Mudlarking Extravaganza in South West England - A Bumper Haul!

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to Lucy's arkham adventures we just walking along this footpath in the lovely autumn sunshine to get to our next location i hoping we'll be able to find lots of exciting stuff there today we'll bring you with us let you know when we're in and see what we could find we've had a bit of an upgrade for this week's video we've got ourselves some new wellies look match in paris which is pretty cool and we've upgraded our grabbers so hopefully that will have all we just happened to get into the cold water so much and we'll be able to get some pretty cool stuff out so let's get them on again see you in a sec hello everyone so here we are we're in the water it's actually not that cold today which is pretty good that has been colder this week we would have still been out anyway you probably hear the road above us so we are following on and the trail of water that we've been in for the last few weeks which just keeps given in terms of bottles and other exciting stuff and so there's a bridge behind me which I'll show you in just a second and we're going to start here and head up in front of me and see what we can find it's the first little interest in fine note what do you think this is some sort of carpet maybe Ryan thought it was the front off of an old and maybe or something so hatefully a sign that there's more interesting stuff this side and we'll it forwards finding them what did something interest in here look at there I thought it was just a big rock but actually I think it is glass look at that that's a pretty brilliant jar isn't it what size and shape that was I mean talk about hide of it I think there's any name or anything on it but pretty cool isn't it so hopefully there's a good sign there might be some writing on the bottom you know if I clean off it so hopefully that's a good sign that there's gonna be some complete glass stuff and then Ryan's had a little find as well look at this this looks like an old caliper or something so it's metal so that's pretty interesting here is that lots of metal stuff and hate for the bass stuff to be found a couple more bottles have come out quite quickly this is take a little source one and then this one that would have had some sort of cork or stopper big square one so that's a pretty good sign isn't it that there's more to come and it's just exciting to be finding stuff really let me show you what the bridge looks like from a little bit further up we have actually been through the other side of that I found some pretty cool stuff but we've not walked underneath it yet so we might try and do that on the way back out so there's lots of little bits of pottery here I just found this lovely piece of blue and white look really fancy lots of nice decorative pieces for a while so I'm pretty excited hopefully I'm going to pick up a few more today and then while you're there let me just bring you over here because I've seen some pretty cool stuff but I want to get out use the change of camera hands look at this an old garden fork clip still in pretty good condition and then just a bit further in and I have spotted some glass looks like a jar can you see it it is that's a really nice one because see if he's got any writing on it at the moment but give it a bit of a cleanup oh it has around the top look it's a little bit a bit of a clean off and see what it says it looks like it says Kepler wrote Kepler's I'll see what I can find out about Kepler yeah it's pretty nice jar isn't it so as we've headed a little bit further up from the bridge look what we've spotted in the bank I think we may have come across one of the sources and all the cool stuff we've been finding so I'm just gonna go in and see what I can pull out see what sort of stuff it is that's not here wonder if it's complete how exciting didn't expect assemble across this today is he ready to come out yet it is complete look at that that's brilliant long tonic fantastic that is pretty cool isn't it I love all the medicinal bottles so there's gonna be a bit of bag dig in today for sure because there's some really interesting stuff here obviously I can even see a little bit so pottery up there so I'm gonna have a go and why did I just catch up in a second and see what other there is there's something look at this one and see if this is anything super exciting it's back to another one so it is carefully very Gaelic and this is them pretty nice long as I this has got the tablespoons along the side so not particularly well but I love them because anything with a bit of sort of decoration is pretty cool so that was probably cod liver oil I would imagine and the Mayans had a pretty meat find as well look at this lovely bottle still with its contents but still got this lovely stopper in it and a really decorative stopper it is as well what does it say on a Monday it looks like it says the Darryl brewery and coke but I'm not quite sure about that oh yeah maybe alright the okay oh yes of course this Oak Hill which is actually a place nearby which is pretty neat oh and look on the side of the bottle it says the Oak Hill brewery in bath how fantastic so let me bring you back in a second catch up on some other finds I'm pretty excited to have stumbled