Beachcombing For Stars + St Cuthberts Beads. Fossil Hunting!

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[Music] so foreign [Music] there you go let's fossilize something what's that what type of stone is that it's beautiful and let's see hmm it's like a film but that's a fossil and then what's this oh here you go oh goodness i found some i found the reason we came all the way here look oscar ah they're star-shaped i want to find some loose ones what do you mean loose ones as in ones that are separate from the from the um stem ah this is why we came okay cool right let's look for some more look there's some more some tiny ones look at them you know what you're looking for both stars i think i found one the loose one i did well look they can vary in size [Music] look here's one on its own so many ones oscar just found a mini ammonite or possibly or some some fossilized tiny sea creature they're so beautiful that's a perfect one that's a perfect one that i found and that one there yes you have hey it looks like this come in it here come on oscar we can do it look i've done it look here's the they look like this they've got like ripples along the edge [Music] so i just found this which is very delicate but look at this shell fossil wow i'm not sure and then glued in this there's a little pattern but then there's another one with some more oh gosh they're just oh they're so beautiful [Music] what's something and then that looks [Music] oh my word look at the size of it the size of my hand look at that oh wow look at that that's spectacular wow that's beautiful i think i see one on its own i do look i'm in love with them [Music] oscar found one [Music] oh my goodness that is beautiful yeah [Music] oh [Music] oh but that doesn't even matter that's like a little flower that looks like a flower and you can just put the um jump ring at the top there [Music] that is beautiful this is what you're looking for this is the one i found [Music] he found one let's see that's beautiful oh oscar that's so precious that's really oh my beautiful so tiny what is it oh it's a tiny oh my goodness look oscar's tiny ammonite and you have to remember oscar's fingers are tiny it's a tiny prioritized ammonite oh wow some really tiny tiny ones look at that that is so precious i think i've just found another single one oh it's slowly falling look these uh little star fossils are called crinoid stems and the name grenoid comes from the greek crinoides or granolaities meaning like a lily because the complete um creature looked like a underwater flower um they are from the lower jurassic period so they're around 195 million years old they're not actually plants as the name sea lily suggests but they're actually animals related to starfish and sea urchins they've lived in the oceans for millions of years and they can still be found today they lived attached to the seabed or to the underside of driftwood their body consisted of a long stem or stalk with the mouth organs and five branching arms all at the top apparently the arms were covered with small sticky tube feet that the animal used to catch tiny plants and animals that drift along in the sea like plankton apparently there's a lot of sort of myth and legend around these fossils and the these ones the star-shaped ones were known as star stones [Music] i also found this oh is that like pirate is that like fool's gold gold that said about the gold looks like copper almost i mean i know it's not but it's copper yeah there um bye yeah bellamites oh nice wow ah this is one this is one selection of star grinoid stems but then it's almost got like loads of mini ammonites inside or worms or something that's so cool do you see it oh they're just so incredible that wow was it another muscle yeah look that's so beautiful no it gets the imprint of one how pretty is that it's like a little flower on a rock i have to take that i think there's another imprint it's so cute they little starry rocks oh i want something i want them now there's a little dish of starry rocks [Music] oh they are tiny these bead light fossils um used to be washed out on the beach in medieval northumberland and they were strung together as necklaces or rosaries and therefore became associated with sid cough but copper was a monk on linda's farm um in the seventh century and became bishops of lindisfarne according to the legend it was said that sinclair used the beads as a rosary or that his spirit created them on stormy night so they could be found on the beach the next day this is a poem by sir walter scott written in 1808 and it's about saint cuthbert and his beads but it also makes reference to saint hilde of whitby yorkshire which is nearby where we were who according to religious legend turned snakes into stones and the snake stones um were probably referencing all the ammonites that you can find in the area like we found on this trip so yes in folklore ammonites are snake stones a plague of snakes that christian saint hilda of whitby supposedly turned to stone and that's why sometimes you see ammonites or carved heads in museums or stained glass windows and churches with fossils on them but feigns and hilda's nuns would learn if on a rock by linda's farn st cuthbert sits and toils to frame the sea-borne beads that bear his name such tales had wit these fishers told and said they might his shape behold and hear his ample sound a dead in clang a huge dim form seen but and heard when gathering storm a night were closing round but this a tale of idol fame the nuns of lindisfarne disclaim in other parts of england the circular ones were also known as fairy money in america they were called indian beads and in germany some bonnet faces pennies look at that that's pretty little stars it's two oh that's perfect two a single one would be too thick and i know there's one's next yeah that will make a perfect necklace you did it oh i dropped them wow i love them where did they go oh it's like oh look it doesn't want to [Music] study harry's just thumped these down onto the sand oh no sorry dad has didn't even look up oh so beautiful it pops into my pocket it's got all pyrite in it that's pretty bit heavy though what's the garden though oh i don't know i'll probably take it [Music] this bottle hole [Music] this is another trip we took on our little holiday somewhere that kate has wanted to go for a while one of subscribers told us where to find the thing she wanted to find which is all these chronic stars they're beautiful what can i say to find little stars on the beach is quite a thing and they've got lots of mythology around them and folklore because you don't often find little stars on the beach and i think people in the past had to explain it in some way but it was quite exciting looking for them in the small things it took me a while to find some single ones but oscar really loved doing it he does love fossils um and i think kate's gonna turn some of them into jewelry she's going to try style shapes pretty difficult yeah um and then i found some coffee beads and yeah i didn't realize i didn't really say much about them when i picked them up because i thought maybe they were like um vertebrae or something but no they are cranoids as well but round ones and these have even got more mythology than the