um waxy it's kind of waxy maybe amber could be amber yes it's beautiful and then we found another one of these random little glass balls aren't beads it's a bit smaller than your blue one but this time it's red you still don't know i mean well someone said that they could have been well sometimes sometimes oh from like a perfume a small perfume bottle maybe seems weird that they'd be colored red though yeah but yeah great for craft and it's a very satisfying little thing i found this up sonny likes it i found this [Music] um i found this frog war pate on the shore where is it from um performance it's got lighting on the bottom do you read what that says tuck tuck nine france wait lee cashy why aren't you doing french in school no not anymore rev and charlie that bit i can't read kareem match cache france but it's got lions on it it's such a cool find phoebe thank you would have had a lid on it like a domed leg that went on like that i just want to say again thank you for all the comments all the patreons all the coffee donators um all the likes all the subscribers it means an awful lot and yes we're still on our way to ten thousand [Music] so we'll see you next week bye [Music] burn a couple ten times a day and it's probably wishful thinking that looks like it could be something [Music] um it possibly was something once upon a time but not now but oh is that gonna be the back of a oh it's a back of some sort of animal's [Music] head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 23,019
Rating: 4.9632545 out of 5
Keywords: bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, claypipes, exploring, mudlarking, beads, fieldwalking, slowliving, crafting, beachcombing
Id: Q4-UNgy2xrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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