across this today and then of course we're still going to like a bit further up in the water and see what is dropped down already so hopefully it'll be a day of bumper finds do you in a sec here's the next little bottle find out look at this lovely bottle let's just come up the mud what a great shape and that lovely long thin network wonder what that was for pretty cool isn't it I'm gonna do some pottery out and just see how much of it look at that glorious of color come and I isn't that fantastic okay it's still pretty stuck which might mean it's quite a significant piece hopefully it's gently as I can say okay it's got bad gift Wow it's much more than I thought look at that that's brilliant enough it's hopefully a good sign there's gonna be some really nice pottery pieces here too and then let me just show you this look at that how convinced I was that that was a clay pipe laughs it was just a snail so on I go I'll bring you back shortly so you may have spotted in the hole that I just made for that piece of plate little front of a bottle poking out look so I'm just gonna dig around it now see how much is left and what it looks like I'll bring you back in a sec when I'm a bit closer okay so he's ready to come out it is complete which is good what does it say on as cartons HP sauce missing cartons before I do think here's the next attempt in peace in some of the greenery here so I'm gonna just try and put it out now see look it's ready oh it's empty little one look that's great isn't it we found quite a few of these in the water here actually say there you go this may well be where they're coming from so Ryan Ryan's been taking a little bit further along and he's found two things - just put them along to me so there's this lovely ceramic jar look just was there a chatty it looks like on the bottom but now brand or anything and this says oh the bath drugs co look at that how fantastic I want all the bath drug company is not heard of them but a pretty neat what all the same as an SI yes some super finds coming out of here please so far and oh my god here's another lovely gellick similar sort of size too cheap to the one that we've just found in the water what they were for a little tiny glass bottle always the shape of a milk bottle but I just wonder about the size so I put back in the water now for a little while just to see if there's anything that's dropped in and we know from this stretch of water that there tends to be sort of smaller bottom strip spreads sort of quite far and higher so we're hoping that we've just found a pretty good one but there are some more further up so we're gonna head away from it upstream what probably seems counterintuitive but we'll see if it works out and on my way I have to spot it a little but unless I hear like just waiting to be found no name on it or anything or fortunately hatefully just proves the theory that there is stuff in the water to be found too so when I go and I will bring you with me and that you know what I can find just look at this I didn't usually show you the broken bits of grass that I find because he wants to see them there's a really interesting shape is it designed to be that ship I did think at first it's the neck of a cobbler but I don't think it is it would miss could look like it's been squashed like not on purpose but it's er it's just odd isn't it so I thought I'd just let you see it look how clear the water is it's lovely isn't it and I've just spotted this note looks like it might be the edge of a bottle so I'm going to go carefully in and see if I can get feels like a butter and it is about time I look at that what does it say Bath and Bristol it looks like it says cater strawpoll and for its limited and look at that lovely sort of insignia on the front look absolutely beautiful find aisle over the me with that to see what I can find out about their company what I wonder what it was some sort of aerial or something I wonder how old a is but what a stunning bottle ok everyone I just kept you up quickly because as I'm going along looking in water and finding my boats Ryan is looking in the bank and it does seem like all the way along there are sort of small pockets really of them of bottles and you know I guess sort of dumps and stuff and if you've been bought to dig in before maybe you found one of these people but I certainly have not and I'm over the moon with it look what ryan has just found my first one of its kind this is a bottle that has been burnt in the bottle dump you can still see the shape of it look any just a little bit of shape doesn't it and then in the inside there let me just let me focus on it you can just sort of see that it would have had that tablespoons measurement on it look it would have been some sort of cod liver bottle or something like that but I mean isn't that just incredible I don't know why it just is I absolutely love it so it is going to come home and hopefully it's a good fund at there's plenty more of stuff to be found as well so we'll keep looking well keep showing you what you find and the units had just found this really old heavy ceramic stopper would have been the top of some sort of bottle wouldn't it or you know the bed warmers or something look at that a decorative rim on it and obviously been in the fire I would imagine pretty