Mudlarking The Thames: Tokens, Garnets and Silver! With Richard Hemery

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[Music] you should be it all I am filming yes we were on the Thames finally back again yeah I wonder why this place didn't find it nah I'm good true true professional should learn some good things today [Music] hunting Potteries you always find something never go home with nothing so it's couple of bits of medieval there you've been recognized by the bits you know the black and white it's the really [Music] no is highly likely someone handled it in [Music] but you know I like Barton and I like that on my junk pieces I love I think nothing about the post [Music] just a tiny bit look he's like the top of them [Music] I wonder if that's part of the stem of a white boss sometimes they had and then a bowl would be up this [Music] I need to get stars [Music] whose best it worth please [Music] ooh there's a of a fella behind [Music] this is his beard I think [Music] oh that is it his beard and my tiny pin [Music] oh yes it's fantastic I just found this which a lovely fellow mud-like said could be what do you Regency cufflink could be silver if we go home and check I don't think it's gemstone it's a bit rough but it could be silver and [Music] exciting right but it's very like ornate oh nice that's a good start richard has found the garnets but two three very exciting [Music] that one I mean this camera is not that is really nice tiny bead there's like glass would be isn't it yeah just focus that's really nice despite my old eyesight and my classes I picked up heard a tiny bead which might be how this woman at that wine one [Music] gonna crank this did there [Music] [Music] [Music] crispy donuts - it's absolutely miniscule but I can use this pin to pick it up so tiny I think there's something in the middle I can't use the pin to stick it through wait sorry that's my head [Music] okay put that in my purse I guess this one's a bit bigger it's really unusual shape it's like very holds are small enough right yes [Music] who did it's like what's inside of my it's a faceted gem what was inside of my aunt cufflink these are diamond could be worn by them are they supposed to be very strong it's pretty [Music] it's beautiful I'm sorry about the lack of professional tool and look just wasn't trying to get a pipe out I got it very good not as old but it's very big and it's got there like the long stem [Music] [Music] see it's so covered in in crud and I'm not sure I might try and wash it off and then get back to the river but it's quite heavy if you feel it I think it's late oh yeah gave you this as a reference and I've just found this so not but it's grey all the way around No I fathered co-founder let's see I found it well I found something led with a picture on it but like a cross or something on it I found a legs thing different like a [Music] coin or token ridges yeah it's probably little bed token as well yes that's very excited strike two in one place [Music] [Music] taching yeah so just be furnished onto the surface at the port but that's definitely definitely another bit of Roman gray way course pottery but they liked that cross-hatching design they would have to sit at all I couldn't tell them just furnish the clay to make it you know close up a bit and just have that propeller I've been pretty successful with my finds today and I'm thinking it's because I thought well lucky pixie with me and I found a Catholic to lead sales of pipe which we always dreamed about [Music] this one is very thin [Music] sure I can again I still don't know they're tiny shocked is it everywhere it's absolutely everywhere [Music] good that it's led but it looks like a centimeter about to fire not sure it is but I'm gonna take it just in case but I think it's just a piece of likeness [Music] I think that's a fossil it might be the sea sponge or plant that's at the plant that's quite inside of Flint down here is where I found the old [Music] okay who's thought this which I'm hoping might be some simian where I think it is yeah say me in way base from a pot so that's really lovely [Music] [Music] that's Roman know that now oh gosh absolutely yes that's right yeah that's got a bit of decoration on it [Music] [Music] that looks more medieval to me with the black so I think yeah that one well which is not really a medieval tree so could be late Roman difficult today it's a vegetable post with beautifully melted but silver and yeah it's a Riyadh [Music] it's a very nice example of Roman decoratives pottery so this they term Barberton where they've just put blobs of slip and then there's a design there as well and then they would glaze it black as you can see color coated but quite often they were because or hunt cups say if you google it you'll find hunt cups with sort of dogs chasing deer around so I guess that's probably part of what are those well we finished today and fixed Richard I've learned lots of lots of stuff lots about like Roman pottery and I think I can now recognize it and I think we have some really really good things today you ever did with a bit of pottery a bit of metal some things to research garnets in tokens your term next mum will go somewhere else see thank you cook this bit of terms has got a grudge against two [Music] yeah super handed for subbing but I think it's stoneware it's not quite the Pipkin feet around yeah yeah I think it's his stoneware I thought it was a rock at first [Music] [Music] [Music] which one's your favorite fine son again stood on the penis well we went to the foreshore with Richard Hemery and it was amazing um we know so much more about pottery than we did when we started I definitely know how to find Roman pieces now there's a Roman pieces this is Kate's Roman decorated piece it would have been off a hunting Cup would have been amazing if you found the horse bit you can see like the little blobs at the top the applied decoration and the lines and then what this is my favorite I didn't really find much on the day like that bit force or hazard in for me for some reason or maybe it's just I don't know I just went expecting not to find anything there didn't really find anything but I did find a Bartman beard before I found a face without the beard and now I've got the bed - maybe I can take them together on some weird grotesque actually almost fits together that's quite hey you can almost tell what you would you look like hmm but they look they're all different yeah I know well I'm making my mm-hmm I think I'll find the other bit of beard over here they even make a Frankenstein I'm Katy fans like the necks so it could build a whole 100 I don't have any flew across the screen and there's this bit which is really pretty and I