star-shaped ones i think that might be rarer if you look at how many stars we found and how many beads we found with the whole provenance of them being on rosaries i don't think we've really got enough for rosary make a mini rosary we are going to string them but we have found these before now we know what they are that's beauty of doing this we're learning more and more as we go along i found lots of ammonites as well and some fossilized clams and quite a lot of pirate prioritized this one you found is beautiful and then i found my big one that unfortunately isn't whole and they've got loads of mythology as well that we didn't even realize because we were looking into the crinoid mythology i didn't know anything about what's her name saint hilda hilda that they were all the snakes turned to stone which is fascinating again they were trying to justify what these things were that they were fighting and they didn't really know what they were and yeah there were some clips in the film of whitby abbey because we went to whitby briefly on our trip ate ice cream but it wasn't the right time of year to find jet so we will be going back at some point i imagine and harry found this piece which it might i know like pyrite is usually more golden because it's called false gold but this is more coppery so we're not sure if this is pyrite or another it could be copper i mean i think they had copper mines but i mean did they have copper pines around there i'm not sure it's absolutely beautiful though whatever it is he was quite excited he thought it was real gold didn't he i think possibly yeah and then there's the imprint of the cranoid like a star in a stone and again these have their own mythology these are called star stones i didn't i only found one imprint and the other one is i think it's in the rock still the chronic shapes still in the rock i quite like those as well again if you found one of those as in the past you would have gone what's that so yeah these would have been where the um where they grew from where the animal was latched on oh so that was like it's footprint yeah it's like a little footprint there's also a bellamite and a bell on mine a couple of bits of little sea glass the odd metal thing we also found a tiny piece of chain so we were at a place called boggle hole and now we're going to give you some of the folklore of a little hole and then afterwards this was quite a short film again so we've combined it with another short trip we made somewhere when we were up there which unfortunately the research did not show how incredibly difficult it was terrifying to get down there so mum didn't join me on the beach because it was to scale a cliff face to get down there i thought i was going to die so um so that will be at the end and so we hope you enjoyed this film back somewhere down south next week and then in the following weeks some more places from our trip uh we just want to say thank you to everyone that likes and subscribes and comments and all of our wonderful donors and our patreons and you may have noticed that this film is again up on a monday and we think for the foreseeable future we will be uploading our films on a monday now because i've started work again and it's just so much i work weekends sometimes and it's a lot easier to be here when the film goes up so i'm not here on sundays so we hope you don't mind there are lots of other wonderful mud lugging channels that upload on a sunday so you won't go without um so yeah monday is our new time at um yeah i think at 8pm so we hope that's okay and we'll see you next monday bye bye [Music] boggle hole is a small cove which lies at the foot of a wooded valley the cure is named rice and boggle or goblin which legend states are said to haunt the slopes a boggle was a kind of pixie or brownie who would if treated kindly be happy to help with household chores in return for a sauce or a tour of milk um mean and ill-tempered householders would find boggles rather less helpful stories have been told of boggles smashing dishes or blowing soot from the chimney all over the house it was always best to be nice to boggles [Music] local people used to believe that boggles had healing powers and would sometimes bring their poorly children to holes called hob holes where boggles were thought to live and the hope that the children would be cured there were some people who believed that boggles was something made up by the local smugglers to keep custom officers away as in more superstitious times people may well have wanted to avoid places with mischievous goblins but the idea of a boggle was around before smugglers so maybe they were just very resourceful in turning the existing legend to their advantage here's a little excerpt from a poem about boggles if you are kind with the generous mind the boggle for you will care but if you're seen as lazy and mean then you really must take care it's a legend that the boggle at boggle hole came originally from robin hood's bay but after a particularly spiteful piece of mischief he or it was banished from the settlement to live out his life in the cave in the cliff if there's still a boggle there he keeps himself to himself for the most part and is very rarely seen we didn't see him [Music] so [Music] do [Music] and here i am and look at the color of the sand it's so dark look there's a big chunk of sea glass and a little green piece see that's not glass but that looks like a dragon egg oh there's a beautiful piece of sea glass before it's swept away some beautiful slag and there is some very beautiful slag here we just need the one piece of dragonglass slag it's not dragon glass but look at the swirl on that piece of sea glass and look some seabourn pottery as well that beautiful slag just before the sea sucks it up i think that's is that part of the bottle stop beautiful and then look there's a big oh that's pirate glass if i ever saw it and i saw yes a more beautiful slag tumbled beautiful slag look at that oh it's piece [Music] [Music] wow that's a good bubble though i can't get over how dark this sand is it's incredible what's that oh that looks like stone but then sort of got like clear sort of glass on the top that's nice there's some more [Music] wow what is it i don't know what that is but that looks like dragon scales that looks like a scale off of a dragon again what are these made out of there's a beautiful piece of slag look at that wow that was a beautiful fossil it's a quite nice fabric though that i think i'll take and maybe i can use in something for the doll's house i mean i'm finding a lot of beautiful slag i'm not sure if this is what is this what i think they're supposed to be multi-colored different swag but it's still completely beautiful and there's some big sea glass [Music] unfortunately i think dragon class is quite rare and we've come when we're a race against the tide but there are some beautiful stones here [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 9,484
Rating: 4.9902678 out of 5
Keywords: bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, claypipes, exploring, mudlarking, fieldwalking, slowliving, beachcombing, history, fossils, fossilhunting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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