neat just look at this little tiny find Ryan's just found this in the back I think I love it what is it is it snapped off of something is it something in its same right so it's kind of sealed out and looks a bit like a little head or something doesn't it it's got a bit of decoration on the side and then it here's the neck of it so is it like a little tiny it sort of medicine vial or something a little flat bottom so it would sort of sit like that wouldn't it how cute it's so tiny so you guys let me know if you've seen anything like it before and what it is brilliant find it just found another one of these bottles we found so many of these on this stretch of water imagine they rolled sort of sauce bottles or something when they no name or anything and this sort bit of the screw cap there so there's tons of these to be found and that's just bring you with me we'll see if it's got anything else I am going quite slowly because and you can see that the ground has lots of sort of black coal and rock it was quite difficult to sportster do you have to take your time but it's not going to be too boring I'll bring you with me and hopefully we'll spot something kind of one of those preserve jars but I like to find that looks like this at was front of an old fire grate or something doesn't it justgo that ugliness see what else we can find oh look as part of one of these insulators I always call them the wrong thing I'm sure that's what it is yes because I think before I've called a conductor that wasn't set on this rocky bit I always see if there's anything cool to find her why is just having a look in the bank a bit further up so we'll catch up with him in a second see if he finds anything yeah well that is some sort of handle a boot scraper maybe definitely in store for leaf season now leaves are hampering discoveries there's the top of an old bottle there lots of bits of broken glass as we go further up but also lots of whole stuff as well so that's pretty neat I suppose you look yes look when her friends done this down to her excuse the change of hands again yeah that list I guess come at the back of look at that slogans right got a nice shake patching isn't it surely it can't have just been bobbing they're waiting for us to find it must have dropped out the bank do you think let's just put that there I said because I might come back to that in just a moment rather than take it now ashtray I wonder where that heard on it I've had some of the Meester of the brands and they have the cigarettes all over them which you obviously can't do anymore what's that it's quite hard to differentiate for me and probably even more difficult for you to differentiate between them what was a rock and what isn't so I do keep picking them up a check like it could have been a rock but it is not the California fig Sara okay find these a lot in fact I think I found one just on my last video Cali fig and in fact one of my subscribers Laurie hi gave me some info on this Factory actually I think uses an active and I think do you know what I think you can actually still buy it you know obviously not in these bottles they but I always think they're just they're nice aren't they they're not common sorry they're not rare they're really common to find but I like them so I keep them so that's pretty cool let me just carry on reaching around at the rivers for a bit and I'll catch you up on what else I can find it's another bottle find me right in on the outside looks like it's gonna be a difficult one to clean this one for sure and but look at the top what does that mean a cologne bottle do you think this is enough so I brought you back because I found this neat little top reversal Demi jar or something what they're called and it has got some writing on it there you know but I can't quite see what it says at the moment so I'll see you at the beginning and then something else there look I'll see if we can clean up a little bit the interesting Superfund quite a few of these the interesting thing is this one it has still got the cut pen which we certainly don't find say oh yeah I really love that well great find I'm gonna keep the two bits together just because they came together they've been together all this time I know so that's pretty cool isn't it and if I clean it up and I can identify what it says there or the sort of maker or whatever then I will do but yeah I'm really pleased with that Wow a beautiful it all find sadly its bust on one side but you know what I think it's really lovely how ornate no haircut look a beautiful design well just look at that it was only a few weeks ago that I was much better upstream here and I found my first broken glass jar and I exclaimed how I didn't know that they ever had ever come in sort of glass bottles look I think this was probably my third now in the same stretch of water here's an exciting little collection of things like you see this note in here they're quite common in sort of water dumps and that sort of thing and then there's some little take of it together save that another one of these look yes he'll be another Fletcher's so there's quite a quite a lot of the same sort brands and things here on this stretch of water they must have just been the popular ones of the time I suppose be a pretty need a lot of that isn't it my