looked it up and I think it's called um Steph it's just salt glazed pottery it's really really delicately made it's kind of whether this is called salt glaze I mean this is good so kind of different for the edge but it's it where Richard Henry gives this beautiful piece with a man on the back of course cuz I told him those I'm gonna make work out ones with little pictures on that's amazing that's beautiful and this is all medieval cuz Oscars doing a project on the medieval or the medieval or Burma deep no medieval time yeah there's lots of medieval princess bhaskar this is a post medieval piece because it hasn't got the inclusions it's like the little dots I've had a crucible they melted precious metals in like copper Ned maybe this was used to melt the lead that made these cupcakes best finds look at that segue there these are amazing and I am very jealous these are little LED tokens and I think nobody really knows what they were used for the ones with initials on my probably like pub owners and bakers and things but these ones don't have initials so it makes me think they were use for like fairy no like to pay to go across on the ferry which bit makes it appropriate for where they were but that one could be I did read about em Church tokens who's got a cross on it oh yeah yeah Church token but the other one doesn't have a cross on but it does have like four blobs on the other side in the shape of what could be across whatever Church tokens and maybe they fell out of a river a very religious man's pocket because they were in the same place but but he says one segregate Richard Henry found a folded over secular piece of lead we are yet to find out if when he unfolded it it had anything on it so if that's got a cross on it then yeah it's a really just token board that I didn't find any of but hey I'm fine with it I've come to terms with the fact of me and that for sure [Music] I found this faceted glass jewelry themed here I would like to make a ring out of that I've every dirty thumbnail sorry about that well we did this yesterday so this was quick turnaround and then Kate found this amazing thing which is actually silver would you like to talk about it yes it is am a cuff link I wouldn't even begin to know how to date it but it's not magnetic it melted ice very quickly and if you can see on the end I dipped it in am addicted in Bleach I dipped it in Bleach and it tarnished at the end so I think it's silver I mean we found silver coins before but whoever suggested it was Regency from another mud lock that was there yeah and you said that we didn't that they used to cut colored glass at that time George Airy when I googled it there was some other cuff links that had green cut glass in them but they were found as a pair very lucky person it's amazing how many that you found that was like almost immediately English mmediately just to like it had just been washed up it was in but right on the edge of the tile just in some stones and I I thought it was just some blue sea glass it's amazing well done look at that good dad look at that [Music] okay also found a hole pipe apart from the end missing but that's beautiful 18th century yeah doesn't have any marks on it elegant looking a lot Oscars man Sammy Sonny's trying to kiss cheats I found this but it's fluted I mean I found other bits but I kept this bit cuz it's fluted it might make something point I said what okay its projects yes just couple of fossils I think this is this is what the inside of a sea sponge bottle looks like see some fossils fossils seem to be very prevalent but I think this is the inside one because when you look at it like that and that's like the profile or the outside so this is what the inside looks like if anyone you take a cross-section of a sea sponge yes yes let's start the time the terminus have done this with you and me cuz I was quite curious this one I don't know what this one is it's very porous that's very fragile but it looks like coral if you look at it with a magnifying glass you can see some of the little but they kind of cling clinging clot coral take down this plinth I don't think but it has got percussion but it might've been a bit of waste possible it seems to broken into much of a coincidental way but this doesn't have a percussion point from there so move is a waste piece I found some unusual shells which I think came from ballast I don't know what kind of shells they are an absolute tiny but they're beautiful yeah we've got a cupcake around a couple of beads but they're so tiny they will you'll struggle to see them okay tiny tiny glass one and a tiny little roughly made black one you know don't master it so that the black one could be really old I think it's really on uniform in shape it's made really crudely yeah don't roll with these weird fangs they have to that can't they have to be the I don't know what that is actually I don't know what did it it has to be up that way because they're so shot they wouldn't be down that way if you see what I mean they wouldn't be in your jawbone no woman no animal I don't know wait another weird turn on and normally lots of miscellaneous but to metal work amazing pins huge heads on them you can see the curled around there's some couple ones in there some curled remnants a couple of little fastenings I bought this little copper strip pan to see if there's anything on it but that wasn't obviously cuz I'm a bit another vase over bottle and I let's go check the other side it is so heavy and the iridescent is beautiful look at but in the light again I don't really I mean I want to use it that way up so you can see all the beautiful iridescent splash I'm not worried but use that for it's just so beautiful I mean it's just not got it on the bottom but I mean that way up you can use a tea light holder which is what I'm just thinking of doing but it's not called the iridescence but I'm just gonna keep picking them up don't just could have a collection of bottle bases because it's weird I'm sorry and inside was this Kate's latest creation it's a London Thames one and this one this one is a brooch and it is made out of - and like broken pipe stems of the sea because every time I pick up a bit of broken pipe stem I think about how much it looks like a swans like chest bloom and then the long neck and then this worn piece of pipe stone I've used is the head is like the perfect shape and the little worn foot heel this like the little bulbous thing on swans heads on their foreheads I don't know what the technical term for that is 4head dev dev all this forehead yeah I just painted that one thing stuck it on there and it's a brooch because I did I was I was trying to make us one out of the plastics one that I found up in Yorkshire but that was proving to be difficult so I made this one instead this week the Thames for sure Swan made out of entirely white stems from does he need an eye I don't know but they're black swans eyes are black but you couldn't see I did like a garnet or something maybe I'll keep an eye that's the whole thing it's keep an eye on I'm gonna make I mean ideally what I'd want to use is the little tiny black bead that I found but obviously because that would be perfect but obviously that is mammoth food so I have to find something else don't be something anyway then you're gonna make a few things or well yeah yeah I'm gonna make more and pipestem swans cuz they're just they're just so perfectly it's one like so you might have didn't account for one one one day yes these are quite these aren't yeah I might one day consider like they say not like an Etsy shop and selling things like this and they might ask to people would people like white people so let me know in the comments if you'd be interested in and know all sorts of because she's feeling a little bit self-conscious about it to say the least so I think she'd like some feedback to see if it would be a thing that you would want to purchase they wouldn't be very and made that expensive pipe people pipe people and other things everything but I don't I don't know about this one oh I'm thinking well I found it hold it yes I found this this week which in the film it was them I thought it was like black or dark blue blast but then when we cleaned it it's actually see through but there's a big stone in it it won't come out because it's too big for the hole so I don't know I guess it formed in there and solidified but to me this looks like a tiny tiny like flower Vaz so I was considering making like little roses out of pins and garnets and making like a little I guess VARs of roses out of pins and garnets so maybe I'll put that up next week I didn't have time to make it because like I said we only making this one yeah we only work at a time but so yeah that's the sword things like that I just I'm just quite enjoying he's creative and experimenting you're gonna find anything finding things to make out of the things we find you're not sure if you ever want to sell the girl or you know the pixie I think I will keep just because I love but my stairs are nothing it well yeah I've got some other job I've got another plastic a little bit so I think I'm gonna do some things with as well so yeah if I do create a shop it will be full of very round and selection of things and maybe a few of my pictures you like little pieces of mums artwork I mean Oscars quite keen to make something so yeah let's so let's know you think about that I do it's purely partly just because with lots of things I mean lots not Skilling's and we can't stop ourselves picking them up so we feel like we should I mean I know a lot a lot of people do it don't think but this isn't and I understand why because you have all these things in you you feel like you should do something [Music] then we've been wanting to find garnets for some time when we did the Palatine special we went and we couldn't find them but we found them and it was amazing thanks to Richard him I know yeah but yeah actually have some garnets and there's all sorts of theories about why their garnets on the Thames from jewelry workshops being blown up in the Blitz to people dropping sacks off of ships and jewelry stores being yeah you said that yeah I said boom and also they could have been used some people think they could have been used in some sort of a manufacturing process because they're quite abrasive a bit like the ball bearings and the marbles that you find but they're only in like one small little point and it's very odd I think so I don't this doesn't really fit with the do like the business like the manufacturing it feels like there are so many of them it was been a big bag and people have been collecting garnets the years and like the wheat we didn't even scratch the surface of what was there because we've collected started collecting them and then we got a little bit distracted and then went and found other things and yeah we could blow these clothes but then you kind of feel like you should leave some realities but yeah I can just imagine it but I mean there were quite a lot of people there picking them up and I imagine that's how it is yeah so I mean there is a finite amount I presume but there are also a lot I mean there's and these ones won't even fit wouldn't even fit anyone yeah that won't fit I mean most of them I don't think our jewelry grade I think sometimes you can find jewelry great but I don't think these ones off but okay well some of them look faceted like you can see there that one in the middle and then the other ones are a bit rougher [Music] well you can tell we've quite excited brother next Wow yes okay so we're a little bit we're very nervous we're very excited also a little bit nervous because on Monday so tomorrow for you um we're getting on coach up north on a coach just take about seven hours to visit some a mud Larkin pair that you probably all know very well the northern mud locks so that's gonna be exciting and epic we're gonna be up there for a couple of days you're gonna do a couple of places different locations with them well two locations with them could be very exciting filming two collaborations within all the mud locks and hopefully finding lots of lovely things look but not too many lovely things because don't we do I have very small bags cuz we're already going with what we can carry on a coaches over you're going to be tight which is not good but we're not very good at doing that in exercising straight so say thank you to Bridget Henry for meeting us on the for sir and asking if they wanted to go on a mud lock with them it was amazing and we've learnt lots of things and if you want to check out his channel which Hyper's saw lead out I suspect that most of you know and have watch Richards videos but if there's someone that hasn't then we'll put a link in the description to his channel and the video he makes but his videos are gonna be up as quickly as our video we wouldn't want to do that dinner and we're just on a tight schedule oh yeah we have a schedule so say yeah we'll leave a link for his description link to his channel and up in the description down below so I hope you don't do a video and we'll see you next week [Music] [Music] we can do these days it just and strikes that nervous [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 19,186
Rating: 4.9535375 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking, richardhemery
Id: kM1LKG1yM2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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