connection and then I've just seen a little bit further right that's a shame don't quite see the top of it I'll bring you back in a sec so here's a really exciting find in the bank that Ryan's just called me over to have a look at look at that at the bottom you can see it says there southwestern dairies so what I'm pretty excited to pull this out it's really sweet a little cream jug oh what a super find a really nice green color as well and a little paste right next to it just to show it was for me I guess so yeah what our super fine sue rice is gonna take care a little bit more and I'm going to get back into the water but I'm really excited about that really really great find so I'll bring you back in a second let you know what else there is look at this odd thing to find in the water you bend I think isn't it has actually got a leech of crayfish livin in it so it's gonna stay there although it was gonna stay there anyway definitely not one for the collection hey well I'm just having a look along this um this little sort of rocky bit the beach as I like to call it a little beat you there I know it's really interesting here there's a few little bits of Boston between the rocks look at this they underneath the leaves this is actually an old bicycle so carrying that egg cup each other and it's just absolutely buried oh man I'm sure it's not complete but isn't that odd wonder how long that's been there and they're just next to it if you look over here look the remains of an old fireplace so this place has obviously been used long ago to just dump stuff and there was just a whole array of different stuff here but I must have met it is pretty exciting to just kind of go and explore all and see it all and just see the whole different range of stuff really and it's a nice place it's got loads of atmosphere here actually and it's really nice to be here on an autumnal day look at the beautiful autumn colors and they can hear the road in the background but sometimes it's just really peaceful and you can just hear the sort of leaves fall in and the wind rustling them so yeah it's really nice lark found loads of stuff so far which is pretty cool still plenty more to go hopefully more to find so I'll bring you back shortly just looking around this theory a bit more and just look at the amount of stuff that's here I didn't know what that is there that's part of the big maybe a fireplace or something and there's lots of bits of broken the old graph there so I'm just wondering if if actually it was a bottle don't put that on the other side it looks like the bank might have just sort of collapsed and eroded away a little bit over time and I know that lots of you say how sad it is that all of this is in our waterways and it is actually but I guess it's just a sign of how things were done isn't it in days gone by and ID clear up as much as I can when I'm here the good news is that there isn't much sort of modern rubbish here which is it's in you know stuff has just been dumped over the sort of the last few years there's not much plastic in this water so I do always take plastic that I find quite often find lots of leg batteries and I always remove those when I take these and put these in the bin so we take as much as we can to sort of play off as we go but I guess in the past they just didn't have the facility or the worries that we do about the environment so it's interesting it's not an interesting insight to how households will run and that's why I love doing it I give this break we just pulled out of the water I mean that's what's amazing it but if you look at the handle it's got a sort of attachment there I wonder if it wasn't some sort of like from some sort of machinery or something maybe just from the size of it as well and their cistern at the little glass water over there look let's just come at the bank it's just ready to drop as we spotted it I've just took this out at the bottom of the water look at the little ponds England sort of milk grass cream jar or something first broken what I found out today and probably the first part for a while that having found a complete one so maybe this is today's but we'll say keep our eyes peeled for some more shall we so Ryan's gone on a hare does he quite often does on our lacks he's left me a little batch of things to show you look some tyres that he's obviously dug out with the bank I'd say from the condition of them look at them they're really nice actually that one's nice it's got a little decorative bit around the bottom now you me say there and then look another old number plate two five eight there really is just so much to be found here that we could kind of keep coming back here for you know ages I think and just still find stuff today yeah what a great adventure so far I'm still plenty more to come we're looking in the bank down in the water and it's still come in so yes super hope you're enjoying it wait they're still coming with me I'll bring you back shortly I'm just headed into this murky bit under these trees look for all of my hair and just to try and get to this and look I'm glad that I did because it's got some sort of pattern on it not complete but look at that stunning isn't it a shame that lovely green color it's beautiful isn't it another bottle look we're always pleased to find one of these on Lucy's Larkin adventures now the paste are there's another one of these tops like in bad condition actually then we usually find them first pretty cool and then here's some of Ryan's finds for us to cut up the tree which is always nice to come across let's see what he's picked up this is so come out of the water and look at that it's from Sherbourne which is down in Dorset hunts Terry's what a beautiful there you go in there look and I smoked bottle I'm gonna look pretty cool in our cabinet so that's one's going to be cleaned up for sure and then these are like they come out the bank don't they throw the old sort of square-type there I don't see any name or anything on that one this is United I think we fun with these before you know Risto so yes good dig in and find in and what this is left this is well I don't know it's got to be a mystery object surely maybe he's left it because he will assume that I know what it is but I don't every red color on it look joy there is a bit of brick or something it looks like brick doesn't it my name there is a stamp there like yeah hmm well I don't know what do you think let me know what you think and I'll see if Ryan's got a clue when I catch up with him see you all in a sec well you look what I've just found one of my favourite finds ever and listen to that it's a cut bottle with the marbles still intact look at that so that says Carter's Bristol brilliant what an amazing find I love finding these and just just have that there it is look so many broken ones today and these sort of bits of bottles that I thought might have been caught found a few of days but here it is the first actual complete local cod bottle and I think so we have got I think we've got a three now at home and I think this one might be a bit small there well they may be I'm misremembering have a look when I get home but isn't that fantastic so this Bank really is the bank that just sort of keeps on giving as I've said and there's just so much stuff dropped down into the water as well but this is there yeah fantastic super find it's always on the sort of love to find lift so over-the-moon with that Ryan's just carefully given me this to show you because we've actually never found a bottle with this sort of clasp on it we were only just saying the other day weren't we - someone that we've never found one with that sort of clasp on it but unfortunately that is all that's left of this one but it's still pretty neat just to show you we are just losing the light a little bit it's getting toward sort of late afternoon now we've been here a good few hours actually and we've come quite a long way from where we started so we're going to start heading back now we'll still be lacking a little bit as we go see if we find anything I'll bring you back and show you but if not I will say goodbye now thank you so much for coming with me it really hate we've enjoyed this adventure it's been one of my favorite ones for a long time lots and lots of bottles and other interests and stuff few nice pieces of pottery as well and it just doesn't feel like this area is finished so I'm pretty sure that we'll be back soon we've also got some new like eight locations lined up as well so watch out for those hopefully over the next couple of weeks if the weather holds so I think I've just spotted a glass bottle in here that well it's a bit of digging up so I'm just gonna go in and see if I can get it out and see what it is let me bring you back in a sec I'm gonna put it out okay I think I've got it free let's go in and have a look pretty complete screw top open look at this oh it's lovely look it's got poisonous and then along this side oh I think it's got tablespoons there let's say some sort of medicine bottle look Salazar I think it's us there well if it's got that ribbed effect say that you know don't drink it because it's poisonous well I super the last minute find on the way out and figure out I stopped to see if it was a bottle and to take it out because yes pretty nice one isn't it to get rid the fireplace that we found earlier look at this a nice old tin lamp shade look shim got the rust it's got that lovely blue colour and it probably would have been quite fashionable go now wouldn't it just bringing you back on the way out because we're climbing up the bank a different way out when we came in and you can just see that this is definitely bottle jump but there's a little bottle just set the top there peeking out so this is the next area to come and dig for sure but honestly there's just so much stuff here it's unbelievable if they can see sort of it's a pottery and whatever you say yeah how exciting to sort of stumble across this lovely area with so much to offer look is if to prove my previous point we've just found this little bottle on the way up and for me this one's a keeper it's got a real nice look to it hasn't hello everyone let's just do a quick round up for you because we've had a pretty bumpy haul today so I'm gonna show you some of my favorite bits I haven't cleaned everything and just haven't really had the time to say it so far so I'll just show you some of my faves and then the rest are update you on next time around so let's start at the front shall we you can see I've cleaned this up actually it's come up really nicely you can see the right in it says Coombs and company I imagine that was limited I think it was gonna say Belle brewery and then I imagined that this was going to say rad stock because that is pretty no cool to a bath and still got the lovely stop her in it which is fantastic because I find lots of broken ones of these never really any complete ones so to find them together is pretty awesome actually and then this one is cleaned up really nicely so I can either complete one that's just mushy he wants to say hi t we'll just wait for him to get out the way shall we you could have said goodbye complete one of those which is great this is most probably the find of the day I think where I'm from this little tiny glass vial I mean I didn't even know that I could call it a bottle to be honest it's so small but it's pretty cute isn't it I really really like it I'm hoping that one of you will be able to help me with what that is and what it was used for so let me know what you think we've got my favorite melted bottle here from the bottle don't absolutely love this thing cos I don't know I tell you why I love it you probably think I'm mad but I J just really liked it and then some more bottles here say some sort of pain at one's but some really nice ones this is a Fletcher cell b1 the long tonic that's cleaned up beautifully look at that and that says Oh bridges or allergies and they pronounced it on the side a callie fig one this is a really nice when the bath drug company and i've never found anything with that one before say well I have to try and I haven't that time actually but have to try and just let them up and see what I can find out about them and then let's go over here this guy as clear as cleaned up beautifully look it's looking really good with that T mark on the bottom and even some of the plain ones clean up really nicely look at that I love that and this one actually I didn't notice at the time any notice when I paint a look at that says ponds extract so what do you wonder what that was used for I wonder if that's the same ponds that is this or face cream and sort of cosmetic just a little milk glass jars that i find toadette no this is my last minute fact that you would have seen the poisoner jar that's a color of clean empaths looking pretty good there this is the United Bristol looks really good doesn't and then we've got some of the sort of nicer bottles I think over here so this is them the hunts dairy from Sherbourne and they've got quite an interest in history just from some sort of early reading about hunt stare ray so it started off as just a sort of local you know family milk ground and then it became a family-run dairy and it's actually now hunts of wholesale food a sort of broadened its remit interests or frozen food and that sort of thing so still exists and actually still in the same original family which is pretty cool and this lovely Cod bottle which probably just needs a little bit more cleaning inside these are really difficult to to clean inside Alan there it goes again but it's really nice to find a Bristol one Carter's this is the one that we found still with the stopper can actually had some contents in and I've emptied out is this lovely sort of greeny colour and it's the Oak Hill brewery co limited near Bath now okay was actually just a really tiny part of a sort and village on the outskirts of Bath and again this has got a pretty cool history I'll show you some history of that just now you okay and then this is also a really nice bottle I found this one and it's one of the nicer ones that I France oh it says here cattle cater Stoffel and fought a limited Bath and Bristol and just just got that lovely really detailed design on the front leg brilliant isn't it and then don't forget my little cream jar never found one of these before really lovely color and it's got the southwestern dairies just there on the bottom and you'll remember you saw that just hanging out the bank just ready to drop just waiting to be found by us so overall what a great day Larkin I really really hope that you've enjoyed coming with me and thanks so much for all your support this is the latest video since we actually reach 2,000 subscribers which is pretty amazing so thanks to each and every one of you if you haven't subscribed already please do please hit the notification bow and leave me some comments let me know what you thought about today's adventure and don't forget you can also find me on Twitter at Lucy Larkin Facebook Lucy's Larkin adventures and on Instagram Lucy Larkin thank you and see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lucy's Larking Adventures
Views: 43,708
Rating: 4.9297709 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mudlarker, Thames mudlarking, Thames mudlark, Thames mudlarker, Larking, Lucy's Larking, Lucy's Larking Adventures, bottles, vintage bottles, antique bottles, bottle dump, bottle dig, bottle digging, vintage, antique, antique pottery, vintage pottery, stream, brook, waterfall, bridge, river walking, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, relics, relic hunting, relic hunter, river, nature, coins, coin spill, metal detecting, metal detector, metal detect, radstock
Id: Rs0aci2JsAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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